Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 37: The sisters are deeply in love, and the villa is first destroyed

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It's night, in the cabin.

After taking a shower, Little Rita wore slippers and walked to the children's bathtub. She first tested the water temperature with her hands, then raised her left leg and tapped the water surface with her toes. After repeatedly confirming that the water temperature was suitable and perfect, she carefully Step into the bathtub.

However, because the weather is good and the lake is calm, it may also be because the Wutong warship is relatively large, with a football field and a swimming pool on it.

As the warm and comfortable warm water flowed over her skin as white as boiled egg whites, Rita slowly let out a long sigh of relief, then took the water with her small hands, washed her face, and closed her eyes. , stretched a lazy waist, quietly enjoying the quiet time that belongs to her at the moment.

Little Rita likes the feeling of taking a bath very much. The clear warm water seems to have a magic power, which can cleanse the body and mind and wash away the fatigue and impetuousness brought by the day.

In addition, she also particularly likes another feeling, that is, the feeling of returning to her room at night and taking off her shoes and socks after wearing shoes all day and tired of playing. It is a feeling of freeing and relaxing. .

Both feel comfortable.

Rita is young, but she has learned to enjoy the little things in life.

Only when you know what to do first will make you feel comfortable, and then you can take care of others better in the future.

Maybe it's because of her "talent" that is different from ordinary people, maybe it's because of her precocious mind, or because her "heartless" parents basically didn't take care of her very much...

In short, although Linmei took good care of her, little Rita not only learned to take a bath by herself, but even took care of her own food and daily life, which is quite remarkable for a 5-year-old child.

Rita's height is only a little taller than the stove, and she struggled to pick up a kitchen knife, but she also learned to cook on a small bench.

In contrast, Siegfried, who is the "little princess" of the Kaslana family, was much stupid when she was five years old. She was so stupid that she just learned to eat with a small spoon and couldn't even understand how to play. Not to mention showering yourself, washing clothes in the washing machine, or cooking some simple meals.

There is still a huge gap between people.

Although still a little childish, there is a faint shadow of Linmei on Rita's body.

If nothing else, little Rita will definitely become a "good wife and good mother" who can take care of others when she grows up, the perfect wife in the eyes of her partner.


Outside the bathroom, a little girl who couldn't speak patted the door and said loudly, "Sister Rita, have you finished washing? Why is it so slow? Shouldn't you be drowned?!"


"I'm in! Oops! Why did you lock the door?! Sister Rita, are you dead? Say something!"

"No." Rita opened her eyes and replied slightly annoyed.

"Then come out quickly! Let's play building blocks together!"

"Got it, right now."

Rita picked up the rubber duck floating on the water and rubbed it a few times, venting her displeasure.

She planned to soak for a while longer and let the "playmates" outside the door wait.

The blond girl outside the door was named Natasha Siora. According to Lord Wutong, she was born in a village outside the Siberian plain and lived with her brother.

Since Natasha has no parents in her memory since she can remember, she and her brother don't know how old they are.

However, this is just what Natasha said to the outside world. Rita suspects that this little girl remembers her age because she remembers her and her brother's birthdays.

How can anyone remember the date of birth but not the year of birth?

Of course, it is not ruled out that Natasha's birthday is made up by herself. She may just want to have a birthday and celebrate it.

However, Lord Wutong should know the real age of the Siola brothers and sisters, because he has checked the body of the two brothers and sisters, and I heard that the two little guys have extremely high resistance to the collapse, especially Natasha, who can become a Fusion Warrior.

The reason why Natasha is reluctant to reveal her age may be because she simply does not want outsiders to know, or it may be because she is younger than Rita, but she wants to let Rita take care of her because of her height. call my sister.

Rita didn't call Natasha her sister because she thought she might be older, her birthday was March 1st, and Natasha's was June 19th, if the two were born in the same year Yes, then she is the sister.

Rita doesn't like Natasha, and Natasha doesn't like Rita either. These two little girls seem to be natural enemies. From the first sight of each other, they hate each other.

There is no reason, there is no reason, it is hate, it is not pleasing to the eyes of the other party.

Therefore, although Rita and Natasha try their best to act like "good playmates" in front of people, they are "mortal enemies" behind them, and they often "stumble" on each other "unintentionally" and make They are happiest when they are unhappy.

Not only that, but little Rita and little Natasha can still keep their faces intact and always face each other with smiles, as if... what they did to make each other unhappy was out of kindness and for the good of each other, as if ... They are a pair of good sisters who are more affectionate than Jin Jian.

People are really scary, even a little girl who looks innocent and cute.

