Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Bi-wing double-flying blade independent

late at night,

Eden World Bubble.

The clear starry sky is extraordinarily clear, the Milky Way is vast and the stars are dazzling. A meteor pierced the night sky, leaving a beautiful and short arc, and then disappeared into the horizon.

The environment of this planet has not been polluted by too many humans and collapse, the air is fresh and life is endless.

The swaying leaves, the gurgling water, the chirping of insects and birds... are the lullaby that nature bestows on human beings for stress relief and healing.

The comfortable natural environment is the most intoxicating and refreshing.

The quiet moonlight soaks the earth, and the evening breeze blows gently, gently blowing the curtains and the hair tips of the beauty.

At this moment, a cold and particularly unpleasant voice suddenly sounded.

"It's time for you to rest, May."

Dr. Mei looked a little tired and haggard. Her hair was uncombed and her brows were slightly frowned. She was still working on the work at hand in silence, without raising her head, she just said casually, "Right now."

Seeing this, Kevin warned worriedly, "You can do the work later, you should go to bed now."

"..." Dr. Mei did not reply.

"Go to sleep, you don't have to work so hard, you don't owe anyone anything, on the contrary, all human beings owe you."

Perhaps, Kevin only talks so much when facing Su and Mei.


"Go to sleep." Kevin took the trouble.



"Hey... let's do it."

Dr. Mei sighed, put down the "pencil" in his hand, took off his gold-rimmed glasses, and scratched his hair.

She hates being interrupted at work, which distracts her from concentrating.

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Get up late tomorrow, don't work, I'll take you to check on your body."

Kevin was afraid that Mei's body would be induced again due to overwork. It's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before.

"You don't have to worry too much about my body, Kevin, if I feel any discomfort, I will tell you."

Mei leaned on the back of the chair, raised her legs, picked up the water glass by the table, and added: "Don't stare me so hard, your behavior is very unpleasant for girls."

"You once said the same thing to me, and you kept my condition a secret, and then you died irresponsibly." Kevin said unmoved, "Tomorrow you must go to check your body."

Dr. Mei took a sip of water, put the cup back where it was, and laughed softly: "Haha, it's getting harder and harder to fool. You really haven't lived in vain for thousands of years, and you have grown so much... Pit?!"


"Hey... I still prefer the stupid boy from before, how about you? Which period do you like me more?"

"You never changed." Kevin said blankly, he meant that he liked it all the time.

"How can I stay the same?... Your mouth has become a lot sweeter. Did you learn this from Wutong?"

"I never learned from him."

"Learn without a teacher?" Mei joked, "How many girls have you used this mouth to deceive?"

"Other girls will only affect the temperature of the 'fire from the sky'."

Mei Wei was stunned for a moment, puzzled: "What do you mean? Is there any connection between the girl and the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition? Or...are you talking about a newly popular meme?"

Kevin shook his head: "No, I don't know the specific meaning. This sentence was told to me by Wutong. He probably wanted to say that women would distract me and affect the intensity of the attack."

"You were deceived by him." Mei said firmly, "Industrial said ten sentences, nine and a half of them are false."

"I know."

Kevin paused for a moment and said inexplicably, "I'll take you back, it's time for you to sleep."


May originally wanted to chat with Kevin for a while, but this guy really is.

She got up and said, "No need, my leg is not broken."

Dr. May works at Kevin's residence, and she does not have any work-related materials, laboratory equipment, or even a pen and paper in her home.

The reason for this, of course, is because of Kevin's persistence.

They are neighbors, and the two are very close, only a few steps away.

Although, May always deceived Kevin by saying that she stopped working after work, and had a very regular life and rest, going to bed early and getting up early, and exercising.

However, Kevin is not really a fool. He has repeatedly found that the lights in Mei's house are on until 3 or 4 in the second half of the night, and sometimes overnight.

Kevin was worried about May's body, and naturally it was impossible for this kind of thing to continue. The situation came after he negotiated with May several times.

You can get off work after work, but you have to come to him and work under his nose.

May agreed.

Although today's conditions are difficult, the residences of fusion warriors and Herrschers are not all unified planning, unified management, and centralized living.

There are some strong people who have more personality and refuse to accept discipline, especially those Ying Jie and Herrscher.

Moreover, no one wants to live next door to Qianjie and Apollonia. In addition, the relationship between people is inherently complicated, and there are many people who contradict each other.

Therefore, the residence distribution of fusion warriors and Herrschers is very scattered.

