Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 20: The omen of tragedy, secret confrontation

A few days later, Bella got a good news.

Indus is dead.

This is indeed a good news for her. Brother Wutong has finally escaped the misery of the world, but for some reason, Bella is not happy. Not only is she unhappy, but she has strengthened her belief in eliminating all human beings.

She wants to avenge the Indus.

Bella didn't believe what Moth Chasing Fire had said, she believed that Indus was murdered by someone.

The Moth Chasing Fire claimed that Wutong had become the tenth Herrscher who had no thoughts and feelings and only knew killing, and was later beheaded by Sakura.

Not only Bella, many people who are familiar with Wutong do not believe this statement.

Indus can't be a lawmaker.

For some people, the news of Wutong's death is also good news. This scourge is finally dead, and they can finally sleep peacefully.

After the death of Indus, these people feel that the air has become cleaner and the world has become more beautiful.

But for others, this is bad news.

They can accept that Wutong died in battle, died in the hands of the Herrscher, and died on the operating table... However, they couldn't accept Wutong's death so inexplicably.

They have the same idea as Bella, they must investigate and avenge Wutong.

Therefore, those who thought it was good news at the beginning did not feel happy for long, and then became restless again.

Things cluster together, people are divided into groups, and those who are close to the phoenix tree may be more difficult than the phoenix tree.

It is said that the one who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

But Wutong hides it so well, even if it is dead, it still smothers the enemy, but one of the high-level people who chase the moth of fire knows the true character of Wutong, and will never use that kind of rhetoric to the outside world.

It is impossible for high-level executives who can become moths to chase fire to have low IQs, but their intelligence is mostly reflected in the aspect of "self-interest", and they are very powerful when seeking personal or family interests, so they are still stupid.

If they were really wise, they wouldn't have built up so many enemies, or even be regarded as enemies by Indus.

Of course, not all the top executives of Moth Chasing Fire are such people. There are still nearly half of them who really care about the country and the people, and fight against the collapse wholeheartedly. This kind of people does not have a good relationship with Wutong. Not bad, at least not the enemy.

It is a pity that most of the power in the hands of such people is not as great as the power in the hands of those "stupid people", because they will not devote all their minds and energy to the struggle for power. Although they have the right to speak, they are still relatively Weak position.

Due to the proper handling of Wutong and others, the Tenth Herrscher has not disturbed the interior of human beings yet, but the death of Wutong has disturbed the Moth Chasing Fire.

However, what everyone did not expect was that it was not friends who were familiar with Wutong such as Mei, Kevin or Mebius, but a person who was not very familiar with Wutong.

After learning the news of Wutong's death, Qian Jie went to the "deepest place". He came out from the deepest place and found Mebius. With the help of Mebius and Kevin's surveillance, Qianji Zed successfully integrated the genes of the Honkai Beast "Fei Tian" and became a fusion warrior.

A day later, Qian Jie, who became a fusion fighter, went directly to the headquarters of Moth Chasing Fire, with a gesture that vowed to slaughter all the high-level executives of Moth Chasing Fire.

Don't look at Qian Jie's abnormal brain, but his "sense of justice" is very strong, and his adjutant Yin Moer had an accident not long ago, which caused him to feel particularly angry at the tragic end of Wutong.

Qian Jie's logical thinking is very simple. He doesn't know who the murderer is, and he doesn't want to know, but as long as all the suspects are slaughtered, the real murderer will be dead.

Thousands of kalpas with extreme thinking think that they are all **** and should be buried with them.

The fusion warriors stationed at the headquarters of Moth Chasing Fire almost didn't stop Qian Jie, but fortunately Kevin and Hua rushed over and jointly "suppressed" the mad Qian Jie.

Hua Gang awakens the super-change factor to become a fusion warrior, but her fighting ability is good.

During Qian Jie's "disruption", the poison pupa disbanded, and there was a riot during the disbandment. Mebius dispatched Sakura to suppress it.

