Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Plunder nutrition to strengthen itself

The water is azure and blue, reaching the bottom of a thousand feet.

Swimming fish and small stones, looking straight at it is fine.

early morning,

Taixu Mountain.

An unfamiliar "Sword God of Taixu" rose at dawn and pierced the sky, which also represented another swordsman who successfully entered the "God".

Lin Chaoyu, who is suave and heroic, put away the Xuanyuan sword in his hand - Qingchenliu, then closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the fierce infuriating qi in her body also followed her. The move gradually dissipated.

"Senior Sister Chaoyu's Sword God is really special."

The white-haired Cheng Lingshuang suddenly appeared behind Lin Chaoyu like a teleportation. Her eyes were sleepy and her hair was a little messy. She was wearing a white nightdress and a pair of plush slippers. She put her hands in the pockets of her pajamas. .

She looks like a lazy otaku girl, she is about to hold a two-dimensional beautiful girl's pillow.

Lin Chaoyu turned around and asked curiously, "What's so special?"

Lin Chaoyu believed that Junior Sister's swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world. Her vision was unique, and her Taixu Sword God could be called special by her, which must be extraordinary.


"It's so special that there's nothing special about it, it's too ordinary." Cheng Lingshuang yawned and added, "It's so ordinary that I almost thought it wasn't a phantom sword god. Hey... Senior sister's sword is as ordinary as yours. Strange!"

The Taixu Sword God used by everyone is different and has its own characteristics. Therefore, Lin Chaoyu's Taixu Sword God who has almost no characteristics is very special, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"..." Lin Chaoyu suggested, "You should learn to keep silent, Ling Shuang."

"Silence is the best expression. If I don't speak, you will be even more uncomfortable." Cheng Lingshuang was very able to deal with it.


Lin Chaoyu chose silence, and what she said was self-evident: I don't want to ignore you anymore.

But Cheng Lingshuang still didn't talk, it was annoying: "Senior Sister Chaoyu, give me a sword god, I want to personally taste if your sword **** is really as boring as it looks."

"I want to rest for a while."

The Sword God Taixu was not that easy to use, and Lin Chaoyu was a little tired.

"Rest? Didn't you just shoot a sword god? Could it be that you are tired? You are really... hehe~" Cheng Lingshuang's voice was flat, but his words were extraordinarily sarcastic.

Lin Chaoyu heard the words and felt a little stuffy in his chest, no way! She is exhausted today, and she must give this untidy junior sister a sword god!

Otherwise, she'd be in a panic.

Starting with the Qingchen Sword, Lin Chaoyu narrowed his golden eyes and raised the long sword in his hand. The daunting True Qi reappeared on her body.

The Honkai Energy itself is very corrosive, and even if a little bit of the Honkai Energy on Lin Chaoyu's body is accidentally touched, it will cause death.

Facing Senior Sister's Sword God, Cheng Lingshuang's hands were still in the pockets of his pajamas, looking nonchalant.

Lin Chaoyu was even more angry when she saw the attitude of her junior sister. Are you looking down on me? Believe it or not, I'll kick your **** later?

The beauty is like jade, the long sword is like a rainbow, the sword qi dances in all directions, and the heaven and earth are low for a long time.

Lin Chaoyu shot with hatred and made a great move, but when the sword qi hit Cheng Lingshuang, it suddenly disappeared without a sound.

Come like a thunderbolt to receive anger, stop like a Jianghai condensing clear light.

Lin Chaoyu, who was slumped on the ground so tired, looked at the unscathed junior sister and felt tired.

so powerless...

What the **** is this monster?

At this time, Cheng Lingshuang finally took a little white hand out of her pajama pocket. She touched her pointed chin, slapped her mouth, and said, "Senior sister's sword **** is really scary!"


Lin Chaoyu suspected that she was mocking herself.

Sure enough, Cheng Lingshuang continued: "It's really terrible, I didn't realize anything.

"Before, I could perceive different things from each person and from different Sword Gods, but Senior Sister's Sword God... but there is nothing worth learning.

"Your sword **** is like a handful of clear water, tasteless. Tsk tsk, can't make me understand, it seems that my practice is not at home! This sword **** is really scary, and sure enough, it's just plain and bland. real."

"..." Lin Chaoyu said with an expressionless face, "Come here, stick here, and let me kick both feet."

"Don't tell me, don't be angry, I haven't finished my words yet." Cheng Lingshuang took a step back and said, "Your Sword God also has advantages beyond ours."

"What advantage?"

"The growth rate is very high."

"Growth? Really?"

"Really! Of course it's true!" Cheng Lingshuang explained, "Because Senior Sister's Sword God Taixu is already at the bottom of the valley, as long as you make a little progress, you will grow."

"Come here, come here and let me kick my feet." Lin Chaoyu waved weakly, "I won't be able to sleep tonight without kicking your ass."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Can you stand up like this now?"

"Come here!" Lin Chaoyu raised a tone.

Seeing that Senior Sister was on fire, Cheng Lingshuang shrank her neck, walked over honestly, and pouted.

Although her behavior is very well-behaved, her mouth is still not idle: "The more unpromising people are, the more they like to bully the younger generation based on their own seniority, which is unreasonable."

