Honkai Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 13: The ideal road

Six years later, Fengshen's group basically graduated from primary school, and some of them came early and graduated from middle school or even university.

Early morning.

Wutong and Sakura just finished their fight. After a night of hand-to-hand combat, the two of them didn't sleep. They took a shower and went downstairs to practice.

It rained lightly in the sky. After the moisturizing of the rain, the air in the mountains was extremely clean and refreshing, and the misty moisture stained every corner, like a painting of blue.

The sound of rain outside the eaves just broke, the rain drenched the sycamore trees in the courtyard, and smashed the cherry blossoms, and the idiot lay lazily at the door, enjoying the moisture of the rain.

In the deep and secluded part of the courtyard, half a volume of idle books and a pot of tea.

Hua was sitting in the hall on the first floor, holding a book in his hand, reading it carefully. The book seemed to be written by Dan Zhu. Xiao Chiyou was lying on Hua's thin shoulders, reading with her, and occasionally with her. Hua whispered two sentences.

Cangxuan Zhishu sat on the other side of Hua and took a nap, Xiao Cangxuan seemed to never wake up.

When Wutong and Sakura went downstairs, Yuhua nodded and said hello. Wutong covered Xiao Cangxuan's exposed belly with clothes.

The cherry trees in the courtyard were transplanted from the Himalayas. After Lin's careful cultivation, they are growing well.

However, it has been enjoyed by people for more than 30 years, and may not last long.

Cherry trees generally live for at least 20 to 30 years, and a few species can even live for more than 300 years. Unfortunately, the cherry trees in the courtyard cannot live that long.

The lifespan of cherry blossoms is very short, only about a week. If they encounter wind and rain, they will wither earlier.

Sakura hugged her shoulders and leaned against the door, looking at the scenery of the drizzle falling flowers in the courtyard, she felt a little sad.

The partner who has accompanied her for more than 30 years will also slowly approach the end of her life with the passage of time.

The flowers are falling, the flowers are falling.

How affectionate, nowhere to say.

After breakfast, Sakura was still gloomy.

Wutong didn't comfort her, but he told her a few jokes that happened in Heaven recently, most of which were embarrassing things about some members, and Sakura's sad mood improved a lot.

Not long after, Zishou, Jie, Shang Rong, Wen Zhong, the four major foundations... The four handsome guys came together with oil-paper umbrellas.

Shang Rong and Wen Zhong's soul steel bodies are very young.

They seem to want to talk to Wutong about something, but hesitantly, Sakura poured a cup of tea for them and left. She went to find Ling.

"Yinglong's ancestor is really virtuous!" Zishou took a sip of tea and said enviously.

"I suggest you don't use the word 'old' to call her, otherwise when she cuts you, don't blame me for not saving you. I remember that Jiang's family is also very virtuous?"

Zi Shou patted his thigh and complained: "Hey! What is Xianhui? In the past, I was very kind to Gu, what I said was what, but since I studied here for a few years, I always said that the status of Gu is equal, sometimes She didn't even let me go to bed, she was very rude to this king. She! She just pretended to be virtuous in front of outsiders, but it was actually unreasonable to make trouble."

Wutong gave him a cup of tea instead of wine, and sighed: "Hey... the same... Sakura is just a little more virtuous in front of outsiders. In private, tsk..."

The other three involuntarily raised their cups and drank a pot of tea with you. It seemed that they were all in similar situations.

Unfortunately, a pot of tea could not soothe the melancholy of the five married old men.

The scene of these five people sympathizing with each other made Hua Wei, who was on the side, look sideways. She hesitated for a while, picked up the sleeping book of Cangxuan, took Xiao Chiyou, and went upstairs to look for Sakura.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Suppressing his sadness and putting down the teacup in his hand, Wutong said bluntly.

"We want to come out of the mountains again, to rule the world, and let the world be in harmony!" Jie clenched his fists and said vigorously.


My dear, Wutong actually heard this from the most famous tyrant and smug monarch in history. You two are too buoyant.

"Then what, why don't you go back to middle school to study again, study it again, and stop dreaming." Wutong attacked them.

"What do you mean? Why? Gu remembers the political book we learned, and the inscription was compiled by Taiyi Zun. This is also your philosophy. Why do you oppose us going out?" Zishou asked inexplicably.

"That's right! It's also good for defeating the collapse. At the same time, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and no one has sorrow in their hearts. Maybe, that **** discipliner won't come." Jie agreed.

Wen Zhong and Shang Rong didn't speak, and seemed to be speechless about their whims. They had already persuaded them, but it was no use. These two were very stubborn.

"Didn't you chat with Ji Lin when you came over?" Wutong asked.

