Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Ski anecdotes, helpful

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In the blink of an eye, another six days passed, and before you knew it, the beginning of winter came. However, there was still no sign that Mebius was about to evolve. This time, the evolution time seemed to be longer than before.

This also made Wutong wonder for a while whether the snakes wanted to take advantage of this evolution to hibernate.

When he woke up this morning, he found that Mebius' body no longer oozes blood, and he probably passed the first stage smoothly.

The black "coffin" that was originally placed in the bedroom had already been dyed blood red, and it looked even more horrific. This naturally caused Sakura's dissatisfaction. She often complained to Wutong and wanted her husband to put the dead snake. throw out.

But how can the kind-hearted and simple Wutong be willing to treat snakes like this? As a last resort, he had to use a curtain to cover the blood-red binding key.

But not seeing it doesn't mean she doesn't respond. Sakura's disgust with Mebius has reached its peak. She thinks that Snake must have done this on purpose to disgust herself.

Therefore, Sakura seldom went back to the bedroom to sleep during this period of time. She often went to accompany her sister, and inexplicably made the end to pick up a bargain.

Sakura snake's alliance is really not a threat to her, and their own internal chaos will first.

In the early winter, it was still warm at first, and the Linshan area was a little cold, but it was not cold.

The fallen leaves were all yellow, and a thick layer of yellow leaves fell in the woods. As the wind gathered and scattered, the maple leaves in the courtyard fell all over the steps, but no one was cleaning them.

At this time, it is hot to wear cotton clothes and cold to wear autumn clothes. Indus, who has been tangled for a while about what clothes to wear, decides to go to Nagada in the northeast to enjoy the snow.

Going south is like summer, and going north is cold.

Today is Friday, Wutong, on a whim, told Rita to ask for a day off for Xier, Anna and the others. After breakfast, he led everyone, carrying a "coffin", to a little-known place. ski resort.

Even if it is in the northeast, it is a relatively northerly location, and it is particularly cold.

Wutong liked skiing and skating when he was young, but his interest in these sports faded when he grew up, because he could no longer feel the excitement and fun here.

But presumably Xier and Bronya and others should still like it.

The ski resort that the group came to was not very large, with only three ski runs. It was a coincidence that the beginner and intermediate ski runs were pre-packaged by a local middle school today. They were all students, so Rita had no choice but to Wrapped up the remaining high grade road with the steepest slope.

According to Rita's visual observation, the **** of the advanced road may have reached more than 40 degrees. Looking down from the snowy road, the visual impact is still quite strong, and I don't know if Xier dares to slide.

It's okay if you don't dare, Master Wutong will definitely push down, you will dare to slide a few times, and you will know how to slide after a few falls.

Rita had a similar experience back then.

The winter sky looks particularly blue, high and far, the north wind is cold, the air is cold and dry, and the mountains and the earth are white, snow-capped and spotless, very dazzling.

The foot stepped on the snow, making a "creaky" sound, soft.

Dressed in extra-thick cotton coats, cotton pants, ski suits, thick knitted hats, and scarves, Xier and the others, under the guidance of Rita, put on their skis, and then went out and took the cable car to the mountain top. .

Wutong, Sakura and End Yan have been waiting here for a long time. Although they are not afraid of the cold, they still wear thick clothes.

It's one thing to be afraid of the cold, but it's another to be frozen like a fool.

In winter, this is not very good. Thick cotton coats will cover the better figures of beauties.

The three of Wutong moved a table from somewhere with a Honkai heating device. At this time, they were sitting side by side on the "coffin", eating steaming barbecued meat, sausages, and drinking goat milk wine.

I don't know if Wutong brought Mebius because he really cared about her condition, or if he wanted to use her as a stool.

At this time of year, in this area, if there is no heating device on the table, then the food will be cold in a short time.

Seeer, who came to the top of the mountain, glanced down, swallowed her saliva, her legs trembled a little, and watched Sister Bronya and Sister Qiana cheering and sliding down impatiently. Dare to learn.

She turned around, like a penguin, and walked to Sakura's side awkwardly.

She has snowboards on her feet, and walking is a little tricky, but it will get better when she learns to slide.

"Sister Sakura, can I eat with you?" Xier asked timidly.

"Yes, but you have to slide down here and come up to eat with us." Wutong held the stainless steel iron stick and gestured downwards, "Only the brave are worthy of having poetry, wine and food."

"Xie, Xie'er dare not." Xie'er said timidly, she was very honest.

"Well..." Wutong pretended to ponder, "Well, how about my brother teach you a skiing skill that will never fall?"

"Okay, okay." The innocent and kind child believed.

"Hehe, come, come with me."

Wutong got up, took Xier's little hand, and brought her to the snowy road, and then winked at Rita beside him.

Rita sighed helplessly, she could already imagine what was going to happen next.

Rita slid down, her posture standard, without too many gimmicks, but still graceful.

"Have you seen the pose of your sister Rita?"

"I see." Xi'er nodded.

"Learn to do it."

"Oh...is that so?"

"Well, yes, hold on, pay attention to your sense of balance when sliding down, and don't get out of shape."

"Oh, Xier knows, and then what?"

Then? Then Wutong pushed her down.

