Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 138: Always be 1, no success or failure

This is an "island" floating in space.

It's small, but it feels like the center of the world.

Surrounding the "island" is a "straight line" that seems to extend infinitely to the "two ends".

These "straight lines" look like "roads" with no starting and ending points. Each "road" itself represents an independent space.

The space around the "island" moves, staggers, and folds according to a certain law... This law is called "time", time that cannot be seen or touched.

Countless spaces "walk" forward step by step according to the rules of the same time, moving tirelessly, some slowly, some quickly, some unhurriedly...like the "gears" in a precision clock.

Time is the continuous change of matter.

Space is the coexistence of matter.

Motion is the fundamental property and way of existence of matter.

Compared with the "road", the "island" seems to belong to a higher dimensional space. The person standing on the "island" can observe the conditions on each "road", while the person standing on the "road", I didn't know there was an "island" there.

Just like people can see the show on the TV, but the people inside the TV can't see the viewer.

This "island" is the front yard of Wutong's house, a place where the sun and the moon can be seen with the naked eye.

What does it feel like to stand in "space" and look directly at the sun? Stargazing had thought about trying, but didn't have the time, but now she knew.

Sure enough, Mother Planet still loves human beings. She protects the safety of human beings and gives them an environment in which they can survive.

The master also loves his apprentice. This "island" protects the safety of stargazing, and does not let her and Ji Lin face the sun directly.

"Master, what have you done?" Stargazing stared blankly at the distant sun and asked dumbly.

"As you can see."

Stargazing came back to his senses, turned his head stiffly, and said in disbelief, "You destroyed this world?"

"Look at what you said, it sounds like I'm a big devil and a big villain." Wutong spread his hands and looked innocent, "My strength is insignificant, how can I destroy the world? It's just destroying a planet. "

"...You destroyed our homeland, and destroyed the efforts of a civilization for more than 4,000 years!" Guan Xing gritted his teeth and his eyes were red.

In fact, she had already imagined the possibility of this outcome, but she didn't expect that the "home" was gone as soon as she came up, and she didn't react.

Is this the "end" of civilization?

No, the master has not yet become "End Yan", just opened "End Yan", at this moment, it is only the beginning.

Wutong pressed his hand down and comforted: "Don't worry, don't get excited, calm down, why can't you keep calm every time in front of me? After so many years, haven't you grown at all? Learn from others Ji Lin, look, how calm and rational she is, she hasn't launched a suicide attack yet, which is very good, you are qualified, my old friend."

Wutong bent down, picked up the chainsaw, and planned to finish the ice wither.


Ji Lin watched him coldly, but did not speak.

Does he still have the mind to be ice cream? So anomalous.

Wutong said while doing icing, "Don't be angry, you two, I just did a trivial thing that is not worth mentioning, a trivial thing that fits the behavior of the Herrscher of the End. End, think about it. What do you think is the end? You can't count on me to create the world, can you?

"If you don't break or stand, you will always be thinking about the past, you will be distracted, and you will not be able to take care of what is in front of you and what will happen. Now it's okay, the things you hold dear are gone, and the things you worry about are 'dead', you can focus on Thinking, how to defeat me, otherwise you will not have any chance, this is my last 'release'.

"Before the fight, I can put 'water' countless times, but after the fight, you can't pray, let me still 'water'? Don't rely too much on me, otherwise, even if you defeat me, what's the use? What's the point?"

"No breaking, no standing..."

Ji Lin's eyes flashed, she was keenly aware of the meaning of these four words, thought for a while, and nodded secretly.

She just thought that Wutong had become another "person" and was affected by the collapse, but at this moment she felt that this man may not have changed, or that he is still rational, and his words and deeds did not Make her feel unfamiliar and still be able to talk.

Wutong's words just now actually put "water" again, it is impossible for him not to know the information revealed by his words and deeds.

Ji Lin paced to the star-gazing side, reached out and touched her white hair, in order to soothe her heart and emotions.

The effect is outstanding, and after just a moment, stargazing calms down the complicated mood.

Can't be angry, being angry will lose your mind, affect your thinking, and will... fail.

Immediately, Star Watcher also noticed the information revealed by the master just now, and his heart became more calm and fortunate.

The master doesn't seem to have lost his mind and can communicate, which is good news among bad news.

But... not right! The situation in front of you is a little different from what you expected!

Why is this so?

Star-gazing frowned, thinking for a moment.

"Why did you choose the battlefield in our homeland?" Ji Lin asked in an orderly manner.

She felt that Indus should be able to reveal a little "irrelevant" information.

