Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 54: Family throne, each has ghosts

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The next afternoon.

The breeze is slightly drunk, the sun is slightly warm, and the heart of the phoenix tree is slightly cool.

Lying on the ring, looking up at Sakura, who was smiling but not smiling, Wutong felt that something was wrong.

Sakura may have made a breakthrough. Her battle performance in the ring just now suppressed Wutong again.

Wutong is very puzzled, why does this current situation occur? Why was a wife so tired that she didn't want to open her eyes, hugged her daughter for a night's rest, and then reborn?

Do not break or stand? !

Nirvana rebirth? !

What's the point? !

Indus was also very empty at that time! Why didn't he break through?

Sakura didn't comprehend any tricks, nor did she have a deeper grasp and understanding of low temperature, nor did she become a Herrscher, she only grew one thing - speed.

Her speed is faster, but this alone takes her combat ability to another level.

Sakura's speed before can be said to have reached the extreme of human beings, but now she has broken this so-called limit.

When Wutong fought Sakura before today, he could still predict her attack position, and his consciousness could barely keep up with Sakura's speed, but now he can't do that.

Wutong couldn't touch Sakura at all, even if he set a "trap" in advance, Sakura "stepped" on the "trap", but when the "trap" was activated, Sakura's speed was able to let her escape from the "trap".

Wutong can barely keep up with her figure with her consciousness only when she activates the "Space-Time Break" device, but Wutong's body can't keep up.

Indus during the "Time Stop" is not as fast as Sakura.

Sakura's terrifying moving speed made Wutong feel that she was constantly teleporting.

The attack speed is also the same. Wutong is often injured before he knows where his body was attacked.

Recalling the battle just now, Wutong suddenly recalled the days when she was dominated by Sakura...


No! Wait, things don't seem that bad.

Wutong found that although Sakura was smiling and her expression seemed calm and calm, she hadn't moved for a long time.

Moreover, her face was pale and unhealthy, and her body was shaking slightly. Sakura seemed to be unable to control her trembling body. It seemed that... the very short battle just now had "overloaded" her body. .

Sakura may have opened a certain "valve" in her body to show that terrifying suppression.

Those three days of fierce battle actually made her realize this, Sakura is really an excellent fighter.

Practise true knowledge...

It seems that although Sakura's speed is faster and her fighting ability is more terrifying, her "persistence" is much weaker.

Is it worthy of "moment"? Sakura is fast in all aspects and in all senses, but it is drifting away from "long time".

"Hehe~ that's it?" Wutong sat up and probed.

Although he guessed that Sakura's state at this time is strong from outside, but he still needs to confirm it again.

"What? You don't agree? The battle just now will kill you at least ten times." Sakura said with a smile.

Wutong knew that his wife didn't exaggerate, but it didn't matter, he had confirmed his thoughts, and the current Sakura was no good.

If Sakura was in good shape at the moment, she would definitely run over and kick him at the first time, instead of standing still.

Therefore, no matter what Sakura says, it represents her "inner emptiness".

"Hehe~ Then you try to kill me now?"

Wutong got up and patted the dust on her body, then walked over to Sakura, pinched her chin, and patted her cheek gently.

"Hehe, the demo, you kicked so hard just now!" Wutong didn't care about his wife's angry eyes, he said proudly, "Go ahead! Come and hit me! Weren't you quite capable just now? Fighting ability. What's the use of being more terrifying? You are reluctant to kill me."

Wutong whispered in Sakura's ear: "Guess, did you torture me in such a short period of time, or did I torture you for a long time afterwards? Don't think about suppressing me anymore. Times have changed, you can't sit back on the lost family throne, my queen. Haha~ Put away your thoughts, little vixen."

Sakura gritted her teeth and said, "As a defeated person, you also have a face..."

Speaking of this, Sakura suddenly stopped, because she realized, how could this guy have a face?

"Hehe~ dear, the success or failure of the moment is not important, you are such a big person, how can you be so naive?" Wutong said with a smile, "Think about it, once we defeated 13 Herrschers, but What's the use of that? If we lose to the end, we lose everything, and the last laugh is the most important."