Little girls have a lot of "bad eyes"!

After half an hour,

Just when Natasha was about to disturb Rita's sister again, Rita had already dressed and pushed open the bathroom door.

Not only did Rita take a shower, but she also wisely cleaned up the bathroom and put the changed clothes into the washing machine.

She didn't care about the clothes Natasha changed.

Natasha was the first to take a bath, she washed faster.

Natasha was disappointed to see Rita hadn't drowned in the bathroom.

Children's thinking is quite scary. They don't know the weight of life, and they don't understand the preciousness of life. If they hate someone, they will long for that person to die or leave in their hearts, hoping that they will never see each other again in the future.

Because of ignorance, desire is simple.

"Why are you washing so slowly? I almost thought you were dead. I was just about to go to Lord Wutong to collect your corpse for you. I'm so sad."

Natasha is sitting on the rug and is building the "villa" with blocks.

Rita's face was tensed, and she said with a serious face: "Lord Lin said that elegant girls should be careful when taking a bath."

Lin never said this, Rita just wanted to "unintentionally" express that Natasha is a vulgar girl.


Natasha believed it, and since it was what Lord Lin said, she didn't dare to refute it. The little girl was not afraid of anyone, but she didn't dare to offend Lin, unless she and her brother would stop eating the meals prepared by Lord Lin in the future.

Natasha, who was holding the building blocks, changed the topic: "I remember Lord Wutong said that at this time next year, we can be trained like adults. Have you thought about the code name in the future?"

"What code name?" Rita was a little puzzled.

"It's the code name! Didn't you find it? The powerful adults use code names to the outside world, and never use their real names. For example, the well-known Taiyi, Yinglong, Jingwei, Qinglong, etc."

Rita tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "Of course I found it, but I haven't decided what to call it. Have you thought about your future code name?"

"Think about it, my name is "Raven". " Natasha said.

She didn't know what kind of bird a raven was or what it looked like, but she just heard Wutong mention this kind of bird, and she thought it was cool when she heard the description.

"Raven? Sounds spooky."

Rita also doesn't know what a raven is. Could it be a kind of raven?

Natasha explained ostentatiously: "Gloomy? No, you don't understand. Among all birds, the raven is the most powerful one. It is one of the smartest birds. And it is black in color and flies. So handsome!"

"Then my name is Raven too." Rita said.

"No! This is the code name I thought of. Hurry up and think of something else. I already told you my code name, and you should tell me too." Natasha thought about it and added, "We are the best. Sister, you must tell me!"


Rita had already thought about it, she had thought about it before, but she didn't want to tell Natasha.

It's a shame to say that code name.

The little girl glanced at the flowers placed by the window, and casually wrote: "Rose... Rose... um... My code name is "Dark Rose". "

"Dark Rose? Hehe, what a literary and ladylike name! Miss Dark Rose~" Natasha joked strangely.


Rita sat beside Natasha with a blank face, pulled out a crucial building block under the "Villa", and the "Villa" collapsed instantly.

"Oh~ I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just wanted to help you build another layer!" Rita immediately pretended to be panicked, "I thought that moving the first layer to the top would One more layer! I'm so sorry! I'm stupid."


Seeing the "villa" being destroyed, Natasha's heart was going crazy, she had built it for almost an hour.

But she still shrugged and pretended to be casual: "It's okay~www.readwn.com~ I don't care."


"Really, I built it casually, and I can build another one."

"That... don't cover it, it's getting late, we should rest." Rita kindly reminded, "If you don't turn off the lights to sleep, Lord Lin will come over."

"……All right."

Natasha felt so aggrieved, she wanted to play with building blocks and glue them together in the future.

late at night,

The ship is full of dreams and the stars are overwhelmed.

Little Natasha was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She felt extremely uncomfortable when she thought of the results of her hard work and being destroyed by the little **** Rita.

What made it even more uncomfortable was that under the night, she saw Rita sleeping soundly beside her.

hateful! That's abominable!

Natasha, who clenched her fist, felt that she might remember today's events for a lifetime, no, it must be remembered for a lifetime!

Thinking of this, Natasha crept up from the bed, walked quietly to the desk, and took out a locked diary from the bookcase.

Then, she picked up a pencil and walked to the window, as if recording something in the moonlight.


Houkai calendar 4701, August 19, the night, the weather is fine.

Rita demolished my villa and I will definitely get my revenge when I grow up! Future me, don't forget this.

- Natasha 4701.08.19


On the bed, the corners of Little Rita's mouth rose slightly. She has not slept until now, just to see the scene in front of her.

She likes to watch the angry Natasha secretly record things in a small notebook.

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