Honkai Biography

Vol 4 Chapter 14: freedom from start to finish

Honkai calendar 4201, January 1.


It's New Year's Day again. Although Wutong has been away for 30 years, everyone still got together at Wutong's house.

For them, this seems to have become a custom.

In the sound of firecrackers, one year old is removed, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu Su.

Outside the door, there are lanterns and colorful flowers, fire trees and silver flowers;

Inside the house, there are a lot of people in one hall, and the offerings are staggered.

Ten years ago, people would deliberately avoid the name "Indus" at the dinner table because they were afraid of the cold.

But not now. Not only are people not avoiding them, but the names Wutong and Sakura have become the hottest topics at the dinner table.

Now, what these girls like to discuss the most is... scolding Wutong... Yes, they found that scolding Wutong is really refreshing and decompressing.

Or, the discussion is, if Wutong comes back, how they should rectify and punish him.

Or, if Wutong can't come back, how can they save the scum in the world...

In short, there are always a lot of topics on Wutong, and people can always talk late into the night because of him.

However, at the end of the gathering and dispersal, no matter how good the tea is, it will be weak after drinking, and no matter how delicious the dishes are, it will be gone after eating.

The night faded, and the song ended.

After the guests left one after another, Yuexia, who struggled for a long time in her heart, finally gathered up the courage and went upstairs to look for the stars to admit her mistakes.

"Dong dong dong!"


Yuexia lowered her head, opened the door and walked into the stargazing bedroom.

"I'm sorry...Master, I...I didn't control my instinctive desire." Yuexia said weakly, rubbing the hem of her pajamas unconsciously.

Her voice was soft and glutinous, and she looked very obedient and pleasant, like a white and tender glutinous rice dumpling.

Yuexia's appearance looks too deceptive. Based on her appearance alone, it's hard to imagine how cruel and **** she was when she was mad and demented.

Beneath the seemingly weak exterior, is an extremely crazy barbarism.

Guan Xing smiled and pulled Yuexia's little hand, led her to the bedside, and poured her a cup of black tea: "It's not your fault, you don't want to hurt others, I believe that you are a kind child. "

"But, because of me, today's dinner party..."

"It's very interesting, isn't it?" Xingguan interrupted with a smile, "Just treat it as if you were performing a special and wonderful show. Do you want to see your gaffe 'performance'? I It's all recorded for you."

"Ah! Don't!" Yuexia hugged her little head, took off her slippers, and shrank to the foot of the bed, "I don't want to see it!"

"Look, everyone has seen your humiliating appearance. Not everyone is qualified to be pressed and rubbed on the ground by Ms. Shilu."

"Ah! Master! Stop talking! How can you do this?!"

"Hehe~ It's really cute~"

Guanxing stretched out her little hand and rubbed her apprentice's little head. The feeling of touching her head was very comfortable and healing, which made her feel a little addicted.

"Is this the same feeling when the master strokes my head?" Star Watcher suddenly thought.

"Well... the master is bullying people again..." Yuexia pouted and said with tears in her eyes.

"Hmm... It shouldn't be, Moonlight is cuter than me... No! No! Gu is the cutest! Gu is the cutest in the world!" Xing Guan thought cheekily.

Regardless, she continued to rub her little apprentice's soft and smooth white hair. Guanxing likes to "bully" Yuexia like this, and she likes to see the aggrieved, soft and weak appearance of her little apprentice very much.

So cute!

For a moment,

Satisfied, Star Watcher finally let go of the little apprentice.


"Master...I can't even control myself, isn't it useless?" Yuexia asked suddenly.

She bit her lower lip, feeling a little down.

Guanxing handed her a cup of black tea and comforted: "Of course not, that girl Dracula loses her mind occasionally, but you can keep your mind most of the time, which is amazing, after all, you are only 10 years old. ."

"But... even Honkai Beast can't go mad, but I..."

Star-gazing patiently comforted: "You are different from monsters, you are human.

"Most of the Honkai Beasts raised by Heavenly Court are thoughtless, and deep in their brains, there are 'precepts' engraved on protecting humans and obeying orders.