Sakura's face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a while, she showed a bright smile: "Hehe, dear, you misunderstood, I didn't want to force you to submit. How can there be so many open and secret fights between husband and wife? We should stick to each other and live in harmony, and we shouldn't think about being a head taller than each other every day.

Sakura decided to compromise for the time being. Wutong was right. The momentary success or failure is not important. The one who has the last laugh is the winner.

With her current strength, she can't be cruel to kill Wutong, then she has no better way to take Wutong.

The current situation is the best proof.

However, one day, she will regain everything she has lost, and she will make Wutong completely surrender to herself.

Sakura secretly swears!

"Hey, that's right! It should be like this between husband and wife." Wutong couldn't help but laugh.

If he believed Sakura's nonsense, then he would be a slut.

One day he will have to thoroughly train this little fox spirit.

Indus swears secretly!

At the end of the conversation, Wutong seemed to have a black abyss and white flowers, carefully and tenderly treating Sakura's body and relieving her body's "burden".

"Don't go into that state next time. Keeping your body in an 'overclocking' state for a long time will overdraw and squeeze your own potential and life. If you open the 'valve' too frequently in a short period of time, you will definitely die. , even a real white flower can't save you." Wutong frowned and warned.

"Is once a week considered frequent?" Sakura moved her arms.

"It's best for more than a month, in that case, your body can repair the dark wound." Wutong said.


Sakura understood, it seemed that she would recover within two weeks.

In fact, Sakura didn't understand. According to Wutong's estimation, with her physical fitness, the sequelae caused by "invincibility" for one minute can be recovered within 3 days.

With him or Heiyuan Baihua, the recovery time can be shortened again.

However, Wutong didn't exaggerate too much. If Sakura put her body in a "high load" state too often, it would really lead to death, the kind that Heiyuan and Baihua couldn't save.

"By the way, how did you increase your speed again?" Wutong asked.

Sakura's previous speed was unbelievable. It was impossible to increase her speed simply by overloading her body.

"Didn't you guess? I'm hungry again, come back with me to eat some food." Sakura rubbed her flat stomach and said.


In fact, the reason for Sakura's faster speed was the result of her tempering her mental power over the years.

Gathering sand into a tower will eventually transform.

After Sakura's mental power breaks through, her reaction speed will also become more sensitive. When her reaction nerve can control a faster speed, the speed will be faster.

Coincidentally, Sakura also has the ability to overload her body in a short period of time, and these two aspects have made her faster.

Moreover, there is no free lunch in the world, Sakura in a stronger state will also lose the ability to fight for a long time.

Wutong originally thought that after Sakura cultivated consciousness, she would combine mental attack, elemental attack and physical attack.

Unexpectedly, she has been using consciousness to hone and assist her own reaction nerves.

This **** sperm hides so deeply!

If it wasn't for Sakura's "horse legs" today, Wutong wouldn't know about it.

It's a pity, Sakura is stronger, but so what? She still has not regained the family throne that once belonged to her.

Wutong is looking forward to the future. He wants to see how many "tricks" the little fox has hidden.

On the table.

After Sakura had eaten and drank enough, she leaned lazily on the chair and touched her slightly stretched belly.

However, it is a little more cute.

At this time, there were no outsiders in the restaurant except Wutong. Most people basically chose to practice in the afternoon, which is why Sakura showed such a posture.

After a while, Sakura came back to her senses, she sat up straight, and regained her image of a "confidant royal sister".

Sakura cautiously probed Wutong: "Xia wants to train a few more times in that way of fighting in an overloaded state. At present, Xia is very uncomfortable with that state. When I fought with you just now, Xia's performance was flawed."

Sakura felt that her husband might not agree because of her safety, so she was thinking of an excuse just now.

"What's the flaw?" Wutong asked, picking up the bowls and chopsticks alone.

In the afternoon battle, Wutong was crushed by Sakura in all directions. He couldn't even see Sakura's figure clearly, so naturally he couldn't detect Sakura's flaws and flaws.

The extreme speed can cover up many problems in battle. However, even though she said so, Sakura can't bear such problems, she wants to be as perfect as possible.

Because, inconspicuous shortcomings or problems can be fatal, which is basically known to people with long brains.

