I have to say that Vilve's sudden disappearance brought everyone a great shock.

Boom, the lights were all turned on again, and Vilvie stood on the stage in her usual overalls, taking off her hat and putting it in her hands, and a gentlemanly bow was left for everyone.

"Hello, Reatieus, are you ready to start this feast?", Vilwe smiled at him, looking closely, Vilvi was a little crazy.

"Ahh Of course. Rheatius was a little surprised, he didn't understand what Vilvie had just done, and even with the support of the organizers, he still didn't see any tools that could be used to support the "Great Change".

I first release my voice through the microphone, show my figure in the smoke and dust through optical refraction, and finally send myself up through the elevator, and finally suck up the smoke and dust.

"Rival," Reatius thought.

With all sorts of flattery, Rheatius began his performance.

He pressed his hands to each other, and a table suddenly appeared beside him.

"Miss Verway, please take a random card from your cards. Reatius turned over a stack of playing cards from above, first showed it to the audience, then shuffled the cards and handed them to Vilve.

"Oh, it's an honor. Vervi took the card, which looked normal, but Vervi knew that the guy had the equivalent of perspective, and there was a device behind him that could refract light, reflecting the cards he was holding to Rhatius.

"Hehe... That's it~", Vilvie took out a card and deliberately made it possible for the facility behind it to shine.

Reatius didn't expect Vilvie to be so "smooth", but the panic in his heart made him sweat a little.

"Well... Okay, put the cards in and scramble. Vervi watched him smile and shuffle the cards

, the calmer Vilvi became, the more flustered Readius became, he didn't know how Vilvi would crack it.

Reyatius slowed down, the cards are also moved, unless they take their own, others will leave traces on it, as long as they follow the traces it is obvious that they can know which cards have been taken, in the pattern reflected to themselves, it is easy to choose.

Rheatius then calmly looked at the neatly arranged fan-shaped cards in Vilvie's hand, and then he was taken aback.

Brand... The marks on the cards were all the same!

Rhatius broke out in a cold sweat.

"Let's pick one~", Vilvey still smiled slightly.

Rheatius quickly calmed down and chose with the characteristics of the card in his impression, and finally...

"Found it...", he rejoiced and drew the card.

"How so!", Rhatius's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, this card...

I saw that the playing card in his hand was still the same as before, and it was clearly a white paper with a poker pattern printed on the back.

Vilwe's smile also widened, and he showed all the playing cards, and all the playing cards turned into a blank slate!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wonder how the magic trick that this gentleman and I have performed for everyone?", Vilvie gave him a step, and his mood was faintly relieved.

"np!", all kinds of voices came, but I don't read much, just a sentence to describe it.

Rheatius wiped his sweat and continued down the steps.

He clapped his hands, and the staff brought out a round table with three cubes about ten centimeters on it.

"Next, it's my best object transformation. Reatius is not ready for anything else, if he is still recognized this time, or even fails, he will quit directly.

Rheatius took out a few plastic balls, three different colors of red, blue and green.

Sweating, Rheatius placed the three balls into three impermeable and opaque cube boxes.

"I'm going to ask a spectator to do my magic with Miss Vilve. ", he said.

I thought it was from the audience who raised their hands, but who knows....

Suddenly, a light hit Gu Cheng.

"?", Gu Cheng said with a big question mark.

Gu Cheng looked at Vivier with a questioning gaze, and Vivier nodded.

What Gu Cheng thought was- Gu Cheng: "Random?", Wei Wei: "Random." What

Vilvie thought was Gu Cheng: "Can I go up?"

Under the "encouragement" of Mebius, Gu Cheng, who wore a lipstick seal, came to power.

Welve... Or the Fire Moth completely ignored this act, and only the rest of the audience sighed.

Reatius was also embarrassed and nodded to Gu Cheng.

"This viewer, you see, there are three different colored balls here, there is no problem with the road, you can take a look. "

I pretended to look at it, and it turned out...

There are traps on the edge of the box that bounce off when they collide, and there are several thin wires on the balls that connect to Reatius.

"No problem", Gu Cheng said seriously.

Rheatius breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at me so seriously and thought he had found something.

