"This is a spiritual treasure made from the soul of the human race, called the Soul Summoning Art, which has a great restraining effect on the witch race. This was also discovered by the demons under his command accidentally. Moreover, the human race is now the best medicine for the demons. Devouring the human race can make the demons grow quickly." Kunpeng said in a deep voice.

There was a glimmer in Di Jun's eyes, but then he thought of something and looked at the Wa Palace in the chaos with a trace of concern in his eyes.

"Although this treasure is good, it is not easy to explain to Nuwa." Di Jun hesitated a little, because the human race was created by Nuwa.

Although Nuwa is the Wa Queen of the demon race, it is just a title.

This is something that everyone in the prehistoric world knows. Nuwa has never participated in the war between the witches and demons, and has never had any fights with the witches.

As for helping the demons, except for helping Di Jun to propose marriage to Chang Xi, she has not done anything.

"Your Majesty, the heavens are in chaos now. As long as we are fast enough, we can collect the wronged souls of the spiritual treasures that need to be cast before Nuwa reacts. I think even if Nuwa knows by then, there is nothing she can do." Kunpeng said in a deep voice.

Hearing Kunpeng's words, Di Jun's eyes gleamed with a gleam of light, and murderous intent was brewing in Di Jun's eyes.

At this time, Di Jun's mind had been affected by the murderous calamity, and coupled with the death of his son, if it was before, Di Jun would never do this.

But now.

"This matter will be handled by you, the demon master," Di Jun said in a deep voice, with boundless murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yes." Kunpeng's eyes gleamed with a gleam of light.

Then he walked out of the palace.

Summoning the demon race opened the biggest catastrophe since the birth of the human race.

The number of human beings now exceeds 100 billion.

It is also a not small race in the prehistoric world, but after all, there is no high-end combat power, and the highest is only the combat power of the Great Dao Daluo level of the three ancestors of the human race.

As for the level above Daluo, there is none yet.

The three thousand Dao humans are still training and honing in the fierce beast world. They are considered the foundation of the human race. They cannot be born yet. They are all in the realm of Dao Daluo in the fierce beast world.

But even if they are born now, they will be like that. They can't make anything. Compared with the demon race, the human race is still too weak now.

Time passed slowly.

In a human tribe, a demon god descended into the human tribe. Endless blood filled the sky.

"Kill!" Endless killing intent filled the air.

Almost instantly, countless humans were slaughtered.

Resentment rushed to the sky.

When the human race reacted.

They gathered at the coast of the East China Sea, which is the ancestral land of the human race.

The three ancestors of the human race looked at the tens of billions of demons covering the entire sky with a grim face, staring at the human race.

"The Emperor Fengtian ordered that you human race be destroyed today!" The demon god who led the group said with boundless indifference on his face.

"Demon race? How did our human race ever offend your demon race?" Suiren looked at the demon god with endless blood in his eyes. The endless blood and the resentment covering the prehistoric world represented the deceased people of the human race.

"Never!" The leading demon god said indifferently.

"Then why slaughter our human race?" Suiren said unwillingly.

"You humans were born to improve and practice for our demon race. Why are you unwilling? All demons listen to my order, kill!!" The leading demon god turned into a stream of light and attacked Suiren directly.

Suiren's eyes were filled with boundless anger. The immortal human race's fire burned the sky, and countless demons fell, but compared with the huge demon race, this was just a drop in the bucket.

"Let's go!!" Suiren said to Youchao and Ziyi with unwillingness.

The treasure of the human race in Youchao's hand, an ancient wooden house, flew directly out of his hand and took most of the human race away.

In the hands of Ziyi clan, a holy garment shone with endless golden light, protecting the remaining human race and fleeing to the distance.

Along the way.

The three ancestors of the human race had endless tears of blood in their eyes, and countless human race Bulu were slaughtered.

Finally, the three ancestors of the human race fled to the territory of Wuzhuangguan.

Zhen Yuanzi opened the gate of Wuzhuangguan with a glimmer of golden light in his eyes and took the three ancestors of the human race in.

"Thank you for your help, Taoist friend." Suiren clan looked at Zhen Yuanzi with tears of blood in his eyes and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"You are too polite, Taoist friend." Zhen Yuanzi sighed and looked at the endless demons covering the entire Wuzhuangguan.

"Zhen Yuanzi, release the human race inside." A demon saint looked at Wuzhuangguan and said coldly to Zhen Yuanzi.

"Don't even think about it." Zhen Yuanzi's face was ashen. There was a cause and effect between him and the demons. Zhen Yuanzi had always been unhappy with the Heavenly Court because of Hongyun's death.

Now Zhen Yuanzi's protection of the human race is also part of the reason.

"Form, the Great Array of the Heavenly Stars!" the leading demon saint said in a deep voice, and endless starlight emerged, covering the Wuzhuang Temple of Zhen Yuanzi.

Although it was just a simple version, not as terrible as the one set up by Di Jun, Tai Yi and others before, it was still powerful.

"Daoyou Zhen Yuanzi, I'm sorry to trouble you, we will leave now." Suiren said with a hint of determination in his eyes when he saw this scene.

All the remaining human race appeared in the Wuzhuang Temple.

"I am the third ancestor of the human race. Today I want to swear to the heaven. If I don't destroy the human race today, humans and demons will not coexist. I will kill all the demons I see without mercy. This oath will last forever, and the heaven will witness it!!!" Suiren, Ziyi and Youchao made a heavenly oath in the name of the three roughs of the human race.

The Heavenly Dao roared! ! ! !

Acknowledged the oath of the Three Ancestors.

The demons in the sky looked at the human race with endless murderous intent in their eyes.

Nuwa, who was in retreat in the chaos, opened her eyes instantly. The endless resentment made Nuwa, who was in retreat, wake up instantly.

"Emperor Jun, Taiyi!!!" Nuwa's face was extremely ugly.

The human race is going to be destroyed! !

The next moment.

A jade hand carrying endless laws fell from the chaos.

Wuzhuang Temple, endless starlight turned into a magic sword, constantly bombarding the earth vein formation of Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was a little ugly, but he was still holding on.

But he couldn't hold on for long. The Zhoutian Star Formation formed by hundreds of millions of demon gods, endless starlight fell, Zhen Yuanzi was not a saint after all, and couldn't hold on for too long.

At this moment, a jade hand fell.

Billions of demons were directly wiped out, and the star formation collapsed.

Nuwa's voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world: "The great catastrophe of the human race has passed."

Di Jun and Taiyi looked grim, watching the human race being exterminated, but Nuwa still took action.

"Meet the Holy Mother!!!" Suiren said to Nuwa with the remaining human race.

Nuwa's figure appeared in Wuzhuang Temple, looking at the less than one million remaining human race.

"It's my fault. I was in seclusion in the chaos and didn't sense what happened in the prehistoric world." Nuwa said slowly, with a trace of pain in her eyes.

"We have never blamed the Holy Mother. We are too weak." Suiren said slowly, with endless tears and blood in his eyes.

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