"You're not on the right path. "


Gu Cheng stood in the void, and the ethereal voices around him kept piercing into Gu Cheng's mind.

"Don't!" the ethereal voice was a little irritated, "Why separate?"

"Separate... What?" Gu Cheng walked in confusion, his heart infinitely empty.

"You have to take the path of the extreme, not symbiosis, give up the clutter of other things, and the freedom of the extreme is your choice..."

Gu Cheng was a little puzzled, he didn't know what was going on, a void dotted with stars flickered, and the ethereal voice kept responding from his mind, as if he was an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, and as if he was a lover he had met for the first time yesterday.

"Mebius?" was such a familiar feeling that I couldn't think of anyone else but Mebius.

Although the voice stopped and

could not be heard, Gu Cheng had a feeling that the owner of the voice was speechless, and even a little aggrieved.

"Are you the only one in your eyes?" Suddenly

, the entire heaven and earth shattered, and dazzling white light filled the eyes, but in an instant, the light turned into one ball of light after another, and the surrounding void had an outline.

"You never cared about me, but I've been watching you... I found out that I was infatuated with you, and the moment you used me, I was deeply caught up in your inability to extricate yourself, you... It's the only family I have left. The

ethereal voice became concentrated, and those dense balls of light gathered in front of me, and a human figure appeared, and at the same time, a breeze blew all around, and a trace of coolness invaded the body, snowflakes, ice crystals, and countless bright crystals fell from the sky.

This world has light, snow-capped mountains, snowy fields, magnificent and a little empty.

Before I could appreciate it, my eyes became pitch black, as if a pair of cold hands were blocking my eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

Gu Cheng wanted to say that it was Mebius, but the voice that came was not Mebius's, and the owner of the voice, Gu Cheng, was very unfamiliar, but that familiar feeling made Gu Cheng very conflicted.

"Can't you guess?" The

voice is very specific, no longer the ethereal one before, but a little coquettish like the little sister next door, and there is a feeling in the cold voice that makes Gu Cheng very heartbroken, and the voice is very aggrieved and lonely...

Gu Cheng was a little confused, if it was really him, it wouldn't be this scene, then there would be only...

"Scar... "Gu Cheng didn't hear the sound, but Gu Cheng felt that the person was very happy and happy...

Gu Cheng felt that his eyes could be opened, it was still that snowfield, Gu Cheng looked back....

A glance is stunning, her skin is better than snow, her pale blue eyes seem to be a bright moon, wet and some surprises, her pink lips are trying to make a smile movement, and tears keep falling...

"I... I've always wanted to be your partner, but

..."Scati said very unwillingly, "Your mind has been strengthened by him, I can't contact you directly..."

"This is the Honkai Space, do you think it will lend you strength before determining your worth? Fool, it's me, it's always me, otherwise who would care so much about you? The snake that can't see the light?"

Listening to her somewhat inviting tone, like a child, I smiled noncommittally and continued to listen to her.

"After you absorb the power of Hephaestus's tool man, I unlocked the devouring power in the function of the meteorite, you don't need to listen to it, what it wants is to exchange your sacrifice for the situation of Honkai coexistence, but, this situation of human beings is like the Jurassic, even if it can coexist, it is also the existence of food, if you want to preserve human civilization, you can only expel him, the existence of the end is its negative personality, you only need to clear the end, and finally replace it with your power, as a new ... God "

I'm a little surprised, Scati is a god, and it doesn't sound weak, but my impression of the Honkai world is not like this, Kevin in the game and those few St. Freya's lawgivers are the key, I never thought of becoming a god instead of Honkai.

"I—" I felt a little guilty, after all, I had absorbed the functions of the Lava Lawgiver, and Winter had also been transformed, and if nothing else, I couldn't hold Mei's yelling.

"I know, you can help you transform into the purest ice, and when I let you out, you can put Winter into the Honkai space, how about I help you make an artifact?" She wrapped her hands around my neck as if it were a lotus flower made of ice.

I'm a little puzzled, Mebius is a mesmerizing fragrance, Elysia is like a garden, full of different flowers, Aponia's body is a sacred breath, which makes people down-to-earth, Hua is the smell of books, as for Eden... The aroma of the wine is very clear and intoxicating, and the cat is my favorite breath, who doesn't like a cat....

The scent of Scati is like cherry blossoms and mint, a very light taste, but very spiritual...

"Sakura?" I wanted to confirm my thoughts.

"Prophetic dreams? It's the erosion of Honkai and the activation of your mind, Sakura has a lot of my genes, she can get more of my gaze, on the contrary, I can control her mind... Only you, Gu Cheng, only you bring me a feeling of being a newcomer. "

Her face was so close to me, her big pale blue eyes and delicate countenance, I did not have any thoughts with Mebius in her, on the contrary, a feeling of blood thicker than water kept coming.

"Nice to meet you, Scati. I took her hand down and made a handshake motion, and she froze for a moment, then smiled and hugged me and pushed me to the ground. (Why am I so weak?)"

called Mom. "


"I'm older than you, your genes are given by me, so you don't suffer a loss, Mom." "

What about calling my sister?"

