Bronya's vision gradually became clear.

Bronya reacted as she looked at everything in front of her, "The maze...disappeared?"

Bronya checked her body and found that it had returned to the state before entering the third world.

In front of her was a platform.

In the center of the platform was a blue prismatic crystal.

Looking at the crystal, Bronya murmured, "Is that...the core of the Herrscher of Reason?"

Wait, where's Bella!

Bronya quickly glanced around.

But Bronya didn't see Bella, but saw someone she didn't expect.

Looking at the girl next to her, Bronya murmured, "... Seele?"

Seele smiled, "It's me, Sister Bronya."

Bronya suddenly hugged Seele in her arms, and Seele's body suddenly stiffened.

But Bronya, who was happy that Seele was safe, didn't notice it.

Bronya hugged Seele tightly, "Seele... Great! You're fine."

At some point, Seele's pupils had turned red.

Seele smiled, "Yeah...! Seele is fine!"

Hearing Seele's words, Bronya realized something was wrong.

Letting go of Seele, Bronya was stunned when she saw Seele's red pupils, "Seele?"

Seele chuckled twice, "Finally I see you, big sister~"

Then Seele looked at the blue crystal not far away and laughed like a bell, "Is that the core of the Ruler of Reason? I didn't expect it to appear in this way..."

"...With it, Seele can be with big sister forever in the outside world."

"...You are not Seele!" Bronya was shocked, and the heavy-armored bunny behind her aimed at Seele, "Who are you, what did you do to Seele?"

"Ah, it's so sad, big sister doesn't even recognize me?" Seele showed a sad expression, but then smiled again.

"But that's right, this should be our first meeting."

"Then let me introduce myself - I am the other her who is living in Seele's body."

"Another her...? I can't understand what you are talking about, return Seele to Bronya."

"Hehe." Seele chuckled twice, "I understand your sister's desire to protect Seele."

"Don't worry, we are born as one, I won't hurt her. On the contrary, I know how to save Seele."

Seele looked at Bronya, "Please give me the core of the Herrscher of Reason, so that Seele and I can return to reality."

"Bronya Nia will use the Eye of the Abyss to bring Seele back!"

Seele shook her head, "It's useless. Seele is different from her sister. Her body has been completely assimilated by the Quantum Sea."

"The X-10 experiment gave her the power to travel through this dimension, but the power was out of control and eventually backfired on her body."

"This is a story you and I both know. Ordinary methods can't save her."

"... But fortunately, I have good news~"

Seele looked at Bronya, "Sister, aren't you curious about why Seele is here?"

Hearing Seele's words, Bronya was stunned.

But what Seele said next made Bronya's pupils shrink sharply.

"The answer is that someone saved us. Of course... there was a price. After the experiment failed, we drifted in the void of space, looking for an exit, day after day, year after year.

Until one day, in the endless darkness, a voice found us first. I don't know who he is, and Seele doesn't know either, but he helped us leave there.

He also promised to let us leave the Quantum Sea and return to the familiar reality, but there is only one condition."

Seele looked at Bronya and smiled, "--Find the core of the Herrscher of Reason for him, and remove the barrier that separates reality from the Quantum Sea."

"What did you say!" Bronya was shocked when she heard it, and then said anxiously: "Having this Bronya can only think of one person who has this kind of power and wants to remove the barrier. "

"Stop it, you are helping [Snake] to remove the seal!"

"Stop? Why, I don't understand." Seele shook her head, "He saved us, and now Seele and I can stand in front of my sister, thanks to his power."

"He also promised me that he would create a world where Seele can survive... a world without the threat of collapse, where Seele and my sister can live happily."

"He just wants to leave the Quantum Sea, he is using you!"

Hearing Bronya's words, Seele was silent for a moment and then shook her head, "It doesn't matter."

"Sister Bronya, there is reallyIt's too dark, too cold, and we've been here for too long."

"If there's another way, I don't want to help him."

"I... want to leave here!"

A blue-purple sickle appeared in Seele's hand, "I won't let anyone stop me."

"Not even my sister...!"

As soon as Seele finished speaking, the sickle in her hand slashed towards Bronya.

"Wait...! "Bronya wanted to say something, but Seele's sickle was already in front of her.

Bronya had no choice but to subconsciously use the mechanical arm of the Heavy Bunny to block herself.

The armor of the Heavy Bunny's mechanical arm collided with the sickle, and sparks flew.

Then the mechanical arm of the Heavy Bunny swept forward, but Seele dodged the attack with a backflip.

The moment she landed, Seele dived and rushed up again.

Looking at Seele who was constantly attacking in front of her, Bronya subconsciously wanted to attack with artillery.

But the next moment Bronya reacted.

No, this is Seele's body, and the artillery will hurt Seele.

…… It seems that I can only take a risk.

Thinking of this, Bronya gritted her teeth.

Looking at Seele's sickle coming towards her, Bronya took a deep breath.

Then, she withdrew the heavy-armored bunny.

Looking at the heavy-armored bunny that suddenly disappeared, and Bronya who had no cover under her attack.

Seele's pupils shrank suddenly.

The sickle that should have hit Bronya subconsciously deviated and fell on the open space next to Bronya.

It's at this time!

Seeing this, Bronya no longer hesitated.

The heavy-armored bunny appeared instantly, and the two mechanical arms suddenly closed together, locking Seele's sickle tightly.

"You...! "Seele saw this, and she could not fail to see that everything Bronya had done just now was to remove her weapon.

Seele wanted to pull out the sickle, but Bronya locked it tightly with the Heavy Bunny.

Seeing the situation was deadlocked, Seele gritted his teeth.

It seemed that he had to use his power.

Thinking of this, Seele no longer hesitated, and black mist floated around him.

The next moment

Seele turned around and kicked the sickle handle.

The sudden increase in power caused the sickle, which was originally locked tightly by the Heavy Bunny, to fly out in a rotation.


Bronya had no time to react, and the sickle flew back in a rapid rotation, hitting Bronya's back heavily.

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