When Bella saw the terrifying fighting power of the S-class Valkyrie, she gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

If she ran away now, it would not be suspicious, but Bella had no confidence to escape from that figure.

The most urgent thing was to make up a reason for her appearance here.

"By the way, they shouldn't be able to see you."

Bella gave Paimon a look.

"Of course, ordinary people can't sense me, and the system panels are the same. Ordinary people can't see it."

Paimon patted his chest and said confidently.

"That's good."

Bella breathed a sigh of relief. There should be no creature like Paimon in this world.

If they could see Paimon, it would be very troublesome to explain.

"Then I just need to think about my origins."

"Well, my parents died in a disaster when I was a child. I was adopted by an old man who survived here and lived in this snowfield since I was a child. But a few years ago, the old man also died, and I lived alone in this snowfield."

"Oh, add some details of my life."

"Here, I go out to find food when I'm hungry, and drink water melted in the snow when I'm thirsty. But a few days ago, when I went out to find food, I accidentally encountered a monster like the one just now. I ran desperately, and although I escaped successfully, I got lost. Until today, I encountered that kind of monster again, and then those two people saved me."

Well, that's about it.

Oh, and there's more, you need to make some facial expressions.

Thinking of this, Bella showed a joyful expression of surviving a disaster, and also revealed a few traces of anxiety about the future.


Bella gave herself a thumbs up.

"Kiana, I heard that this mission is dangerous, and you messed up again!"

At this time, Bella finally saw that the figure carrying the cross was a white-haired little girl who looked very young, about the height of a sixth-grade elementary school student, wearing a set of nun clothes.

At this time, the little girl was angrily scolding the girl who used the giant cat claws to fight first.

"De... Theresa, this is an emergency,"

Kiana said with an embarrassed expression.

"Don't call me by my name or call me aunt during the mission."

"You should respectfully call me 'school principal', do you hear me?"

Theresa's cheeks bulged, like a hamster with its mouth full of food.

"Got it Theresa... no, school principal."

Kiana scratched her head.

"Forget it, you are also trying to save people this time, so I won't care."

"So, this is the victim you found?"

Seeing everyone looking at her, Bella quickly made a pitiful expression.

"So, young lady, what's your name? And why are you here?"

Theresa asked doubtfully.

"Here comes the most crucial step"

"My name is Bella. When I was a child..."

Bella spoke timidly and began to slowly tell her tragic (fabricated) life story.

The three people who listened were a little moved.

"You have lived here alone for so many years. It must be very lonely."

Kiana held Bella's hands, and tears seemed to flash in her eyes.

When she was a child, after her father Siegfried suddenly disappeared, Kiana also wandered in this snowy field for a while.

So she knew the hardship of a person trying to live in this cruel environment.

"Well, it's okay."

Seeing the clarity and purity revealed in the blue eyes of the girl in front of her, Bella turned her head away guiltily.

Why do I suddenly feel guilty?

Bronya also spoke at this time.

"Bronya has always been alone before, so Bronya also knows that loneliness is not pleasant, but everything is over. We will protect you."

It's over, and the guilt has increased again.

Although Theresa felt that something was wrong, she didn't ask any more questions.

The three seemed to believe her words, and Bella was relieved.

The next step is to see if there is a chance to escape when they are not paying attention.

"By the way, Bella, you have nowhere to go now, so why don't you go back to Saint Freya with us!"

Kiana seemed to have thought of something, and said excitedly.

Bella, the alarm bells rang loudly.

"It seems that it is really possible. After all, the concentration of Honkai in this area is quite high. If you can survive here without becoming a Deadpool, it means that Honkai can adapt to a high degree, and it should meet the conditions for becoming a Valkyrie."

Theresa looked at Bella.

Bella: Uh, that...

"Then let's go back to Hyperion first. It just so happens that Bronya can use the instrument to help Bella check and see how her body is..

Bronya nodded beside her.

Bella: That, I won’t…

[Ding, system task released]

[Task: Become the strongest dragon girl by joining the organization]

[Task requirements: Choose and join any Honkai resistance organization within 1 month (now you can choose to join the organization: Destiny Far East Branch-Saint Freya Academy), you can choose whether to join]

[Task reward: Skill: Breath hiding (you can hide your breath and it will not be detected)]


Hyperion slowly took off.

Standing on the deck and looking at the ground getting farther and farther away, Bella, who wanted to cry but had no tears, seemed to see her ideal retirement life gradually fading away.

Life is not easy, Bella sighed.

Bella, who had no reason to reject Kiana’s proposal, could only resign herself to her fate and came to Hyperion with the three of them.

At this point, Bella can only do her best to hide the fact that she is not human.

Fortunately, the tasks released by the system can solve her urgent needs.

Glancing at the extra skills on the panel.

[Breath Concealment: When you transform into a human form, you can hide your breath, making your breath no different from that of an ordinary human. ]

With this skill, no one can discover that you are not human unless you expose yourself.

Of course, Bella will not expose the fact that she is not human.

"By the way, Paimon, did you set and issue this task? What will happen if it is not completed?"

For the sudden task, although it has been completed, Bella feels that it is better to be cautious.

"You can say that I issued it or not."

Paimon sat on Bella's shoulders and swung his calves back and forth. This is her exclusive position.

"Actually, it is quite complicated. You can think of the system as a tool, and I am the spirit of this tool."

"Each system has its own way of operation, but it is very formulaic and cannot be adapted to changes."

"At this time, the flexible role of spirits like us is reflected. When necessary, we can control the operation of the system to a certain extent to help the host and maximize the role of the system."

Paimon explained.

"It means that the system is equivalent to a completed program, which usually runs according to the pre-programmed program. And creatures like you system elves are equivalent to the backdoor of the program."

"It's about the same meaning."

Paimon nodded.

"But generally speaking, the system will not interfere with the development of the host, and there will not be too many tasks. After all, we pursue free developmentism."

Paimon put his hands on his hips and snorted.

"Like this time, the system noticed your current situation and issued a task."

"There will be no punishment. After all, our existence is to assist you. The task just gives you a direction to choose in the current situation."

"So that's it."

Bella nodded and roughly understood.

"Hey, Bella, you are here."

A voice sounded behind Bella.

Bella turned around and it was Kiana.

"What's the matter?"

"Hey, let's go, Mei and the others are back, I'll introduce them to you."

After that, Kiana took Bella's hand and ran towards Hyperion.

Bella had no choice but to follow.

"She is such a hot-tempered girl, but she is a nice person."

Looking at the girl holding her hand, Bella thought to herself.

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