The best time to celebrate the occasion.

[Congratulations to Fukaros for getting a pair of Potara earrings]

[Potara earrings, a magical treasure from a martial artist's world, is used by two people to combine into a very powerful warrior. After combining, the strength is greatly improved. It can perfectly possess all the skills of both, and can combine the skills of the two to comprehend new skills.]

[One of the characters is a god-level character, and the combination is permanent. If both characters are not god-level, it can only last for one hour. If you want to separate, just take off the earrings. 】

【西琳】"Another product from the world of martial artists. I remember that the Senzu beans the captain got before were from the world of martial artists."

【姬子(泡)】"Maybe they are not from the same world, but just similar."

【布罗尼亚】"This setting feels like the combination of Hommy and Hora in "Homm Warriors" into Super Homm."

【千亚娜】"Oh! I've seen that. Super Homm is super powerful. It beats down those bad guys."

【弗卡罗斯】"Great, this function is exactly what I want."

Two golden round earrings appeared in the hands of Fukaros in the Cardinal of Oracle. Fukaros gave one of the earrings to Navilette.

[Funina sends Navillatte a Potara earring]

[Navia] "Wow, is Lord Fukaros going to have an epic fusion with Lord Supreme Judge? So exciting!"

[Funina] "Great, Fontaine is saved."

I can be myself again and no longer have to pretend to be someone else.

Navillatte in Momang Palace received the Potara earrings. She didn't know what Fukaros wanted to do. If Fukaros wasn't someone she couldn't chat with privately, Navillatte would definitely have a private conversation with her, so Navillatte still chatted with Fukaros on the public channel.

[Navilette] "Fukalos, what are you doing?"

[Fukalos] "Navilette, do you want to experience the feeling of a complete dragon?"

[Navilette] "I understand, let's start."

Navilette seemed to have thought of Fukalos's intention and put the Potara earring on her ear. Fukalos on the other side also put it on, but after waiting for a long time, there was no reaction. Fukalos, who didn't believe in evil, tried the other ear, but there was still no reaction.

Navilette also waited for a long time and didn't feel anything. At this time, Xiaobai's voice sounded.

[Sorry, let me interrupt first. Fukalos, you can't merge with others now. ]

[Fukalos] "Ah? Why?"

[Because you and Naavilette are not in the same space, the Potara earrings cannot detect each other. As long as Fukalos comes out of the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, it will be fine. 】 (This is a random setting by me, the author, because I don’t think I’ve seen two people merge in different spaces in Dragon Ball.)

【Fukalos】“Is that so? Then, Funina, can you come over here?”

【Funina】“Ah? Why should I come over here? Don’t tell me you can’t get out of the Cardinal of the Oracle?”

【Fukalos】“Hahaha, no, it’s just that I don’t have a body right now, so I need to borrow your body.”

【Funina】“What do you mean my body? I know that you left this body first, so my body is also your body.”

【Fukalos】“Yeah, that’s right, I’ll be waiting for you in the Opikle Opera House~”

【Captain】“I remember Ms. Funina is now You should still be accepting the punishment project in Wuwangpo, Liyue, right?"

[Funina] "I'm almost at the end. This road is a bit roundabout..."

[Paimon] "Funina, aren't you the God of Water? Why don't you just use your power to pass quickly? You should be able to do it with your divine power."

[Funina] "Uh, that... because this is a punishment for me, how could Xiaobai not know my power? At the beginning, Xiaobai sealed my power to prevent me from cheating. Now I can only walk like a mortal."

Xiaobai looked at Funina with contempt. He lied without thinking. He didn't seal her power at all, because it was unnecessary with Funina's strength, but Xiaobai didn't care and ignored Funina.

[Linnie] "So that's the case. I was wondering why Lady Funina hasn't replied yet.


[Bai Shu] "Is Qiqi still with you, Ms. Funina."

[Funina] "Of course she is, I was holding her hand all the time..."

Funina looked back and found that the hand that was holding Qiqi had turned into a branch at some point, which frightened her so much that she quickly looked around...

"Qiqi! Qiqi! Where are you?"

Funina shouted for a long time but there was no response, and she couldn't help but panic. She had promised Bai Shu to take good care of Qiqi, but now she was gone. If she found out that I lost Qiqi, wouldn't it mean that I was not trustworthy?

What should I do, Qiqi, where are you?

Funina thought about it and decided to ask in the live broadcast room. If Qiqi had any accident, she would definitely be responsible, and Funina didn't want Qiqi to encounter any risks.

[Funina] "That... Mr. Bai Shu, I want to say sorry to you first... Has anyone found Qiqi? I don't know when Qiqi disappeared. ”

【Keqing】"But didn't you just say that you were holding Qiqi's hand the whole time?"

【Funina】"Yes, I was holding it the whole time, and I don't know when it suddenly turned into a branch."

【Paimon】"Funina, didn't you feel anything unusual?"

【Zhongli】"From a common rational point of view, Qiqi is a zombie, a dead person, with no temperature, and feels a little stiff and cold to the touch, so if she is suddenly replaced by a branch, it is difficult to find out that something is wrong at the first time."

【Funina】"Mr. Zhongli, do you mean that Qiqi was kidnapped?"

【Zhongli】"It seems that the situation is like this."

【Yanfei】"Damn it, who is so heartless to kidnap a child? I must have a good talk with that person!"

【Funina】"That's not right. I remember Xiaobai said before that he would clean up the monsters, treasure-stealing group, and the Fatui on the road. Who would come and kidnap Qiqi without anyone noticing? ”

[Bai Shu] “I already have a suspicious person——Miss Hu Tao, please let Qi Qi go and stop bullying her.”

[Hu Tao] “Oh, I was discovered after all, but I didn’t bully her, I was just playing with her, don’t you think so, Qi Qi~”

[Qi Qi] “Mr. Bai, save me, Hu Tao, I’m digging the soil and preparing to bury Qi Qi.”

[Fu Nina] “Qi Qi, tell me where you are now! I’ll save you right now!”

[Theresa] “Why didn’t Qi Qi ask for help in the live broadcast room at the beginning?”

[Bai Shu] “I guess she forgot. After all, Qi Qi’s memory is not very good, and she didn’t remember the things in the live broadcast room…”

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