Mei Raiden was blown away by the shock wave.

Mei Raiden, who had no foothold, rolled on the ground for several rounds before finally finding an opportunity. With the help of the force of rolling, she adjusted the direction of her body at the moment of leaving the ground again.

She gritted her teeth and grabbed the ground with her hands. The armor on her hands collided with the ground, making a harsh sound and sparks flying.

"Um..." Mei Raiden groaned, but finally stopped her retreat and stopped.

After coughing painfully for a few times, Mei Raiden endured the severe pain all over her body and propped her body up from the ground with her hands.

But at this moment, a huge shadow completely enveloped Mei Raiden on the ground.

A temple-level Houkai beast raised the spear in its hand high behind Mei Raiden, and then swung it down mercilessly.

Mei Raiden, who had no time to dodge, protected her head with one hand reflexively, closed her eyes tightly and trembled slightly.

But the imagined pain did not come.

Unknown sounds kept coming from behind Mei Raiden.

Mei Raiden looked back in doubt.

She found that the spear of the Temple-level Honkai Beast behind her was less than half a meter away from her, but it seemed to be blocked and trembling in the air and unable to get close to her.

Then, a black Titan mecha slowly emerged beside the Temple-level Honkai Beast, and the black mechanical arm firmly clamped the spear of the Temple-level Honkai Beast swung at her.

The mechanical arm of the Titan mecha trembled, as if it was exerting force, and the spear of the Temple-level Honkai Beast made a sound of being overwhelmed in its hand.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the spear of the Temple-level Honkai Beast was crushed into pieces by the Titan mecha.

At the same time, accompanied by a mechanical sound.

A running Titan mecha passed the mecha that protected Mei Raiden, revealed its figure in the air, and jumped onto the shield of the Temple-level Honkai Beast.

The powerful impact made the Temple-level Honkai Beast retreat backwards, away from Raiden Mei.

The Titan Mech that jumped onto the Temple-level Honkai Beast grabbed the shield with one hand and grabbed the Temple-level Honkai Beast's hand without the spear from behind with the other hand.

Pulling back with force, the head of the Temple-level Honkai Beast that was blocked by the shield was revealed.

Three shells appeared out of thin air and hit the head of the Temple-level Honkai Beast, causing a violent explosion.

After the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, what was left was a standing Titan Mech and the silent corpse of the Honkai Beast lying on the ground.

One by one, the mechas slowly emerged beside Raiden Mei and rushed towards the Herrscher of the Void not far away.

Looking at the various mechas that kept passing by her, Mei Raiden murmured: "Is this... anti-entropy...?"

"Ms. Mei Raiden, Ms. Theresa will be there to meet you soon, please hold on!"

Listening to Einstein's voice coming from the communicator beside her ear, Mei Raiden gritted her teeth and stood up.

Looking at the girl in the distance with no emotion in her golden pupils, tears wet Mei Raiden's face.



The Herrscher of the Sky looked at the mecha army rushing towards him, with no emotion in his cold eyes.

He raised his hands slowly, and the purple collapse energy condensed in his hands, and he opened his palms and waved them down.

Six skirts slowly emerged under him.

Among them, four skirts like peacock feathers slowly floated up, and each tail page on the skirt had an eye with a golden edge and black pupils.

Then, a lightning bolt appeared in each of the four black pupils on the skirt and struck the air.

As four black lightning bolts intertwined in the air, black portals with purple halos on the edges slowly emerged.

The Herrscher of the Void slowly moved forward, and with each step, a purple circular step appeared under his feet.

While slowly floating up in the void, the Herrscher of the Void slowly opened his hands.

In the portal behind him, the figure of the Temple-level Honkai Beast slowly emerged.

Looking down at the mecha army rushing towards him, the Herrscher of the Void stopped and waved his raised hands forward.

The Temple-level Honkai Beast that appeared in the portal behind him left the portal and rushed towards the mecha underground.

The two sides fought together in an instant.

In terms of strength, a Titan mecha is not much worse than a Temple-level Honkai Beast.


In the air, the Herrscher of the Void continued to move forward, and the portal behind him continued to pour out new Honkai Beasts and rushed towards the Titan mecha below.

With the continuous outflow of Temple-level Honkai Beasts.

With one mecha having to deal with several Temple-level Honkai beasts at the same time, the Anti-Entropy Titan Legion soon fell into a disadvantage.

The overwhelming Honkai beast legion beat the Titan mecha legion back.

On the Hyperion.

Looking at the images from the drone on the scene, Einstein knew that if this continued, the mecha legion would definitely be the winner.Defeated.

Looking at the figure in the picture, Einstein sighed.

To capture the thief, first capture the leader.

It seems that we have to take a gamble.

Let the retreating Titan mecha army line up in a battle line and open a virtual barrier.

The Temple-level Honkai beast rushed towards the barrier, and the spear hit the barrier held up by the Titan mecha army fiercely.

Although it was slow, its spear was still stabbing into the barrier.

Behind the barrier were five red Hellfire mechas and three Thunder Mechas.

"Hellfire mecha, turret mode, start."

"Thunder Mecha, turret mode, start."

Accompanied by the sound of machinery falling.

The eight mechas slowly unfolded and rotated, aiming the huge muzzles at the figure in the air.

"Ammunition, loaded."

"Target, aim."

In the air, the Herrscher of the Sky stopped and looked down at everything below.

"Human, your existence is a mistake."

"War, deception, jealousy, greed..."

"You have made me lose everything."

"Today, I will devour everything."

"Because I am the collapse!"

Behind the eight mechas, as the white heat was released, the top of the barrel lit up.


The barrels of the eight mechas instantly fired countless shells, sparing no effort to pour their fierce artillery fire on the figure in the air.

Countless shells lit up as they flew into the air, smashing towards the Herrscher of the Sky like stars.

In the golden pupils of the Herrscher of the Sky, the light of the artillery fire became brighter and brighter.


It seemed like a cold snort, but also like disdain.

The corners of the Herrscher of the Sky's mouth curled up slightly, and he snapped his fingers forward with one hand.

In an instant, countless purple portals overlapped together to form a barrier blocking the front of the artillery fire.

But the shells did not explode when they hit the portal, but disappeared silently in the portal.

After the last shell entered the portal, the portals that were stacked together instantly shrank inward.

A small ball containing golden light and emitting a terrifying aura came into the hands of the Ruler of the Void.

Einstein's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this scene: "Not good!"

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