Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 38: Everything is difficult, the fox snake is missing

Honkai Biography Chapter 38

Ten days later, the summer vacation in Shenzhou is over, and autumn is about to come. Wutong and his party finally ended their long journey and returned to Taixu Mountain, while Yae Sakura, sister Xiaolin and Siegfried went to the extreme east area. St. Freya College.

The nominal principal of St. Freya College is Cecilia, and Theresa and Siegfried are vice-principals, because Cecilia applied to Bishop Otto to establish a college project in the Far East.

However, since Siegfried just gave birth to Bianca before, he needs Cecilia's care, and a small part of the affairs of the Kaslana family and the Shaniat family needs Cecilia to take care of it, and occasionally follow The captain went to carry out the task entrusted to her by destiny, so Cecilia handed over the construction and related matters of St. Freya Academy to Teresa.

Now, Siegfried has cultivated his body for 21 months. Seeing that he is getting fatter and fatter, it is time for the two of them to go to St. Freya College.

Of course, the more important reason is probably because Cecilia thought that after dear Siegfried returned to the Kaslana family, he might be "bullied" and "educated" by the Kalen family, so she left the Indus By your side, the best place for the two of them is St. Freya Academy.

Karen is about to become a "destiny tyrant". In the destiny, no one dares to control her, mainly because no one can beat her.

Although Cecilia has Black Abyss and White Flower in her hand, Kalen also has Judas. She and Siegfried can't beat Kalen together. It's best to hide if you can.

The beginning of everything is difficult. Although Otto is the “financier” behind St. Freya College, the funds of the college are not sufficient. In addition, it has just been built a few days ago, and everything is not completely on the right track. Therefore, the faculty here Very weak, and the students are even more pitiful.

Although the goal of St. Freya Academy is to cultivate excellent Valkyries for the destiny, that is only the goal. Judging from the current situation, it is difficult for students graduating from here to be admitted to D-rank Valkyries.

The competition for the Valkyrie position is fierce.

Therefore, for the arrival of the two "ancestor"-level figures, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin, Teresa expressed great welcome. For this reason, she held a slightly shabby welcome meeting with a small amount of funds.

Theresa was not as stupid as it sounded. She first confirmed with Amber and Sister Cecilia that Sister Yae Sakura was really here to teach, not "monitor" and "decentralization" from "the above". Only sincerely welcome.

However, although Teresa is very grateful that the arrival of the Yae Sakura sisters has increased the popularity of the academy and solved some of the urgent needs, she still has a little depression in her heart.

Even if these two "ancestors" have no intention of intervening in the construction and development planning of the college, and their purpose is very simple, who would dare to ignore their existence?

"Sword Comes"

In front of Yae Sakura, Teresa didn't dare to show her wayward and "childish" side, she had to pretend to be mature and reliable.

Theresa doesn't like to "fake", but she has to "fake" again.

Perhaps one of the differences between adults and children is that adults have to do things they don't want to do.

Theresa has grown into an adult, a little older than the Siegfrieds.

Just short.

Floating incense wraps around the curved shore, and a round shadow covers the Huachi.

in the afternoon,

Taixu Mountain.

Kiana was in trouble again. Natasha's left arm was broken because of her. The worm was hung by the bell from the sycamore tree in the courtyard, and she didn't eat lunch.

It's okay for this silly child to be hungry for hundreds of years, and it's not that he hasn't been "starved" by Indus.

Ling is much gentler than Yae Sakura, so she didn't hang her upside down, and she didn't whip her.

Bell was once hung up by a phoenix tree, and knew that it was not a good feeling to be **** and eagerly watching others eat.

In fact, Natasha's arm was broken, and the relationship with Qiana was not very big. The bug didn't do it on purpose, and she didn't want to see Natasha injured.

In the morning, Kiana, as the "King of Children" under the age of ten, led Rita and Natasha to the back mountain to catch grasshoppers.

Although school starts the day after tomorrow, these three little guys don't have to go to school, let alone make up homework in a hurry.

Qiyana can only be the "King of Children" under the age of ten, and can only play with children of this age group. Most of the children over ten years old disagree with her and feel that her behavior is too naive.

During the summer vacation, Chung Chong bought a pet duck and named it "Paduo 357". Today, she wanted to catch some grasshoppers and open meat for the little duck to celebrate 357 coming home and having a home.

Kiana's favorite pet is the newly born duckling, because the duckling likes to run behind people's butts, so cute.

Kiana likes to keep some cute little animals, but she doesn't like arthropods on land. From the perspective of normal human aesthetics, most kinds of little bugs are not cute, disgusting, and have no expressions. not get up.

Moreover, the bugs felt that the little bugs were more "cold-blooded" than kittens, puppies, chicks, ducks....

That's right, Bugs dislikes little bugs with low IQ, so she has never kept pets like crickets.

While catching the grasshopper, Rita saw the nimble sister Qiana go up the tree to pick fruit, so she encouraged Natasha to climb the tree too, and then Natasha fell from the tree accidentally...

