Honkai Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Snow melts and frost adds

Although the headquarters and branches of Heavenly Court are set up in the inland, members can still eat seafood.

Every year around July, Wutong will open the "Heavenly Palace" and lead the awakening girls on vacation for about half a month.

And the place they go the most is the seaside.

At the beginning, I also traveled to the polar regions, grasslands, deserts and other places, and even went to Europe and America. I visited Kevin's horrible organization prototype, climbed mountains, crossed hills... The girls in Heaven have all eaten and seen them. .

But later, under the unanimous request of everyone, Wutong adopted their opinions and usually chooses the seaside as the place to travel every year.

Because seafood can be eaten here, and every time they come, they can catch a lot, enough for them to eat for a year, and some people even catch too much and sell it in the heavenly court.

Although everyone eats frozen food after returning home, frozen food is not bad.

Of course, this also led to the fact that every time after returning home, the "Heavenly Palace" was very fishy, ​​and Aiyi had to be cleaned for a long time.

So, only Aiyi doesn't like the seaside.

In the beginning, people didn't dare to eat crabs, squid, and prawns. After all, the things in the sea are quite unique. The chefs don't know how to do it either, they just steam it.

But under Wutong's coercion, the little girls fell in love with seafood after eating it a few times. Most people in Shenzhou are like this. As long as it is delicious, they dare to eat it.

Chefs are doing more and more tricks. In fact, many little girls who choose to be chefs love to eat.

Although the seaside scenery is good, there is one thing that disappoints Wutong.

Except for the women of Ji Lin's era, other girls couldn't let go, and none of them wanted to wear swimsuits.

Although the women of this period were not as conservative as the women after the Song Dynasty, most people could not accept running around in broad daylight wearing only a few pieces of cloth. Even if the men like Wutong were not there, they would inevitably be shy in front of the girls. .

Therefore, there is no public bath in Heaven.

Dressing cooler, being able to roll up the sleeves and bare feet is the limit of what they can do.

Affected by them, even Ying, Hua, Cang Xuan, Ji Lin and others would not wear swimsuits.

Men like Wutong are even more afraid. If they walk around on the beach with their shirtless and big pants on, they will probably be criticized as hooligans.

Because of this, Wutong didn't appear on the beach now, but stayed in his exclusive room in the Heavenly Palace, staring at each other with Sakura's big eyes.

The two had just finished arguing, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

Wutong also doesn't know why, Sakura has become very unreasonable this year, often getting angry over small things, and likes to make things out of nothing. In the past, although Sakura's logical thinking was a bit domineering, it was still reasonable, and occasionally he was very gentle to him.

Moreover, Sakura seems to be crazy about her own cultivation now, and Wutong is sometimes afraid that her body will not be able to bear it.

More than that, I don't know when it started, every ten days, Sakura wouldn't let Wutong touch her. The reason was that she wanted to cultivate her life, and fighting every night would drain her energy.

This also made Wutong speechless. They fought every day for more than two thousand years. Sakura never said anything about wasting energy.

What caused Sakura to become like this?

The two looked at each other silently for a long time.

Wutong suddenly asked suspiciously, "Do you regret following me?"

"That's right!" At this moment, Sakura was obviously still angry, and she didn't think about the consequences of what she said.

"Why? What's wrong with me? Where are you dissatisfied with me?" Wutong didn't care too much, he knew that Sakura was on top now, and what he said might not be true.

"No reason, you're not good anywhere. I'll have had enough with you in the next day." Sakura turned her head and looked away, she was duplicitous.

Seeing Sakura's performance, Wutong's heart settled a little, it seems that Sakura doesn't dislike him anymore.

Wutong pursed his lips and said, "But, I can't leave you more and more. The longer I live with you, the more I find that I like you more. If you leave, what should I do?"

There was a ripple in Sakura's angry heart. She was slightly touched by Wutong's words. Wutong seldom said such words, but because of this, those words had a little bit of lethality to Sakura.

"Is he telling the truth? It should be. He may be in a hurry. He wants to keep him. He has never said that before, so it must be what he said in his heart. It turns out that the next is so important in his heart. The longer I like it, the more shameless, how did he say it?"