The "top layer" of human beings has become a mess of porridge.

Although it was Sakura who killed Wutong, no one cares about her at present, because she is just a "knife", and human beings still need her "knife".

When the judge decides the case, he will only judge the prisoner, not the murder weapon. The murder weapon is the evidence, and only after the eucalyptus case is completely completed will the murder weapon be dealt with according to the specific circumstances.

Therefore, no one bothers with Qian Jie, because Qian Jie is also a "knife", but he doesn't know it himself. As for who his "holder" is, the top management of Moth Chasing Fire has not yet investigated. clear.

However, even so, Qian Jie was still locked in the deepest place.

The different "ends" of Qian Jie and Sakura also reflect the "energy" gap between the two sides who are fighting in secret.

In addition, Qian Jie's behavior has also had a profound impact, and he has made some people more afraid of the fusion warrior group.

Under the deliberate propaganda and guidance of these "cowards", nowadays, not only ordinary people who don't know fusion warriors are more afraid of fusion warriors and regard them as monsters, but even some researchers are afraid of fusion warriors. psychology.

This further contributed to the smooth occurrence of the "restraint tragedy" not long afterward. Of course, this is another story.

Humans have a knack for "self-harm".

Hundreds of feet tall, the night is dark, sweeping the autumn stars and falling Xiaoshuang.

late at night,

Indus' tomb.

Sakura placed a white lily in front of the tombstone next to her.

That is the tomb of Klein, she is the neighbor of Wutong.

There are no bones in either of the tombs.

Wutong didn't die, and as for Klein, she didn't leave any bones behind.

"You're late." Sakura said suddenly.

I don't know when, Wutong appeared behind her, silently.

"Sorry, I've been too busy these days."

Sakura turned around, took out a USB flash drive from her pocket, and threw it to Wutong.

"The next thing you want has been obtained for you. From now on, you and I will not owe each other."

"Thank you for your hard work. Don't be so indifferent, you and I are old acquaintances after all..."

Sakura interrupted: "Don't be too close, I'm not familiar with you. How long are you going to pretend to be dead? It's too messy now, and the Moth Chasing Fire can't stand the toss."

"Don't worry, dead people are better. Humans have always had open and secret fights. You should know that, otherwise, people like you would not exist. Now it's just on the surface. Maybe, this is still a good thing. ."

Saying that, Wutong took out a pear from the environmentally friendly tote bag in his hand and threw it to Sakura: "Here, a reward for you."

"I won't eat it." Sakura threw the pear back again.

"That's a pity, I used to have a little white fox, and it likes to eat pears." Wutong paused and continued, "It is much cuter than you, and it especially likes to pester me, like It was slapped by me, but unfortunately, it died later. Oh, yes, it's called a bell."


Sakura pulled out her knife instantly, pointed at Wutong, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

The name Suzu touched Sakura's nerves, and the person she cherished most was her sister.

As Sakura pulled out the knife, the surrounding temperature became colder~www.readwn.com~ The frost on the ground also became heavier.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious, I won't do anything to Ling, and I won't threaten you with Ling. Well... I just want to remind you out of good intentions, Sakura, you don't want Ling to be watched by bad people, right? !"

Sakura's face darkened a little, and then it turned ugly again: "You mean...they're watching Ling?"

"If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself."

"Is it found under?"

"That's not true, it's just that the cowardly fools are afraid, they are afraid of the 'weapons' created by their strong support in the past. Sakura, our 'weapons' are too dangerous and need a restraint s method."

Wutong stepped forward, put the pear in his hand on Sakura's blade, and said blankly: "Sakura, helping me is also helping yourself, go back to confirm and think about it, do you want to do me a favor. I'll be here tomorrow if I want to... oh, yes, my 'reward' is much bigger than those stingy egoists."

After saying that, Wutong turned and left.

Sakura stood silent for a while, then took the pear off the knife and took a bite.

Although pears are a bit icy, this time, she did not reject "pears" again.

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