Fire-chasing moth training ground.

The training ground, which is usually somewhat deserted, is overcrowded at the moment.

Many people looked nervously at the two people on the playing field.

At this moment, two warriors in armor on the competition stage were fighting fiercely.

A slightly immature silver-haired sunshine boy Kevin.

Handsome and mature, with traces of blue hair.

The two wielded their respective weapons.

Afterimages filled the sky, and sparks splashed everywhere.

From time to time, deep cracks appeared on the ground of the competition table.

Strong winds blew in all directions.

People who were very close to the competition table, their hair kept flying back, and they never stopped.

People with poor eyesight can only hear the crisp sound of weapons constantly colliding.

The fighting intensified.

The sound of heavy breathing and the sound of the armor's alarm constantly sounded to remind the audience that the battle was about to end.



In the end, Kevin slightly outscored, knocked Mark's weapon away, and placed the great sword on Mark's shoulder.

Mark was a little stunned, looking at the empty and constantly trembling palm, listening to the sword inserted into the competition table, making an unwilling humming sound.

Finally realized that I had lost.

"Wow, wow, Kevin actually won!"

"His Royal Highness, the first in the world."


, you can't disobey the old man, I lost!" Mark scratched the back of his head and said helplessly.

"Woohoohoo." Kevin supported his detached body with a big sword.

A bright smile: "Luck, luck, if the senior~~

" "Don't be so modest, victory is victory, this belly you still have in the senior!"

Say it, pick Kevin up.

A passage to the outside world takes shape in an instant.

Countless warriors were looking at the two with enthusiastic eyes.

"Hey, it seems that I did it myself!"

Looking at the end of the passage, the intellectual beauty with purple hair and waist and skirt flying in the hem retracted her arm helplessly.

Kevin was caught off guard, his center of gravity was unstable, and he stumbled forward, almost falling to the ground.

Mei hurriedly stepped forward, struggling to hold Kevin, who was about to fall, and glared fiercely at the merciless marks.

"Oh oh, my wife told me to go home for dinner, you guys talk slowly."

Mark snorted, hurriedly turned around, and left the base.

Inadvertently turning around, he glanced at Kevin and showed a smile that men understood.

Mark gave Kevin a thumbs up.

Kevin smiled brightly.

"Hey, it's messing up again, it's just a friendly match, as for being so desperate?" May struggled to carry Kevin's shoulders.

"Of course, I swear to protect you as a knight for the rest of your life, if you don't work hard to become stronger, why should I protect you in the future!"

Kevin laughed.

May was silent, but Kevin was smiling.

In the envious eyes of everyone, the two continued to walk away until the end of time.

The other side.

The vigilante Kosmor has been very distressed these days.

I don't know why more and more people are suffering from special diseases in this disorganized area recently.

The haunts of the Avalanche Beast are becoming more frequent.

As a result, he needs to spend several times his usual time and energy cleaning up these invading villages and cities.

The thief pole in the city is also becoming more and more agitated.

It was as if the area was under some inexplicable curse and was heading for destruction.

As soon as this idea flashed out of his mind, he was thrown out of his mind by Kosmo's rapidly shaking head.

During his patrol today, he found many huge white Avalanche Beasts.

At this moment, he just came back from outside, prepared some props, and started his daily tasks.

Before leaving, he took out a golden crystal from his arms.

"Brother Ye, bless me."

A strong wind blew.

The whining of the wind is loud, the branches are rattling, and the dust is flying all over the sky.

Kosmo tightened his hood and wrapped his head in it to avoid eating soil.

"Hey, why is this wind getting bigger and bigger, I don't know when it will blow!"

Fire-chasing moth high-level meeting.

Since the last time a big man almost died under the attack of the Void Lawyer, the high-level meetings since then have been much more harmonious.

At present, the high-level officials rarely use the name of collapse to talk about many issues related to the exchange of benefits.

Some of the backlogs have been building up for a long time, and scientific research plans to combat collapse are once again on the agenda.

Some long-standing backlogs of funds were also quickly approved and disbursed quickly.

Some equipment materials, upgrades and other issues were also approved.

When people think again of the fear dominated by collapse, they will unite again to find a way to eliminate the fear.

The shackles that bind this supreme leadership body are unshackled layer by layer.

This institution also unleashes a brilliant brilliance that belongs to him alone.

As for those human experiment plans, they became the last straw for the big guy to step down.

He was seized by his political opponents, overthrown, and successfully ascended to power.

This has also sounded the alarm for many other high-level officials with bad intentions, and some things cannot be done.

After all, paper can't contain fire.

Many scientific research institutions have also solved the long-standing problems after receiving a large amount of financial help.

The weapons, armor of the fighters were updated again.

The survival rate of the fighters has also improved again.

This major change within the Fire Moth also prepared for the fourth collapse that would occur next.

This is also a bonus.

A lot of conspiracies against the Ye family, and the business war is also stillborn.

These leaders were also fortunate to have escaped.

Ye family cottage.

Sunlight shines through the window screens, casting a little golden glow.

At this moment, Ye Jingxing's eyes were just within the range of Jin Hui.

Consciousness gradually clears.

Habitually reached out and rubbed his eyes, and picked up the mobile phone next to him that had been charged overnight.

Finding that the time was still early, I wanted to turn sideways and change directions to continue sleeping.

Who knew that as soon as he set off, he found something wrong.

He has an octopus with pink hair.

At this moment, he is firmly fixing his body

, making it difficult for him to move.

Ye Jingxing's sleepiness disappeared instantly.

The golden light flashed away.

Alicia has a cute puppet in her arms.

He stood at the end of the bed, looking at the inelegant and cute Alicia, and an inexplicable urge rose in his heart.

Leaning over his head, he gently poked Alicia's cheek with his finger.

"It feels good, keep it up."

Then Ye Jingxing went to the guest room to wash.

Soon after, I found that my father and mother had not yet gotten up.

I looked down at my watch, it was still early.

Walked to the balcony, bathed in the sun, played a section of eight dan brocade, refreshed.

Then I went back to the kitchen, put on my apron, rolled up my sleeves, and made breakfast.

After a long time, the very traditional soup dish was brought to the table.

Ye Jingxing shouted all the lazy insects one by one.

Dad reads the newspaper, mom buttoned up his mobile phone, he and his sister pick each other's dishes, snatch what they like to eat, and sanctimonious throw what they don't like to eat to each other.

An uneventful breakfast.

It is also a daily routine that everyone looks forward to longing for.

"It would be perfect if there was another little grandson or little granddaughter!" Mother Ye sighed.

"Dad, you're still young, let's ask my mother for another one!"


"Stinky boy, the skin is itchy again, isn't it."

Ye Jingxing ran wildly.

Looking at the rising sun, my heart is full of motivation, this is what I want to fight for all my life!

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