Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 89: The choice of life and death, the light of redemption

in the afternoon,


The sun is warm.


Nicholas led several guards into the Kaslana family.


"Hahaha! Francis, my old friend, what are you doing lately? Why haven't I seen you go to church for so long?"


When he saw Francis, he immediately opened his arms, enthusiastically and unsuspectingly embraced the most destined Valkyrie with an "affectionate" hug.


And Francis's smile is also very bright, and he can't see any reluctance and hatred at all. It seems that the person who angered Nicholas at the high-level meeting of destiny two months ago is not like him.


Although it was difficult for the guards around Nicholas to hold Francis' hands for several rounds, he was not worried about his safety at all.


"Haha! It really makes me happy and honored that His Majesty can come to see me, a poor old man."


Francis got up from the seat in the courtyard, took the initiative to meet him, and embraced the archbishop with gray hair and beard.


Francis patted the Archbishop on the back hard, and released him without any tricks.


Francis explained with a smile on his face: "I've been very busy lately, exercising at a high intensity, and a few days ago, my good daughter Carlene actually came to a tie with me, which made me feel ashamed.


"I think, if I don't work harder, the position of the strongest Valkyrie will not be guaranteed. You know, I value that position very much, and I don't want to retire at the moment, let alone be taken by others or my own daughter. beyond."


"Oh, you're not old, but you must never retire. Destiny and I both need you. I'm a bad old man. Look, my hair and beard are all white."


Nicholas first smiled and showed Francis his finely groomed beard.


Then he pretended to be surprised: "I didn't expect that Karen's child would be able to tie with you, she really deserves to be your daughter!


"She must have inherited your excellent blood. When she was young, I thought this child was very unusual.


"By the way, what about little Karen? Let me, an old guy who has already stepped towards the gods with one foot, also see the current demeanor of Valkyrie, the strongest Valkyrie in the future."


"Don't say that, you really flatter her. Although Karen is healthy, she is too stupid. I asked her a few questions last night that a child can answer, but she couldn't answer. Come up!"


Francis shook his head and pretended to smile bitterly: "She was locked up by me, I asked her to study the culture class with her heart, hey... But with her playful personality, she probably won't be able to learn it.


"In the confinement room, she would rather be bored to sleep than go to study. This child probably won't have much prospects in the future."


Nicholas patted Francis on the shoulder and laughed: "Hahaha! My old friend, don't say that, don't I remember you were stupid when you were young? You don't like studying either.


"But if you look at the person you are today, aren't you also a strong person on your own? Karen's child is still young. I believe she is qualified to inherit your position in the future."


Francis sighed and said, "Hey... I hope so, I still don't have any illusions about Karen. She is really too stupid, and she doesn't like to read. She only fights..."


As he said that, Francis suddenly knocked on his head and said regretfully: "Oh! God! What you said just now is so right, I am really stupid, I am so happy to see His Majesty, look at my memory. , I forgot to invite you into the house!"


Francis' expression was vivid, as if he really forgot.


"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's fine to stand for a while longer. I'm too old to sit all the time." Nicholas smiled and waved his hand.


"Look at what you said! Come on, please come in! Young Master Otto is always talking about you! He misses his father."


Francis made a very standard gentleman's etiquette, signaling the bishop to invite him first.


Nicholas was not polite, and took the lead in walking towards the house.


As he walked, he said, "Haha, my little son is a good and filial boy, I just miss him too, and I don't know if his health is getting better or not.


"Actually, I dreamed about little Otto last night! I dreamed that he was sick, and what's worse, he was infected with that terrifying 'black death'.


"Hey... I was so scared that I woke up in the middle of the night. When I woke up, I found that my pillow was wet...Hey... I am old, and when I am old, I am a little sentimental and have many things to worry about. Maybe I It's time to retire."


"Don't think so, His Majesty's body is still very strong! I don't think it will be a problem to live for another hundred years. If you die, it will be a great loss for mankind."


Francis walked slowly to the side, half a position behind the bishop, and said with a smile, "Young Master Otto's body has also taken care of him, and now he is in good health, and I occasionally take him and Karen to exercise together. "


Nicholas said with a smile: "That's really bothering you, it's his honor to be able to exercise with you. Over the years, it's also been hard work for you to take care of my little son, who was originally incompetent. Any accident happens to him. I can rest assured of his safety by handing him over to you."


"You are really overrated. Master Otto is very good. It's my honor to exercise with him."






After the guests and the host were seated, an elderly maid stepped forward to pour tea for the two of them, and then stood silently behind Francis, behaving very well-behaved and generous.


Francis and Nicholas had a great time talking. The age gap between the two is actually very big. Francis is only 39 years old this year, but at this time, the two seem to be old friends who have been with each other for many years. talk.


Not long after, Otto walked out of the study and came to his father's side.


"Haha! My dear son, I'm really happy to see you in such good health."


Nicholas got up and hugged his younger son, who was already a little taller than him, then took Otto's hand and made him sit beside him.


