Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 92: War is raging, the weak eat the strong

The life forms of the macrophages are difficult for ordinary people to understand. They seem to have no gender distinction, and humans cannot rely on the characteristics and standards of the main planet to judge whether they are intelligent, because they do not have brains, and there is only a **** in the center of the body.” core".

However, "brainless" does not mean no wisdom and no learning ability.

The appearance of the macrophages is a black ball, soft, fragile, but extremely dangerous. They will use their soft external body tissues to devour all energy and matter, including the extremely corrosive Houkai energy.

It seems that the macrophages are only divided into size, and their appearance is almost the same, but there seem to be differences between individuals, but humans can't see it.

The Wutong family has raised a few. Through observation and human discovery, some macrophages have swallowed and grown to a certain extent, and their bodies will split, and some small black **** will be "born", while some will not split and seem to be able to keep grow.

The reason for the difference has not yet been explored. Some people speculate that it may be related to physique, mood, and personality.

Some people speculate that it has something to do with status.

Larger individuals are naturally stronger, because their ability to swallow, digest and survive is stronger, especially resistant to beatings, and it is difficult to die.

Counting the main ships, the Third Fleet had a total of 151 ships, which seemed inconspicuous in front of an alien race.

The overwhelming and dense black spheres drowned the entire fleet in just an instant.

Of course, this does not mean that humans have no ability to resist. Countless black **** have been torn apart and annihilated by the various weapons of mass destruction made by humans.

It is often seen that the black "ocean" is cleared by a laser beam weapon of a ship to clear an "open space", and only one-third of the ships fire together, which can withstand the "ocean" of the macrophages. offensive.

Even if some of the creatures of the macrophages approached the ship, it would be difficult for them to swallow and break through the ship's "protective cover".

The shield of each ship is extremely lethal, with at least 3 layers, and can also limit and resist the space jumping ability of some macrophages.

However, this does not mean that the shield is invincible, because it will be consumed.

Without the use of planetary weapons, the war between human civilization and the Macrophages is undoubtedly a long war of attrition.

The combat method of the Third Fleet is very simple and crude, that is, 30% of the ships are responsible for "output", 30% are ready to output, and 30% are maintaining, loading and replacing weapons.

The purpose of Wutong is not only to exterminate the clan, but also to test the performance and characteristics of various new weapons, and to collect relevant information and data.

Except for very few human individuals, no matter when, no one will ever use weapons to terrorize, including Herrschers and Fusion Warriors, regardless of the destruction and attack power caused by human bodies and abilities.

If you think that the destructiveness of the Herrscher is top-notch, it may be that you have not seen a more terrifying weapon.

Because there is an upper limit to the energy and power that the human body can use, manipulate, and store, no matter how powerful, no matter how powerful, no matter how powerful, and no matter how rich the knowledge, it is useless if it cannot be used. However, weapons are only limited by the development of civilization. limit.

For example, the temperature of the surface of the sun is about 6,000 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the center of the hydrogen bomb when it explodes is as high as 10,000 to 100,000,000 degrees Celsius. In the case of surprise, the hydrogen bomb can completely destroy and destroy any Herrscher except the end. .

And the hydrogen bomb, a low-level weapon that is inconvenient, has average power, and easily hurts others by mistake, has long been eliminated by today's human beings.

Under the conditions that Honkai can exist, labor and resources are sufficient, and there is no need to worry about environmental pollution, the creative ability of human genius has been developed and progressed in a spurt.

Outside the ship, the battle was in full swing, with "bones everywhere". Inside the ship, Wutong and others were drinking tea leisurely.

Arrived here, Wutong relaxed instead. He also took a little time to "pinch" a 1:1 ratio of the end with chocolate, dried fruits, cakes, fruits and other ingredients as dessert.

Cooking is not only a skill, but also an art. Indus's artistic level is not bad. It makes "End Yan" lifelike, sweet and delicious, sweet but not greasy, and tastes excellent.

She ate the most at the end, and she didn't mind the appearance of the dessert, she cut off "his own head" and made it, which made Xilin on the side feel heartbroken.

How can such a perfect artwork be cut? How can I eat it?

Hmm...the taste is really good.

"Aren't you going to eat some?" Wutong broke off a tender white chocolate-filled finger and said to Jizi.

Ji Zi was staring at the monitor, watching the war situation outside.

Hearing this, she regained her senses, rubbed her belly, took a sip of jasmine tea, and said, "No, the calories and sugar are too high."

