Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 129: Clean and filthy

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A few days later, a sunny afternoon.

Viscount Raymond van Tournell, who was kicked out of the house by Carlene and others, led his family and his knights loyal to him, riding a carriage, and came to the "neighbor's house" next door, Ashura. The territory of the Marquis de Seaman.

Viscount Raymond looks to be in his 30s, and his "pampered" life has made him fat and bloated, and he doesn't fire his cooks and servants because he thinks he'll soon get back what he's lost .

He came to Marquis Ashe for help. He looked cruel and full of flesh on the outside, but in reality, the timid and cowardly Raymond was taught a lesson, and he did not dare to talk to those people who didn't speak "human words" and dressed strangely. The evil "witches" clashed. After all, his castle was already occupied, he had no geographical advantage, and he only kept 15 knights and 102 soldiers.

After he persuaded Lord Marquis to send troops, Raymond must capture all the evil witches without letting any one go, and then tortured them for a while until they were tortured to death, and then hung them on the fence outside. Up there for people to see, especially the woman who looked the biggest and most evil in a clean black, nun-like outfit.

heresy! Absolutely heresy! He had never seen that kind of nun dress, so it must be a cult!

He wants to wash away the shame they have suffered, and make them remorse for their wicked robbery before they die. They should also use their fate to warn and frighten all the witches and those who want to offend him. The honor and majesty of the nobles are inviolable and blasphemous.

Raymond, who was sitting on the carriage, grinned with thick lips, "Haha", and didn't know what to think of happy things. After a while, his saliva involuntarily flowed down from his jagged mouth full of yellow teeth, and flowed to On the beard, which is very well groomed and which he is proud of.

After regaining his senses, Raymond scolded, then simply wiped the corner of his mouth with his fat right hand wearing an emerald ring. Then, the more he thought about it, the more angry he felt, and he felt that he had lost an adult in front of his wife and children. Losing his aristocratic demeanor, he gave the youngest son sitting beside him a loud mouth.

Not counting illegitimate children and prematurely deceased children, Raymond's youngest son is only 7 years old. The little boy covered his cheeks, confused, aggrieved and at a loss.

Raymond was even more angry when he saw this, a cowardly waste, without the dignity of a nobleman, not like him at all. No wonder the youngest son is not qualified to inherit his wealth.

Most of the nobles in this world are the family business and titles inherited from the eldest son.

Thinking of this, he kicked his younger son fiercely again.

The little boy didn't dare to say a word or resist, he seemed to be used to it.

Not even Raymond's wife dared to persuade him.

"Raymond" was his majestic name, "Van" was his noble surname, and "Tournell" was the name of the territory he owned, so he was called "Raymond Van Tournell".

Of course, it's not his full name, his full name is very long.

But now, this "Tunel" is about to fail.

The title is not an official position, but a hierarchy of nobility in the "Arans" empire. In other words, Viscount Tunel cannot be promoted to Earl Tunel, because Tunel's territory is only so large, This is a viscount.

If Raymond wants to be an earl, he can only be an earl of another territory, for example, the earl of the "Tubach" territory next door, and then his name will be changed again.

A person is not limited to one title or title. For example, the Marquis of Ash, the helper Raymond is looking for, is the Marquis of Seaman Territory, the Earl of Tubach Territory, or the Viscount of Reed Province. As well as the baron of Haas Territory, he alone owns four territories, so he also has four titles and titles.

For another example, Emperor Arans XIX, he is not only the emperor of the Arans Empire, but also has dozens of titles and titles under his name, ranging from baron to duke. Symbol of strength.

The Arans Empire did not have the two titles of Viscount and Marquis before. They were newly added more than 200 years ago. The Marquis is higher than the Earl, and the territory is relatively large. Some Marquis can catch up, even It is more than the area of ​​the duchy, but the marquis are generally located in remote, remote or barren places, far from the center of the empire, and the marquis can also be understood as the ancient "frontier officials".

Rhinena City is the largest city in the Seaman territory, and it is also the place where Marquis Yaxiu usually lives. The population is as high as 20,000, which sounds very small, but in this world bubble, it belongs to a relatively large city. The average city has only one or two thousand people.