"And those very few thoughtful Honkai Beasts are old monsters who have not lived for thousands of years. They have the ability to restrain and manage themselves. Don't compare with them."

"Then can I also be engraved with the commandment not to go crazy?" Yuexia tentatively asked, and she finally stated her purpose.

"No! You must always remember that you are a human being, not a beast." Stargazing became a little more serious, "Humans can't get rid of the animal nature, but as a human being, we must learn to control the animal nature by ourselves."

"But, aren't human beings also able to control their own instincts and desires by following the 'precepts'?" Yuexia asked in confusion.

"The essence of these two 'commandments' is different. One is a moral code that is consciously abided by for the sake of order, while the other is the shackles of slavery."

Guanxing said: "Gu can understand why you want to control yourself with the 'shackles' that others put on you. This seems to be the easiest way to keep you from going crazy, but it is also a kind of lazy and slippery after all. method, don’t think about those opportunistic things in the future. Remember, it is the most harmful to take chances.”

"...Understood." Yuexia lowered her head and said in frustration.

"Don't be afraid to hurt others, you have to be self-aware, you can't actually hurt anyone, you are the weakest! You have time to learn how to control your own instincts and desires."

I don't know who learned the comforting method of star gazing from someone. While comforting a person, it can hurt her at the same time.

The three words "you are the weakest" made Yuexia feel very uncomfortable... But what the master said did make her feel at ease.

This feeling... so strange!

Guanxing took out a set of quilts from the closet: "It's so late at night, don't go back, sleep with me tonight."

"Okay." Yuexia's appearance was still as cute and cute.

after awhile,

After the master and apprentice turned off the lights and lay down, Yuexia suddenly asked, "Master, is my 'mother' really Karen?"


Under the Moon was created by combining the genes of Karen and Dracula.

"But... why do you and I look so similar? Back then... did you make a mistake? Actually... you are my 'mother'..."

This question has puzzled Xiaoyuexia for a long time. In fact, it is not only her, but many people are particularly puzzled about it.

"I can't get it wrong... I can only say... Maybe it's God's will." Star Watch must have investigated the matter in detail.

"...Master, aren't you the ancestor of Karen?!"


Yuexia's thoughts are always very strange. However, although her conjecture has no basis, it makes Xinggao think of another possibility.

Does the star-gazing family have any blood relationship with the Kaslana family?

She is going to investigate tomorrow.

"Speaking of...my family...has it been passed down? If it is passed down, then...how many generations have it been passed down to? Are there any descendants?" Guan Xing thought secretly.


At noon, the sky was still gloomy.

"The seaside" is so pink and tender.

The ocean of collapsed color is boundless and boundless, mysterious and beautiful.

That's right, the sea in the Abandoned Land is composed of Honkai Energy. It can even be said that the "nature" of this world is created by humans.

The sea is the mother of life and the hope to reverse all phenomena.

The sea is very calm, bottomless, without waves.

Like the sea but not the sea.

If you scoop up a pot of "sea water", you will find that this transparent pale pink collapse energy is particularly viscous, like a delicious jelly, one sip will leave a name for a hundred generations, and the name of a fool will last forever.

Sakura and the others have seen the ocean of this world many times, but every time they see it again, they can't control the shock in their hearts.

"Can you stop taking us out on a trip next time and come to do fieldwork?"

At this time, Sakura was holding a three or four-year-old Mebius, standing beside the Wutong with Eden, looking out at the ocean.

She complained, "you can come by yourself if you want, do you have to be accompanied by someone?"

Wutong knew that he was right, so he ignored his wife's complaints.

In fact, Ying Ying and Eden came voluntarily. They all knew that Wutong was lying. In this world, where is the place worth visiting?

Mebius is reluctant to come, isn't it bad to stay in the laboratory? What does it mean to go out? !

However, the "young" snake was forcibly brought out by Sakura.

Sakura's idea is very simple, the more Mobius doesn't want to do something, the more she wants her to do it, and Sakura likes to find something for Mobius.

Seeing that Mebius is unhappy makes her more happy than she is.

What's more... I went out and "suffered", how could I forget you?

