Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Similar flowers, different people

After half an hour, Mei walked down the rooftop angrily wearing a pink coat.

She looked very embarrassed. Not only was the makeup on her face smeared, but the evening dress on her body was "accidentally" torn by Sakura.

She needs to go back to her guest room and dress up.

After all, Mei has lived for so long, and she has already learned about makeup and other things. Even now, she can cook some simple meals. I won't say how it tastes, but it is mainly edible.

In the short half hour just now, she couldn't remember how many times she was "bullied" by the Wutong family.

Sakura, Wutong, and Mebius were so used to their reckless behavior that they didn't care about Mei's status at all.

Apart from being bullied by Wutong once a hundred years ago, when has Mei, who is in a high position and holds great power, been treated like this?

What made her even more aggrieved was that during this period, she was powerless to resist, and it was impossible to "revenge" in the future, or it would be difficult to "revenge" successfully because she did not have the energy and time.

Perhaps, she could only swallow the grievance she suffered this time.

It seems that when we see those three people again in the future, I will bring a few "bodyguards" with me. It doesn't matter whether they have the ability to protect her or not. At the very least, Wutong and others will save her a little face in front of outsiders.

Strictly speaking, Mei is not an ordinary fusion warrior, let alone a Herrscher, she just doesn't age.

Without the use of weapons and equipment, Mei's combat ability is very low.

For a moment,

Mei, who returned to the guest room, found an armed puppet floating in front of her door, and the puppet seemed to be waiting for her.

Mei is not vigilant or prepared for this. If this place can be penetrated by the enemy, then Wutong should not fight against the collapse. What is the difference between him and the rice bucket?

Moreover, Mei knew this armed doll and had seen it before. Her name was Cangxuan Zhishu, and her nickname was Cang Xiaoxuan, Xiao Cangxuan...

Cang Xiaoxuan was sleeping and hadn't found out that Mei had returned.

Mei walked to her side, Cang Xiaoxuan was still sleeping.

Mei took out the room card and opened the door, but Cang Xiaoxuan still didn't wake up.

Mei took her into the room and closed the door, Cang Xiaoxuan was still sleeping, sounding sound.


Mei almost thought that Cang Xiaoxuan was dead. She felt that Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu should just leave this armed puppet called the Book of Cangxuan, and it would be more appropriate to call it the Book of Sleeping Dreams.

Seriously, don't you have any "vigilance" as an armed doll? ! What else can you do besides being cute? Too unqualified.

Half an hour later, Mei, who dressed herself up again, awakened the Book of Cangxuan.

"Ha~ah~" Cang Xiaoxuan stretched and yawned, then rubbed his eyes with his small hands and whispered, "Dr. Mei?! Good morning, Dr. Mei."

Cang Xiaoxuan's voice was soft and glutinous, and very polite.

"It's time to say goodnight," May corrected.

"Oh, good night, Dr. May, good dreams...zzZ..."

The Book of Cangxuan fell asleep again.


Mei didn't understand this. How could this little guy sleep like this? Can you fall asleep with your eyes closed? Is she really asleep?

This is too heartless, right? ! Shouldn't she be pretending? !

What an enviable quality of sleep, Mei is envious.

She reached out and pinched Cang Xiaoxuan's face, and woke him up again: "Good morning, Xiao Cangxuan."

"Good morning, Dr. Mei." Cang Xiaoxuan was still a little lost, "Why do I feel like I just fell asleep?"

"..." Mei was silent for a while and asked, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

"Ah~ yes~ I must be looking for you for something~ What is it?" Cang Xiaoxuan spoke very slowly, she tilted her head to think for a while, "Why am I here? Dr. Mei ?"


How could May know? Who are you asking? !

She felt that Cangxuan should "update" and "upgrade" the equipment in the Book of Cangxuan. Did this little guy become more and more sluggish because he lived for too long?

Perhaps sleeping is a means for her to maintain and maintain herself.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Mei, I forgot why I came here again." Cang Xiaoxuan said weakly.

Seeing her small appearance, Mei couldn't bear to blame her: "It's okay, take me to Cang Xuan."


"Oh~ by the way, I remembered why I came here!" Cang Xiaoxuan suddenly realized, "Master Cangxuan asked me to come to you, and then we will find her together."

Mei Ben wanted to complain: Can such a simple thing be forgotten?

But in the end she only spit out two words: "...Okay."

Cang Xiaoxuan glanced at the lost-children watch on his left wrist, and said slowly, "It's already so late~ Let's go, Doctor, don't let Lord Cangxuan wait any longer."

Mei is very confused by the behavior of the Book of Cangxuan, what watch do you wear as an armed doll? Shouldn't the armed puppet know the time at all times through "networking"?

Also, why didn't Cangxuan directly send instructions into Cang Xiaoxuan's "brain"? In this way, Cang Xiaoxuan would not forget things.

Could it be that... Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu did not regard Cang Xiaoxuan as an armed doll? But raised as a human child?

Shouldn't it be raised as a daughter-in-law? !

