Bella had heard such a story in her previous life.

There was a man who always had difficult choices in his life, but he could always make his choice without hesitation. Someone asked him, do you hesitate or doubt your choice when making a choice?

The man smiled and said, of course I would hesitate, but whenever I hesitated, I would toss a coin to decide. The person who asked the question asked him again, do you decide based on the front and back of the coin?

The man replied: Of course not, but when I tossed the coin, the answer I wanted was already in my heart.

Bella is the same, what should she choose.

Looking at the options in front of her, Bella exhaled lightly.

At the moment when the system task came out, Bella already had the answer in her heart.

Looking at the Honkai beast that was already rushing towards her, Bella's eyes condensed.

"Come on! Let me bet everything on these 15 minutes!"

Bella looked at the 10 Honkai beasts rushing towards her and decided to start with the weaker Advance Honkai beasts.

With a sideways movement, he dodged the slashing blow from the wings of the Advance-level Honkai Beast, and raised his hand to grab the wings of another Advance-level Honkai Beast that was attacking him.

With a force on his hand, he directly pulled off the wings, and then with a roundhouse kick, he kicked the two Honkai Beasts in front of him out together, and they fell heavily to the ground, motionless, obviously deader than dead.

At the same time, a knight-level Honkai Beast also came in front of Bella, and stabbed Bella with the spear in his hand.

But Bella had been prepared, leaning back, doing a backflip to avoid the attack, and propping up her hands on the ground, pulling back from the remaining Honkai Beasts.

Standing up, Bella threw the wing she had pulled off on the ground with an expressionless face.

"There are still 8."

Time was running out, and Bella decided not to wait passively for the Honkai Beasts to attack, and decided to take the initiative.

Pointing in the direction of the remaining Honkai Beasts with one hand, Bella activated the Honkai energy in her body.

The originally dim four-cornered amethyst on Bella's chest lit up with an orange-red light, and a flame appeared in it and began to burn fiercely.

Then, the flames burned on Bella's clothes, and the feather ornaments on her head turned into the shape of flames.

The originally purple-white clothes appeared with flame patterns as if they were stained by flames, and her gray hair and sky-blue eyes gradually turned orange-red under the illumination of the flames.

From a distance, Bella was like a blazing flame in the center of the platform, as if she was going to burn everything.

"Fire Meteorite!"

As Bella's voice fell, a group of basketball-sized, fiercely burning fireballs formed above Bella, and then fell towards the Honkai Beast in front like a falling meteorite.


After the loud noise, a large amount of smoke and dust was stirred up where the Honkai Beast was.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the remaining two breakthrough-level Honkai Beasts in the venue had disappeared.

Among the remaining Honkai beasts, except for the Temple-level, the surfaces of the remaining Honkai beasts also had some traces of burning.

Kiana opened her mouth slightly, and pulled Mei Raiden beside her in shock: "Mei, Bella is so powerful! She can also transform!"

Mei Raiden was also a little surprised. After all, when she was with Bella before, Bella looked harmless.


Looking at Bella in the field, Mei Raiden's face showed a trace of worry.

The remaining Honkai beasts are not easy to deal with. Bella...

Indeed, Bella frowned slightly as she looked at the remaining six Honkai beasts in front of her.

The previous attack was almost the strongest attack she could use now.

But except for the easy-to-deal-with Charge-level, the rest did not cause much damage to them, and the Temple-level directly blocked her attack with a shield, without any injury.

But it's normal. After all, apart from the physical strength, the concentration of Honkai energy in Bella's body has only reached the peak of B-level Valkyrie, and the Temple-level Honkai beast is the standard for the A-level Valkyrie assessment. The remaining Honkai beasts are not easy to deal with.

"It seems that I have to fight in close combat."

Just now in the battle, Bella also figured out the attack methods of these three Honkai beasts.

Among them, the chariot-level moves very slowly, and it is good to charge when attacking. It should be the type with high attack power but low attack speed.

The knight-level has high attack power and fast speed. Although it is as difficult to deal with as the temple-level, it has no special attack method. Let's start with the simple chariot-level.

Thinking of this, Bella no longer procrastinated, and put her feet on the ground, rushing towards the two chariot-level beasts like lightning.

At this time, the reactions of the two chariot-level Honkai beasts were exactly the same as Bella imagined.

Bella rushed toIn front of the two Honkai beasts, the two Honkai beasts seemed to have just reacted and began to accumulate power.

But obviously, there were two Temple-level and two Knight-level Honkai beasts next door, staring at them covetously. Bella would not give the two Honkai beasts any chance.

With a flash, she came to the side of a Honkai beast, letting the Honkai energy in her body flow through her body, the flames ignited on her right fist, and she punched out.

In the first punch to the Assault-level Honkai beast, Bella did not use the Honkai energy, so what if she used it?

Bella gave the answer at this time.

The Chariot-level Honkai beast hit by Bella's fist seemed to pause first, and then the side of the body hit by Bella suddenly sank in.

In the amazed eyes of Kiana and others on the side, the entire Honkai beast flew directly into the air and hit the light curtain formed on the edge of the platform.

Then, Bella turned around and kicked another tank-class Honkai beast that was still accumulating power with her foot. She kicked it to the edge of the platform like a football and hit another Honkai beast, and the dust raised covered everyone's sight.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the Honkai beast that appeared in front of everyone turned into a light spot with data dissipating.

"Too, too awesome!" Seeing this scene, Kiana on the side couldn't help but shout excitedly.

However, Raiden Mei next to her seemed to see something, her pupils shrank, and she shouted: "No, Bella! Get out of the way!"

At the same time, Bella, who had just dealt with two tank-class Honkai beasts, suddenly felt a tremor.


A sharp pain suddenly came from her waist, and Bella flew out uncontrollably and hit the rising light curtain barrier heavily.

"Cough cough."

Bella, who fell to the ground, coughed painfully, and the blood slowly flowing from her waist soaked the ground.

What's going on? I've been paying attention to the other four Honkai beasts. What's going on?

At this moment, Bella, who was lying on the ground, saw it in her peripheral vision.

Not far away, a knight-level Honkai beast had blood on the front of its spear, and the blood on it was slowly dripping onto the ground.

Then, the mount under it raised its forelimbs high, then stepped down heavily, and a bright light lit up on the Honkai beast.

Then, the Honkai beast rushed towards Bella in a charging state. With a flash of light, it came to Bella's eyes in an instant, and the spear in its hand stabbed Bella on the ground.

Bella's world seemed to slow down suddenly.

The Honkai beast's spear slowly grew larger in Bella's eyes, and Bella's pupils also enlarged.

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