Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 76: Born in sorrow and dying in peace

Eden World Bubble.

at dusk,

The grass is full, the pond is full of water, and the mountain is full of cold ripples as the sun sets.

After get off work, Blanca and her husband, Hen, came to Wutong's house with a few pounds of fruit, and stopped by to visit their precious daughter, Grace, who had not seen them for a long time.

Blanca is Grace's mother, she was an assistant to Dr. Maybius, and Klein was introduced to Snake before she left the laboratory. She found a leisurely job in her research institute to "fuck around", which can be said to have blinded her outstanding talent in vain.

Hen is Gray's father. He was Kevin's comrade-in-arms. He died of the ninth collapse of the pre-civilization. He has become a handsome "uncle" who "can't wait to die".

Years and ease are really scary things, it has changed the character of many people.

in the courtyard,

Wutong, Eden, and Heen set up a barbecue grill and drank cold beer. Blanca was a little serious. She knew that she was nominally here to see her daughter, so she simply drank two bottles of beer. He wiped his mouth indiscriminately, and went to the studio with a box of beer and a roast leg of lamb to "talk" to his daughter.

Eden didn't particularly like the taste of cold beer, so she drank high-quality liquor infused with ginseng and wolfberry, but Wutong didn't like the taste of this liquor very much. He doubted why Eden drank this kind of liquor, Simply because of its high degree.

"I said, little brother Wutong, don't hold grudges like this! Didn't I just criticize you two times? I forgot, do you remember it now? Besides, you were wrong at that time, and I was right. ."

After finishing a skewer of barbecue, Hen pulled the walnut charcoal fire twice with an iron drill, and said, "I've licked you so much, why are you indifferent?"

Wutong peeled and sliced ​​the potatoes, then rinsed them twice with water, then sucked up the moisture on the surface of the potato slices, brushed a thin layer of oil on both sides, put them on the grill, and said casually, "You're here" It's not good to lick, it's too deliberate, you haven't licked anyone other than Blanca, have you?"

"Ha~" Hen sneered, turned and looked up at the studio window. Seeing through the glass that his wife hadn't noticed it, he whispered, "I didn't 'lick' Blanca, she was the one who pursued it. me!"

Wutong and Eden clinked glasses: "I believe it, how about you?"

"I don't particularly believe it." Eden said slowly, she was still so gentle, and did not directly expose the lies of the mark.

"If you have anything, just say it directly." Wutong said, "Who have you seen flattering me?"

Few people will take the initiative to please Wutong, people who are not familiar with him can't "lick", and those who know him will not "lick". Just say it when he's in a good mood, and it's useless to "lick" some things, and he won't do things he doesn't want to do.

Moreover, the more he wanted to please Wutong, the more this guy made progress, until he tortured the "licking dogs" to curse, and gradually, no one would "lick" him.

Indus doesn't feel happy because of others' compliments, and torturing others' spirits won't necessarily make him happy.

Of course, if the object of his torment is a high-ranking strong man, or a sinner full of evil, then he will definitely be very happy.

Even a dog can't compare a "dog" with a human, let alone those beasts who are full of crimes.

"Oh, no, I can't beat that girl? I just don't want to fight her." Henzui said stubbornly.

The Infinite Duel Field is a new event jointly organized by Heavenly Court, Destiny, World Snake and Moth Chasing Fire. Half a year later, the first Infinite Duel will be held in the "deep" of the Quantum Sea.

The Infinite Duel Arena is considered to be the top and most valuable competition among human beings.

With the passage of time, the high-end combat power of human beings has become more and more perverted, and their destructive power has become stronger and stronger. Since full-scale fighting will destroy the ecological environment, it is also easy to accidentally injure others. Therefore, the arena once held by Heavenly Court Sai has long been unable to satisfy them, and the immortals have not let go of their hands and feet to fight for a long time.

Therefore, as early as more than ten years ago, Wutong proposed to move the duel venue to the sea of ​​​​quantum, and he did so.

And three months ago, Qian Jie had looked for Wutong once, saying that he could expand the scope of players in the Heavenly Court arena to all human beings in the two worlds. For a long time.

A few days later, Kevin also found Wutong. He felt that the idea of ​​Qianjie was good. After all, there are many high-end combat powers in Moth Chasing Fire. Soldiers should constantly sharpen and break through themselves. The environment is too comfortable. It is easy to cause the warriors to lose their fighting spirit and turn into the state of eating and waiting for death as Hen currently appears on the surface.

So, after an important meeting, the Infinite Duel Field was born.

The Infinite Duel Arena is only open to the top fusion warriors, Herrschers, Honkai Beasts above the Judgment level, and those who have passed the assessment and have been unanimously recognized for their strength.

The first Infinite Duel Arena is divided into two competition modes, with rankings, and a player can also participate in both competition modes at the same time.

The first one is to go head to head in the "ring", and you cannot use weapons with "over-limit" or above. This mode adopts a point-based ranking, 1 point for a win, 0 points for a draw, and 1 point for a loss, according to the season ranking. Award corresponding honors and awards.

The reason why the elimination system is not adopted is because it is very likely that a similar situation will occur: a is particularly strong, he is stronger than c, d, e... and has the hope of winning the championship. However, a's fighting style was restrained by b. In the group stage, a was eliminated by b, but b was restrained by c, so he was also eliminated. In the resurrection game, a happened to encounter b again. ... just like that, the seeded players who won the championship stopped in the group stage.

The second game mode is "Daguai", which allows the use of any weapons and equipment, and even allows to form a team. This is easy to understand. There are countless "monsters" in the quantum sea and imaginary space, enough for people to hunt as much as they want.

The luck component of this mode is relatively large, but the most important thing is to look at the strength. It also adopts the ranking method of the points system to settle the season honors and rewards.

Defeating and subduing a "wild" Herrscher who destroys civilization will get 200 points~www.readwn.com~The Herrscher of the End will get 100,000 points, and killing a quantum or imaginary creature of the ultimate law level will get 100 points, and be rated as "" Special "judgment-level creatures get 10 points, common judgment-level 1 point, emperor-level 0.1 points, and no points below the emperor-level.

In addition, the players can also plunder the resources of the world bubble without human civilization, and they will give corresponding points according to the rarity and value of the resources.

After the season, you can choose to sell the resources you have acquired to the organizer, or you can choose to keep it for yourself or trade it privately through formal channels.

"Murdering and stealing treasures" and robbing other people's resources are strictly prohibited. If they are found out, they will not only be suspended, but will also be punished accordingly, which may ruin a lifetime or even pay for their lives.

If there are disputes and controversial resources, you can contact the relevant judges to resolve them. If you are not satisfied with the judges' judgments, you can appeal.

The reason for these two game modes is that people's fighting styles and styles are different.

Compared with fighting with humans, some people are better at fighting against Herrscher and Honkai, such as: Hua, Kevin, Qian Jie, Xiao Yun, Karen...

However, some people are better at fighting people, and their expressiveness when fighting Honkai may be "ordinary", such as: Su, Xiao Shi, Apollonia, the former Sakura...

Another analogy: Apollonia may not be able to beat the Herrscher, but Thousand Calamity can. In fact, Thousand Calamity's comprehensive combat effectiveness is stronger, but, in the case of not trying desperately, Apollonia can control Thousand Calamity. , Because of her special abilities, she is also a fusion warrior of spiritual perception type, and she is better at fighting humans.

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