"Do you know where Cang Xuan is? Or, do you remember the way back?" Mei expressed her doubts.

"Remember, it has a good memory." Cang Xiaoxuan shook the white watch on his wrist, then lowered his head and said, "Let me see how to go..."


After a while, Cang Xiaoxuan opened the door and floated out.

"Doctor, please come here."


After confirming that the door was closed, Mei, who was behind Cang Xiaoxuan, casually found a topic: "How have Cangxuan and Dan Zhu been recently?"

Cang Xiaoxuan said softly and softly: "It's good, just like before, Lord Cangxuan is always busy, Lord Danzhu is always busy, it would be better if we could average it out.

"There is an old saying in Shenzhou, called 'the able ones work harder', Lord Cangxuan is so powerful, he is proficient in all fields, and can do everything, it is normal to be busy.

"Oh, I don't mean to say that Lord Danzhu can't do anything and is a waste. Lord Danzhu is also very powerful. She can take care of Lord Cangxuan's daily life, and she can eat, drink and have fun."

"...More work for the able?" Mei asked, "What ancient saying is this?"

Mei doesn't like these four words very much, because these four words describe her very well, and she is very busy.

"It's from "Zhuangzi: Lie Yu Bandit"." Cang Xiaoxuan thought for a while, and then replied, "The original sentence is... the skillful person works hard and the knowledgeable person worries, the incompetent person has nothing to ask for, and he is full of food and wanders. Could it be... Dr. Interested in ancient Chinese books? Do you need me to find a few for you?"


Mei Weiwei is stunned, why can you remember these things? Why can't you remember what Cang Xuan told you to do?


It's just that the people in Heaven are weird and different, why are even armed puppets weird?

Fortunately, Cang Xiaoxuan was a little lost in the lake, and it was quite reliable. She found her "home" without looking at the road map on her watch, and she didn't get lost.

If it weren't for the fact that I almost fell asleep while "walking", it would be more reliable.

Cangxuan's exclusive room is quite luxurious, and it is the best room in this restaurant. After all, this is her property.

"Come in, Doctor, what would you like to drink? I'll pour it for you." Cang Xiaoxuan opened the door and welcomed Mei inside.

"Thank you, the juice is fine."

"You're welcome." Cang Xiaoxuan floated away.

In the room, Cang Xuan was sitting in front of the book eucalyptus, lowering his head and writing something, as if he was working, and Dan Zhu didn't know where he went, maybe in the banquet hall.

"Good night, doctor." Cang Xuan put down the pen in his hand when he heard the voice, looked up and said.

Thousands of years of time did not seem to have left any traces on her body, Cang Xuan still looked like the paralyzed face she once had.

"Good night, do you have anything to do with me?" Mei sat beside Cang Xuan.

She glanced at the things on the table, which seemed to be Heavenly Court's financial income and expenditure schedule.

"Is the doctor interested in accepting apprentices?" Cang Xuan went straight to the point.

She and Mei are usually very busy and don't have the habit of greeting each other.

"Sorry, I'm not very interested."

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse... Not long ago, Shao Siming found a good seedling in Jidong, but in fact, before she found it, we secretly paid attention to that child for a long time."

"Oh?" Mei was slightly interested.

Cang Xuan took out a photo from the album on the bookcase and handed it to Mei.

In the photo, it is a little girl sitting on the ground and playing with building blocks. The little girl has a very cute appearance, a purple-haired girl with a big red bow tied in her hair, wearing a purple princess dress.

Looking at the angle and clarity of the photo~www.readwn.com~ it seems to be a candid shot.

Cang Xuan said expressionlessly: "She is Leidian Yayi, and her name is the same as yours. According to Wutong, her appearance when she grows up seems to be very similar to you, and she has a good relationship with you. She is a research institute under the jurisdiction of Anti-Entropy. The daughter of "ME Club", the Institute of Dead Men of ME Club, the deputy director of Leidian Ryoma, and the descendant of Beichen Yidaoliu. Born on April 13, 4698, the age is 48 months, which is 4 years old. "

"You think she'll be the next me?"

"No, we think that she has lived for a hundred years, and her IQ and means are not comparable to you when you were 18 years old." Cang Xuan paused and added, "But what if?"

"How is her talent?"

"It's very good, it has the resources of the law, and the stigmata on the body is also special."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

Mei pondered for a moment and said, "Sorry, her qualifications... um... I don't plan to accept her as a disciple. It's a waste of my time and energy. I won't pin my hopes on illusory fantasies."

"Don't think about it anymore?"


"All right."

Cang Xuan didn't insist any more, but she felt a little regretful. If Ya Yi was allowed to study with Wutong... Forget it, let's find a more reliable teacher for Ya Yi.

Who should I look for?

Mei put down the photo, glanced at the book of Cangxuan who was holding a juice bottle and fell asleep not far away, and asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Cangxuan? Why do you like to sleep so much? Are you old?"

"No, she was a sleeper from birth, maybe something went wrong when she was made."

"Aren't you going to help her get rid of this 'problem'?"

"No, she likes to sleep, and Danzhu said it's cute."


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