The pale Lin Chaoyu gritted her teeth and forcibly stood up. Even if she was exhausted today, she had to kick this dead girl a few times!

Blame the sycamore!

In fact, Lin Chaoyu really blamed the phoenix tree this time, and Cheng Lingshuang had never touched the phoenix tree.

She is such a person.

Lin Chaoyu kicked the junior sister five times, but she was still not relieved. She squeezed her body, made up the last kick, and then passed out on the ground.

"Tsk, why are you so weak? You've passed out?" Cheng Lingshuang rubbed her buttocks, her mouth still open, "Isn't it just two feet? Talking doesn't count. Hey...it's useless and likes to lie. , and also like to use seniority to press people, senior sister is really a terrible person."

After speaking, Cheng Lingshuang hugged Lin Chaoyu up, and in the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared.

Lin Chaoyu just passed out, otherwise she would have been able to get up and kick her again when she heard her sister's words and gritted her teeth.


late at night,

The moon is sparse and the lights dim.

In a humble makeshift conference room,

Mei was sitting on the "main seat" and speaking, the bored Wutong hugged the sleepy and dozing Qiyana, and sat in the corner, watching the three of Mebius, Vervi, and Padofiris. People quietly play cards.

A few days ago, Padofelis led Qiyana to this conference room to "make trouble" once. Since then, this little white hair will often come here with Wutong to listen to the adults discussing things.

Dr. May turned a blind eye to the behavior of Mebius and the others, and she had a high tolerance for Snake and Vivi.

As for Padofelis...she likes to hear it or not.

Wei Wei is one of the thirteen Ying Jie who chased the moth of fire, ranking fifth, and engraved as "spiral".

She is the engineering consultant of Thirteen Ying Jie, the youngest owner of the Spiral Workshop, and the Magic King of the Twilight Era. He is a technical talent mainly in the field of machinery. He has provided a lot of help to Moth Chasing Fire in terms of mechanical power engineering and energy.

At this time, there were a lot of people in the conference room, which made the space seem a little cramped, but it was very quiet, with only the calm voice of Dr. Mei.

Even Qian Jie, who was sitting next to Apollo, did not speak, but he seemed to be unable to sit still.

Qian Jie felt awkward and uncomfortable. He hated where he was now. How could this godly woman sit beside him?

In this simple conference room, except for little Qiyana, all of them are basically "big guys", eight of them from the Thirteen Heroes, and a few pre-civilization Herrschers.

After half an hour,

Dr. Mei put down the materials in his hand, took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and said, "Indus will tell you what's next."

"You said it all."

"It's up to you, my throat is a little uncomfortable, and the first step of the plan is entirely your idea." Dr. Mei took off his glasses and gently pinched the Seimei acupoint with his fingers.


Wutong got up and handed the daughter in her arms to Mebius. The dazed little Qiana glanced at the snake and she was instantly refreshed. She stretched out her small hand behind her and swiped it twice, wanting to Grabbing the corner of Dad's clothes, he expressed that he wanted to leave Mebius's arms, but he grabbed nothing.

"Hehe~ Don't you like me? Sweetie." Mebius said with a "kind" smile.

Xiao Qiana immediately shook her head, her face turned pale with fright.

For some reason, Kiana was very afraid of Mebius. From the first time she saw the snake, she had inexplicably feared this woman.

Perhaps it is because she has extremely high research value.

Kiana's instinct was to keep her out of danger.

"Shaking your head means you don't like it?" Snake joked.

"No, no. I, I like you very much." Insect said stutteringly.

"Hehe, then why are you afraid of me?" Mebius gently stroked Kiana's tender little face with his sharp fingertips, and whispered, "I won't eat you again."

"I, I..." Kiana was a little incoherent.

"Oh, Sister Snake, don't scare her, come, little princess, come to our place." Padofelis opened her arms.

"Who made you talk nonsense? Pado, have I allowed you to talk?"


Padofelis retracted her arm embarrassingly, and gave Kiana a helpless look.

Kiana gained a deeper understanding of the status of this seemingly shameful Ying Jie.

at the same time,

Wutong walked behind Mei, patted Kevin on the shoulder and turned on the big screen.

The corners of Kevin's eyes twitched, resisting his anger, he felt his shoulders were pinched blue by this bastard.

On the big screen are scrolling pictures that make people feel extremely uncomfortable physically and psychologically, and occasionally there are some short videos, basically all the tragedies that happened in the pre-civilization period.

The tragedy caused by the collapse.

Kiana stared at the screen, wrinkled her face, and felt very uncomfortable physically and mentally. She felt very uncomfortable, and even her fear of Mebius dissipated a lot.

"I believe that all of you are very familiar with these human tragedies, because we have been there before, and, among them, there are many scenes that we caused by ourselves."

While controlling the big screen with the remote control, Wutong said slowly in a calm tone: "As you can see, we are all a group of losers.

"Today, I am not at all relieved to see you sitting here intact, really, because your existence at the moment proves my failure.

"Resurrecting the dead and crawling out of hell, I just can't accept the result.

