"Finally I've turned back into a human form."

Bella stretched her hands lazily upwards.

"Sure enough, the human form is more relaxing, but..."

She stretched out her hands and clenched them. Compared to the dragon form just now, her body now seemed to have a sense of powerlessness and weakness.

It should be the effect of the overall attribute reduction of 50% mentioned in the skill introduction, and that's...

She grabbed the back of the neck of Paimon Fate, who was flying around her curiously after she turned into a human form, not only blocking her sight, but also pulling her hair from time to time.

With a look of disgust, she lifted Paimon, who was dancing in her hands and shouting "It hurts, it hurts, let me go, let me go, lawyer, I want to call my lawyer", aside.

Bella looked at the [Severely Injured] marked in the strength column on the panel.

"It seems that this is the source of the weakness. Fortunately, it will take about 3 months to recover, which is not a long time."

Bella glanced at Paimon, who finally calmed down next to her.

Although they didn't spend much time together, she had seen the essence of this Paimon, in one word - trash.

And this kind of trash emergency food should not be spoiled, otherwise she will go to heaven immediately if she is given a little color.

Bella pinched the back of Paimon's neck and lifted her in front of her, then let go.

"Host, you can't do this. Do you know how much harm this behavior will cause to a young system!"

Paimon got free and flew to the side.

While rubbing the place where Bella had just pinched him, he protested to Bella.

Bella looked at Paimon, who was grinning beside her, with a funny face.

"Okay, okay, come here quickly, I have something to ask you"

Bella waved to Paimon.

Paimon hesitated for a moment, but finally resigned himself to flying towards Bella, muttering as he flew

"Forget it, you are my host, I will forgive you this time, hehe, host, I finally have the control of the host, hehe."

Looking at Paimon who was still grinning when he flew in front of her, Bella smiled and shook her head.

Pointing to the last column of skills on the panel***:***** asked.

"Paimon, do you know what this is?"

Hearing Bella's question, Paimon looked at it carefully, crossed his arms and pondered for a while, and finally spread his hands.

"I don't know either."

Looking at Paimon in front of her, Bella always felt her hands itchy again for some reason.

"Otherwise, make a Paimon brand kite next time."

"Just tie Paimon with a kite string, not only can you experience the fun of childhood, but it is also self-powered."

Bella stared at Paimon in front of her and thought evilly.

Paimon shuddered.

He turned around and looked around in confusion, not knowing what had happened.

"It was mainly because it was an accident that I met you, the host, this time."

"Originally, after I was born and left the headquarters, I embarked on a journey to find a suitable host, but I hadn't found one until I met the host."

"I had given up and was ready to go back to report, but on the way back I discovered this strange dimensional universe."

Paimon said excitedly.

"Host, do you know that outside this world is a very huge tree, and the world we are in now is a leaf on that tree."

"And leaves like this world are countless on that tree, and there is an endless sea under the tree."

A huge tree, one leaf and one world, countless worlds on the tree and endless ocean under the tree, why does this setting sound a bit familiar?

Bella felt as if she had heard of such a world setting somewhere before.

"You know, unlike other systems, I don't have a host, and I need to grow up with the host in the host's universe."

Paimon continued to explain.

"Without a host, I have been traveling through various universes to find a host, so I have seen many universes and worlds, but this is the first time I have seen a dimensional universe like this."

"I was originally planning to come in and take a look, but I didn't expect to meet you, the host."

Paimon spread his hands.

"So in fact, I, like you, the host, have come to this world for the first time, and I don't know many things in this world."

"But my system panel can clearly show your current abilities and status."

"So although I don't know what this column of unknown garbled code is, it must be one of the powers in your body. It cannot be shown. It may be that some conditions are needed to trigger it."

After listening to Paimon's explanation, Bella raised her eyebrows.

"So that's the case, then forget it for now,The bridge is naturally straight to the bow, and now the most important thing is how to leave here."

Putting away the system panel, Bella looked around.

I don't know if there is anyone living nearby. By the way, does my body need to eat?

Although I haven't felt hungry since waking up, I still have to find food to be safe.

Thinking of this, Bella chose a direction and started walking forward.

"Hey, host, don't walk so fast, I can't keep up!"

Seeing Bella start to leave, Paimon hurriedly followed.

"Host, I'm so tired, why don't we take a rest before we go."

"Which muscle does magic flight use? You are obviously trying to be lazy."

Bella complained.

"No! Yes! "

Paimon stamped his feet in the air angrily.

"My phantom limb is obviously very tired of flying. Ah, host, wait for me!"

The voices of the two gradually faded away, and slowly disappeared. Only the footprints on the snow that led to nowhere proved that there seemed to be traces of someone's existence here.

In the sky, the white snow like goose feathers slowly fell, slowly covering the footprints in the snow.

Finally, the last trace of this time was wiped out, and darkness enveloped the earth again, restoring the previous silence.

After an unknown period of time, a crisp click sounded here.

You Landel looked at the broken branches under her feet and the ice crystals in front of her that should have been intact but now shattered, and...

The mortal enemy of mankind who was born with the Herrscher in the Second Great Collapse, was sealed here after being defeated, but now disappeared.

The only Judgment-level Honkai beast in the world - Benares!

Landel looked at the mess in front of her, and after a moment of silence, she took out the communicator and dialed a number, saying coldly:

"My Lord Bishop, it has been confirmed that the Judgment-level Honkai beast codenamed Benares has revived. Should we pursue it immediately?"

"Ah, this is really not good news. Hmm..."

The man on the other end of the communication pondered for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

"Chasing is definitely necessary, but you don't have to worry about it. I have decided to hand it over to the Far East Branch to handle it. You come back first. "

Listening to the busy tone on the other end because the call had been hung up, Yulandel silently put down the communicator.

Took a look at the direction Bella left, then turned and left.

On the other side, looking at the communicator in his hand that had been hung up, Otto's face raised an inexplicable smile.

"The beast that should have been sleeping suddenly revived at this moment. Did it sense something? Then let me see what you can bring me."

Otto murmured, and then dialed the communicator.

The contact person was displayed on the screen of the communicator: Theresa is the cutest in the world!

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