"That's it!"

When I opened my eyes, the dark room, Gu Cheng skillfully turned on the lamp next to him, the photo of Mebius, the curtains slightly blown by the wind, and the somewhat dim table lamp...



] [It's gone.] Scati's quiet voice came [Wake up and find someone else, my sister is very angry~]

I'm full of black lines.

[What about Saffron?

[It takes on another function of your lava and transforms it into ice, and in its plan, it will cause you to lose your mind, and I will reintegrate it into your function, and you can summon it directly instead of using the companion function, by the way, I can be all your companion Honkaimon, but you're still weak...

[Then I...

[Really smart, welcome to you Meteorite Lawgiver, from my horizon, you will face a high-level Honkai Beast in a few days, it is estimated that the price of the destruction of the country is the bottom, and the South Underworld will also intervene in the use of Honkai energy, this time it is just a passing scene, the main purpose is the core of the Honkai Beast, you need to use artificial collapse to fuse it, so that you will become a real Meteorite Lawgiver, rest assured, I will ensure that your consciousness is not eroded.

I shook my hand, mobilizing the Honkai energy in my body, I couldn't feel any other power, only a dark blue Honkai energy, but the concentration was much higher than usual, I used the "experience" of my previous life to meditate and cultivate immortals, and felt a different energy.

[Yes, your way is more suitable for me, and the energy purified in this way is closer to divine

power] [Skati?

] [You meditate a lot in the future, I can use this power to build an artifact for you.]

[Scati... Can I become a god?

] [Yes, oh, I believe in you, your character doesn't mess around when you have absolute power.]

I will smile in my heart, this is the character that only the descendants of Yan and Huang have, as for those hypocritical people, where do they understand that power is used to guard?

I walked into the Yingji Hall with a big grin, Hua sat on the side and trembled a little, as if he was afraid of something, Eden drank the red liquid cup after cup, Vilvie was a rare guest, and he ran away shyly after failing to perform magic tricks before.

"Hello, Miss Hua, Miss Eden, and the lovely Velvet-san?" Velvet

paused visibly as she wiped her glasses, her cheeks flushed visibly under her punk hat.

"Hello Mr. Gu Cheng, do you want a drink?"

"Gu... Brother Cheng, I... Can I go out and breathe?" I

just smiled slightly, took a glass of wine from Eden, and sat down slowly, Vilvie ran away, covering her face very cutely.

"Gu Cheng, drinking less is good for your health..."Hua looked at Eden intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yes, but Miss Eden is not an ordinary person"

As if to be broken, Hua lowered his head and said no more, but some red ears were very conspicuous under the white skin.

"Mr. Gu Cheng, I don't know if this tequila is to your liking?"

I can't drink....

"Shhhh It's a little spicy, Miss Eden", I took a sip of discomfort.

"Yes, as if it is life, the twists and turns of the road are full of mystery, the thorny future is so tempting, the spicy experience is our efforts, and then the crisp taste fills the tip of the tongue, as if we are proud after overcoming the thorns, and the sweetness that lingers in the mouth at the end is the joy of our final victory. "

It's worthy of Eden, and you're so particular about drinking.

"Miss Eden, so Yaxing. "

What are you talking about, don't take me?" a white-haired wooden man jumped up to me and sat down, snatching my glass and gulping it down.

"Poof... Ahh!!!h

After drinking several glasses of water for a long time, Kevin, with a swollen mouth, put his arm on my shoulder and talked about what to do in a few days.

"Gu Cheng, this resignation big pigeon catches you and answers that you are thin, your uncle Kanwo is fine. Listening

to the slurred words, I just nodded, after all, as long as he wasn't embarrassed, I was the one who was embarrassed, so I had to dance with him.

"Gu Cheng, come here, just now the lovely Wei Wei said that you are here, and I came to call you on purpose. "Oh, it's the colorful Ellie who sits on Mr. Knight's shoulder with Grexiu in her arms, as if she were a slipper, and swishing over.

"Hey, Ellie landed with Grecellu!" "

Sister Ellie is so good, is it

a color that Grexiu has never seen?" "What's wrong Ellie? Grexiu can control his strength?"

"Hmm~ I like the color on Brother Gu Cheng's body, Grexiu drew Mr. Knight according to Uncle Kevin yesterday~

" "Shu Huang ???" Kevin, whose swollen lips were pulled by Hua, like a child who has suffered many setbacks in life.

"Uncle Kevin is horrible, it's a reddish blue.

Grexiu said solemnly, holding my legs.

"Oh, Mr. Gu Cheng, I don't know if you are willing to provide some memories for my true self?Of course, it won't affect your life, otherwise the fried Mebius is very scary, everyone has provided it to the real self, and the thousand calamities have not provided it, so it was isolated~

" This is a threat, right? This must be a threat

, right?" I don't have the right to refuse, right?"

"Actually... Do you want to stay in the abyss with a thousand calamities?Mebius was very proactive, she said she wanted to build a new life with you in the Promised Land?"

"I'm sure.

"Then if you can, can you beat (cross out) the thousand calamities and convince them?"

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