Four years ago, Mebius succeeded in her wishful evolution, but at present, her power is still relatively weak compared to Sakura.

After all, she is too young.

The evolution of snakes and snakes this time is extremely long, nearly 150 years.

Such a long process also made Wutong suspect, is Mebius cheating to eat?

Therefore, five years ago, Wutong gave Mebius no food. Sure enough, not long after the food was cut off, the snakes and snakes evolved.

This also made Wutong more convinced of his conjecture.

Since the successful evolution of Mebius, Sakura has always been unhappy, because it means that she can't continue to eat food in the future.

Moreover, this also means that in more than ten years, Mebius will rejoin the battlefield, and the little snake will swallow the little parasol again.

"How could such a huge Honkai effect be 'produced' by one person?" Eden, who was looking at the ocean, said with emotion.

"That's right."

"How did she do it?"

"It seems that you are still underestimating the end." Wutong said with a smile, "What you have seen is only a small part, how much does the Sea of ​​Honkai store store? Compared with the Honkai energy on the moon, only It's just a 'little witch'. The moon in the sky is no smaller than the world under our feet."

"So many Honkai energies... are they able to create the world?"

"Almost, but not enough to turn everything around."


"Judging from the current progress, how long will it take for the fourteenth island to be fully completed?" Eden asked slowly.

"A thousand years."

"Would you like to consider building a fifteenth island?" Sakura interjected, "I always feel that the number fourteen doesn't have a good meaning."

"Cuckoo~ It's okay to not understand anything, and even point fingers and engage in feudal superstition?! Apart from wasting time, building the fifteenth island can improve the probability of success even a little bit? No! Does it make sense? ?no!"

Mebius sneered: "Hehe~ Really stupid! Brother Wutong~ It seems that your compulsory education is not very successful! Look, your stupid wife is like this, others still..."

"Clap! Clap..."

Before Mebius could finish speaking, Sakura started to slap her wildly at Snake's little butt.

This dead snake is too arrogant, how dare you mock her in Sakura's arms? !

I don't know who is stupid.

"I think the meaning of the number fourteen is very good." Wutong said indifferently, "The premise of Phoenix Nirvana is that she dies first, how can she be reborn if she doesn't die? The doctor should have a deep understanding of this point. ."

"Bah! I didn't realize it!" Mebius rubbed his little **** and grinned in pain, "You are feudal superstition! Don't use it to insult me! Don't use it to insult the truth!"

Snake broke free from Sakura's embrace, jumped to the ground, and climbed into Eden's embrace.

Sakura doesn't mind either, her goal has been achieved, she's finished beating, why are you still holding the snake? Get out now!

"Why do you call it a feudal superstition?" Ying said displeased.

"Because it doesn't have any scientific basis, if there is, then it's not a feudal superstition, but a science!" Mebius couldn't help but sneer, "Hehe~ You don't even understand this, you should go back to elementary school. Rebuild it!"


Eden silently changed the position of the snake and blocked Sakura's sight with his chest, so that Sakura couldn't see the doctor's face, and successfully prevented Mebius from being beaten again.

Eden is still so gentle, and his heart is still so broad.

"I heard from Miss Sakura~www.readwn.com~ At first, when you woke up from the sleeping cabin, you seemed very weak? Probably only had the strength of a trial-level Honkai Beast?" Eden slowly changed the subject.

"Yeah." Wutong nodded.

"Is it pretending?"

"Half of it."

"What about the other half?"

"I'm really weak."

"This... what's the reason?" Eden asked curiously.

Wutong chuckled lightly: "Haha~ a slave, trying to get rid of his former identity is as difficult as going to the sky.

"And a marionette, if it doesn't pay a heavy price, how can it break free from its silk thread and be abandoned by people?"

"But... how does a puppet with a broken string walk?"

"Without that silk thread, would a puppet still be called a puppet?"

"..." Eden was silent for a moment, then smiled gently, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Verbal affirmation doesn't mean anything."

"you think……?"

"Warm the bed for me."

When Sakura heard the words, she aimed at Wutong's **** with a kick.



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