
Rita found the passage to the underground floor according to the guidance of the radar.

It was a hidden elevator.

As the elevator door opened.

In the darkness, the unknown seemed to be inviting.

In response, Rita chuckled twice and entered the elevator, "It seems that the secret we are looking for should not be far away."

The elevator slowly moved down.

After a long time.

With the vibration of the elevator, the huge elevator platform finally fell to the bottom.

The elevator door slowly opened.

In front of her was a hall of astonishing scale, but what shocked Rita even more was the scene inside.

The experimental cabins were lined up in rows.

The experimental subjects suspended in them were both familiar and unfamiliar to Rita.

"This is..."

Dead soldiers.

On the skin of these zombies that Rita had fought countless times, fine lines intertwined, drawing glowing marks one by one.

Rita was sure that she was not mistaken.

That was... the holy mark.

Until the fate developed artificial stigmata, in the long history of mankind.

Only a few people chosen by fate would show this special mark.

Rita gritted her teeth and stared at the faces in the container.

Rita breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see anyone she was familiar with.

But instead, a stronger anger surged up with the blood.

These experimental subjects were of different heights, sizes, and ages.

Some had the tissues of the Honkai beast implanted in their bodies, and their bodies were covered with white silicone gel shells.

Some had a part of their body removed and replaced with an electronic prosthesis.


This place seemed like a bizarre human museum, showing the intruders how far the human body could be transformed.

Rita realized that she had reached the source of the secret.

"Miss Rita... are you okay? I detected that your heart rate and blood pressure are rising."

Rita took a deep breath, "I'm fine."


Rita walked forward and came to the operating table surrounded by experimental chambers in the center of the hall.

As she operated, countless documents washed through Rita's eyepiece.

In the documents flying like snowflakes, Rita caught the target she wanted to find at a glance.

[The holy scar, the most precious legacy in human blood. ]

[The holy scar is not a product of natural evolution, but a miracle of pre-civilization biotechnology. ]

[There are still many unsolved mysteries about its principles and operation. ]

[Before the demise of the pre-civilization, they inoculated a complex Honkai antibody genome into the embryos of a few offspring. ]

[These genomes will build a mark on the human body surface, which is the holy scar. ]

[Humans carrying the holy scar have stronger Honkai resistance and control, and then show all kinds of incredible powers. ]

[But unfortunately, as human lineage is inherited, genes continue to mutate and exchange. ]

[The originally complete holy scar genome eventually dispersed. ]

[Once the puzzle is disrupted, the meaning of the pattern no longer exists. ]

[Therefore, although every modern human carries the stigmata gene, only a handful of people can express the stigmata naturally. ]

[The Destiny Organization once imitated the stigmata by artificial means and used it through acquired implantation. ]

[But this technology is full of flaws and dangers, and is just a poor imitation. ]

[However, under the inspiration of the omniscient and omnipotent snake, our research has made a leap forward. ]

Seeing this, Rita frowned slightly, "Snake? Could it be the World Serpent..."

Rita continued to read.

[Now, we already know how to activate and reorganize the stigmata fragments hidden in human genes through artificial intervention so that they can be fully expressed. ]

[This process is extremely difficult, and those who cannot bear it will die in pain, or even become zombies. ]

[But those who survive will have the power to survive the collapse. ]

[The cost is very high, but it is also worth it... ]

[The current activation progress is still very slow, far from the expected number. ]

[So, next, we need to conduct experiments in a densely populated city...]

The document ends here.

Rita frowned, "Conducting experiments on the entire population of a city? They must be crazy!"


At the end of the laboratory, a huge screen lit up, and the person on the screen said: "... Sometimes, I think so too."

Rita instantly looked at the lit screen.

The person on the screen was the one named Xiola who had received her at Shencheng Pharmaceuticals before.

As Raven's voice fell, all the experimental cabins around Rita that were holding the dead men were bombarded.It suddenly exploded.

With the fragments flying everywhere, a large number of dead soldiers instantly surrounded Rita.

Rita stared at the raven on the screen and put her hand on the communicator beside her ear, "Alvette, I am surrounded, the Immortal Blade is ready to meet."


The raven on the screen looked at Rita and smiled, "It is worthy of destiny. You dare to step into other people's territory and peek into other people's secrets without permission."

"Miss Rita, since you are so interested in this place, why not take a few more glances?"

"This will also allow me to free up time to entertain you well."

"However, people always have to pay a little to get something. Price, isn't it? "

"Use your life and the lives of your subordinates in exchange for everything you see here... The price is not too high, right?"

Hearing this, Rita smiled and stood the sickle in front of her, "Do you really understand what kind of opponent you have chosen?"

As she spoke, Rita glanced at the surrounding dead soldiers, "If the World Serpent thinks that it can destroy the Valkyrie of Destiny with just these things, I can only express my deep sympathy."

Raven smiled, "Then, let me see it."

The next moment, all the dead soldiers rushed towards Rita.

"Blue Knight·Moon Soul, dress up!"


A blue-white light lit up on Rita's body.

The next moment, a set of ice-blue armor appeared on Rita's body.

Rita raised the ice-blue sickle in her hand, stood up the sickle and knocked it on the ground.

With the rise of the air wave, a knight in blue and white armor appeared behind Rita.

The knight swung the sword in his hand at the dead warriors who were rushing towards Rita.

Blue ice mist formed from the tip of the sword and swept towards the dead warriors.

The moment the ice mist touched the dead warriors, an ice coffin instantly formed around the dead warriors and froze the dead warriors in place.

At the same time.

Rita pulled the sickle behind her and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, Rita appeared behind the dead warriors.

As the sickle in Rita's hand fell to the ground.

All the dead warriors were split in two from the waist.

Then the upper body fell to the ground and fell to the ground with the ice and turned into fragments.

However, at this moment, the ceiling of the laboratory suddenly opened.

Then, cylindrical objects fell down one by one.

At the moment of landing, a large amount of smoke was ejected from the cylindrical objects.

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