"We came here without our ancestors." Wen Zhong explained.

Wutong tapped the table a few times and said, "One, even if the human beings all over the world are happy every day, the Herrscher can come, because as long as they are qualified and targeted by Honkai Will, He has the ability to change their thinking. Second, even if I agree to let you down, what are you going to do?"

"First unify the world, and then publicize the idea of ​​Datong." Zi Rie said.

"Then what?"

"Then it won the hearts of the people, and then..." Zishou was stunned for a moment, yes, even if the world is unified, and the idea is promoted to the whole world, will it be possible to achieve harmony? What are they going to do?

Seeing that Zishou was stunned, Wutong said, "Let me ask a question first. After you all rule the world, who will be the boss? Are you still Jie?"

"Me!" Jie said first.

"You don't have to dream there! You can be the boss of a tyrant? Gu will not be under you!"

"Hello! You stupid gentleman have the face to talk about me?" If Wutong hadn't been sitting there, maybe Jie would have done it.

"Better than you!"

"Okay, stop arguing, this idea of ​​yours won't work, go back and learn again, in your eyes, people are still divided into classes. Instead of lowering your attitude and serving the people, you still want to lead and govern them. You will never be able to realize your ideals, for you, Datong is just a slogan."

Seeing that Zishou and Jie were not angry, but rather thoughtful, Wutong paused and continued: "Also, even if you have learned the theory well, you will not be able to accomplish anything. Datong is only a concept, not a goal, and Datong is not everyone. Equality, but how much you work and how much you get. Don’t stick to the concept, but focus on the liberation of human beings, so that people will no longer suffer.”

"What do you mean?" Jie frowned.

"The relationship of production must be adapted to the productive forces. Talking about ideals without the productive forces is tantamount to rootless duckweed and a castle in the air. Any system should be in line with this era, otherwise it will only fail. The people are not enough to eat, who will talk to you about ideals? If you have time to dream about Datong, you might as well think about how to increase grain production and let the common people have enough food and clothing first."

Wutong took a sip of tea and continued: "Also, that road is too long, even if everyone can eat enough, it is only the initial stage, and the slogan will never be important. When a person is not full, he has only One trouble, but when he is full, he will have countless troubles. Therefore, there will be more and more problems in the future. It is not so easy to improve the living standards of the people and satisfy their desires. It’s not something that can be done in one generation.”

"What Your Majesty means... Datong is just a slogan and can never be realized? If so, why should we learn this?" Wen Zhong asked.

"It is not impossible to strive to realize this ideal. You have only seen the present, and you must take a long-term perspective and look to the future. The process of history is divided into stages, and this stage is also the process of human development. When civilization reaches a certain level When the level and productivity can support this theory, there is no need for us to teach it. Naturally, someone will propose this theory and put it into practice, and that person is far stronger and more capable than you. Therefore, You don't need to worry about it."

Jie didn't quite understand it, so he didn't give up: "What if I forcefully spread the word to the world?"

"Your rule will be overthrown~www.readwn.com~ will be overthrown by nobles of noble families, the so-called superiors." Wutong said calmly.

"That Gu killed them all!" Zishou interjected, he was familiar with doing this kind of thing.

"Then what? Who is the official? In a court, there must be someone to serve the people, right?" Wutong asked.

"Promote from the common people!" Zi Yan said of course.

"People who are promoted from the bottom, how can you guarantee that after they have power in their hands, they will not become superiors in the future?" Wutong asked again.

"...Killing all the time?" Zishou said uncertainly, but he also felt that it was unreliable. "How about setting up a supervisory department like the Heavenly Court? Heavy punishment! Hmm... What does your lord say to do?"

"Go back and ask your politics teacher. You can't even solve this problem. You should study hard and stop dreaming. When you go to university and know another system, you will know how to do it."

Zishou nodded: "Okay, I graduated from middle school, and I can go to university soon."

"No, you have to go back to re-learn your high school knowledge and go to university? You should understand high school political science first! You said that you two, two kings of subjugated countries, don't even understand how to govern your own country, so you want to fast-forward directly to Great harmony in the world?" After Wutong finished mocking the two of them, he turned his head and said to Shang Rong and Wen Zhong, "You two will go back and rebuild for me too!"

The two looked at each other with a bit of astonishment in their eyes.

"Why?" Shang Rong asked in surprise.

"Even the two of them didn't understand, so it shows that you two didn't study very well."


After Wutong finished speaking, he put down the teacup, got up and went upstairs. He misses his daughter-in-law, there is nothing to chat with these four big men, it's too boring, do they have a beautiful cherry blossom? Does it smell like cherry blossoms?


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