Honkai Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Jin Yu is like water, Zhao Jun is rich

The next morning.

Sunshine fills the mountains.

Today is a special day, the day when Heavenly Court "trades the old for the new".

Early in the morning, people lined up in front of the Tianyi Palace, holding old refrigerators, old washing machines, old rice cookers, old sweeping robots and other electrical products of daily life.

Tianyi Palace is a department led by Cai Tianyi.

Tianting will recycle a batch of old electrical appliances every few years and distribute new products.

People here also use electricity in their daily life, which is uniformly supplied by power plants. However, Tianting's power station uses Honkai Energy as fuel to produce electricity.

Therefore, it can also be understood that in the daily life of Tianting, all the electrical appliances consume all the destructive energy. Although the members did not have direct contact with Honkai Energy, the people of Heavenly Court were already inseparable from Honkai Energy.

If one day, Houkai can suddenly disappear from this planet, the heaven may be paralyzed instantly.

The proposal to trade in the old for the new was proposed by Cai Tianyi, which can be regarded as improving the welfare of the members.

However, not all of them are unconditional free replacements. If a person's old electrical appliances are too worn or damaged, or even unable to use their original functions, as a punishment, they have to make up the price difference.

Moreover, the trade-in is also between two generations of products. For example, the newly developed 5th generation electric kettle can only be exchanged with the 2nd generation and its previous electric kettles, and the 3rd and 4th generations should not be replaced, and it does not look old. You make do with it.

The girls in Heaven will also have their own small circles. Even if they are queuing up, they will gang up, hold various electrical appliances, and stand and chat together.

The personalities of the girls lead to their different circles.

Where there are people, there will be struggle.

Maybe today, A doesn't look down on B, and B doesn't look down on A in his heart. Therefore, with A as the center, people who have the same opinion as A will get together and crowd out the circle in which B is.

This made people in both circles not deal with each other.

In fact, the girls in Heaven are not too bad in character, but they often have differences due to different personalities and different behavior habits.

For example, it is difficult for an impatient person to get along with a slow person. After spending a long time together, it is easy for the two to get along with each other.

Those who are impatient will think that the slow guy, how can he talk and act so erratically? The girls are chirping? And the chronic person will feel that the acute guy is so impatient and impulsive?

Over time, the two of them drifted apart.

In addition, it is very easy for each other to say bad things about others behind their backs, which also leads to the fact that there is not much communication between circles.

Don't think that you have a high moral character and never speak ill of others. When people talk about another person, they often don't notice that they are speaking ill of that person.

Everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, has said that other people are bad. Maybe A didn't pay attention when he said it, and he didn't feel that he was talking bad about others. It's more likely to be based on falsehoods.

This may be the inferiority of human beings.

People are always emphasizing and advocating the character of "being strict with oneself and being lenient toward others".

But most people will always unconsciously "be loose on their own and harsh with others".

What's even more ridiculous is that this person who is loose to himself will also think that it is right to be strict with himself, and even advocate this behavior.

Therefore, when talking and doing things, it is best to use your head, let alone talk behind others' backs.

Otherwise, it would be like these old ladies in Heaven, who obviously don't have too bad people, but they are intriguing and fighting every day.

It would be terrifying for women to live together, especially if a group of "pride women" with high force values ​​chatted and did things together.

These old ladies will have nothing to do. After a long time, even stargazing has a headache.

Maybe it's because you eat too much, work too idle, and benefits are too high.

"Hello, Brother Gongjin!"

Zhou Gongjin is also lining up to "trade the old for the new". As one of the few "good men at home" in Heaven, Gongjin is very caring. He carries an induction cooker in his left hand, a microwave oven in his right hand, an air conditioner on his chest and a old refrigerator.

Xiao Qiao and her daughter didn't take anything, but Xiao Qiao still felt sorry for her husband. She took out her handkerchief and wiped Gong Jin's forehead, even though there was no sweat on his forehead.

Zhou Che curled his lips in disdain, my parents are really pretentious! They are all so old, and still have the face to show affection in front of the crowd? Why didn't she say she'd find her a boyfriend when she was so talented? She is an old girl.

Zhou Che still lives with his parents!

Zhou Che also wanted to show off, but he was single.

"Mr. Shuijing is early." Gongjin smiled. Since he really couldn't make room in his hands, he didn't even greet him.

Shui Jing is about the same height as Star Gazing. She has small yellow hair and red eyes.

In the heavenly court, she is the assistant of stargazing, which can also be understood as the secretary of stargazing.

At this time, Shui Jing didn't hold the feather fan that she liked to carry, but held a refrigerator and stood behind Gong Jin, as if she had just arrived.

Because of Shui Jing's petite figure, the refrigerator she is holding is bigger than hers.

If it wasn't for Shui Jing who just took the initiative to say hello, Gong Jin wouldn't have seen her, in fact he couldn't see her now, but Gong Jin could hear her voice.

It's not like that talking to a refrigerator all the time. Gong Jin stepped aside and said to Shui Jing, "Mr. Shui Jing, stand in front of me."

"No, no, then I can't cut the queue!" The refrigerator blocked her face, and she didn't know what Shui Jing's expression was.

With a small body and a large refrigerator, Gong Jin felt sorry for her, and she looked so pitiful.

It's so hard to live a single life!

"It's okay, it's just a position, it's not considered a queue jumper."

"No, a position can be considered a queue cut." Shui Jing insisted.

Shui Jing saw so many electrical appliances hanging on Gong Jin's body from a distance just now, and she felt sorry for him.

Life after marriage is really difficult!

"Come on, come on, it's not like cutting the queue, I let you voluntarily."

"No, no." Shui Jing shied away.

"These two people are really interesting. One is ranked last, and the other is second. What are you doing here? Even if you cut the queue, it won't affect others." Zhaojun, who was ranked third last thought.

Compared with the two of them, what Zhaojun took was very light, because she didn't take anything, so she came with money, and she didn't come here to change things. Zhaojun wanted an old-fashioned phonograph.

Zhaojun is very rich because she does not play games and has won many championships in the ring.

Zhaojun likes to collect musical instruments very much. Her home is very big and it is a single-family villa, so she can also put her collection on it.

Zhaojun rarely comes to trade in old items, because she is very rich, she will buy new products directly from Tianyi Palace, keep old items if she likes them, and give them away if they don’t like them.

But the old-fashioned phonograph is an old product, and it is a very old product, and there is no second-hand market, so she came to try her luck today.

After all, old gramophones can be replaced by newer music players, and there's a chance someone will do it today.

Therefore, the difficulty of life has nothing to do with being single or getting married, but only about money.

Shui Jing put the refrigerator on the ground, looked at the long queue, and said with emotion, "This has to be queued until noon, obviously we came very early."

"Yeah, my concubine also thought that my husband and I came very early, but I didn't expect them to come earlier. Che'er just heard from the people in front that many people came here in the middle of the night yesterday and lined up." Qiao said to Shui Jing, "At that time, Tianyi Palace hadn't opened yet."

In fact, the Tianyi Palace is not open yet, otherwise there would not be such a long queue. Although Gong Jin and Shui Jing had just arrived, they were indeed very early.

People with less money and more difficult life come earlier. For example, General Huo, he ranked first.

Since yesterday evening when Tianyi Palace closed, he has come to line up.


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