Rhinena City is located on the southeastern border of the Arans Empire. It is rare for a border city to have such a large population.

Perhaps because the city walls here are tall and the moat is wide and deep, enemy countries rarely attack from here, giving the people a sense of safety.

Perhaps it is because Marquis Yaxiu looks kinder, has a good reputation, and collects less taxes, so the living pressure of the people is not so great.

It may also be because public toilets and public baths are built here, allowing bathing, and the living environment of the people is relatively comfortable.

All in all, the population of the city of Rhinena is very large.

The scenery here is good, the road is flat, there is almost no garbage and dirt, trees and flowers are planted on both sides of the road, giving people a very clean and fresh feeling.

It is worth mentioning that there are no beggars in the city. Although the civilians are still thin and the fabrics of their clothes are not expensive, they all look decent and clean.

Following a knight under the Marquis, Raymond and his party walked across the moat and the canal bridges crisscrossing the city, passed by the beautiful and quaint churches, as well as the parks with beautiful environment and fragrant flowers, and passed through a wide, tidy, The road paved with cobblestones finally came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Coincidentally, Marquis Ash was not at home, and Raymond heard from the knight who brought him here that the Marquis might be in the barracks at this time.

Raymond was very dissatisfied with this, but he did not dare to show it.

He didn't believe that the Marquis didn't know the news of his arrival. A nobleman came to ask for help, but he didn't come back to receive him. Instead, he stayed with a group of vulgar and low-level soldiers. It was really rude. Go talk to other noble lords about this.

It is indeed a remnant of the old religion.

In fact, Raymond didn't despise Marquis Ashei at first, and he also believed that the Marquis also despised himself. The two were just superficially decent and not hostile.

Occasionally, they exchange gifts during festivals, but they don't usually communicate at all.

If Marquis Ruo Yaxiu is not the lord with the strongest force in the vicinity, he will never drop his face to seek help here.

The main reason for the bad relationship is because the two people have the same beliefs but different.

Viscount Raymond believes in the Protestant religion of the Disciplinary Sect, while Marquis Ashe believes in the old religion of the Disciplinary Sect.

Ash is not only the lord of the Seaman Territory, but also a bishop of the Discipline Church here.

The Protestantism was developed more than 500 years ago. Although it shares the belief in the only true God, Apoonia, with the old religion, some doctrines and dogmas are fundamentally different and divergent from the old religion.

For example, the old religion believed that the filth on the human body is the devil that brings disease and misfortune, so you should take more baths, and you will not get sick and live a long life if you take more baths.

Protestantism, however, believes that bathing is an act of enjoyment and is harmful to the soul. The more people who love bathing, the less able they are to resist the temptation of the devil, so the easier it is for the devil to come to the door and the easier it is to get sick. Moreover, the filth naturally secreted by the human body is actually a kind of "protective layer", which can resist diseases, so it is impossible to take a bath. Taking a bath is tantamount to suicide.

Neither of these two arguments can convince anyone, because people will die of illness if they take a bath or not.

Moreover, people's belief that the one true God, Apoonia, has never appeared, descended, nor pointed out who was right or who was wrong.

The doctrines and rules that people follow are actually made up by humans themselves.

Of course, both the old and the new factions have claimed to the public that the true **** Apollo once cared for them in a dream, saying that they were correct, and even said that Apollo had descended and whoever saw it.

Although the precepts sects are all over the world, they all believe in the only true god, Apoonia, but there are not only Protestant and old religions, but also many other factions, which are messy, so it is difficult to form a powerful force.

The customs are different from region to region, the currency and language are also different, and the transportation and communication are inconvenient... Therefore, it is normal for the teachings to be different.

However, the power of the Disciplinary Sect should not be underestimated. Some major factions can even compete with the Empire, possessing territories, knights and armies, and some kings and grand dukes are themselves believers.

The Arans Empire is the only country that accommodates multiple factions of the Precept Sect at the same time, because the emperor here does not have a clear belief, and he can become the emperor entirely because of force, and does not require the approval of the Holy See, the Pope or the cardinal.

In many countries or the territory of the Grand Duke, people are only allowed to believe in one faction, which depends on which faction the King or Grand Duke believes in.