"It's mainly due to incompatibility and unfamiliarity. When attacking, it's not as precise. The position of the attack will always deviate by about 3 mm from the position I expected." Sakura exaggerated.

In fact, the deviation is less than one millimeter.

Sakura's fighting style mainly highlights the three words "fast, accurate and ruthless", but she places great importance on accuracy.

"Okay, train once a month and a half, and I'll be your sparring partner."

Wutong knew Sakura's careful thoughts, but she did not refuse, otherwise, she might train secretly. In that case, it would be better to help her train herself, at least to ensure her safety.

Moreover, helping Sakura train is also a kind of practice for himself. Except for Kevin, no one has been able to bring such pressure to Wutong for a long time.

Opportunities to fight against the stronger are rare, only by challenging the stronger can you understand the stronger.

Fight with Sakura a few more times, and maybe Wutong will be able to find a way to fight it.

"Isn't it enough for a month?" Sakura frowned.

Wutong pondered for a moment, and felt that there would be no problem for a month, so he nodded: "Okay."

"Well... that... xianggong~ you think of a way to help me improve my physical fitness."

It was rare for Sakura to get up and clean up the tableware with Wutong, with a somewhat attentive attitude.

Sakura usually doesn't use the title "Xianggong" to call Wutong. If she says this word, it means that she has something to ask Wutong for help.

Sakura's current weakness seems to be only physical fitness.

Of course, her physical quality is actually not weak, but compared with Wutong, it seems a bit dwarfed.

"There is a way, but it may take a while." Wutong was very satisfied with Sakura's attitude, although he knew that his wife was pretending.

"How?" Sakura asked impatiently.

"Wear the imitation 'white flower' with you, and use it to nourish the body at all times. Over time, it can improve people's physical strength and collapse resistance." Wutong said.

"Imitated... 'white flowers'? Today's scientific research department has begun to study Heiyuan white flowers?" Sakura had never heard of this news.

"Actually, Cai Tianyi and the others have always been studying the key of God, but it's not the focus. Those researchers are mainly studying Judas." Wutong sorted out the tableware and put it in the cabinet.

"How long will it take to develop successfully?" Sakura asked.

Wutong pondered: "It may take a long time, that God Key is not so easy to develop. Moreover, in my original idea, the imitation 'white flower' must first be able to absorb the Honkai energy in people's bodies at all times, and also Ensure its stability, and then transform its collapse energy to feed back people's bodies, so as to achieve the purpose of raising people.

"That is to say, let your body raise 'white flowers' first, and then 'white flowers' back up your body. This sounds very simple, but it is very difficult to do, if you combine this with 'white flowers' It's even harder to do.

"Anyway, I can't develop it with my ability."

Sakura looked at the part of the tableware and chopsticks that she had cleaned and placed neatly, and said with an ugly face: "You mean... now there is only one idea of ​​yours? Apart from that, there is nothing else? As for whether it can be developed successfully, you do not know either?"

"Of course." Old God Wutong said.

Anyway, his wife has already helped him wash the dishes, and he is not fooling around anymore.

But Ying didn't learn any good morals from him for a long time~www.readwn.com~ She raised a bowl angrily and was about to smash him in the face.

Wutong hurriedly stopped: "Hey...don't be angry, I definitely can't develop it, but Mebius will definitely be able to do it. Well, I'll tell the scientific research department to let them release Judas first. Studying Heiyuan Baihua, is this the head office?"

"Dr. Mebius is very busy? Can she have the time to study the God's Key?" Sakura doubted, she had a crisis of confidence in Wutong's broken mouth.

"Yes, she died a few days ago. Since her body is too young and needs to grow up, Mebius should not do some extremely dangerous experiments in the past few years."

"Die again? How did she die?"

Sakura put down the bowl, she had long been accustomed to the news of Mebius' death.

Wutong hugged Sakura's shoulders, took her out of the kitchen, and said to her while walking:

"Suicide, most of her deaths are suicide. Mebius opened the zeroth rated power of Judas's Oath - 'Divine Boundary', which she seems to want to deprive her of being a fusion warrior. Identity, but something unexpected happened in the middle of the way, and Mebius had to choose death first."

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