"Then you stay away from us, the halazi is about to flow out."


Ji Zi knew that Wutong was joking, to ease her nervousness, so she didn't care.

Immersive experience is different from watching a video.

Ji Zi has never been on a real battlefield, let alone Xilin's escape ability. Therefore, the scene outside made her a little shocked, nervous, and even terrified.

If she appeared outside the ship at this moment, she might not survive for 5 seconds.

Ji Zi pushed the flat glasses he was wearing and said calmly: "According to my calculations, if we keep fighting like this, it will take at least half a month. However, the energy and resources we carry and store can only last for a long time. Take ten days."

"You should know what this main ship is for, right?"

"Why do you really want to do that?" Ji Zi's face was a little unsightly. "It's too dangerous to extract energy from the tree of imaginary numbers."

"So our experiment site is here, even if it 'overturns', it will not affect humans." Wutong smiled, "And you have too many things to worry about, our actions may not be dangerous, but may be safe. Even if we have the ability to extract the energy of a total mass of the solar system from the tree of imaginary numbers at one time, the tree of imaginary numbers will not 'look' at us and pay attention to us, because this thing is too trivial for Him. "

Ji Zi naturally understood what Wutong said, but her heart was still flustered.

Seeing this, Wutong continued: "Do you know? Honkai Will and I were both slaves of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, but we both broke free from the 'shackles' and became free. Do you know why this happened?

"It's not because of how strong and capable we are, but because the tree of imaginary numbers doesn't care about our behavior at all, and he doesn't care about us.

"Even if it is extremely special and invincible for us, the Honkai Will, in His eyes, is not even a fart.

"Under normal circumstances, there are 800,000 bacteria on a pair of unwashed hands. Do you care what one of the bacteria is doing? Do you care about its mood and what it is thinking?

"We, including Honkai Will, are the bacteria for the "tree", not even a "bacteria".

"Don't take yourself too high, and don't think that you are worthy of being the enemy of the tree of imaginary numbers. There are some who regard him as an enemy, but there is always only one enemy, and that is the sea of ​​quantum, his own 'other side'. "

"……I understand."

Perhaps she felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull. Chewing the dessert, Xilin wiped the chocolate left on the corner of her mouth and took the initiative to change the subject: "Boss, can you turn off this 'radio'? The sound outside is too loud."

The sound of the battle outside cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, let alone the "shield", but the ship has a special receiving device that can receive and play the battle sound from the outside world.

"No." Wutong said.

"Then how am I going to sleep at night? Jizi said just now, at least for half a month, right?"

"You still want to sleep? Why is your heart so big?"

"Hehe." Xi Lin scratched her head and smiled awkwardly, "Didn't I learn this from you? You are so slack, I can't be nervous."

The personalities of Xilin and Jizi are quite different.

"Boss, aren't they afraid of death? Just rushing like this?" Xilin asked in confusion after looking at the scene outside the window.

"No creature is not afraid of death, they just have to sacrifice their own lives." Sakura said calmly while drinking tea, "They are different from humans, don't look at them with human eyes and moral values."

"What's the meaning?"

"In their society, the weak do not have the power to control their own lives~www.readwn.com~ Their life, strength and fate belong to the strong. The strong almost completely dominate the weak, and it is a matter of course to absorb them The 'hard work', 'growth', 'nutrients'... to strengthen oneself." Sakura explained.

"Isn't this the same as some humans?"

"There is still a difference. People don't dare to be so blatant, or they will end up in the end one day."

At this time, Ji Zi seemed to have thought of something: "You mean...their 'main force', the strong one, hasn't taken action yet?"

"Hehe, of course." Sakura smiled, "They are very shy, they are busy absorbing the remains of the weak! This war is a disaster for most macrophage creatures, but for some individuals , this is a 'feast'."

Sakura scooped a spoonful of dessert with a spoon, put it in her mouth, and said with a smile, "A feast that grows up and is extremely delicious."

According to the speculations of Xinggao, Otto and others, the purpose of the macrophages' invasion of the human homeland is not only to plunder and devour, but also to hold a grand "banquet" with the help of human beings.

The energy emitted by human weapons is also energy, they can devour, this race is getting stronger and stronger.

In the eyes of large individuals, they only sacrificed the small and weak, and gained more.

Humans don't know the growth history of this racial civilization, but they have glimpsed one or two.

Why do humans name them "macrophages"?

Why is "giant" in the first place?

Because the "small" is just a tool, not the core of this race.

Even the small ones occupy the majority.

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