Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 23: Turn Ying into a fun person

Honkai calendar year 4520, September 29.

The sky is gone, the birds are gone, the sunset is lonely and the clouds are still there.



Arms Research Department.

"Well~ it's comfortable~ I finally got off work, Tianyi, what are you going to have for dinner? I'll go to your place to rub some."

Chang Guang stretched his waist, got up and walked to Cai Tianyi's side, putting his arm on her shoulder.

"I'm going out to eat tonight, I'll treat you. You go and call my little apprentice and ask her what she wants to eat." Cai Tianyi organized the documents in her hand.

"Ask her what she's doing, that girl Zhenyi doesn't know how to order food. Listen to me and go to eat hot pot. I heard that a new hot pot restaurant has opened in the personnel department building. Let's go there to eat." , what day is today? You actually invited a stingy guy like you to treat me?!"

"You pay." Cai Tianyi said expressionlessly.


Chang Guang insisted and said, "Okay... right? Okay, okay! I pay the bill, and I will pay the bill. After all, I am also a high-level executive, and some have money!"

"Since you are so rich, then give me back the money you borrowed from me last month." Cai Tianyi said lightly.

"Cough! I'm going to call Zhenyi." Changguang ran away.

After half an hour,

Hot pot restaurant.

"Zhenyi, you'll be leaving next month. I'm not very worried about your safety. After arriving at the extreme east branch, everything is possible, but before doing anything, you can listen to Changguang's opinion. After all, she She has lived for so many years, and the amount of food wasted is countless. Moreover, the Far East is her hometown, and she is very familiar with it. Remember, don’t go astray on the road of scientific research.” Cai Tianyi was worried It was the first time she said so many words in one breath.

Three months ago, three people from the Star Watching Group turned Dongying into a province of Shenzhou, where they established a branch of the Heavenly Court, the extreme east branch.

The Japanese pirates in Eastern Ying were rampant, and they made a living by plundering coastal cities in East Asia and smuggling trade.

The existence of Japanese pirates has ruined many people's lives and caused countless tragedies. The harm to China and surrounding countries is even far greater than the collapse.

Therefore, in the past few hundred years, the Japanese pirates have also been surrounded and suppressed by the navy of Shenzhou many times, and they have also been exterminated several times.

But I don't know why, in recent years, Japanese pirates have appeared again.

Stargazing has also given the opportunity, and she has ordered the emperor and the daimyo to have more control over the matter.

But they shied away and said that they were too weak to do so.

Isn't this just shameless! It's enough to secretly sponsor Japanese pirates, and you dare to say that you can't control it? ! I've ordered you, why are you pretending to be confused? !

Star-gazing hates shameless idiots the most.

So, three months ago, Dongying and the Emperor became history, and now that place is called the Far Eastern Province.

This is good, the Japanese pirates are completely wiped out.

The damned are also dead, and everyone rejoices.

Even the world is a lot better.

"Oh! Why are you talking so much nonsense at the dinner table? Don't let people eat?" Changguang rubbed the meat slices, dissatisfied, "Xiao Zhenyi is 51 years old anyway, why don't you understand? I remember, she She came to heaven at the age of 16?! She is so smart, use you here to teach her how to behave? Besides, we won't leave until next month! What do you have to say at this time?"

"Repay the money." Cai Tianyi said with a straight face, displeased.

"Who are you frightening?! I won't pay it back!" Changguang said, "When I'm gone, all the things in my house will belong to you. My things are precious, so you can have fun!"


Changguang put a large piece of chopsticks meat on Zhenyi and said, "Come on, eat more, this meat is so tender.

"After our grandfather arrives at Changkong City, the grandfather will cover you. Although I have been away from the Jidong place for so many years, I am not familiar with it, but now no one in that place can beat our grandfather.

"No one dares to care if we walk sideways.

"When my 'Longguang Weapon Research Workshop' is completed, I will appoint you as the deputy workshop owner!

"Come on! The future deputy master, take one!"

Zhenyi obediently raised her glass and touched Changguang lightly.

Cai Tianyi on the side was angry.

She suddenly regretted letting Zhenyi follow Changguang, the little apprentice wouldn't learn badly from this guy, right?

Looking at the scene of clinking glasses in front of him, Cai Tianyi could already have a hunch that in the near future, the two would most likely be in the laboratory of the extreme east branch, eating hot pot and drinking wine, and clinking glasses like this.

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"Otherwise, don't let Zhenyi go with her." Cai Tianyi thought.



In the living room, Wutong and Eden are playing billiards, one of their few entertainment items.

Eden made billiards many years ago, and as long as it's about play, she's very good at it.

Also a big boss.

In fact, it is said to be billiards, but it is completely different from the billiards we know, just similar.

The size of the billiard table is very large, but the opening is very small. Moreover, the table surface is made of fourteen different kinds of materials spliced ​​together. The friction force of each place is different, and the size and weight of each ball are also different.

In addition, Eden also made many rules and measures to increase the difficulty of scoring.


The crisp sound of billiards crashing.

Eden crossed his legs and sat on the sofa chair, holding the club in his arms, and part of the middle of the club was no longer visible.

She stared at Wutong quietly, with a faint smile on her face, elegant and dignified.

Wutong's billiards are very good, no one can beat him, and he can always clear the table with one stroke.

After all, he is not much different from the Herrscher of the Complete Body ~www.readwn.com~.

Let's put it this way, how many years a country's men's football team can enter the World Cup, Wutong will probably lose that once due to carelessness or other reasons.

Unlike some people, he always scores goals.

After Wutong cleared the stage again, Eden put the club in his arms aside, stood up slowly, and finally it was her turn... to swing the ball.

The loser has to set the ball, and if the winner agrees, the loser can tee off after the set.

"Your every move is full of artistic beauty, and it is still so pleasing to the eye. I like to watch it very much." Eden said while posing a billiards.

"You don't have to praise me." Wutong picked up the glass and took a sip of ice water.

"It's not a compliment, I'm just stating the facts, my friend."

"No matter what you say, I won't let the water go."

"Don't you like to see me leaning over to play ball? You used to like it very much." Eden tilted his head, a little puzzled.

"The clothes are too thick, enough to see, unless you are more attractive."

"You should go to work, my friend." Eden could also play by himself for a long time.

"Today I rest, Sakura works for me."


After Eden had set it up, he picked up the club and glanced at Wutong, who nodded lightly, indicating that she could tee off.

It's a pity that there was no miracle. Like a certain men's football team, Eden still lost this game.

She thought about it and put down her cue. Eden decided not to play billiards today. She was going to use "black wood" to carve one-to-one "walnuts" to play. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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