In fact, the above reasons are all excuses. The most fundamental reason is that living in a "villa" is more comfortable than living in a dormitory.

If you can build your own villa, who will go to the dormitory?

Even Padofelis, who seemed to be more talkative, did not choose accommodation. She asked Willvi to help her build a large movable house and was going to open a "mystery" store.

Today, her large "RV" shop is parked at Wutong's manor.

There are many single-family villas in the manor in Wutongwei, and Kevin, Su, Mei and Eden are all his neighbors.

Mebius and Klein didn't have a separate cottage, they lived in Wutong's home.

the next afternoon,

Dr. May, accompanied by Kevin and Sue, went to Mebius' laboratory, where the instruments were well-equipped and sophisticated.

It just so happened that Mebius wasn't there either.

However, when they got here, they found that the door to the laboratory was locked with three copper locks.

The three briefly discussed it, but they did not agree.

Su is more inclined to ask Klein to borrow the key, he thinks that Klein is different from Mebius, she is a kind and good child.

If they just borrowed the laboratory and cleaned it up afterwards, Klein should have agreed.

But May did not agree with Su's idea. She thought that although Klein was well-behaved and sensible, she was too obedient to Mebius's words. It was impossible to borrow, and she should have stolen the key... No! Fetched.

And Kevin's idea is much simpler and cruder. He thinks that the door should be removed and put back after finishing.

So, the three discussed it again and decided to take the plan of first borrowing, then stealing, and if that doesn't work, the door will finally be demolished.

Fifteen minutes later, Su ran back with a bunch of keys.

Mei hugged her shoulders, leaned against the door, and asked, "Take it?"

Su nodded, but Klein did not lend it to him.

However, after Klein refused, he put the key on the table, then turned around and went to clean another room.

Although Su took the key, he found that the atmosphere between May and Kevin did not seem to be very good.

"What happened to you?" Su asked. "What happened?"

"Kevin just bragged to me that he could pick locks." Mei explained in a flat voice, "then he pulled a foxtail..."

"Block the keyhole?" Su guessed.

"No, he broke the lock."


Su turned his head and "looked" at Kevin, who was still looking like a cloudless man.

Kevin said: "It can be considered a success in unlocking."


Su was silent for a moment, and said calmly: "You know, Kevin, there is no place to buy locks in this world."

"I will ask Willvi to make a lock."

"Some of her stuff is expensive."

"It's cheaper than compensating Mebius." Kevin added, "It's just a lock, I can afford it."


Su didn't say anything anymore. He originally wanted to say that it was too overkill to have Weiwei make locks. He knew more affordable high-level technical talents, and maybe he didn't need to spend "money".

But since Kevin is so "local", let him buy it himself.

For a moment,

Su opened the door of the laboratory and led the two inside.

He was relatively familiar with Mebius' laboratory, having been here several times before and borrowing some instruments.

Even backups of some of his experimental reports are stored here.

Su is not only a spiritual perception fusion warrior, but also a medical technology researcher. He also has his own medical laboratory, but due to force majeure factors, it is a bit rudimentary.

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In order to restore the glory of the former civilization, Su and his medical team are usually very busy.

in the laboratory,

Kevin stood alone in an open space, trying to avoid touching those "expensive" experimental equipment.

May is checking her body, while Su is supervising her, preventing Dr. May from lying and hiding her condition.

Kevin is somewhat over-preventive. May knows her own health very well. It is true that she is not that healthy, but there are no problems so far.

May has been able to foresee the results of the examination, and Kevin will definitely urge her to exercise every day.

Kevin really thinks so, no matter whether today's test result is good or bad, he intends to lead May to exercise for two hours a day.

Su had told him that Mei's situation was different from that of ordinary people.

A normal person’s physical strength and mental strength are related, not to mention complementing each other, but they are almost the same. If a person’s physical quality is particularly good, then his mental strength is nowhere near weak.

For example, Kevin, although his spiritual power is "weak" in comparison, he is also much stronger than the general spiritual fusion warrior.

But Mei's situation is not like this. Her mental strength is very strong, but her physical quality can only be said to be average.

When the body of a normal person is exhausted, it will lead to a very poor mental state, and will naturally go to rest.

But Mei is different. Even if her body can't hold up, she will still be very energetic. This kind of person, if he is not careful, will drag his body down.

Looking at Mei with envy in his eyes, Kevin made a decision in his heart, he wants to talk to Mei tonight.