"Because this is the starting point of civilization, it will also be the end point." Wutong pointed to his feet and said nonchalantly, "Of course, the more important reason is that I was standing here just now, if we were just in the sea of ​​​​quantum. , then the battlefield is in the Sea of ​​​​Quantum. What? You don't think I will obediently go to the moon, do you? You don't think I will take the initiative to step into the trap you set up, right? I am not a fool, nor a good person. "

"Didn't you always boast that you are a good person and a gentleman?" Guan Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, I'm already 'finished' now, what kind of good person is there? For human beings, I'm a big bad guy."

"Are all the warriors on the main planet dead?" Ji Lin continued to probe, her heart and facial expressions were very calm.

If Wutong said she was dead, then she would not be surprised at all.

This is not "cold-blooded", but one of the expected things.

Ji Lin is in a position where she cannot be influenced by her emotions, she must remain calm, even if this is not her original intention.

However, Ji Lin felt that Wutong would not have done that, because he was still so familiar.

Sure enough, Wutong said casually: "How come? Haven't you seen the 'road'? This is the 'trial' I prepared for people, if you can't even pass that simple 'trial' , then I don't have the right to walk in front of me. What? You don't think I will stand here and be willing to be beaten by the group? Said, after the fight, I will not 'let the water' again... Oh, right ."

Wutong put down the chainsaw in his hand, turned his head, and said with a smile: "Now, don't you think that I'm still 'letting water'?! Haha, don't be naive, put away this naivety, or you will end up, Civilization will end badly."

This dragon-shaped ice wither has been completed, but the phoenix tree seems to be not very satisfied, and it is broken again.

He prefers Phoenix.

Is this also the way the Herrscher of the End does? Like destruction, destruction? Seeing this, Ji Lin frowned.

"Master Yan is also trapped?" Guan Xing didn't seem to hear the advice of the master just now.


"This is impossible!"

Just now Guan Xing always thought that the reason why Shi Niang hadn't appeared for so long was that she planned to "reverse the water" and help her master, but she didn't expect to be trapped.

"Nothing is impossible. No one in the world knows her better than me. No one knows her weakness better than me. To trap a person, you don't necessarily have to have stronger strength than the other party."

"Then... can I ask, what are the enemies of most warriors?" Ji Lin interjected.

"Haven't you already guessed it? It's them. The enemy that people are most afraid of is actually themselves. Either the past self, the present self, or... the future self. If you can't even defeat yourself, Oh, retire early. Of course, not all of them, the enemies I arrange for each soldier are different."

Wutong walked slowly to the stone table, swept the snow off the stone bench, sat on it, then took out three bottles of yogurt and a brand-new pair of playing cards from the arsenal, and glanced at his arsenal by the way. Then he laughed:

"Want to come and play for a while? The process of waiting is always boring. Whether it is waiting for the full arrival of the Herrscher of the End, or waiting for the warriors to successfully defeat the enemy, it is very boring, after all, the observer can't understand the personal experience. excitement.”

As Wutong had expected, there was no more weapons and equipment in his arsenal, and only a pile of sundries remained, which may have been secretly emptied by the end not long ago.

Ji Lin and Guan Xing walked over obediently.

"How did you do it? Why do you have such power?"

If Wutong had become the Herrscher of the End, Ji Lin would not be confused, but it was clear that Wutong was not now.

She took the initiative to take the playing cards from Wutong's hand, shuffled and dealt the cards again, she was afraid that this guy would cheat.

"Actually, it's very easy to do, even if my strength is so weak." Wutong picked up the cards and explained patiently, "The stronger the civilization, the stronger the collapse, this is our joint effort. The civilization created, the enemies and those who bear the 'bitter fruit', of course, are ourselves, um... I just did a little 'guidance', and didn't do much. Of course, you two can't do it , because the strength of the two of you is too weak, so weak that you are not even qualified to 'lead'."

He is still so good at talking, and he doesn't forget to hurt people while chatting.

"Oh, right." Wutong seemed to suddenly think of something, and reminded with a smile, "From your point of view, I am the collapse of civilization and the end of civilization. Have you ever thought about it, if you stand in My current angle and position, so what is civilization? You can think about this problem, if you can’t figure it out, you will never be able to beat me.”


After constant reminders and constant "release of water", at this time, Ji Lin and Xingguan, who had carefully observed Wutong's words and deeds, suddenly came to a realization. s things.

They know the difference between the current situation and the originally expected development, and they want to understand the specific problem.

The problem does not lie with the Indus, but with the civilization itself.

To untie one's own "restraints" is not the same as "indulgence", but more "freedom".

Wutong has untied the layers of "shackles" of himself, but this does not mean that he will choose to "indulge" and do whatever he wants. He has only "grown up" and "breakthrough", and does not need to use "shackles" or "discipline" Waiting for something to "bound" itself again.

