Honkai Biography

Chapter 78: The founding of the academy

The next day.

Wutong and Sakura are packing their luggage. They plan to leave the house tomorrow and go out for a honeymoon. Before leaving, Wutong called everyone in the organization together to prepare for a meeting and arrange their future work.

If the boss goes out to play, it does not mean that he will give his subordinates a holiday.

After everyone, including the dead, was seated, Wutong stood up and said straight to the point: "In the days when I'm gone, you need to start an academy."

"Academy?" Ling exclaimed, not knowing what an incredible thing she had heard.

Suzu hates places like school the most.

Wutong wanted to build a school for a long time. In Wutong's eyes, these cured dead men were unqualified in terms of combat ability and knowledge.

Talent, no matter where it is, is the most scarce and the most important.

The reason why it has not been established is because there were too few people before, and he was still at home.

The construction work of the college will definitely be very heavy. When Wutong is at home, he will inevitably help out. Now that he has left, he can push all the work to his subordinates.

"Yes, education is a way and a way for mankind to inherit the achievements of civilization. After I leave, you need to set up an academy, which can be set up on the mountain or down the mountain, whatever is convenient. There are primary schools, secondary schools and universities.

"The main purpose of the school is to impart knowledge to the dead or new members of the organization in the future, to improve their knowledge and combat ability, and to give them a deeper understanding of the world. Cangxuan and Danzhu are teachers. Responsible for teaching some courses. Lin is the principal, in charge of management, and can also teach."

Dan Zhu raised his hand: "Can I refuse?"

"Can not."

"What if I have to refuse?"

"You can try." Wutong threatened with a smile.

"...I know very few things, and, what can I teach?" Dan Zhu said while shrinking his neck.

Wutong thought for a moment and said, "You can teach mathematics, natural science, art, music, sculpture, etc."

Dan Zhu became more energetic: "Is it okay for art?! I can do all of these!"

"Knowledge has no distinction between high and low, it is all useful." Wutong paused and continued, "Since you have chosen to teach art, then Cangxuan's tasks may be heavier, medicine, engineering, science, management, Economics, Law, Philosophy…”

"Wait! Wait!! Is my task a little too heavy?" Cang Xuan interrupted quickly.

Wutong explained: "No, no, it's not heavy at all. You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk the road step by step. I'm not asking you to teach so much at one time. With all due respect, most of them even have primary school culture. If you don't have any literacy, you can teach some elementary school knowledge first, such as mathematics, geography... What is there in elementary school... um... Naturally, words, ideology and morals.

"Furthermore, there are classes in the morning only every day. You and Dan Zhu are interspersed with each other, and you can also ask Dan Zhu to help you take the class. In the afternoon, there is combat training, and the body is the capital. This kind of class can be taught by Qi or the Book of Cangxuan. "

Cang Xuan nodded. In this way, it didn't sound like a heavy burden, and she could accept it.

"Well, I can also teach them fighting skills." At this moment, Ling raised her hand weakly.

"No, you have to go to school."

Still want to be a teacher? impossible.


Ling's careful thoughts were easily seen by Wutong, and Ling said, "Why should I go to school? And they can teach."

"Because you are too trash and you are too illiterate."

"I... I still have to work! Yes! I also want to control the Honkai Beast to dig the ground! I don't have time to go to school." Suzu tried her best not to study.

"It's good to leave those to the Honkai Beast, you don't have to watch it all the time, your task now is to study hard, don't think about those who have it or not." Wutong looked at Ling, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, he continued He said, "By the way, there must be an exam every month, to test your knowledge and ability, I will tell Lin to watch over you, don't think about cheating and cheating, I will take a more scientific test when I come back, no Those who pass not only have to be punished, but also stay in the academy and study until they pass.”


Ling felt that Wutong was targeting her, so she had to take an exam?

"My lifespan is almost limitless, I can work first and study slowly later!" Ling felt that she was very witty.

However, Wutong is very ruthless: "Don't think about studying in the future. If you don't study now, it will be even more impossible to study in the future. You have no self-control now, and you push the course to your future self. This is very irresponsible. Are you sure your future self will have that self-control?"

"I have got!"

"Ha~ you have a fart."


"Lin! Be obedient! Go to school well, and when Wutong and I come back, I will personally check your studies." Sakura stood up at this time and said sternly to Ling.

Ling pouted her small mouth angrily, like a cute little pufferfish.

"Big sister really doesn't love me anymore, it's all to blame for Wutong!" Ling thought aggrieved.

Kevin suddenly understood why Ling always looked at Wutong like an enemy. It seemed that she was also a victim of Wutong.

Seeing that the bell finally stopped, Wutong continued to ask, "Who else has any questions?"

Cang Xuan raised his hand: "Will this promote the development of civilization?"

Wutong shook his head: "Don't worry, the knowledge we impart is only within our own small circle, and we won't contact the outside world, and we won't spread the knowledge to the outside world. The promotion of civilization is minimal."

Chiyou has endured the civilization of Shenzhou, and the Chinese parasol has sealed Chiyou, he will not joke about his life.

"There is one more problem." Cang Xuan continued, "We will not have enough supplies and food~www.readwn.com~ We only study every day, do not work, and make ends meet."

"You can figure this out. You are responsible for managing money. The concept of money also includes materials. These are all trivial matters. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem." Wutong said irresponsibly.

"No, this is not a trivial matter. Anything that can be solved with money is difficult for me to solve. For the organization, it will be even more difficult to solve because we have no money." Cang Xuan said seriously.

Cangxuan loves money very much, and attaches great importance to money.


Wutong was stunned for a while, and then said decisively, "Then study during the day, work at night, and sleep well after you're tired."

After speaking, Wutong was immediately criticized by everyone. Outnumbered, Wutong made a concession.

Changed to 3 hours of study in the morning, 2 hours of exercise in the afternoon, and 3 hours of work for everyone in the rest of the time, with no time limit.

Wutong felt that he was becoming less and less majestic as a leader, and what was even more disgusting was that, as a boss, he believed that everyone had to work at least 24 hours a day. He did not expect that the current employees would be so lazy and only choose to work for 3 hours. , Sure enough, they are not good employees, only Linmei is his good employee, and only Linmei has a high ideological awareness.

After arranging things for the school, Wutong arranged a lot more, as if explaining the funeral.

For example: not only know how to immerse yourself in learning, but also combine knowledge and action; no one can approach the laboratory, it is very dangerous; Kevin is optimistic about little Mebius, don't let her attack the people of the organization, let alone let her run away ; how much soil the bell has to dig each day...

After Wutong finished speaking, it was almost noon. Perhaps Wutong was leaving tomorrow. Lin thoughtfully cooked a sumptuous lunch, and everyone naturally held a banquet.

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