Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 50: The customs outside the customs, too idle chat

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The golden palms on the horizon turned into frost, and the cloud followed the geese.

Before I knew it, two months passed.

The jasmine is green, the white dew is frost, and the weather is gradually getting cooler.

In the Qingqiu period, Mo Qingqiu also came back. She lived a very unrestrained and carefree life outside, but after returning home, her mother held a broom and chased around the yard. She was extremely embarrassed. Get that fat beating.

Who made her come home so late?

At this season, Taixu Mountain has not been heated yet. In the courtyard, Wutong and others are sitting around a fireplace, roasting food, nibbling melon seeds, tasting sweet wine and drinks, and listening to Mo Qingqiu tell about her experience during this time.

The two little guys, Yae Sakura and Cheng Lingshuang, like to listen to her talk about the mountains very much.

This time, Mo Qingqiu went out to Tangwai, that is, Nagada in the northeast, and went as far as the "Black Water", that is, the HLJ watershed.

HLJ, also known as "Weak Shui" and "Wan Shui", was called "Wangjian River" in Tang Dynasty, the name "HLJ" was first seen in "Liao History", and there are local records: "HLJ water is black, winding like a dragon, Hence the name HLJ".

According to Mo Qingqiu, the place was so cold that it snowed a few days ago.

However, the house there is very warm, and the locals use kangs, fire walls, stoves, braziers and other facilities to keep warm.

Mo Qingqiu likes that way of heating very much. She often throws a few sweet potatoes and potatoes into the brazier to eat while warming up.

The heat preservation of the heated kang is very good. People sit or sleep on it, which is very comfortable. Moreover, the heated kang seems to have magic.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is, it is very troublesome to light the stove and remove the ash. Every year, it is necessary to open the fire wall to clean up the ash inside and ensure the heating in winter.

In addition, after a night, it was actually very cold when I woke up in the morning, and it was about ten degrees in the house. People were reluctant to leave the bed. It took a lot of perseverance to climb out of the bed every morning.

And if you add too much firewood the night before, it may cause the house to overheat, making it too hot to sleep on the kang.

The Northeast is now so vast and sparsely populated that almost every household surrounds a yard, where they will stack some dry wood for winter, and raise a few dogs or other livestock.

There are many people who have small vegetable gardens in their courtyards. In winter, when the vegetable gardens are idle, some adults will pour some water on the vegetable gardens to make small "skating rinks" for children to play on.

Most of the people there use "sleds", also known as "sledges" and "ice beds"... The livestock that pull the sledges can be pulled by horses, cattle, deer and even dogs.

The sledge slides very steadily on the snow, and it is not bumpy like a carriage at all.

Mo Qingqiu did not find the footprints of the Honkai Beast outside the pass. It may be that the civilization there is relatively backward and the economy is less developed than that in the pass.

However, the wild animals there are very cute. Sables, Siberian tigers, owls, black bears, sika deer, etc. are all very cute, especially there is an animal called roe deer, which is funny and silly.

It looks like Mo Qingqiu.

When the silly roe deer are frightened, the white hair on the tail will explode and turn into white buttocks. Moreover, a large part of the roe deer will not run away immediately. They will stand there and stare at people for a while, maybe thinking about what to do. Don't run away.

If you chase a roe deer for a long time, after running tired, it will bury its head in the snow, thinking that it will not be discovered by people.

Mo Qingqiu wanted to bring back a silly roe deer to keep and play with, and she did. She bought a domesticated roe deer from the general's mansion guarding there. On the way back, she was hungry...

Speaking of this, Mo Qingqiu was a little sad, maybe it was aftertaste, and he would bring it back when he went there next time.

During this period of travel, Mo Qingqiu was staying at the General Soldier's Mansion at the border. According to what she said, the General Soldier looked very good and was very enthusiastic towards her, but the General Soldier was actually very greedy, and he wanted to merge in the frontier. The land and the wide establishment of military fields have caused many people to suffer losses as a result.

So, when he came back, when Mo Qingqiu passed by Shendu, he reported to him by the way. It is estimated that he will be dealt with by the end of the year.

"Your Majesty, are humans really the 'worms' on this planet?" Mo Qingqiu sighed and asked.

"No." Wutong answered decisively.

"But..." Mo Qingqiu hesitated for a moment and said, "For so many years, I have traveled around the world and across China, only to find that the environment is often more filthy in places with many people.

"Due to governance reasons, Shenzhou is better, but in places like Europe, there are many people, and the civilization is not backward, but the environment there has become very bad due to human activities, and the air is filled with rancid smell. .

"And like the one I went to this time, there are few people, but the natural scenery is beautiful, the Honkaikai is rare, and the environment is very clean, and the air is very fresh. This... can't it explain that human beings are actually the dirtiest creatures ?"

As Mo Qingqiu's words fell, Lin Chaoyu and a few little guys also looked at Wutong, and they seemed to want to hear his opinion.

"Do you think the desert is better, or the rich black land?" Wutong asked casually.

He took out a roasted sweet potato from the stove, and it was not too hot to touch. The sweet potato was roasted just right, and the black skin on the outside could be easily peeled off, revealing the yellow and fragrant cooked sweet potato. Afterwards, he took out a small piece, blew it, and fed it to Little Eight, who was sitting beside him with a well-behaved appearance.

Sakura closed her mouth and gave him a kick in dissatisfaction. She thought her husband wanted to feed her!

"Of course it's the black soil." Mo Qingqiu replied.

"You're right, but this is only a human opinion." Wutong laughed, "For the planet we are on, there is no difference between deserts, volcanoes, oceans, black soil, etc. They are all on this planet. Part."

"what do you mean……?"

"Human pollution of the environment is irrelevant to our planet, because the human race is irrelevant to the planet."

Wutong picked up a bunch of barbecued meat, took a sip, and continued: "The resources that mortals have obtained so far all come from our planet, and the pollution they create will naturally return to our planet. However, please pay attention to one thing. , The pollution caused by human beings is not borne by the planet, but by the human beings themselves.

"No matter what kind of pollution it is, even if the air becomes corrosive and all the water sources are unclean, it is not painful for our planet, but for human beings, it is a disaster.

"So, the pollution and destruction caused by human beings will only destroy human beings themselves, because human beings do not have the ability to destroy the planet. The so-called protection of the environment is actually protecting human beings themselves~www.readwn.com~ Even if it is used on the surface of the planet What about a nuclear bomb? Our planet won't die, but all human beings will die. Do you know how many nuclear bombs it takes to blow up a planet? It's not enough, because there isn't that much manufacturing on this planet. Raw materials for nuclear weapons.

"In other words, it is wishful thinking to use the resources of the planet itself to destroy a planet."

"Then... what happened to the collapse?" Mo Qingqiu scratched his head and asked in doubt, "Since humans can't destroy the world, then why does the collapse occur?"

"Hangkai is not a product of the will of the planet, nor of the will of the world, it is a foreign thing."

Wutong threw the bamboo sticks into the stove, watched the bamboo sticks burn quietly in the flames, and said lightly: "Foreign things are the enemy of the native land. Honkai is the enemy of civilization, the enemy of mankind, and the enemy of living beings. Even the enemy of our planet, but it is not the enemy of the world, because it does not deserve to be the enemy of the world.

"The essence of Honkai is just a kind of energy, which will be used by humans sooner or later, and what humans need to overcome is not just Honkai.

"Believe me, the collapse cannot destroy all human beings. The real enemy of human beings is human beings themselves."

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