It seemed that he sensed Bella's doubts.

The Herrscher of the Void spoke, but there was a hint of disdain in his voice.

"Humans always think that they can control certain things"

"But they don't know that greed will bring destruction!"

What does it mean?

Bella didn't understand.

But the Herrscher of the Void didn't say much.

He stood up and left Bella's body.

"Let's go, we have another guest to receive, and by the way, let's see if we can restore your memory."


But before Bella could say anything, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The white figure around her had disappeared.

What appeared in front of Bella was the square of St. Freya Academy and the one standing in the center of the square.


Although Bella's voice was loud, Kiana seemed to be unable to hear it.

Bella came to Kiana's side and called Kiana's name a few more times.

But Kiana didn't respond, Bella had no choice but to give up.

Now Bella was even more confused.

She is a follower of the Herrscher of the Void, so it is normal for the Herrscher of the Void to look for her.

But the Herrscher of the Void said that she is not Kiana, but.

Bella looked at Kiana who was looking for everyone in front of her.

Why did Kiana appear here?

Time went back.

After Pavanti was defeated by everyone.

The test was declared over, and the barrier that blocked everyone disappeared.

The five of them began to walk down the stage.

Kiana yawned and stretched.

"Ah, the test is finally over... I'm really exhausted."

Kiana rubbed her dry eyes with her hands.

However, when Kiana opened her eyes again.

She found that the people around her just now had all disappeared.

"Mei? Bronya?"

Raiden Meii and Bronya, who were originally beside Kiana, disappeared.

Kiana turned around.

She found that Fu Hua and Bella had also disappeared.

"Everyone, where did you go?"

Bella looked at Kiana, who was a little confused about why they disappeared.

She sighed slightly.

She could see Kiana and hear Kiana's voice, but she couldn't touch her.

And Kiana couldn't sense her at all.

I don't know what the Herrscher of the Void wants to do.

Suddenly, the surrounding environment fluctuated.

Bella and Kiana came to a room with a huge virtual screen.

There seemed to be two files on the virtual screen.

Bella knew that this should be the work of the Herrscher of the Void.

And Kiana had already walked towards the virtual screen curiously.

Seeing this, Bella followed and saw the contents on the screen clearly.

There were two files on the screen.

The first file had no name, and the second file said [List of Experimenters in Babylon Laboratory].

Kiana clicked on the first file.

After clicking in, a record appeared on the screen that made people confused.

"Babylon Tower, experimental group code SR-565455."

"Experimental subject: K-423? What is this?"

Kiana shook her head, not knowing what the record in this file meant.

After closing this file, she opened the file named [Babylon Laboratory Experimenter List].

Some names and status appeared in front of Kiana and Bella.

It seems that this file is a roster.

Each name on the roster has a photo, and it seems that they are all girls, but the photos are all marked with a striking red death label.

Kiana tried to click it, but couldn't click in to see more detailed information.

Kiana silently scrolled down.

Something shocked Kiana. There was a full 15-page roster, and the names on the first 14 pages were all marked with death labels!

Bella on the side smacked her lips.

What an inhumane experiment!

So many people died, and they all looked like young girls.

Kiana turned to the last page.

It seems that it was the last page.

So there were not many names on this page, but the good news was that most people's photos did not have the depressing red word "death".

Except for the first person at the beginning.

It seemed that this person put an end to the death of all the people in front.

Kiana looked at the name and photo of that person.


When Bella looked at it, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Experimenter: Bella

Status: Death

In the photo, Bella was not wearing clothes that Kiana was familiar with, but a white and blue hospital gown.

Although her face was pale, the smile on her face was a familiar smile for Kiana, and her eyes seemed to have a trace of yearning and expectation for the future.

However, gray, representing deathThe photo made this smile extremely sad, and the red word "death" seemed to be a mockery of the expectation in the eyes of the girl in the photo.

Bella, dead?

Kiana reached out with a trembling hand and tried to click on Bella's photo on the screen.

However, this time, unexpectedly, Bella's specific information appeared directly on the screen.

[Experimenter: Bella]

[Experimental project: Honkai energy tolerance experiment, dead warrior transformation experiment]

[Cause of death: After the experiment began, with the injection of Honkai energy, the experimental subject experienced severe pain and began to transform into a dead warrior. Then continue to inject Honkai energy into the experimental body to observe the degree of transformation of the experimental subject into a dead warrior. Due to excessive injection of Honkai energy, the experimental subject eventually died in pain, but did not transform into a dead warrior. ]

[Experiment failed]

"This is human"

At some point, the Herrscher of the Void appeared beside Bella, with a strong resentment in his tone.

"Endless greed, darkness, they took everything from me!"

The Herrscher of the Void gently stroked Bella's face.

"At the beginning, I gave you the name Bella not only to commemorate my friend when I was still a human, but also."

"It is also to remind myself all the time that I can't forget everything humans have done to me!"

"There is no meaning in this world!"

The tone of the Herrscher of the Void was very cold.

Bella's eyes trembled, and her head began to hurt again.

Some fragments of memory slowly emerged in her mind, and a figure with purple hair gradually became clear in Bella's mind.

The pain was as if her soul was crushed and then roughly mixed together, making Bella kneel on the ground in pain with her head in her arms.

The Herrscher of the Void slowly squatted down, hugged Bella with one hand, and gently stroked Bella's head with the other hand.

"Bella, Benares, my follower, the time is not right now."

"When the time is right, I will finally come!"

"My follower, wait a little longer."

Release Bella in his arms.

Standing up, the Herrscher of the Void began to walk towards Kiana.

In a trance, Bella did not hear clearly what the Herrscher of the Void said to Kiana.

She only saw an angry expression suddenly appear on Kiana's face, and then the Herrscher of the Void left the room in one direction.

Watching Kiana chasing the Herrscher of the Void away

Bella fell to the ground helplessly, in the corner of her eye.

Bella saw the familiar purple figure that just appeared in her memory on the screen.

Name: Xilin

Status: Missing

Bella's world fell into darkness.


"Bella, Bella, wake up..."

Who? Who is calling me.

Bella slowly opened her eyes, but there was still some confusion in her eyes.

At the same time, Kiana, who was lying next to Bella, also opened her eyes hazily.

"Kiana, Bella! You finally woke up!"

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