Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 136: The day of parting, the inscription of the commandments

"Actually, I'm not Apollo, let alone a so-called god, but a human from other parallel worlds, an ordinary human. Even if I don't give you the knowledge, I believe that human civilization will one day. To reach the heights it is today. Human beings do not need the gift of gods, nor the mercy of gods, let alone gods. Every step forward in civilization is made by human beings.”

Rita wrote the last paragraph, checked it carefully, and after confirming it was correct, she solemnly handed the last "holy book" to Apollo.

Apollon put it into a special golden "box", closed it, and set it to open automatically after 1,500 years.

The afternoon was quiet and peaceful. A group of white doves outside the window flew in the sky with the ringing of the bells. The sunlight poured in through the long windows of the cathedral, reflecting colorful brilliance on the clean ground and walls, which seemed to be gorgeous. , The bizarre life is welcoming the girls' return on the road ahead.

In the cathedral where people come and go on weekdays, the doors and windows are closed at this time, only Apollo and others, so it looks empty. The girls are dressed in neat combat uniforms, sitting on the rows of benches, silently. He watched Apogna's every move.

Today is the day they go home, and the day that Apponia goes to fight alone.

The collapse energy in their bodies is abundant, the stigmata has been "activated" again, the strength has been restored, and even "a higher level", but the expressions of the girls are more solemn than before, and Xier's face is all over it. Showing unease, her relationship with Mother Aponia is the closest.

The surrounding environment is obviously very empty, but the atmosphere is so heavy that it seems to be sitting in deep water, making people breathless.

"Lord Aponia, we can help you fight, we are very strong now," said Kiana, who couldn't take it anymore.

She originally wanted to roll up her sleeves and show people her "strong" arms and muscles, but after thinking about it, she felt that her little arms were really too thin, and it was a bit immoral to show her breasts, so let it go. Bar.

"No need, it's a matter between me and myself." Aponia's voice was still gentle, soft and reassuring, "I will send you back. You have worked hard for more than a year. Thank you very much."

Apponia bowed to the people.

"Hey young, don't say that, aren't you, Kalian and little Rita the hardest?" Kiana scratched her head, with the usual silly smile on her face, and said in a brisk tone, " If it wasn't for your care, we might not be able to hold on... It's hard to move. In fact, the first day I came to this poor place, I wanted to retreat and go home and enjoy it, but I see that you are all gritting your teeth and insisting, no one said anything. 'I want to go home and find my mother', I'm too embarrassed to say it back, what a shame! I didn't expect that now, I'm a little reluctant to be here, people are really strange."

Kiana's words eased the ice-like atmosphere a lot. In fact, many people wanted to give up and say "go back" at first. The "medieval life" without Honkai power is simply too torturing for "modern people". But until now, there has not been the first person to "get ahead" and say the words to go home. Perhaps Kiana's thoughts are also one of the reasons.

"If you can't bear it and want to come back to see it later, you can come to me." Apponia smiled softly. "Next time you come here, it will be much easier than this time."

She knows that the probability of this happening is not high. After she goes back, the girls who were gathered at the moment will be scattered. They have their own colorful lives. They happen to meet each other at ordinary times, and they can sit together for a meal and chat. , Get in touch with the feelings you once lived together, even if it's not bad, the next time you want to get together, want to come here together, I don't know what year and month.

Moreover, she may not be able to return alive.

However, Apollonia still made an ethereal promise, and this promise also made the girls here feel a lot more at ease.

Listening to Lord Aponia, there should be no problem with her safety.

"That's a good deal, Mom Aponia." Seeer summoned up the courage rarely, but whispered.

"Well, it's settled."

Apponia heard it, turned her head, smiled and nodded to her favorite child.

"It's not too early, I'll take you back. After you go back, there will be a more important battle waiting for you, and that battle will determine the future destiny of mankind and the height of civilization. I believe you will definitely final victory."

"What?! What battle?!"

Karen was taken aback, as the current patriarch of the Kaslana family, why hasn't she heard of anything?

It shouldn't be! Not scientific! She is the head of the Kaslana family! The most powerful Valkyrie!

Apponia smiled and didn't explain anything. She took out a second **** key similar to the "door", and then took out three silver-white keys, which were inserted into the upper, middle and lower keyholes in turn. Opened the "gate of time and space" to the main world bubble.

In this world, even the Herrscher of the Sky can't contact the "outside", but this "door" has done it.

For a moment,

After the girls hugged her one by one and left the place one after another, only one person was left standing in the empty church, which seemed even more empty.


Apponia sighed softly, put away the second **** key, then adjusted his state, raised his head, looked into the sky through the shocking dome of St. The bright moon can be seen with the naked eye during the day.

Immediately, her dark blue eyes instantly turned blood red, full of oppression, looking more frightening than Qian Jie, and could definitely scare a child to tears.

Apponia's body was "rising," like a disembodied ghost, passing through the cathedral's dome and drifting toward the moon.

On the ground, all the believers who saw this scene knelt down, and some even cried bitterly. After all, their gods left, and after leaving behind the "truth" and correct doctrine, they returned to the realm of the gods.

Destroyed and lifeless, when he came to the moon, he seemed to have come to a world without life activities.

There is indeed no life activity on the moon, and it is not the moon here, but a "collapse star" and an "imaginary number star".

The familiar white moonlight that people saw on the ground was just a phantom that happened to block the "reality".

Since arriving on the "moon", Apollon felt that the "gaze" secretly watched by "people" became stronger.

Since she came to this world, this peeping "eye" has been with her all the time, neither kind nor malicious, but it is always urging her to leave.

This is the gaze from the "will of the world," the gaze from the once, real Apollonian.