"I have gone through too many twists and turns, doubted my ability countless times, and questioned myself countless times, is it worth it?

"Is the hard work I have put in along the way, the pain and displacement I have endured along the way, just to bring you back to life? Is it just to restore the glory of the pre-civilization?

"No, no, you don't deserve it.

"The results I'm getting so far don't match the effort I've put in, it's unfair and I hate unfairness.

"I'm sure you, too, hate that you've been treated unfairly.

"The Honkai ravages and tortures human beings, taking away countless lives and destroying countless families.

"The collapse makes us not able to eat, sleep, play, and live...

"So, do you think that just avoiding the consequences of ending and dying is worthy of everything that human beings have experienced and the pain they have endured?

"It doesn't fit.

"All of you here, look at these tragedies and think about your failed lives in the past.

"Since the appearance of the collapse, our lives have ceased to be glamorous, and there is only darkness left.

"We are being played with destiny by the gods, we have been maliciously deprived of our senses, and our lives and those of others have been destroyed by collapse.

"We should use our beautiful hands to create beauty, but because of some existence, our hands are covered with blood, and our feet are full of blood and bones, piles of bones, and grievances.

"It's not nice, it's boring, it's unfair.

"So we want revenge.

"From now on, our goal is no longer the survival of the last days, nor the continuation of the fire under the end.

"We are the demons crawling out of hell, the avengers of the old days.

"We want to take revenge on Honkai, and raise the butcher's knife called 'Cause and Effect' to the gods who play with the fate of mankind and the existence that despises human life.

"Since the gods use the collapse to test and screen civilization, they must suffer the result of being called "human civilization" by the 'worms', polluting the whole 'big tree' and plundering all the 'nutrients'.

"Since the gods are unfair and indifferent to life, then we will pull them down from the throne, this world does not need gods.

"We will judge the collapse, punish the gods, enslave them, and let them atone for their sins.

"I want to take back everything we've lost.

"We are ignorant, but because of that, we are fearless.

"Human beings who fear gods are cowards, we are not strong, but we are a bit of a brainless man, everything is in the way..."

"Okay! Well said! I think you speak better than Mei!" Qian Jie, a mindless and reckless man, felt the same way, "Everything that stands in our way will be turned into dust under the flames!"


The sudden applause interrupted Wutong's thoughts.

"Shut up," said Apollonia, who had no waves.

"whispering sound!"

Qian Jie seemed to disdain Apollo on the surface, but he stopped talking.

"Mr. Wutong, how can we avenge the gods?" Su asked directly.

"Don't worry, you have to eat one bite at a time. No matter what plan you have, you need the foundation of your own tyranny."

Wutong quickly flipped a few pages on the big screen until a picture of a fleet appeared on the screen.

"I am going to form a fleet composed of the Second God's Key. This fleet will wander in the tree of imaginary numbers and in the sea of ​​​​quantum, plundering all the worlds that have been defeated by the collapse, and absorb the nutrients of these broken worlds, grow yourself."

Indus still has something to say. When their world is strong enough, they will be able to absorb the nutrition of "trees" sooner or later.

There is a kind of strangler tree called Ficus oblique, whose seeds have very hard husks, which can fall on other trees by wind and rain, germinate and grow on the branches of trees.

They rob trees of the water and nutrients they need, compete with strangled trees for space and sunlight.

In the end, the parasitic tree trunk that was surrounded and tightly hooped around like a giant python until it died out of breath.

And the once weak strangler took its place, slowly enjoying the remains of the strangled as nourishment.

No matter how thick or tall a tree is, it will never escape the fate of being entangled to death.

"However, we don't have that many keys to the second god," said Velvi, and she had a bad premonition.

Wutong smiled and said: "Indeed, each unique civilization and world full of collapse energy can only condense a unique core of the Herrscher of the Sky.

"However, this also means that each world can condense a Herrscher core~www.readwn.com~ We can go to different world bubbles, condense countless empty law cores, and create countless second gods. key.

"Before there were no Herrschers working for us, but now we have.

"I will solve the core, and the task of building the Second God's Key will trouble you, Wilvi.

"Of course, it is not limited to the second **** key, the more various **** keys, the better.

"And, when we have countless resources, soul steel is no longer scarce."

"My dear, are you stuck here?!" Padofelis said in amazement, "In other words, according to your first plan, what exactly are we going to loot?"

Padoffelis likes shiny things like gold and various gems...

Therefore, she is very interested in this plan of Indus.

This is an upright and unlawful plunder! Wouldn't that be funnier than being sneaky?

As expected of the Indus!

"Everything you can see, including collapse."

Wutong looked at Kevin, then at Su, and said: "The captain of this fleet should be Kevin. The second ship is Su, and the deputy captain has no power, but the captain must listen to the deputy captain. the order."


Kevin was full of question marks. In that case, why didn't you just let Su be the captain?

In fact, Su is indeed more suitable to be a captain, because his mind is fair enough, he will not be blinded by greed, and he will not do things like plundering the world where human civilization exists.

However, one thing is particularly important, that is, Kevin's force value is relatively strong, and he can suppress these dishonest people, while Su is almost at a disadvantage. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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