Honkai Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 47: pay back in its own way

The next day dawned.

The three of Wutong did not go back to their room to rest, but spent the night in the courtyard.

During the period, Xiao Yun also went to the kitchen to get some food and sake, and also showed his swordsmanship and posture to Wutong master and apprentice.

With wine, music, and beauties to accompany, Wutong enjoys it very much.

Fortunately, Kevin was not there, otherwise he would have criticized Wutong: Did you live a beautiful life? ! Don't do business, don't feel happy?

Of course, Kevin's tone will definitely not be so sarcastic, but it will be more serious.

By then, the sky was already bright.

Hua walked down from the second floor with a gloomy face, ready to exercise, she didn't sleep yesterday.

She opened the door and saw Wutong and the three of them. After seeing Xiao Yun again, Hua's face became even more ugly.

In fact, if it were another little girl, or even a man, who was rude to Hua, Hua wouldn't be so angry, but Xiao Yun couldn't.

Xiao Yun was her first apprentice.

The following commits and conspiracies not only show that Xiao Yun's thoughts towards her are not right, but also show that Hua's teaching is a failure.

Master, as the name suggests, is like a teacher and a father.

In this era, the relationship between teachers and students is the same as that of father and son. After Confucius died, his apprentice Gong guarded his tomb and mourned for six years, and other disciples also mourned for him for three years.

When the parents die, the children only keep filial piety for three years.

This shows how much people in this period valued respect for teachers and Taoism.

Although Hua is an "immortal", he is also influenced by the traditional concepts of Shenzhou.

Since Xiao Yun wanted to attack her, it was impossible for Hua to be nice to his apprentice. If he didn't take action to clean up the door in person, Hua Xinci was already soft-hearted.

Seeing Hua standing at the door, Wutong waved to her: "Yo! Daxian Chiyuan, it's very early! Come, come and sit, I happen to have something to talk to you about."

Wutong master and apprentice already knew what happened to Xiao Yun and Hua last night, and Xiao Yun took the initiative to tell him.

Xiao Yun was a little worried that the master would drive her away, and wanted Wutong to say something nice to her.

Moreover, Xiao Yun also wanted to know how Wutong caught up with Fairy Sakura in the first place.

In Xiao Yun's heart, Sakura is a person worthy of respect, not to mention her superiority, but it's almost the same. In Xiao Yun's view, this kind of woman should be difficult to pursue.

That being the case, how did Indus catch up?

But Wutong's answer disappointed Xiao Yun.

"I hooked my finger to Sakura, and she ran over and licked my toes on her knees. Hey... I can't help it. After all, I'm too good! You can't learn."

Xiao Yun was skeptical about Wutong's statement, and stargazing was not at all.

Xiao Guanxing was very surprised by Xiao Yun's "boldness", my dear, I really didn't see it! Xiao Yun, who is as gentle as water and as gentle as a dream, dares to go against the norm! What about your morals? ! Just write, right? !

Guan Xing didn't know that Xiao Yun was once called "Red Clothes" by people. She had traveled all over China, killed all enemies, defeated all heroes, and had countless spirits of monsters and bandits under the sword.

She is also very crazy in her bones. She used to be a mortal in a **** battle with the emperor-level Honkai Beast for three days, without dying, endlessly, or retreating. This is enough to explain everything.

Xiao Yun and Hua are very similar, don't look very gentle on the outside and have a good temper, but it's best not to provoke them.

If Hua was angry, she might have to forgive others and forgive them, at most, she would have a discussion with them.

Xiao Yun was angry, and he might retaliate against it with virtue, and deal with it with a calm and inaction attitude.

But if Xiao Yun is so angry that he loses his mind, then he should pray to keep a whole corpse, not to die too ugly.

Although she has washed away her blood, the madness in Xiao Yun's bones will not change.

Not everyone is as strong as Wutong, and even Wutong will master a degree, he will not make Xiao Yun angry like that.

Because that is no longer a joke, it is hurt.

It's not that Xiao Yun has no morals, but that she has seen through the world and will not be restrained by the world. She doesn't care what others say or think of her.

Let alone look at Xiao Yun with worldly standards.

Morality is for self-discipline, not for blaming others. Be strict with yourself and be lenient with others.

Xiao Yun also doesn't think that she is immoral if she likes her master. Is it really unforgivable to love her master?

Her thinking may be a bit ahead of its time.

Of course, in the final analysis, the reason is that the master is too charming, so I can't blame the apprentice for not being able to control it.

What's more, Xiao Yun and Hua have been together for so long, and the more the feelings are brewed, the deeper and deeper Xiao Yun's admiration for Hua was at first. It's just that this feeling has been gradually amplified as time goes by.

She is very good at hiding her emotions, Xiao Yun only revealed a little "weakness" yesterday, if it wasn't for the Wutong couple having a lot of fun, she might not even show this flaw.