He can give up his face and ask Wutong to help Mei solve all the problems with the experimental equipment, but on the other hand, Mei also has to obey one of his conditions. Kevin intends to train her to be a stronger fighter. .

He didn't want to lose May again.

Mei never asked Kevin to ask Wutong, perhaps because she didn't want him to lose face.

But Kevin knows how much May envy Mebius, she is no worse than Mebius, but the fact is, she has been thrown a long distance by Mebius.

Mei wanted to catch up and surpass, but the funny thing was that she was constrained by the lack of equipment and wanted to catch up, but had no conditions.

Kevin didn't want May's heart to be full of regrets, and he didn't want to see Mebius "babble" in front of May, making her unable to lift her head.

He believes that May will definitely defeat Mebius, because in his eyes, May is the most perfect existence and the first person in the field of scientific research.

Just as he is in May's mind, Kevin is also the pinnacle of human combat effectiveness.

Don't say Wutong and End Yan, in Mei's opinion, these two ghosts are not individuals at all.

"What are you thinking?" Glancing at the stunned Kevin, Mei suddenly asked aloud.


"I think of one thing. After the physical examination, let's go to Eden." May suggested, "Ask her to design a few different styles of combat uniforms for the two of you."

"Don't bother Eden anymore, Doctor, she seems to be quite busy." Su said, "Also, the battle suits we wear now are the ones she once designed, and they fit very well."

"No, have your brothers changed clothes?"

"Change it every day."

"The style of clothes I said." Mei smiled helplessly, "How do I remember that you wore such clothes in the pre-civilization period?! How long has it been since then?"

"There are still some differences." Kevin said.

"What's the difference?"

"...The battle suits Su and I are wearing now are made by ourselves."

"Can I understand that the clothes you wear now are not as good as before?"

"..." Kevin was silent for a while, and said, "Yes."

"Listen to me, I'll lead you two to Eden later."

"It's really not necessary, Doctor," Su said.

"What's not necessary? Men should also learn how to dress up, otherwise you two are so handsome, and you will be tired of seeing them." Mei Henqi said without arguing, "Look at Wutong, although his clothes are generally plain, but the style A lot, I wear different clothes every day."


Su scratched his head: "Aren't Mr. Wutong's clothes the same style?"

"No." Kevin said, "He has a lot of clothes, but most of them are white."

"That's it."

In fact, Kevin didn't see any changes in Wutong's clothes, let alone how many clothes Wutong had. He never saw what Wutong was wearing, but he believed that Mei was right.

In fact, Mei just casually took Wutong as an example, and she didn't have the heart to observe whether Wutong's clothes had changed.

Mei just guessed that Wutong might have a lot of clothes. After all, he has two companions, and it seems that he also has a caring armed puppet named "Lin".

Only Su is honest.

"By the way, Doctor, have you changed your clothes?" Su suddenly asked.

In Su's impression, Dr. Mei seemed to be wearing a white coat all the time, and he seemed to be the same as them, and he had never changed the style of his clothes.

"..." Mei was silent for a moment, then said, "Anyway, there are more clothes than the two of you."

"Really?" Su suspected that ~www.readwn.com~ might not be true.

Mei changed the subject: "Su, there are so many girls who like you, when are you going to find a girlfriend? You've been single for more than 54,000 years."

"Let's wait until things settle down."

"Let's find one. If there is a girl to take care of you, you won't be mixed up like you are now, and you won't even have any decent clothes."

"But... Kevin has a girlfriend, but his situation is the same as mine."

"...Are you making fun of me for not fulfilling my obligations as a girlfriend?"

"No, what I mean is that girlfriends shouldn't have to have these obligations." Su explained patiently, "For example, Doctor, you are very busy and have a good career, so you can let Kevin take on these obligations. obligation."

"It makes sense, did you hear it clearly? Kevin." Mei turned her head and asked.


Kevin changed the subject again: "Su, what do you think of Eden?"

Kevin and Su were once fans of Eden. He even took Su to skip class in order to go to Eden's concert. He felt that Su should be able to accept Eden.

But Su shook his head: "I like Eden very much, but not that kind. If we get everything sorted out, I might find a... um... ordinary girl, preferably someone who can Be gentle, and it would be better if it were more beautiful."

"Why?" Mei asked in confusion.

"low pressure."

Su "looked" at Mei, then looked at Kevin again, and muttered, "A lesson from the past."


Mei raised her eyebrows slightly.

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