Xier wears a complete set of protective gear, helmets, snow goggles, masks, gloves, wrist guards, knee pads, hip pads, armor... everything is available, so even if she falls, there is a high probability that she will not be injured.

Listening to Xi'er's scream, watching Xi'er fall into a "dog gnawed on mud", and then climbed up, screamed, fell down, and climbed up again... Wutong nodded with great satisfaction.

Ski tricks that never fall? If you fall more now, you won't fall again.

I believe that under his cultivation, Xier's courage will grow bigger and bigger.

On the side, Anna and Wendy, who were together, looked at Wutong with very complicated eyes, and their mood was even more complicated.

The more they knew about Lord Wutong, the more they felt that they were "blind" and "seeing" the wrong person.

This society is really sinister, and Lord Wutong seems to be even more sinister than human society.

"What are you two doing? Go down and play." Wutong turned his head and said with a smile, "Can I help you two?"



"Don't bother you anymore." Anna bit her lip, followed Rita's posture and slid down.

As for Wendy, there were tears in her eyes, but she also gathered up her courage and slid down.

The two of them were also skiing for the first time, but they performed much better than Xier. At least they didn't fall down. After all, the difficulty, reflexes, and excitement of normal training were much higher than those of skiing.

Wutong was a little disappointed, it was a pity not to hear the screams of the beautiful girls.

For a moment,

Xier and others took the cable car and returned to the top of the mountain.

"Whoops, my cute little baby Xi'er, why do you seem to be crying? Who bullied you? Let my brother hug you." Wutong stepped forward and said with pretentious concern.

Under the goggles, the corners of Xier's eyes were a little red, she bulged her face, turned her head, and ignored Wutong.

Bad brother, still so bad! Bastard! The villain who will bully Xier!

Aside, Bronya didn't know why, Seeer didn't tell her what happened and how she slipped down, but she could see Seeer's dissatisfaction with Wutong.

Don't ask, it must be the white-haired old man who bullied Xier again, probably like he bullied him at the amusement park when we first met.

Bronya stood in front of Xier and glared at Wutong.

Then the little duck was pulled aside by Wutong.

Wutong picked up Xier, returned to the dining table, placed her gently on the "coffin", and handed her a glass of hot milk.

Bronya, who was stunned, was so angry that she spit out fragrance, and then slid forward, grabbed a handful of mutton skewers, and then was so spicy that her mouth was fragrant.

Why does this **** put so many peppers? Is it intentional? !

After the first experience, Xier was obviously less resistant and timid to skiing than before. The key point was that she found that falling did not seem to hurt very much, she just got up again, and the ski suit she wore could effectively ensure Snowflakes don't get into clothes.

The children had a good day at the ski resort. Rao did a good job of keeping warm, but they were still frozen.

In the evening, after returning to the hotel, Xier and the others took a comfortable hot spring bath, and then they felt that their frozen and numb body gradually eased.

"Resurrection" again.

For dinner, the Russian meal provided by the hotel is very characteristic of Maozi, including beetroot soup, meat pie, pickled cucumber, sausage, barbecue, salad, braised shrimp in a can, black caviar, mainly chocolate and cream. The cakes and biscuits, etc., are more abundant, and the prices are relatively cheap and affordable, but the picky Wutong thinks that the taste is really average.

But maybe it was because they were tired from playing during the day. Xier and the others had a good appetite and they ate so deliciously that they even ate them all.

Even though Bronya is small and barren, she can eat the most and eat the most deliciously.

Wutong plans to spend three days in the north, go ice skating tomorrow, take a look at ice sculptures and snow sculptures, and travel to a famous volcano the day after tomorrow, so that the little ones can experience the feeling of snow falling on their heads and soaking in hot springs.

At about 9:30 in the evening, Xier finished washing up, yawned, and just went to bed to go to bed, when the annoying Indus knocked on the door, unlocked it and walked in.

"Watching a movie? Xi'er is cute."

"No, I'm going to rest, Brother Wutong."

"Look, there's a new comedy movie out recently, it's very interesting."

Xier was a little hesitant to hear that, she was not good at rejecting others.

"Then... well, what's the name?"

"The Grudge."

"I don't see it!" Xi'er quickly hid her head under the covers.

When she heard the name, it was not a comedy movie. She was most afraid of watching horror movies. When she was young, Wutong often took her to watch it.

But Xier was not afraid when she was a child, and for some reason, when she grew up, she was afraid.

"You said it just now, you can't go back on yourself as a human being! Bad children will wet the bed."

"Xie'er can't wet the bed! You lied to me first, you bastard!" There was a voice of protest from Seeer from the quilt~www.readwn.com~ was not loud.

"Don't worry, you won't be afraid if you have brother me, Sister Ying and Sister Zhanyan to watch a movie with you." Wutong said with a smile, "It's okay to be afraid, Sakura will come to accompany you, I promise you can be there tonight. Get a good night's sleep."

"Then I don't even look at it!"

Xi'er has learned to be smart, but she can't be bothered to see it. Wutong picked up Xi'er wrapped in a thick quilt and returned to her room.

Xier's protest was very small, and the little feet exposed from the quilt did not struggle much.

This child is still so shy, it's okay to be shy, but he needs to be more courageous, and he needs to practice more to become stronger.

Indus likes to help others.

People's confusion and timidity have always been there. Only by overcoming them can we have more warmth and strength.

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