Sakura gradually calmed down, and there was even some sweetness in her heart.

Since the two of them are old couples who have lived a dull life, this kind of sweetness makes Sakura feel more shy and happy.

Some things don't need to be too complicated, a simple sentence may change a person's sense of him.

Seeing Ying holding on to prevent herself from showing a happy look, Wutong thought disdainfully: "Settle it up! Sample, you are at this level, you little fox still want to fight with me, the Taiyi Immortal?! Go back to practice for tens of thousands of dollars. year!"

Wutong walked to Sakura's side and said softly, "Don't go, okay?"

Sakura lowered her head. She was afraid that Wutong could see the affection in her eyes, so she said softly, "Well... I didn't say I wanted to leave... I was just... angry... I'm sorry..."

Wutong felt that the atmosphere was almost over, he suddenly pushed Sakura's shoulder gently, the "weak" Sakura seemed unable to resist, and fell on the bed.

Chunshan frowned, eyes frowning in autumn water, an inch of autumn waves, lowered his eyes and feigned, shy away from Chunshan...

The coquettish look in Sakura's eyes made Wutong's index finger move, and regardless of whether it was day or not, he unbuttoned his shirt.


The door that Wutong quietly locked was kicked open by the bell, and she walked in with the ragdoll-like Hiyomaru.

"Fuck!" Wutong fastened the button again, turned around and said, "Are you sick? Don't you know how to knock? Did you learn from your sister?"

Sakura also sat up quickly from the bed. She was a little fortunate. Fortunately, Ling didn't come in another two minutes, otherwise her husband's body might have been seen by her sister.

Ling said weakly, "Brother-in-law~ I like you, you can divorce the eldest sister and marry me."

"I'm marrying your mother! Get the **** out of here!"

The anger of Wutong now is difficult to eliminate except for the grass growing and the cherry blossoms flying.

Sakura gently kicked Wutong behind her. Ling's mother was also Sakura's mother. Wutong's words made Sakura very uncomfortable.

Sakura didn't care about her sister's words either. Ling had used this kind of trick several times before to break up the two.

In fact, from the very beginning, Ling's heart had acquiesced that Yingwu and the two were together. However, the two were too unreasonable. After returning after a few years, they just brought joy and hope to Ling, but all her beautiful fantasies were immediately shattered, and they even lived together that night.

Therefore, it can be said that Ling is obsessed with breaking up the two. It wasn't just because of Sakura that she thought about breaking up the two. After all, her eldest sister has been given away for nothing, she has become a young woman, she is not pure, and she will never go back.

And Ling's obsession did not gradually disappear with the passage of time, instead it got deeper and deeper.

She did everything possible to separate them without hurting them.

From seducing Sakura to seducing Wutong, to saying good things about Wutong to the girls in the organization, brainwashing them, and asking them to actively pursue Wutong, etc., Bell has basically used it.

"Brother-in-law, I really like you, can't you see that I love you?" Ling hugged Feiyuwan, very touching.

Hiyomaru closed her eyes and pretended to be dead~www.readwn.com~ She wanted to minimize her sense of existence. She didn't want to get involved in the battle between the big guys.

"I only saw your unfortunate appearance, like element 51 of the periodic table." Wutong said expressionlessly.

"What periodic table?" Ling was a little stunned, but she could tell that Wutong's tone was definitely not good.

Ling doesn't blame him, because Ling really loves him now.

"Brother-in-law, in order to separate you and eldest sister, I have eroded my own thoughts. The kind that can't be cured. I like you very much now. Without you, I can't live anymore." Ling Yu said surprisingly, and then she saw Xiang Lianying said, "Eldest sister, please have pity on me. My brother-in-law has been occupied by you for so many years. Can you give it to me? I beg you."


Sakura is thinking about how to repair the bell, or cut off the bell's leg? In this case, she will not be able to hook up with her husband, and the sisters are deeply in love? Hehe, Sakura didn't kill her sister, she was already very affectionate.

Wutong spoke at this time, and he said indifferently: "Can it be cured? I don't believe it, you can erode it again and hypnotize yourself that you don't like me."

Ling was stunned again: "Is this still possible? Aren't you afraid that my brain will be broken?"

"Is your brain better?"



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