Somewhere in the Siberian snowfield.

Looking at the surroundings that seemed to have not changed.

Bella couldn't help but sigh.

Two days have passed since she set out, but until now there is still no trace of human habitation around her.

"It would be great if this scum system worked at the beginning, but it turned out to be useless."

Bella glanced at Paimon, who was sitting on her shoulder with his eyes closed, swinging his legs back and forth, and humming a song she had never heard of.

Bella was not busy rushing on this day.

In the casual chat with Paimon, Bella also roughly understood some information.

According to Paimon, the world is multi-dimensional.

The dimensional world can be divided into the basic world, the low world, the middle world, and the high world.

Like Bella's previous life, it was a basic world without any extraordinary power.

And the world that Bella traveled through was a high-level world, and it was very advanced in the high-level world.

Generally speaking, one dimension corresponds to a level of world.

But now the dimension Bella is in is actually composed of two dimensions, the sea and the tree.

The tree forms the world, and the world withers and falls into the sea, and then the sea feeds the tree, and the tree forms a new world.

The two complement each other and form this peculiar dimensional universe together.

But it is precisely because of this that the special rules formed by the close combination of the two have severely suppressed the external forces in this world.

It is good for Bella to be reborn directly in this world, which is equivalent to being labeled by this world and will not be suppressed.

Outsiders like Paimon are severely suppressed by this world, and their power is equivalent to being completely sealed.

The mall, storage space, and lottery functions on the system panel are all unusable.

In other words, Paimon can't do anything except this system panel.

"Alas, it would be nice if you could give me a map of this place."

Bella is a little helpless.

Walking aimlessly like this, I don't know when I can get out of this snowfield.

The good news is that her current body doesn't seem to need to eat. She only needs to absorb the special energy in the air to move, but her stomach feels empty.

But at least Bella doesn't have to worry about starving to death in this snowy field.

Feeling the invisible energy in the air slowly flowing into her body.

"I wonder if this special energy is the Honkai energy shown on the panel. It can not only relieve my fatigue, but also seems to be repairing my body. It's quite versatile."

Looking at the column "Honkai energy adaptation max" on the panel, Bella thought secretly.

After staring at the system that said it would turn itself into the strongest dragon girl in the world yesterday, but couldn't do anything.

Paimon, who had a strong desire to survive, hurriedly said that he should be able to analyze the special energy in the air, integrate it into the system, and connect the system to this world.

In this way, even if the system's functions cannot be unlocked, at least some information about this world can be obtained in this way.

At that time, there may be a way to solve the current dilemma, so Bella let Paimon go.

"If there is still no way, it's not bad to use it as emergency food. It's better to stew it or grill it. Hehe." Bella thought evilly in her heart. At this time, Paimon suddenly opened his eyes and stood up on Bella's shoulder excitedly. "Hahaha, I am worthy of being the most powerful person in the world. No difficulty can stop me. Wow haha!" "It actually succeeded?" Bella was a little surprised. It seems that this little Paimon is still a bit capable. Let's put the "emergency food plan" on hold for the time being. Paimon, who didn't know that he had escaped a disaster by luck, flew excitedly from Bella's shoulder to Bella. "Host, because of the fusion of the energy of this world, the panel has changed slightly. Wait a moment." Bella saw Paimon waving his little hand in front of her, as if he was operating something in the void. "Okay!" Not long after, as Paimon stopped moving. A slightly different panel appeared in front of Bella. Bella looked down one by one. The abilities on the panel did not change, but the malls and draws that were previously dimmed under the abilities disappeared.

Only the task and storage space columns were left, but both were lit, indicating that they were usable.

Needless to say, the tasks, Paimon had not yet issued any tasks.

Bella looked at the storage space.

An idea came to her mind.

A halo with a golden halo appeared in front of Bella.

"This is the entrance and exit of the storage space."

"It seems that living things cannot be placed, but there are probably two rooms there.It's not that big, not bad."

Putting away the storage space, Bella nodded with satisfaction.

Bella put away the panel and looked at Paimon.

It seems that because of the fusion of the unique energy of this world, Paimon's appearance has also changed.

There are more mysterious purple lines on the crown ornaments on his head and the small cloak.

"It should be more than that."

Bella looked at Paimon with a smile.

"Hehe, of course, I am the world's most powerful Lord Paimon!"

Looking at Paimon with his hands on his waist and a proud look, Bella smiled helplessly.

"Okay, okay, Lord Paimon, the world's number one, please tell me what else you have learned."


Paimon heard Bella's words and smiled.

"This time I fused the energy of this world and connected to the core of this world, and got some information and some historical fragments of this world in recent times. ”

“First of all, the energy I merged is called Honkai energy in this world. This energy is very malleable and can be used as energy in various fields. Even if a human being masters this energy, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a superman.

“But in principle, this energy is uncontrollable. Unless you have the adaptability of Honkai energy, you can control this energy to a certain extent.”

“Or when the Honkai energy in an area reaches a certain threshold, a "great collapse" phenomenon will occur, which can give birth to individuals who can control Honkai energy.”

Paimon explained.

“The content of Honkai energy in this snowfield we are in now is very high, and a great collapse should have occurred.”

“And looking at the concentration of Honkai energy, it probably broke out 15 years ago, corresponding to the history of this world I have obtained.”

“We should be in the ruins of the second collapse—Siberia”

Paimon said with certainty.

"Honkai Energy, Second Collapse, Siberia..."

"Isn't this Honkai III!"

Good news, Bella finally remembered where the familiar feeling came from.

Bad news, Bella has never played this game and doesn't know the plot.

And, I don't know why.

When I heard about the second collapse...

Something seemed to flash through Bella's heart, and she felt a slight pain.

"It should be an illusion."

Shaking her head, she brought her thoughts back to the present.

Bella in her previous life knew about the game Honkai III. After all, it was developed by the same company as her favorite game "Genshin Impact", and she also knew a little about it.

But now she only remembers some game settings, and the plot seems very sweet?

Sweet is good, a sweet plot means that there should be no danger in this world.

There seems to be some academy in the plot, which is probably a "everyone is a good person, drinking tea happily" ahaha club game.

Then I should be able to live the retired salted fish life I want.

Bella nodded.

But for safety's sake, it's better to stay away from the protagonists. It's better to be safe than sorry.

After all, in Bella's impression (experience in the game in her previous life),

getting close to the protagonist = entering the plot = trouble coming = retirement life far away from you.

So, not getting close to the protagonist is your best choice.

"Well, after leaving this snowy plain, find a remote place to spend the rest of your life."

Paimon didn't know at this time.

He wanted to train the host of the world's number one dragon girl, and he had decided to find a remote place to spend his retirement life after he went out.

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