Honkai Biography

Vol 7 Chapter 1: The world's sea is uneventful

Time, like the warm sun, also has warmth and sorrow.

Time will turn a person's youth into old photos, then old photos into memories, and finally let the memories slowly fade away.

Lucky people are healed by youth all their lives;

Unfortunate people spend their whole life healing youth.

Honkai calendar year 4173,

Cheng Lingshuang, who was only 13 years old, stepped into the fourth realm of Taixu Jianxin - "Taixu".

Sixteen months later, she once again realized the fifth aspect of Taixu Sword Qi - "Shen Yun".

Since then, the Herrscher consciousness in her body no longer dares to speak, and she lives very humble.

Unsurpassed freedom, outstanding talent, throughout the millennium, there is no one and only.

Cheng Lingshuang's youth is lucky, because she is a hangover.

Besides, her classmates are unfortunate, because she is a hang-up.

All matter is composed of quanta.

Quantum Sea,

Boundless, Vientiane, and fragmented.

In an unknown place, a golden boat swims on the "sea".

It is so small, like a drop in the ocean, yet so strong that even in the sea of ​​​​quantum, it has not sunk.

The quantum sea is not the ocean,

It is an "ocean" that accommodates all "worlds", and an "ocean" composed of various "parallel worlds".

The boat stops and goes, seemingly aimlessly sailing, occasionally "flashes" from one place to another, and even spins around in place, retracing the road it came from, but it is far from the "destination". "It's getting closer.

Since the "world", "information", and "coordinates" in the quantum sea are constantly changing, even if the boat stays in place, it is actually "navigating".

Of course, there is also an "island of stability" "anchored" by the "ether anchor point" in this fragmentation.

Unfortunately, those stable "islands" are not the destination of this boat.

In the golden cabin,

Wutong holds a "compass" in his hand, constantly correcting and calculating the "route".

Wutong, a senior old captain.

The unknown does not frighten him, he has long been accustomed to exploring the unknown.

Navigating and exploring in the "sea", you can be careful, but not afraid.

The space inside the ship is not big, about 20 square meters. Except for a window, there is only a big soft bed and a big cold box, and there is no cab.

The atmosphere in the ship was depressing and dull,

Speaking of a ship, it is more like a big coffin.

In the coffin, people and civilizations that should have passed away are buried.

"How long until we get there?"

Sakura, who was so bored, walked to Wutong and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, looking at the distant scenery together.

Sakura was wearing a white tight-fitting battle armor, which looked very capable and neat. This armor made her figure taller and more attractive. The pair of long knives slung around her waist were weapons made by Wutong herself.


"How long have we been in the Quantum Sea?" Sakura asked again.

"For a long time."

"What is that big 'fish' in front?"


"...We won't get lost, will we?"

"do not know."

"...Can you say something useful?"

"What I said was exact information."


Sakura stared out the window, and after a moment of silence, she asked, "Have you ever 'walked' like this?"


"Aren't you tired? Don't you feel bored?"

"got used to."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Stop talking nonsense."


Sakura, who drooped her ears and shrank a little, was rarely angry, and she didn't know what to do with Wutong. She knew the priorities.

"Cuckoo~ It's really a useless piece of trash~"

Mebius' voice came from behind the two of them, very mocking.

At this time, Snake was leaning against the head of the bed, her face was pale, her gradient eyes were dull and she looked weak.

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Mebius was not "seasick", nor was she unsuitable for the environment of the Quantum Sea, she was tortured by Sakura.

This venomous snake has a strong adaptability to the environment.

The long time was too hard. There were only three people on the boat, and there were no entertainment facilities.

Sakura, who was so idle and panicked, could only survive by bullying Mebius. Anyway, the snakes didn't fight back, and they were especially resistant to Huohuo.

The two of them are old enemies, so Sakura has never been merciful. Since she came here, she has tortured Snake and Snake.

To be able to kill someone who doesn't fight back, without feeling any guilt, what a vicious woman Sakura is!

"What's the use of you?" Sakura turned around and looked at her badly.

"Giggle~ I can be tortured by you! It allows you to vent your negative emotions so that you won't become mentally ill, and it can also hold you back so that you don't disturb Brother Wutong~"

Mebius' eyes were cold and terrifying, she smiled and said without a smile: "Hehe~ You shouldn't come, you weak mental burden, you will only cause trouble, hehe~ What a useless thing~ "

Sakura sneered: "Oh, if you don't come here, it's you who disturb Wutong, right? And, even if you're not here, I won't disturb him, and I won't become mentally ill. It's just a useless snake spirit with gold on his face."

"Useless? Giggle~ If it's useless, why would Brother Wutong take the initiative to bring me? Why didn't you tell me to bring you? You're so funny, so sad~ Giggle~"

"Because Xianggong loves me! He doesn't want to be in a dangerous place, but he doesn't love you."

In the cramped cabin, Sakura and Mebius quarreled again, and they couldn't remember the first time they had quarreled.

When people feel too bored, the sarcasm between enemies and inserting "knives" into each other's hearts can also bring fun to both parties and let the other party vent their negative emotions.

After an unknown amount of time,

Indus controlled the golden boat and killed a quantum creature, and then put the "compass" in his hand in the circular groove at the window.

Wutong has calculated the direction of travel for the next period of time, and he is ready to let the boat drive automatically according to the route he planned.

Indus needs a rest.

After each automatic driving, although the ship will be closer to the destination, it will often deviate a lot. When Wutong drives again, it needs to be corrected.

This shows that his calculations are not completely correct in the quantum sea.

In the quantum sea, different locations have different laws.

The laws of the planet where the sycamore is located may not be applicable in the quantum sea.

He rubbed his temples and walked to the bed.

Mebius was very discerning and stepped aside, and then she patted the position where she was lying, and said coquettishly: "Brother Wutong~ Come here, I'll help you warm the bed~ hold Soft and comfortable snake, you will sleep very sweetly~"

Sakura raised her long legs unceremoniously and kicked Snake off the bed with one foot.

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