Wei Wei looked at Gu Cheng with a smile.

Gu Cheng didn't care, and debunked what others were looking at?

Reatius turned the box, "Miss Vervi, stop when you say stop." "

Stop," as soon as she said this, Vilvey said stop.

No way, this is the big guy.

"This viewer, please guess what balls are in these boxes?"

Reatius's small movements can be seen by himself, there are two in the box on the far right, red and blue, there is no one in the middle, and the left is green, but there is no way, cooperate~

" It's just that the box has changed its position, and the ball must not have changed. I looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

"...", it's a kind of feeling like you're being taken for a fool, Rhatius thought to himself.

"What about Miss Vervie?" asked Reatius, smiling.

Vilvie just walked over and bent down to look at the box, but didn't touch it, only the noise on the floor became louder as she walked.

Gu Cheng was a little surprised, squinting at her movements, Reatius hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter yet.

"I don't think all three balls are in the box. Verway said with a smile.

But I saw it, worthy of the sponsorship of Eden.

All kinds of facilities have mechanisms, these few steps taken by Vilvie caused the table and the ground to vibrate, there should be a certain mechanism under the floor, causing the box on the table to rub against some kind of magnetic force, and the mechanism inside opened again, because the vibration was too fast, the ball fell into the gap caused by the frequency vibration on the table, and then fell into the white rabbit through Vilwe's bending action just now.

Good fellow, magician, science genius, right?

Reatius noticed that something was wrong and opened the box.

"This...", demented face again, "How is that possible?"

Vilvey took out three balls from the white rabbit and looked at him with a smile.

"I... I'll retreat...", and just as he was about to say something, Vervey said loudly, "Thank you for the cooperation of this magician, and please go back to this audience." "

I've been driven up again, Tool Man....

Rheatius gave Vilvie a complicated look, and then turned away as well.

"The multi-person show is over, and now it's the final finale of the magic show, please watch it carefully~", Villeville bowed again, causing a burst of amazement from everyone.

With a wave of her hand, the three small balls from before her flew into the air, and with a snap of her fingers, the small balls exploded, and the smoke and dust of the three colors of red, blue and green dispersed.

Vervey lay backwards and slammed into the ground like a mirror, turning into a pile of debris on the ground.

The crowd was amazed again.

"Next, please keep an eye on it!", Vilwe's voice came.

Under the surprise of everyone, the smoke and dust suddenly turned into a stream of water, not downward, but upward, and the debris on the stage suddenly floated up, forming a streamer that flew to the ceiling.

"Thank you for your support, then, goodbye~"

Another snap of the fingers, everything on the stage disappeared, as if it did not appear.

All sorts of applause exclamations.

"Thank you to the two magicians for the show. The

moderator was also surprised, and then continued his work.

"Let's welcome

Mansha!" "Mansha, Mansha!"

The shouts from the audience were reminiscent of otaku from a certain time.

As the lights shifted, the shouting gradually stopped, and a woman in a violet dress slowly emerged from the elevator.

Her long white hair was scattered casually, her golden eyes were particularly special, and her purple clothes were extremely eye-catching, she only showed her eyes, and her face was draped with a veil, which was more like a flower, a rose in the depths of the flowers.

It's really pretty, but... Gu Cheng saw that it was very beautiful, and then subconsciously looked at Mebius, who didn't pay attention to this, and also looked at the woman on the stage a little distracted.

"Gu Cheng, she's so attractive~", Snake Snake said a little happily, "I didn't think it before, but now I want to fan her!", Mebius had a bright face.

I smiled and rubbed her head.

On the other side, Kevin's mouth was wide open, and Mansha's figure was very amazing.

Mei had a "big" tic-tac-toe on her head, and she couldn't help but give Kevin a look after all.

Such a scene is common in the venue, but any boy with a female companion who stares at Mansha in a daze will be punched.

Sue has no female companions, excluded. Gu Cheng only has snakes in his eyes, and then he is...

The Thousand Tribulations had been very quiet since they came to the venue, making people wonder if this was really the Thousand Tribulations? The Thousand Tribulations

wore a mask and lowered their heads, and they never raised their heads, not even the magic show of Vervy or the appearance of Mansha did not make the man raise his head.

