Honkai Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 59: My Destiny Pit Rebel

"The destiny was established by adults?"

Lin decided to try it out, and hoped that the master would not be as unprofessional as before.

I hope she misunderstood her master.

"I didn't set it up." Ke Wutong's answer was decisive.

"Well... Archbishop Tianming is an adult?" Lin asked again.

"Not really."

"Then... there is someone in Heaven's Destiny, my lord?"


"...Does your lord know where the headquarters of Destiny is located?"

"I do not know."

Wutong asked three questions, how could he know these things?

He simply thought that [Indus' Destiny] was better than [Destiny].

"……I understand."

Lin's expression was complicated, her hopes were dashed, and the master was still so rude.

It seems that the organization called Destiny was targeted by Wutong, and he was targeted by him, so it would be his!

What a poor destiny.

"But... my lord, destiny is in Europe." Lin thought for a while and advised.

She felt that if Wutong took over the destiny, it might not be easy to manage.

Because it was a "mortal" organization, there were a lot of chores, and Heavenly Court had limited manpower. When the members went there, Lin didn't worry about their safety. Europe was too far away from here.

The Mandate of Heaven may become the burden of Wutong, or... become the burden of Lin.

"Well... you can let them develop on their own without management, and, isn't Europe also mine?" Wu Tong felt that his ideas seemed to be fine.

Wutong speculates that since the leader of Mandate of Heaven is called the "Archbishop", then the establishment of Mandate in the early stage should be based on a religious framework, and it would be good to be able to implement centralized management.

Indus doesn't want to take over this "rotten" destiny.

"..." Lin was silent for a while, then said slightly numbly, "Go back to eat, my lord."


In fact, there are a lot of things to worry about in the heavenly court. Fortunately, she has stargazing, her ability is outstanding, and she can solve basically all things.

For the sake of Xiaoguanxing's hard work and resentment, in order to reward her, Wutong established Lin as the "Prince" a few years ago.

That's right, in order to reward stargazing, Wutong made Linmei the heir, not stargazing.

No one knows what this guy thinks, but since then, Xiao Guanxing has a very bad attitude towards him, and on the surface, he doesn't respect his teacher.

Guan Xing never thought of inheriting the Heavenly Court. It is estimated that if she dies, Wutong will not die.

Even if she becomes a "Prince", it is estimated that she will always be a "Prince" in this life, and cannot be an "Emperor".

Having said that, things don't work that way!

Star-gazing was so hard, dedicated to the heaven, and died, but the master chose Lin as the heir? Isn't this an ability to mock her secretly?

Wutong doesn't think so, he just thinks it's very funny, Linmei's surprised expression, and Xiaoxinggao's look of hesitating to speak, are very interesting.

For so many years, in the heavenly court, there have been no major events, but there have been constant problems. Among them, the most serious problems are "corruption" and "bribery".

Where there are people, there will be human feelings, and where there are people, there will be such problems.

Heavenly Court is a bit better, there are more things like this in the mortal world, and even in some times, mortal people will become accustomed to the problem of "greed" and will not stop it.

When people become numb to problems and become accustomed to them, it leads to the decline of dynasties.

In the beginning, even the stern Da Siming didn't take this kind of problem very seriously. It was just embezzlement and bribery. When she was caught, the criminals made up the money and it was over. , a warning.

If it is committed again, it may be severely punished.

But later, Da Siming found out that this kind of problem was repeatedly banned, so she took it seriously. She passed the Senate meeting and revised the relevant punishment and increased the punishment.

Da Siming believes that greed is a matter of human kindness, but it is difficult to redeem the truth.

Corruption will inevitably lead to injustice and destroy fairness and justice, because greedy people illegally occupy other people's public property, and even waste a lot of resources, and also destroy the public order and good customs of heaven.

Therefore, in the new "Heavenly Regulations", the punishment for greed is very heavy. As long as it is greed, it will be punished to the end. How much money is greedy will be fined three times the amount. If it is a second crime, the fine will be 9 times. money, the 3rd crime, the fine is 27 times the money... and so on.

No money? If you don't have money, you can work for nothing. There are "factories" responsible for "reform through labor" in Heavenly Court, where prisoners work according to Heavenly Court's minimum wage standard.

Moreover, working at least eight hours a day, food and shelter are not good.

Da Si Ming will send people to watch the perpetrators every day, make them work hard, not pay wages, and when will the money be returned and when will it be released.

There are too many corrupt people, and they may work for hundreds of years in vain.

Want to fall asleep? Is the job done?

wanna die? Is the job done?

Want to eat something good? Then I'll give you another overtime today!

Human rights? There are no human rights in the factory!


Wutong sat under the sycamore tree in the courtyard, holding a collapsed fragment in his hand. He cultivated his spiritual power while warming up the core fragments of the Herrscher in his body.

Even though it is almost winter, the scenery of Taixu Mountain is still very pleasant. The natural environment here is beautiful, the lake is clear, and the leaves are fluttering in the wind, but it will not make people feel depressed, but will only make people feel quiet and peaceful.

The voices of the birds are very sweet, and they are not afraid of people. Many birds even landed on the sycamore. The little squirrels are jumping on the branches, storing food for the winter. The small animals in the mountains sometimes chase and play, and sometimes lie on the dry grass and doze off... The breeze blows, and the scenery in the mountains is very healing, which makes people feel Refreshing.

"Your Majesty."

Xiao Yun hugged her beloved long sword and found Wutong. Her arrival did not startle the birds on Wutong. Some birds even flew to Xiao Yun on their own initiative, and some were more "daring" ' pecked her fingertips, as if begging for food.

It seems that Xiao Yun often feeds them.

"What's the matter?" Wutong opened his eyes and put away the Honkai Crystal in his hand.

"Practice the sword." Xiao Yun said concisely.

Wutong was a little unhappy in his heart. In terms of swordsmanship, he was not Xiao Yun's opponent. Every time Wutong competed with her in swordsmanship, he would lose miserably.

Xiao Yun seems to have seen Wutong's thoughts, if she pointed out: "Your Majesty, if you draw your sword to the strong, you will be stronger, and you will have a deeper understanding of swordsmanship."

Wutong shook his head: "My swordsmanship is not as good as yours. Because of this, you won't grow by competing with me in swordsmanship."

"No, Your Majesty, my life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit. The three of them must have my teacher, so the disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher."

Wutong waved his hand impatiently, and chased away all the birds on his body: "You have no end in life, so you don't have to be inferior to your master as a disciple? Go and say this to Hua."

"Master doesn't compete with me in swordsmanship..." Xiao Yun whispered disappointedly.

"So you came to me?" Wutong raised her eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ um. "Xiao Yun nodded honestly.

"Then take down Hua! At that time, she will listen to whatever you say. You are really a waste. After so many years, how come the more you pursue Hua, the farther Hua is from you? If I You have already taken her down." Wutong expressed a bad idea with a tone of hatred for iron and steel, "Do you need me to teach you two hands? I guarantee that you will be able to get Hua within two weeks."

"No need, my master and I are fine now... We are both teachers and friends... I am already very satisfied." Xiao Yun said in a deep voice.

"Do you need me to teach you both hands? I promise you will be able to get Hua within two weeks." Wutong said again.

Xiao Yun hesitated for a long time this time, her heart was fighting fiercely.

In the end, her desire triumphed over her reason.


"What a fart! Daring rebel! I'll tell Hua right now, just wait, your **** is swollen today." Wutong got up and walked away.


Xiao Yun froze in place like a sculpture, a bird pecked at her earlobe and tilted her little head, as if wondering, how did this person become a "big tree"?



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