It was also thanks to Wutong, otherwise Hua would never have known the mind of the apprentice. In that case, she would have fallen into the hands of the apprentice one day. Unlike now, Hua was already wary of Xiao Yun.

Seeing Hua still standing at the door with a gloomy face, Wutong got up and pulled her over: "I originally guided you to make more friends, don't be paranoid, it's not that you are too deeply influenced by worldly standards, why can't you see it? Your thoughts and concepts are not as open as your apprentice, and you can't cultivate the Dao and be stupid, right?"

After pulling Hua to sit down, Wutong stretched out his hand and touched Hua's forehead, wanting to see if her brain was broken, but his hand was patted by Hua in dissatisfaction.

It hurts.

Xiao Yun graciously poured a cup of tea for the master, taking good care of him.

She has always served her master like this, Hua didn't feel that way before, but Xiao Yun's current behavior is different in Hua's eyes.

You have no good intentions towards me! Why else would you please me like this? What is your purpose?

Hua is very alert.

"In this world, it is inevitable that your wife is not virtuous, and your son is not filial. Xiao Xiaoyun has thoughts about you. From another perspective, it shows that you are good enough and loved by everyone." Wutong said with a smile.

"Don't stand and talk without your back hurting." Hua said indifferently.

"I'm not sitting here."

Wutong's emotion is really not sarcastic, and he also empathizes with it. "The wife is not a virtuous person" is talking about Sakura.

Xiao Guanxing put away the qin and was going to chat with the teacher. After she said hello to Hua, she hugged the qin and left.

"If you persuade me, please forgive me. It is impossible for me to accept this child." Hua said lightly.

"I didn't ask you to accept Xiao Yun. If you marry her, I can't accept it. Isn't that a fool!" Wu Tong's words were hard to hear.

But Hua Wenyan's face looked a little better, while Xiao Yun's expression was not so good-looking.

What's up with her? Is she worse than others? !

Seeing this, Wutong continued: "I just think that you shouldn't be so angry. To be honest, among us people, I am most worried about your mental state. You are quite awkward, don't think about it because of this trivial matter. "

"I'm not that fragile, and I won't be distracted. But it's not a trivial matter. It's unforgivable to be a teacher with an apprentice! You lead her away." At this time, Hua was very strict.

When Xiao Yun heard this, his heart went cold.

"Hey...don't do this, why can't you be forgiven? In the pre-civilization era, teachers and students loved so much, and I didn't see how sad and angry you were?!"

"That's because it didn't happen to me." Hua always speaks so honestly.

"Really? ... Haha~ Have you forgotten Himiko?" Wutong's smile was very meaningful.

Hua Wenyan was stunned for a while. Although she gave Wutong a lot of her memories, when she heard the name, she could still think of that person in her mind.

Himeko, Himeko, the fifth team leader of Moth Chasing Fire, Hua's former savior, she taught Hua how to fight, how to live, and gave Hua a new life and new ideals. Saying that she is Hua's teacher is nothing pass.

But cruelly, Himyhu became the seventh Herrscher, the Herrscher of Flame, a Herrscher with extremely powerful physical destructive power, able to control the thermal movement of molecules.

Hua's eyes floated, and he said insincerely, "I don't remember, you know, my memory is with you."

Hua is very bad at lying, everyone can see that she is lying.

Hua felt guilty because she once admired the captain very much, and even had rude thoughts about Himiko.

Although she just thinks about it, and sometimes blames herself, she doesn't even dare to think about it, but Hua can't hide it from herself, she knows her heart best.

"Hehe~ Is that so? All right." Wutong didn't break it either.

Hua saw that Wutong had seen through her~www.readwn.com~ She was a little flustered.

"My head suddenly hurts and I feel uncomfortable. I'll go back to rest first." Hua got up and said in a panic.

Hua didn't even cover her head, she couldn't even pretend to be sick.

"Haha, then hurry back and rest, Xiao Xiaoyun, take your master back to the house." Wutong ordered.

Hua hesitated for a while, but did not refuse.

Xiao Yun saw this. Although she didn't know why, she was very happy. She might not be driven away by her master.

As long as she doesn't drive her away, everything will be fine.

Xiao Yun didn't have to get Hua, it would be nice if she could accompany Hua.

Of course, just being by his side is the worst situation in Xiao Yun's heart, she actually wants a lot.

Xiao Yun grabbed Hua's right hand and helped Hua back to the room. During this period, Xiao Yun was very honest, and there was no arrogance in his behavior.

She was also afraid that Hua would hammer her.

However, Xiao Yun also had worries in his heart, who is this Himiko? Why does a name make a master's attitude change drastically? What is the master guilty of? Is this Himiko the master's master or the master's apprentice? There must be something wrong here!



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