Looking closely, Qianjiao's ears are red, and I believe that the same is true under the mask, and his eyes have long turned to "little mosquito coils".

I saw that Aponia's white and delicate hand was holding the hand of the thousand tribulations, and the palm of the hand was close to the back of the hand, naturally, the thousand tribulations were the passive one.

Apoña looked at Mansa faintly, but the same reddened face and the glance that glanced at the Thousand Tribulations from time to time represented her uncalm at this time.

"It's like a child, Thousand Tribulations. Apoña turned his head and whispered in Chiku's ear.

"Aponia... It's too close...", Chiki swallowed deeply, breathing heavily.

"It's so easy to be shy, it's a little like you~", Aponia knew why Thousand Tribulations were so shy, but the sudden bad taste made her continue to get closer.

"I...", the annihilation in Qianjiao's body trembled slightly, and a faint temperature emerged from Qianjiao's body.

"I said... Don't move!", Thousand Tribulations felt the throbbing of energy in his body, and he was finally so close to Aponia, where could he make a mere engraving arrogant?

The strong will made the extinction, which had always been strong, instantly extinguish, and was suppressed by the strong Honkai energy of the Thousand Tribulations.

But don't forget, the Thousand Tribulations and Aponia are very close, and Aponia is leaning against the wall inside, although the Thousand Tribulations are roaring in a low voice, but at such a close distance, Aponia can naturally hear it clearly.

What's more, the aura of the Thousand Tribulations that had worked hard to suppress the Flame of Annihilation was also revealed, and the body of the Thousand Tribulations was also a little uncontrollable and lost its focus.

As a result, Chikasa pressed himself against the wall in order to prevent himself from falling down in the chair, but this posture was more like knocking Aponia into the wall.

The stiff attitude and arrogant tone are just a thousand catastrophes, okay?

The misunderstanding has promoted the relationship between the two even more, and Aponia, who has never received this kind of treatment, has a little evasive eyes, and his delicate face is even more red.

Chizai originally wanted to apologize and leave, but Aponia was shy, and the attitude of wanting to refuse and change and the temperament of seeing Youling made Chitri a little stupid.

Chikusa slowly lowered her head and kissed Aponia's somewhat surprised expression.


Mansha's dance is very elegant, like a butterfly fluttering among the flowers, or a bluebird playing by the stream, more like a flower petal flying from the sky.

After the dance, everyone's applause rang out again, and Mansa bowed off the stage.

"It's great~", Snake Snake praised happily.

"There's a chance I'll ask Eden to help you get some images, and there should be. Gu Cheng rubbed Mebius's head dotingly.

"Really~", the snake snake got into my arms and rubbed my chest with its face, like a coquettish cat.

"Tsk...", Ying is very uncomfortable, the dog food is here.

Suddenly, a softness hugged her, "Hey ♪, do you need a gentle hug?"

"Next is what everyone is looking forward to the most - Eden!".

The host gave a warm voice, and all the lights gathered in the center.

Eden walked gracefully to the center.

The audience first erupted in exclamations layer after layer, and with warm applause, Eden slowly clapped his hands, and the scene stopped instantly.

Eden was dressed in the general costume of European aristocracy, with a long skirt that was very exaggerated, long burgundy hair coiled up, and bright eyes that were particularly charming.

"I... Gently come to ~ this world

" "Endless emotion... Sudden warmth~

" "Enveloping my body... Mother-like devotion is deep... Embrace me~

" "May the world... The best of the world... As bright as gold, as eternal as a diamond..."

"The crumbling ground... Shattered Stars

" "I own the whole world..."

Eden's song was soft, as hard to catch as smoke and dust.

It's like a waterfall, and it has a big impact on people.

Eden... He is worthy of being the best singer in the world.

The harp is playing, the flute is melodious, there are zithers, there are violins, all kinds of instruments from different ages and countries are gathered together, there is nothing inappropriate, each instrument is just right.

In this way, Eden's singing brings the whole scene to a climax.

Exclamation, amazement, exclamation.

Excited, excited, obsessed.

This is Eden.

And that's... A world as bright as gold.

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