Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Behind the scenes, the snakes and foxes fight

at dusk.

After Hua got off the instrument, Wutong handed her the coat and asked her to put it on and go back first.

Hua was obedient, and left the laboratory alone with the toffee from the sycamore tree.

"Hehe~ Do you have anything else to do? Do you want to be studied now?" Mebius asked casually after sorting out the experimental materials on hand.

"That's not true. I'm not in the mood now. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

Indus helped Mebius clean up the laboratory, and the two were about to leave here.

"I have a small request regarding Hua's cloned body. I hope you can help me."

"Hehe~ What's the request? Tell me." Mebius had roughly guessed it.

"I hope that when the body grows up, it can grow up a little bit"

Sure enough, Mebius guessed right, that's why he would tell Hua in private about this kind of shit.

"Did you know? Indus, you are embarrassing me. Regarding the cloned body, the conditions you put forward are already harsh enough."

Mebius sorted out the experimental report, put it in the drawer, raised his head and said, "Her genes are like that, it's hard to grow up. Do you think Dr. May would lie? It's not that Hua hasn't grown up for so many years, it's just that It didn't grow up there."

"That's why I asked you to help, so you're not curious, what kind of expression will Hua look like when he sees his 'daughter' surpassing her in the future?" Wutong tempted.

"Sorry, people aren't particularly interested in this. I don't have your bad taste. Besides, small dots are more suitable for fighting. In my opinion, Hua's figure is perfect, but there is a problem with your aesthetics."

Although Mebius is currently very petite, she always hopes that she can grow taller quickly, but she does not despise her smallness, but hopes that when she grows up quickly, she can do more experiments on herself.

She never died before, but she was magnificent. Because of it, she didn't care much about it.

Moreover, in her opinion, the bigger you grow, the heavier the burden on your body will be. Not to mention fighting, even life will have a lot of inconveniences, and Mebius used to worry about it.

Therefore, she is still very satisfied with Hua's current figure.

Mebius believes that Hua's figure is what a good warrior should have.

A figure like Sakura's... Hehe, he's just a vixen who serves Israeli servants.

Of course, that vixen's fighting ability is still very high, so Mebius wouldn't be stupid enough to express his views in front of Wutong, lest Sakura find out and hack her to death.

"Say your request." Wutong said after packing up the laboratory.

Mebius must be negotiating conditions.

"The core of the Herrscher of the Corrosive Herrscher."

The situation of Wutong also made Mebius interested in the Herrscher. The Herrscher seems to be very interesting. She wants to cultivate a core of her own Herrscher.

"A small piece of debris, we still need the soul of the Ksitigarbha." Wutong said.

"Deal." Mebius smiled and said, "How big do you want?"

"You haven't been on the scale before you died."

"..." The smile on Mebius' face froze, "Don't embarrass me so much, you're not only embarrassing me, you're embarrassing the cloned body as well, how about the small three circles?"

"Let's go around."

"Two laps, neither big nor small, just right."

Wutong thought about the approximate size and nodded: "Deal."

"Hehe~ Happy cooperation~" Mebius stretched out his hand.

Wutong did not choose to shake hands with her, lest the snake smear poison on her hands.

Mebius didn't mind this either. She took back her hand and got up and turned off the light, and left the laboratory with Wutong to go home for dinner.

After Lin came back, Mebius also became a little interested in food.

On the way back, Wutong suddenly remembered something, he casually asked Mebius behind him, "By the way, how did you die a few days ago?"

"Study the power of erosion, study the dead."

"You were attacked by the bell?"

"No, I took the initiative to let her erode my body. I want to experience the power of erosion for myself." Mebius explained.

"Have you experienced any results?" Wutong was only interested in the results.

"No, I only feel pain, but I have some ideas for the next research direction."

"That's good."

"That's good?! Won't you say something else? Won't you appease someone's wounded heart?" Mebius pretended to be angry.

"Haha, do you still need someone to comfort you?"