His essence has never changed, it has remained the same.

The dragon slayer is still the dragon slayer, not a dragon.

He loves human civilization in the abstract sense, and also loves many kind and concrete people, so he will not harm their lives, even if he becomes the "end" of this civilization.

Why does Indus become the Herrscher of the End?

It's not that he has changed, and it's not that he can't restrain his own desires, it's just that... his "sickness" has been cured.

Why did he become the Herrscher of the End? Is this really an option he wants to choose?


Because he has failed too many times, he is never afraid of failure, dares to let go, and dares to take responsibility.

But there is a deeper reason, that is, people subconsciously, in fact, hope that he can become the end, and his various things are reassuring and make people feel very reliable.

People would think that it would be no big deal if the Indus became the end of it.

Even if he becomes the Queen of the Doom and is almost invincible, there is no one more suitable to be the Herrscher of the Doom.

Because he has measure.

Because his bond with humans is too deep.

The current host planet is destroyed, but does it matter?


Whether the future host planet still exists is important.

It is important whether the future civilization will still exist.

Is it the Indus that has become the end?

Do not.

Civilization is coming to an end.

The end is part of civilization.

The real enemy of man is man himself.

"Huh." The star-watcher who had figured it out laughed at himself and said with emotion, "Humans are really hopeless, really... poor. It's also your fault, Master, you have protected us too well."

"Can you blame me for that? Make a face."

"Why don't you blame you? It's you who raised us so... love to escape, love to depend on you."

Watching Wutong throw the last pair of "Wang Zhai" out, Ji Lin stared at the two "clowns" on the card, silent for a moment, and said, "Our trial... failed?"

Ji Lin naturally wanted to understand that although she and Guan Xing were not on the "road", it did not mean that they were special, and they were also undergoing trials.

She originally thought that the trial Wutong gave them was to stop Wutong, stabilize Wutong, and successfully send useful information to people to defeat Wutong...

But now she found that she was wrong, wrong.

Wutong really didn't "release water" anymore, because it belonged to Ji Lin and Star Gazing's trial, and it failed the moment they figured it out.

"No, no, don't be discouraged, you haven't failed yet, you two still have time to think, how do you choose next, right?" Wutong comforted with a smile.

"You don't have to think about it, my trial is over and I failed." Ji Lin sighed and admitted generously.

Then she began to sort out the cards on the stone table, shuffled, dealt... just as she began to rearrange her thoughts again.

"What you once said is right, human beings are always escaping, they like to take shortcuts, and they are unwilling or unwilling to face the real 'end of life'. I am also the same, so timid and despicable. It is impossible to continue like this... …Otherwise, even if we can defeat you and the end in the end, it won’t work, it won’t last long.”

"I was turned against me like this? Isn't it too unsettled?"

Ji Lin shook his head and said, "I am for human beings. I feel that it is necessary to make it a little harder for humans, so I don't mind playing a role. Failure is terrible, but what is even more terrible than failure is that I dare not accept failure and only think about it. Escape. I don't want to escape anymore, even if I will be shattered in the future."

As he was talking, Ji Lin suddenly turned his head and looked at the star-gazing star with cold eyes: "What about you? Say your choice, little star-gazing."

"Uh...Is there any other choice?" Guan Xing involuntarily shrank his neck~www.readwn.com~ spread his hands, and said weakly, "Your Majesty, don't be so overbearing! Master. Don't worry, I will not betray the two of you. I don't have that ability. You can see me alone. And, Your Majesty, I think... the trial that belongs to you and me is not a failure, but a success. Now, isn't it? Our choice is not to betray civilization, but to correct civilization."

Ji Lin nodded and gave her a card. Stargazing was qualified to sit in front of this table.

"You are really cunning, master, if you do this, isn't the human race finished?"

"I said, I won't 'release water' again." Wutong smiled, "Also, don't think of our civilization too simple and incompetent, have a little confidence in your past efforts, and I'm still pretty confident about the future of civilization. Good, I think they can beat me, they can beat themselves."

"Really? Haha, your heart is so cruel, poor human child." Star Watcher said a sarcastic remark.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her body and mind relaxed a lot, and the pressure on her shoulders was not so heavy.

The master is really reliable. After the betrayal, standing on his side, he can't feel the pressure anymore!

Trial? Trials are boring, so let people see the real "end".

How can you grow without experiencing the real storm?

As for those who can't even pass the test, let's live a good life, they are indeed not qualified to walk in front of the master.

Do what you do and love what you do.

Since the master has chosen to become the end of civilization, he will definitely do his "job" well.

Since she and His Majesty have chosen to be "betrayers" of civilization, they naturally have to work hard to be good "betrayers".

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