The blue flames of "A Song of Ice and Fire"

swept up like a hurricane with ice crystals, forming a blue dragon and crashing into the fire dragon controlled by Hephaestus, and in an instant, the two dragons generated a wave of air, and countless snowflakes fell.

Hephaestus changed his previous incomprehension and controlled the small amount of magma around him with a serious face. Restricted by her own realm, she is unable to fully function as lava.

"Flame Explosion!" Several

fire meteors with a diameter of about five meters, or meteorites, gathered from all around and smashed directly towards Gu Cheng, Xiao He still mobilized magma without giving up, and several fire snakes rushed towards Gu Cheng's feet.

"The Dance of the Celestial Stars and the Fire Serpent?" I muttered to myself.

Using ice and fire to dissolve a large amount of water, and then the three elements of ice, fire and water quickly fused, but they were not controlled by Gu Cheng, and then a dangerous aura kept coming, Gu Cheng felt a little surprised by the energy inside, he continued to compress the elements inside, looking at Xiao He's "Earth Explosion Star", he decided to do it with one hand.

"Elemental Fusion - Energy Cannon

" Gu Cheng threw out the somewhat uncontrolled "Elemental Ball", and a weapon like an atomic bomb smashed at Hephaestus, the stupid guy wanted to block it with magma at first, but when he felt the crazy energy inside, his face changed, and he turned his head and ran in an instant, saying that Gu Cheng couldn't afford to play while running.

Boom! A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, fortunately it was protected by Gu Cheng's dual realm, and it did not spread, but Gu Cheng was miserable, he didn't know the power, and he didn't know how Hephaestus's heartless thing ran away.

Gu Cheng was embarrassed, but fortunately he used the domain to cover the atomic bomb, otherwise Siberia might be gone.

Feeling the impact of the energy in the body, the burning of the fire, the freezing of the ice, and the erosion of the force, his own energy is constantly devoured, and an indescribable feeling fills the body, except for the pain, it hurts.

"Gan, you can't be a mage next time you fight with this crazy woman. "


"Amen. Aponiayu, who was dressed as a nun, put her hand on Gu Cheng's head and prayed quietly, Gu Cheng sat and healed with a helpless face, Hephaestus holding back a smile on the left, and Mebius holding his arm on the right.

"Gu Cheng, you are so powerful, now you almost have the strength to destroy the country, plus the cold winter is almost close to the planetary level, but... Poof, hahaha... "Finally, Mebius also fell.

Why, because I blew up my head.

Alas, only Aponia didn't laugh wow, it's really worthy of it....

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from in front of me, and I looked up in confusion, and found that the nun, who had always been very misanthropic, actually smiled like a normal person?

She laughed, right? She must have laughed! My angel, why did you fall too?

Alas~ Life is not easy, Gu Cheng sighed.

The next days were very dull, Gu Cheng used Honkai to grow hair, Saphilon had to adapt to his own frequency and Hephaestus went to Europe to suppress bandits, oh no, clear Honkai, it's all below the trial level, it's not interesting, Mebius went out, saying that he was looking for materials that could be used infinitely, Mei was very angry and studied, I don't know who provoked her or drilled the horns again, Kevin was afraid of being beaten and went to Shenzhou to brush the core, Qianjiao didn't know how to be in the abyss, but I heard that the cat was coming back, Aponia went to pick it up, Kosmo and Vilvie still went their own way, it is estimated that they will not come back in two or three years, Su This guy is a group of leisurely every day,I haven't seen him work.,It's not as good as Elysia.,At least people are eye-catching.,What?Alysia stole May's funds and Eden to go shopping?really... When I didn't say it, Hua and Sakura were reliable, one cooking and the other buying vegetables.

"Brother Cheng?", a soft voice sounded.

"What's the matter, Grexiu?" I looked at the little blue Lori with a look of intoxication.

"I've heard that Brother Cheng's hair is burned, is it true?" asked the little angel Grexiu curiously.

"It's already grown, thank you for your concern

" "Then can you go bald again?" Grexiu wants to paint my brother without hair, my brother is so good-looking, I want to paint my brother is not good-looking. "Grexiu used the most innocent words to hurt the worst heart.

Gu Cheng only felt a thunderbolt from the sky.

"Ha, Gu Cheng is really pleasing to children. Su who was sitting on the sofa gloated, he was so sullen after changing Tianhui.

With a black line on my face, I took out a newly purchased paintbrush and handed it to Grexiu and sent her away.

"Gu Cheng, Elysia told me that she wanted to make a place where we could hold our memories, so..."Sue said halfway, but I knew he was talking about Kevin's captain.


I don't have a problem, what do you need me to do?"

Sue shook her head, "You know what I mean. "

...", "How much longer

?" "Five years at the earliest, ten years at the latest, we have to inflict or kill Him more than before, so that the rest of humanity will—

" I waved my hand, "That is, we have at least two more years, I have no problem, but I think...""

Infinity?" He knew what I meant.

"Yes, it's no surprise that the Thirteen Heroes will lose a lot until Kevin is strong enough to support the Stigmata Project.

Sue was silent, and suddenly remembered something, "Ellie can, as long as she controls the core and creates a happy land that holds the fire of the future, so that Mebius can control the infinity, and Kevin can stay, but Danju them..."