"No, but well, they need your comfort." Mebius teased.

Wutong took out a piece of candy from his pocket and threw it behind him without looking back. After Mebius took it, he pouted.

"Hey! What a perfunctory!"

"Hehe~ the comfort here may not make you feel perfunctory." Sakura, like a ghost, put her arms around Mebius' slender shoulders and whispered in her ear.

"Hehe~ No need, Sister Sakura, they don't really need anyone's comfort!" Mebius said with a smile, she was not afraid.

"Hehe~ Next time, be careful when you speak. Misfortune comes from your mouth. If you talk nonsense, your head will fall off easily." Sakura pinched Mebius' shoulders hard, and then patted the place where she was pinched.

Mebius didn't even frown, didn't take Sakura's words to heart, and didn't reply to her.

Mebius smiled at Wutong and said, "Brother Wutong~ I have completely improved the small Honkai energy conversion device a while ago. Today's small converters are not only lighter and more convenient to carry, but also convert power. A huge increase, at least thirteen percent."

Wutong stopped and turned around: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. After dinner, people can ask Tianyi to send you one. Brother Wutong~ is it very useful? Let that girl Cangxuan allocate a little more money to the underworld! People can continue to help you improve. ."


Indus attaches great importance to this device.

Mebius' smiling eyes narrowed to a slit: "Aiya~ I have contributed to the fight against the collapse again! I have helped Brother Wutong again~ They are not like some vixen, relying on their own strength, The relationship with her brother is close, and she doesn't contribute anything. Also, she doesn't have the ability to contribute anything.

"Hey...it's fine if you don't contribute, you can't help your husband, and you can't even be a good wife. Not only can't help, but you can also cause trouble, hurt a researcher who can help, and let the researcher be a good wife. Staff time is wasted.

"Hey... what's the use of such a wife~ If my wife were like this, they would have divorced her long ago! Haha~

"Aiya~ Sister Sakura, why is your face so ugly? It's not you who they are talking about~ They are talking about some incompetent, unreasonable and jealous shrew."

Sakura heard the words, her face changed quickly, from gloomy to smiling, and her smile was bright.

"Hehe~ Of course I know you're not talking about me, I'm not a shrew after all, a shrew only speaks ill of others, but doesn't see the good side of a person.

"I just think it! A certain snake is too arrogant, complacent with a little use, and thinks itself too important. Not only that, but also has a narrow vision, and will only hold high and step down.

"Researchers are important, but without soldiers facing the collapse, how can those people have a comfortable environment to conduct research?

"But a certain rotten snake with a broken mouth can't see this, and only thinks that he is very important, and that the soldiers who use their lives to protect civilization are worthless, hehe~ It's funny enough.

"This kind of snake is also worthy of being called a doctor? If this kind of snake can be called a doctor, I think the title of a doctor is nothing more than that~www.readwn.com~ Hey, Dr. Mebius, what do you think , is that kind of snake that doesn't even count as a human being worthy of being called a doctor?"

Mebius licked his lips and said with a smile: "Hehe~ Of course it's not worthy, but people don't understand it a little bit. Does a certain vixen deserve to be called a warrior now? Hehe~ A soldier doesn't even sleep in bed every morning. I can't get up. Oops, maybe she has been practicing lip service for so many years, and she doesn't know what to use or what she has eaten. Maybe that eloquent vixen can't even pull out a knife now. !"

"Hehe~ Doctor, does he want to see how a real warrior draws his sword?" Sakura put her hand on the handle of the sword.

"Hehe~ Sister Sakura, would you like to show it to others?"


"Sister Lin's meal is ready, do you two have dinner yet?" Wutong said suddenly.



The originally tense atmosphere was instantly broken by a meal.

"Haha~ I'll show it to the doctor after dinner. After all, it doesn't take much effort to kill a snake, so it's considered a post-dinner exercise." Ying said with a smile, she was very vengeful.

"Hehe~ Good! Sister Sakura is really nice~" Mebius was not a good person either.


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