The current Pope of the Disciplinary Sect believes in the old religion, but he has no ability to convert other people to the old religion, because there are many cardinals (cardinals) in other regions who believe in other sects, and he has no practicality with them. jurisdiction.

The Pope is also a bishop, just as Emperor Arrans XIX was also a knight. Bishops and knights are not the lowest rank, but "basics".

All emperors, kings, noble lords... must be a knight, otherwise he cannot inherit that position.

The Pope, the cardinal (cardinal) bishop, the chief bishop, the chief (arch) bishop... must also be a bishop, otherwise he will not be elected to that position by other bishops.

It doesn't mean that when the "rank" comes up, the identities of knights and bishops will be abandoned.

Raymond, who had been sitting on the "cold bench" in the Marquis' Mansion for an afternoon, felt uncomfortable and restless. Compared with his house, it was really too clean and hygienic.

Although there is no overly delicate decoration in the mansion, the floor and walls are polished to be very flat and smooth, even the carpet is white, and the common mice, cockroaches, and bed bugs cannot be seen... The livestock do not live with people, and they live there. There is a separate toilet outside.

During the period, Raymond went to the bathroom once, and he felt particularly disgusting, and it was disgustingly clean.

There are many windows in the house, which provide better lighting and ventilation. Due to technical problems, the glass is all small fragments and contains impurities, but it is also endowed with various colors, and the glass mosaic window art similar to the Gothic style was born.

The afternoon sun shines through the colorful mosaic windows, creating a strange beauty on the flowers, walls and floors.

Raymond felt that he had been surrounded by devils since he entered the city of Rhinena. The devils were torturing and tempting his spirit, his soul, and his will. He didn't want to stay here for a moment. , he wanted to run away, but he had to stay and had to wait for the Marquis to come back.

He thought he was going to have nightmares tonight.

This also made Raymond more and more dissatisfied with Marquis Ash in his heart.

Heresies, ignorance, arrogance, cruelty, no aristocratic demeanor... This is the evaluation of the Marquis in Raymond's mind.

It was not until the evening, before dinner, that Marquis Ash finally came back from the barracks on horseback, leading the knights around him.

The Marquis looked to be in his 50s, strong and healthy, with a serious and determined face, and his black and white hair and beard were neatly combed and meticulous.

Perhaps due to regular exercise, his figure is rarely as fat and bloated as most nobles, but he is neither thin nor weak.

Like a qualified knight and gentleman, but not like a "normal" nobleman who has inherited the title for many years.

"Haha, Lord Marquis, you are finally back. I am really happy to see you." Raymond heard the news with a smile on his face, and took the initiative to walk out of the mansion door and greeted him.

"Haha, Viscount Raymond, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. One of my knights accidentally broke his leg while riding. I need to visit you. I'm really sorry for neglecting you."

Despite the high status of Marquis Ash, he still said "sorry" three times.

The status of knights is different from that of ordinary soldiers. Ashe used this as an excuse. Even Raymond could hardly pick out any faults. Forcibly picking faults would only make him hypocritical.

But Raymond felt that what the Marquis said was not true, and Yaxiu definitely wanted to let him hang for an afternoon to make him feel uncomfortable, that was absolutely the case!

Marquis Yaxiu neatly turned over from the horse, UU reading www.uukanshu.com took the initiative to step forward and shook hands with Raymond.

The two did not choose to embrace. Ashe disliked the filth and unpleasant smell on Raymond's body, believing that he was surrounded by demons, and Raymond also despised the cleanliness and neatness of Lord Marquis, believing that the other party was also surrounded by demons. .

The two knew each other's inner thoughts very well, but they didn't show it, and their faces were full of smiles.

The relationship between nobles is best not to rely on personal preferences, let alone take the initiative to tear up the face, even if you can't be friends, but don't have one more enemy, let alone neighbors, who knows if they will need each other in the future. The place.

"Oh~ God! Why is this so? Which knight suffered such misfortune?" Raymond looked caring.

"Aaron," said the Marquis casually.

Raymond's bad breath and the smell on his body made Ashiya nauseous, but he still didn't change his face, so that no one could see the disgust in his heart.

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