"I am also very relieved by your talent. I heard that not long ago, you successfully saved the life of a girl from the hands of the 'Black Death'. It is really amazing. It is indeed our Apocalis family. The person who did not embarrass our family." Nicholas praised.


"You have won the prize, father. This is due to your education from childhood. You recognized my talent and gave me light and confidence." Excuse me.


Seeing this kind of smile, Nicholas felt relieved. It was a good thing that the younger son still had some embarrassment and guilt in the face of him.


Unfortunately, Otto was pretending.


"Where's little Karen?" Nicholas asked.


"She is still in the confinement room. She is probably sleeping. Do you need me to wake her up?" Otto replied.


Nicholas waved his hand and said, "If that's the case, there's no need. Let that child take a good nap. It's a good thing to be able to sleep. Now, I have less and less sleep time."


"Father should also pay more attention to his body, don't work too hard, the destiny needs you, and the people of the world also need your rescue." Otto said seriously.


"Haha, over the years, your mouth has become sweeter and sweeter, and you have grown a lot! It seems that Francis has cultivated you very well. I'm just a mortal, not a god. You don't need to praise me."




The three chatted for a long time, the sky was getting dark, and Nicholas had dinner here. During this period, Karen never showed up.


Otto has already learned that the destiny is going to go east, and he doesn't know what to say about it. His original intention is not to let the destiny go east.


Because he didn't want to see those heroic Valkyries die in vain, let alone see the people of Europe fall into a "swamp" because of this.


Otto is probably the European who knows the strength of Shenzhou the most. He knows how terrifying those legendary immortals are.


To put it bluntly, the destiny expedition to China is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. The possibility of the expedition succeeding is zero, not almost zero.


But neither Otto nor Francis mentioned the Eastern Expedition, nor did they persuade Damcolas not to expedition to China, because it was unrealistic.


They knew the Archbishop too well, and knew more about his ambitions and desires. At this moment, no matter what they said, it was impossible to dispel Nicholas's idea of ​​going east.


Even if there is an immortal in front of Nicholas, this guy will not give up his thoughts. Maybe he is still thinking about how to subdue immortals and study immortals!


Because, Nicholas is not afraid of the failure of the Eastern Expedition, let alone the lives of those Valkyries and warriors.


Moreover, even if Shenzhou could not be defeated, those countries along the way could not stop the iron hoof and sword of destiny.


Shenzhou is only the final destination. On the way, you can also find very rich wealth.


And from Nicholas, you can also see the shadows and thoughts of other high-level officials of Destiny. They have the same desires and ambitions as him, and they have already figured out a way out.


This is also the confidence that Nicholas dares to come here "alone" today. He is using his own actions to tell Francis and other people who oppose it. The Eastern Expedition is irreversible. Even if he dies here, no one can stop him. Destiny's East Expedition.


Of course, this is just one of the reasons he came here today.


After a sumptuous dinner, Nicholas still did not leave, he came to Otto's bedroom.


There are some things he wants to talk to this little son alone.


Sitting in front of Otto's desk, looking around at the small but tidy room, Nicholas said with emotion: "The sound insulation in the room is very good, it seems that Francis is really good to you, and he is very relieved to you. ."


"Lord Francis is a great hero."


"Oh, maybe. Your growth makes me very happy, Otto, I saw the shadow of my youth in you, of course, at that time, my body was much healthier than yours."


Otto poured a glass of milk for his father and did not speak. Today, he heard too many words of praise from his father's mouth. Moreover, Nicholas had not finished speaking, and the emphasis was generally on the back.


Sure enough, Nicholas continued: "But you are still too young, otherwise, you will have the ability to inherit my position."


The kind smile on Nicholas' face gradually disappeared, and he said solemnly: "I admit that I once sent someone to assassinate you because you tarnished the reputation of the Apocalis family, and this is indeed what I consider. Not a week.


"I didn't expect your talent to be even better than I thought, so I can give you another chance at redemption."


"Please speak." Otto said humbly.


"Find a way to send Francis to the gods." Nicholas said succinctly.


"I don't have that ability."


"No, you have. Now you are his close person. There are many ways to send him to the gods."


Nicholas took out a small bottle from his sleeve, put it on the desk, and said indifferently: "I can help you again, this is a colorless 'perfume', and it is also a bottle without any smell' perfume'."


Otto smiled and said, "Why would I do this? Lord Francis is my savior."


"Because of the situation, you and Francis together are not my opponents either. If you follow him, you will be doomed."


Nicholas said with a smile: "Let me warn you, little Otto. Francis's voice in the people is getting louder and louder, and now he is vaguely about to become the light of hope in the hearts of the people.


"You smart, haven't you thought about why his reputation is so high for no reason? Can his ability be worthy of his reputation?"


Hearing this, Otto became more and more uneasy.


He found out about this a long time ago, and talked to Francis about it, but they didn't discuss any good countermeasures.


Being famous is not necessarily a good thing, because the higher you stand, the harder you fall.


No one has no "black spot", even if there is really no "black spot", it can still spread rumors.