Everyone in the Thirteen Heroes is my meaning, isn't it?"


Gu Cheng stood at the gate of the base, looking at the barren scene all around, the teleportation points everywhere, and the environment in the suburbs was very quiet, who knew that this was once a gathering place for Honkai beasts?

Gu Cheng walked to the edge of a teleportation array, this is the closest place to go out, leading to a small city in Shenzhou, and the park where he took Mebius last time is also here.

Gu Cheng thought about it and dispelled the idea of going out, anyway, Mebius will not be in danger, she has the mark I left on her, and I will go over as soon as possible if something happens...

Good fellow, he can't get along without Mebius.

Gu Cheng turned around and walked into the base, preparing to go to the laboratory to study various plans to strengthen training.

"Gu... A cold voice came from behind him, and a cherry girl in a white and blue martial arts uniform walked down the mountain.

"It's Sakura, have you just finished practicing, hurry up and go in and change your clothes, it's not good to catch a cold." Gu Cheng said hello casually, and then walked in.

"Okay..."Sakura lowered her little face and didn't know what to think, and her blocked pale blue eyes stared at Gu Cheng's back as she left.

"Huh, come to me to exchange ideas, I use a sword, you use a sword, how can I teach you, won't you mislead people's children?" I looked at the kneeling girl in the simulation laboratory and didn't understand.

"Now that only your strength in the base can teach me, and you can understand all the laws, I don't think the sword can't be similar to the sword. Sakura said stubbornly.

Well, why can't I get along with a woman lately, Mei murdered me, Mebius freed me, Hephaestus bullied me, Grexiu and Apoña laughed at me, Sakura also... It's all tears.

Sakura and I picked up the wooden knife and confronted each other, both sides were tempted by their own schools, Gu Cheng obviously used the sword as a sword, looking like an ancient sword school. Sakura holds a sword in both hands, and she looks like a samurai.

Gu Cheng took the preemptive strike, stabbing and attacking, Sakura didn't hurry to dodge the sword, Gu Cheng changed his move instantly, swept straight over, Sakura retreated and dodged with a sword, but Gu Cheng's swordsmanship was advancing and not retreating, and Sakura retreated step by step.

Sweeping, slashing, stabbing and slashing, Sakura dodged unhurriedly, not only the nature of the moment, the most important thing is that Gu Cheng's swordsmanship is sharp, and continuous, Sakura mainly counterattacks, but in the face of this impeccable attack, she didn't find any flaws at all, and there was no choice but to dodge.

Sakura was able to fight back a few times at first, but it became more and more difficult, in the face of Gu Cheng's wide open and meticulous swordsmanship, she was really aggrieved, fortunately Gu Cheng didn't use force, otherwise she might not have reacted.

"Steady your breath, don't just think about counterattacking, try to take the initiative when you adapt to my rhythm, and let others show your flaws if you have flaws. I saw Sakura struggling to remind.

Sakura was speechless, but her glowing eyes meant she understood.

Sakura dodged a sword in an instant, she lowered her body and slashed at my waist with a low kick, I dodged sideways, stabbed Sakura from the side with a flexible stance, Sakura took a step back to dodge this blow, reflexively charged the knife to my head, I crouched down to dodge, took a big step back and took a posture of drawing the knife and slashing, Sakura knew that I wanted to win with one move, and it happened that her physical strength was gradually declining, and she thought the same thing.

Sakura put on a defensive posture, and the airflow generated in an instant covered the surroundings, watching her tricky play, I smiled slightly, and then slashed, Sakura naturally knew that she was in gear with one hand, ready to take it with her backhand, but she forgot that Gu Cheng had already comprehended the void function to herself, and she didn't need to rely on Winter.

As if it was the second stage of the Flying Thunder God, Gu Cheng moved to the top of Sakura, causing Sakura's defense to pause. Then he put a knife on Sakura's white neck.

"Whew... I lost, thanks for the advice. Sakura bowed in thanks.

"It doesn't matter.

Looking at the direction Sakura left, I was a little puzzled, Sakura seemed to have some problems with herself or something different?

Gu Cheng shook his head, thinking about his future plans, and walked towards Mebius's laboratory.

On the other side, Sakura ran back to her room as soon as she walked out, her face flushed, as if she was a little girl who had just fallen in love.

"I... He...", "Finally spoken... "Sakura is very shy, who knew that very cold girl would have such a side?


"The Chimera Project, the Stigmata Project, first improve the quality of the fusion warriors, and then the overall technology, use our best efforts to limit the human factor, and then rely on other anti-Honkai organizations to suspend the speed of the Honkai, and use the Stigmata Project to move out a Valkyrie that is enough to match the Lawr, and use all the conditions that can be used... If it doesn't work... There is only the Tinder plan, let Kevin come..."

Gu Cheng wrote back and forth on the paper, and one idea after another emerged from his mind.

"It won't be long, in a few years, we will have to hunt the law makers and high-ranking Honkai beasts that appear alone, and wait for a certain amount of accumulation, and the time of qualitative change is the time to fight against the end.

"Thirteen Heroes, what will be the result of yourself?".

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