Therefore, the main responsibility for Natasha's broken arm is actually not Kiana, but Rita.

However, because Kiana took all the responsibilities with great loyalty, Ling's punishment to Rita was not so severe.

Rita didn't expect Natasha to break her arm. She just wanted to enjoy the vulgar "little monkey" climbing a tree.

at dusk,

Bella, who was holding a book in her hand, led Benares to the laboratory where Dr. Mebius usually worked.

"Who are you?" Bella asked cautiously after entering the door.

As soon as she saw "Mebius", she realized that the person in front of her was not Mebius.

"Hehe~ Of course it's Mebius~ I'm the real Mebius~" The Paradise Snake said with a gloomy smile.

Bella didn't talk nonsense with her, and directly controlled "Benarus" to condense a "Magnetic Storm Blade" with the ability of the Herrscher of Thunder, and chopped it towards the Paradise Snake.

She did not use a wide range of attack methods, after all, the experimental equipment here is very precious.

Therefore, the Paradise Snake easily escaped. Her fighting ability is not strong, but her life-saving ability is first-class.

"Hehe~ Don't be so rude to others~ I'm really Mebius~"

"Okay~ Okay~ Now that Bella has found out, don't pretend anymore~ My dear Mebius, it's you who lost~" Alicia's memory was taken from the laboratory next door. came out.

"Who lost?! I am Mebius!" The spirit of Paradise Snake is obviously still abnormal.

"Okay, okay~ but you're not her, aren't you?" Ellie spoke very well.

"Hey young~ Don't attack the beautiful and moving me~ We have no malicious intentions~"

Ellie dodged the sudden attack of the Storm Blade.

"Who are you?" Bella said coldly.

Facing the two "Ying Jie", she was not vain at all, because the two in front of her were too weak, and of course, they were not too weak to be vulnerable, so it might be a little tricky for her to deal with them together.

Among the memories of Ying Jie in the paradise of the past, except for Padofelis, no memory can be compared with the main body, because their battle limit is the upper limit of the paradise.

After leaving the Paradise of the Past, the fighting ability of the Ying Jie memories will be further weakened, unless they find a particularly excellent body with a very high degree of fit, and use this as a "carrier" to play their due role. some strength.

Any mature Herrscher, or a fusion warrior with spiritual perception, after entering the Paradise of the Past, theoretically speaking, it has the strength not weaker than Kevin's memory, unless the outsiders are restricted by the Paradise of the Past. .

The Herrscher of Erosion is even more so. If Ling has entered the Paradise of the Past, she can kill indiscriminately, and thirteen Ying Jie memories will not hesitate to join her, because her ability can "pollute" and destroy the Paradise of the Past.

Of course, a Herrscher like Xilin who seems to have the power of empty law has already mastered it, but his strength is "half-handed", and he will definitely be hanged and beaten after entering the paradise of the past.

"Have you heard of the Land of the Past?" Alicia asked.

"...How did you come out?"

"It's a long story... It's Mebius... Oh, it's not her, but the body that gives us the possibility to come out."

"Where's the doctor?" Bella asked suspiciously.

Alicia shook her head and said she didn't know.

"How did you know my name?"

"Of course it's because..."

"Because I told them both." Indus said in Bella's ear.

He gave Bella a shudder.

This bastard!

"It's not bad, but I'm not very satisfied, because you didn't succeed in hanging 'Mebius' and spanking." Wutong said with a smile~www.readwn.com~Little White Mouse...Brother Wutong~ Since you Okay, so let's do it yourself ~ come on ~ people won't resist. "The Paradise Snake beckoned, pretending to be shy.

Indus ignored her.

"Don't ask me where Mebius went, I don't know, she disappeared with Sakura without telling me." Wutong replied in advance as if he had foreseen Bella's question.

"Disappeared? With Sister Sakura?"


Wutong looked at the sunset outside the window and said, "I didn't expect that the ultimate enemy that Mebius chose was not me, but Sakura."

Bella didn't understand, but she didn't ask more. She seemed to see a trace of loss in Wutong's body, as well as a trace of worry and...happy?

Indus basically didn't show any real emotions, it was probably... an illusion?

"Oops~ Cutie Wutong, I heard what you said, how do I feel that Sakura and Mebius are a couple, and you are just an unnecessary "accident". "Alicia smiled in relief.

"Even if it's an "accident", I have a wife, and I have two, unlike you, who have lived for so many years and can't even find a partner. "

"You will only have one wife in the future, and that's me. Those two **** will definitely die together and will never come back. Hehe~ It's really interesting~" said Happy Land Snake Yin with a smile.

"Bella, do you want to have a more advanced and more realistic "Mebius" doll? "Indus said.

The smile on Happy Land Snake's face froze.

However, her heart couldn't contain her ecstasy.

Doll? Hehe~ Who will be the master in the future is not necessarily! +Bookmark+

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