Now, after listening to his father point this out, Otto can basically be sure that the reason why Francis's fame is getting higher and higher must be Nicholas's handwriting.


"Hehe, it seems that you already understand what's going to happen next. Even if you don't take action, Francis will die miserably."


Nicholas said with a smile: "Let me tell you one more thing, when I came here today, the army of Destiny has begun to encircle and suppress the rebel army that Francis secretly funded. A rebel army may have long since become history."


Nicholas came today to hold Francis and cover his eyes and ears so that he would not get any news. Even if he got the news, he would not be able to escape.


"Hehe, your expression looks surprised. I don't understand why I know about that rebel army, right? It's not surprising, because that rebel army was actually founded by me. The leader of the rebel army is my people. ."


Nicholas flicked the milk glass lightly and said, "Fishing requires patience, but even I didn't expect to catch such a big fish, let alone catch such a big fish. his own son."


Seeing that Otto was silent, Nicholas continued: "I didn't take Francis seriously at all, and I talked to you so much, and I was just optimistic about you, my son.


"You showed me your talent, you can make money for Francis, develop a drug, and successfully cure a girl, it's amazing.


"It's a good thing to have talent, so you have the possibility of being forgiven and won't die with Francis.


"You are also redeeming Francis, and letting him die peacefully and grandly in the expectations of the people is much better than dying in the spit of the people, isn't it?


"And this is also my mercy.


"I know you like Karen, I promise you, after Francis dies, Karen will be yours.


"That's all, think about it, my son, I hope to see you by my side next month."


After speaking, Nicholas patted Otto on the shoulder and prepared to get up and leave.


Otto's face was gloomy.


He didn't want to betray Francis, let alone Karen.


But judging from the current situation, if he continues to follow Francis, he will be thrown into the abyss by his father, and he will never end.


After all, Nicholas is the archbishop of destiny, and the power and power in his hands are incomparable to him and Francis together.


Moreover, his father is not an idiot. Politics and conspiracy are his best fields.


Even if you can get through this difficult time, what about the future?


Now the best, most convenient and simple way is to leave Nicholas here and let him disappear from this world.


In this case, you won't hear the news of Francis' disrepute tomorrow.


Otto has this ability.


At this moment, there are only their father and son in the room.


In the drawer of the desk, there happened to be a pistol full of bullets.


But Otto hesitated. After all, the person in front of him was his father. Killing his own father with his own hands was a very difficult thing to do.


This requires a lot of courage and a lot of psychological pressure.


Otto thinks he doesn't have such courage, let alone father, he hasn't killed anyone yet.


Some things are difficult to do when you do them.


Moreover, if Nicholas died here, it would also have a huge impact on the Kaslana family.


Perhaps, this will still make Francis notorious, and he will be sent to the execution ground by other high-ranking officials of the destiny, and the Kaslana family will never recover.


Unless... he voluntarily "surrenders himself" and bears all his sins.


But if he does this, Otto will definitely be sent to the gallows by the people, and he will be labeled as "Father Killer" by the people, and his name will remain on the pillar of shame forever.


At this moment, a multiple-choice question appeared in front of him.


One of the options is to betray Francis, betray Karen, and betray his own beliefs.


If he chooses this option, then he will be able to survive, get Karen, and have a brighter future and future in the future.


Maybe, he could even become the next Archbishop of Heaven.


Another option is to kill Nicholas, and the consequences and consequences of choosing this option are obvious.


This multiple-choice question made him very tangled, but he had no time to tangle. Nicholas was about to open the door.


Do you choose to sacrifice yourself, fight against the darkness, embrace the light in your heart, or choose to succumb to the darkness and become the next "Nicholas"?


Otto thinks he is not stupid, he is a refined egoist, but why does he hesitate?


As long as you're not a fool, you all know what to choose, right? !


The night is getting darker,


A bright moon has already appeared in the sky,


The moonlight is soft and bright, as if it can illuminate the way forward for people walking at night, and can remove the stains in the world.




Suddenly there was a gunshot from the Kaslana family~www.readwn.com~ Otto looked coldly at Nicholas, who was about to open the door and fell to the ground, silent, and then he was speechless again. He shot all the bullets at the corpse with an expression.


Otto didn't know what kind of expression Nicholas showed at the last moment of his life, what kind of mood he was in, and he didn't want to know.


Nicholas may have regrets for what he did today, maybe it's incredible, maybe...


Maybe nothing matters.


Otto threw down the silver pistol in his hand, covering his face with one hand and supporting the desk with the other, he couldn't stand a little.


For a moment, tears flowed down the gaps between the fingers.


After another moment,


"Ha ha ha ha!!!


"Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages...maybe it's human nature, but...father! I want to be a real person.


"I am a clown, I use a smile to laugh at others and save others, but I forget that I still have myself not saved.


"Now, I finally realize this, thank you, my father.


"Fortunately, it's not too late, there is still a golden light in my heart, this is a light that I didn't expect myself, I can... save myself in the dark.


"I... will fall into darkness and illuminate the darkness of the world!"

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