Honkai Biography

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Difficult to tune with each word

The sky is blue, the ground is yellow, and the autumn colors are in waves, with cold smoke and green on the waves.

in the morning.

Taixu Mountain, the roof of the Wutong family.

"Okay, I get it."

Wutong casually threw the little Qiyana, who was unwilling to study early in the morning, "going to the house to reveal the tile" from the roof, then took out a pillow, took out her mobile phone, and lay on the blue-gray glazed tile.

Kiana, who fell on a butt, grimaced in pain, she stood up, rubbed her little butt, made a face at Wutong and Karen, turned around and didn't know where to go to play .

Wutong didn't care about her. Sooner or later, the naughty bugs would fall into Lin Chaoyu's hands, and then someone would naturally take care of his daughters for him.

The more "crazy" you play now, the harder you get beaten.

Looking at Kiana, who was running without shadows, Karen seemed to see herself when she was a child. The talent and physical fitness of the idiots seemed to be quite good, especially resistant to beatings and hooligans.

"No! I'm not an idiot!" Karen thought, "I am the strongest Valkyrie in the history of destiny, worshipped by countless Valkyries! The head of the Kaslana family!"

As the head of the stupid family, Karen thinks that she is a very wise person, and that she is stupid! Her name is... Dazhiruoyu.

"Your Majesty, what do you think about Ziegfried?" Karen turned to her senses and asked with her head lowered.

Indus is walking around the underworld community, watching his beautiful "girls" dance.

He said nonchalantly: "Lie down and watch, it's actually nothing, gender is not so important, I have seen female Siegfried in other worlds, but she is not called Siegfried.

"Oh, by the way, I have also seen the female Otto and the male you. There is a world bubble Otto gave birth to three children for you, and finally died in childbirth. Do you want to see your children?"


Karen can't imagine what a male self looks like, maybe, it will be very similar to Kevin's ancestors?

The time flow rate of each world bubble is different. According to Wutong and Su's observations over the years, most of the world bubbles do not have the person Siegfried.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, even if there are Siegfried in individual worlds, those Siegfrieds lived very short time, either died at the hands of the Herrscher, or died with the Herrscher, very few survived. Several Siegfried were killed by their own daughters...

In short, Siegfried, who has been observed by Wutong in the world, has a miserable end.

It is even worse than the Karen in the parallel world. Although most of the Karen in the world are also dead, Wutong has really seen a lot of Karen who survived.

In addition to this world bubble, those parallel worlds where Karen survived have one thing in common, that is, the development of human civilization is relatively slow, the Herrscher arrives later, and human beings are more vulnerable in the face of collapse.

"By the way, Your Majesty." Karen sat next to Wutong and said, "When I came to look for you, I saw a group of silly-looking and strange-looking armed dolls in Linshan. Are they...? Is Heavenly Court preparing to manufacture armed dolls in large quantities?"

"No, they are guests from another world bubble." Wutong said casually, "Not long ago, your ancestor Kevin discovered an ultra-small world bubble with only armed dolls and no humans in the sea of ​​​​quantum."

"Why would there be armed dolls without humans?" Karen wondered.

"Because humans can't adapt to the environment in that world bubble, they all died."

Wutong put down the phone and said, "Well, let me tell you a real and interesting story."

"Okay!" Karen nodded happily, she liked listening to stories.

Wutong, who likes to feed knives, pondered for a moment, and then slowly recounted: "More than 54,000 years ago, there was a parallel world that was very similar to the pre-civilization of our world, no matter the 'volume' of the world, Or the flow of time is almost the same as the planet we are on.

"Even, even human's technological level, culture, historical process, born characters, etc., are very similar to those of the pre-civilization, and there are also organizations such as moths chasing fire and poisonous chrysalis. Perhaps, the only difference from the pre-civilization is that , that world bubble without me.

"At that time, on that parallel world planet, there was a continent named Mu Continent.

"Mu Continent is a country that stands at the apex of that planet's civilization, but even so, it can't stand the destruction of the collapse.

"At that time, human beings had very little left in the long-term consumption of Honkai. In order to preserve the combat effectiveness of human beings, scientists combined the programmed soul steel mimetic core with weapons to generate automatic combat, simple thinking ability, self-controllable Robots that learn and evolve.

"These mass-produced robots are the original armed dolls.

"The armed puppets have gone through hundreds of battles and finally helped humanity to repel the madness of the Honkai Beast, but the price of victory is very high, and their numbers are running low.