Following the "will of the world" and following the guidance of self, Apollonia came to the dark side of the "moon" and came to an ancient and magnificent building palace.

Without hesitation, Apponia gently pushed open the dusty door, carried an "ordinary" lantern once used by Indus, and floated into the dim palace.

The surrounding darkness is like thick ink, and in the corridor that seems to have no end, there seems to be only one lantern floating in the air, moving forward steadily.

Finally, I don't know how much time has passed, and the darkness in front of me is darker and wider. Even the light emitted by the lanterns cannot shine on the nearby walls. The light spreads farther, but it is like falling into a "swamp" , devoured, sunk, and disappeared.

Apponia came to the "hall", however, there was nothing on the rotten throne, she was the only one in the dead darkness, and it seemed that she was the only one in this world.

However, Aponia knows that he is "sit" there, "sit" anywhere in the world.

"Fairy Wood"


There seemed to be a long silence.

Apponia shook her head, as if she was answering what someone said: "I won't go back, I'm here to redeem you."


Another moment of silence.

"I know that our arrival and our promotion of civilization have brought you a huge burden. I am deeply sorry for this. Therefore, I have chosen to come here at this moment to bear and bear with you."

In the palace with only one person, Apollo, who was carrying a lantern, seemed to be muttering to himself.


"You don't have to use such words to persuade me to leave. You are not a loser, and I am not a representative of success and hope for the future."


Apponia listened carefully, then sighed, and said calmly and softly: "I disagree with your point of view, of course, human civilization that has not collapsed is also not beautiful, and it is also walking towards 'death'. On the road, natural disasters, man-made disasters, and frequent wars... bring about poverty and ruin, destroying the light of civilization.

"But the reincarnation of all things is like this, and it goes on and on, and it goes on and on. After a disaster, it is a dead tree and a spring, it is a rebirth of Nirvana, it is the awakening of the mind, and it is the progress of civilization. And progress is moving forward, it does not mean that it is moving towards' death', but 'survival from death'.

"In a collapsed world, human beings will not be knocked down. Without a collapsed civilization, human beings are equally strong. The road of life is never smooth, and the road of civilization is more 'thorny', but it does not mean that it cannot be 'overcoming thorns'."



Apponia was silent for a while, nodded slowly, and said softly: "Yes, you are right, I do not deny that some human beings are cruel, vicious, ignorant and ignorant by nature.

"Good people are often not treated kindly by the world. The more selfish, unprincipled, and those who love to do evil, the better they live. This is the reality of the world under the whitewashed beautiful 'appearance', but it is also the 'Shata' under the truth. , it collapses when touched.

"Goodness does not mean weak, and bad people do not mean strength. There are always and always have strong good people, and there are many, these seemingly ordinary strong people maintain and guard the fragile and strong civilization.

"Civilization cannot be called civilization without them.

"No matter how thick the darkness is, there are still stars shining. This is the real hope of civilization. Even if we are not there and the younger generation does not have the guidance of the predecessors, human beings are not hopeless and can only go to the end. No matter what era, Which civilization has never lacked true heroes.

"I like children, they are the starting point and hope, but I don't hate adults because they are the pillars and the pillars.

"This is what I see as a complex human, contradictory civilization."


Apponia pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't think my views are too naive, I just walked out of numbness. I believe that you are the same, never changed, otherwise, why would you say that you are disappointed? Carrying such pressure, persist till now?

"A civilization that has not experienced collapse does not mean that it has failed, it is still growing, and miracles may occur.

"In our eyes, no matter which world or civilization, there are hopelessly bad people and evil things, but there are also good people and good things, and more, ordinary people and ordinary people. , that is, all living beings.

"Alicia let us know that human beings can get rid of their predetermined destiny, and the parasol let us see that civilization can defeat the possibility of collapse.

"You and I are both ordinary people. Indus and Ellie are different from us. Maybe not ordinary, but no matter how special they are, they all come from ordinary. Ordinary makes miracles, and miracles are born in ordinary. You and I can naturally create together. a miracle of civilization."


"You don't need to persuade me any more, my mind has been decided. The commandments are used to protect everyone, including you and ourselves.

"The difference between kindness and evil lies in discipline. A kind person can restrain his desire to do evil. The key to success and failure also lies in discipline. Successful people can absorb nutrients from failure, pay attention to details, stick to themselves, and persevere. .

"Successful and kind people are great because they can restrain themselves and stick to the precepts and beliefs in their hearts. But I hope that one day, restraint will no longer be pain for people, and will no longer discourage good people. Cold, hurts people's body, mind and family. I hope that success and kindness are no longer the greatness in the 'silt', but the ordinary in the beautiful.

"To this end, I will spare no effort, do my best, give my everything to protect this world with you, just like you. Even if life is full of fog, the road ahead is bumpy, the road is rough, and the road will be windy and frosty, and it will even be irreversible. I will still choose to go against the wind, persevere, **** everyone and your dreams, and face the vicissitudes with gentleness and smile.

"This is the inscription of the precepts."

Apponia's tone is still very gentle~www.readwn.com~ The voice is still very soft, which is her long-standing habit of treating people with gentleness, for fear of scaring others.

The flame in the lantern was burning steadily, burning along the lantern, igniting Apollo's delicate and soft fingertips, igniting Apollo's soft and plump body, and igniting the darkness like ink.

The light reappeared in the darkness, and the night receded under the flames.

The only enemy of the commandments is yourself, and sticking to the commandments also means fighting against yourself all the time.

Discipline protects everyone, including oneself.

In the blooming flames, the consciousness of the past was completely awakened and the self was found.

"Is it worth it?" a soft and pleasant voice asked.

"It's worth it, I will redeem you, embrace and protect ourselves." An equally soft and pleasant voice replied.


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