"What's interesting is that after the war, the little cuties who survived the battlefield have collectively evolved a more complex intelligence, they want to survive, want freedom, and are no longer dominated by humans.

"The little cuties have communicated their requirements to humans through various efforts, such as parading the streets, trying to attract the attention of humans.

"Although they can't harm humans, a conflict between the armed dolls and humans is inevitable.

"In desperation, human beings can only accept negotiations.

"Finally, in a meeting that is not particularly grand, but very important to the armed dolls, the cuties are free.

"However, their freedom did not last long, and the following year, Continent Mu was attacked by a pseudo-black hole created by the Herrscher of the Rock.

"In order to survive this devastating disaster, human beings had no choice but to activate the portal of the Quantum Sea. With the huge space distortion, the entire Mu Continent became the bubble of many worlds floating in the Quantum Sea. one.

"However, although they have escaped temporary death, the human beings on the Mu Continent face a more cruel future.

"The independent world bubble has lost the environment suitable for human existence.

"Half a century later, all human beings in the Mu continent will perish.

"The story ends here, how's it going?"


Karen knew that Wutong, a wicked guy, wouldn't tell her any funny stories.

"By the way, you just said that the planet in that parallel world is very similar to the planet we are on, so is there a continent of Mu on our planet?"

"Yes, I have."

"Where? Is it mainland Australia?"

"No, it disappeared. In the pre-civilization, it was wiped from the planet by the Herrscher of the Rock." Wutong said, "The group of resurrected people are now in the world of Eden, do you want to get to know them? Well... Maybe there are all of them. Dead old."

The armed puppets of the pre-civilization will definitely not be resurrected.


Karen was silent for a while, and asked in frustration, "Does Heavenly Court want to bring the armed puppets of Mu Continent to our world?"


"What do you mean by watching?"

"About whether to bring them to our planet, your ancestor had a fight with Su because of his different views."

Wutong said with a smile: "Kevin believes that these armed dolls are created by humans, and they are rare combat weapons and resources. They should be used by us. If you are disobedient, you can dismantle them and extract the soul steel."

"What? Isn't that murder? My old ancestor is too bad!!" Karen patted the tile lightly and said angrily, "I want to remove him from the Kaslana family!! We There is no such cold-blooded person in the family!"

Wutong continued with a smile: "And Su believes that we shouldn't disturb the 'Paradise of Armed Dolls', let alone treat them as mere weapons.

"Su thinks that the armed dolls have advanced intelligence, know how to use language, have a variety of complex social behaviors of mutual assistance, and have autonomy, creativity, diversity, and difference. In short, except for the biological characteristics that are different from humans , not very different from humans.”

In fact, Su and Kevin's respective views also reflect the different views of most human beings on armed dolls.

Some people believe that the armed puppets should be brought back. This group of "junior" armed puppets have the right to know how they were born, and should also let them know their history and the human longevity that created them. what is it like.

Humans and armed puppets can coexist harmoniously, support each other, and develop together.

Others believe that humans should not disturb their peaceful and peaceful lives, let alone let them face the "collapse" again. Moreover, the armed dolls are pure-hearted and kind, and are easily exploited and persecuted by bad people.

These two waves of people with different opinions have been arguing with each other for a long time, and various opinions have emerged one after another, all of which have reasonable reasons.

Even Qi and Lin have different opinions. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Qi wants to bring back the same kind and play with them.

Linmei was naturally jealous because of this. She didn't want her sister to play with other armed puppets, so she applied other people's opinions. The armed puppets would be hurt by the villains and should not be brought back.

Keqi will of course speak other people's opinions! She said that an organization dedicated to protecting armed puppets could be established. She would be the boss, and if the "rules of heaven" were perfected, when the armed puppets were under the jurisdiction of heaven or destiny, no one would dare to hurt them. or use them.

Linmei said, if you think too much, there will always be human beings who dare to commit crimes.

Qi said...

In short, after arguing for a few days, neither of the two groups of people convinced the other.

In the end, Star Watch stopped people from continuing to quarrel. The quarrel was simply a waste of working time. She seriously doubted that these immortals were using this topic to go to work.

Guanxing believes that whether or not to bring the armed dolls back should not be entirely up to humans, and the power of choice should also be given to the armed dolls and let them quarrel.

As a result, today, the representatives of the armed dolls collectively went to visit Rinsan Mountain.

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