Far East, Fire Moth headquarters, at the entrance of the cafeteria.

“...... This is how the situation has generally developed. In the end, if Cheshire hadn't found the safe, I guess I might have been slashed by my sword! Speaking

of this, Su Shixiu couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, fortunately, the safe was not destroyed!

"Hahaha, if you slash with a sword, then I may not see Axiu on vacation until now, right?"

Wilvie covered her mouth with her hand, shrugged her shoulders and secretly laughed a few times.

"yes, thanks to Cheshire!"

Su Shixiu was also very emotional, fortunately he didn't cut the safe!

"Lixia and Ciel, and those two copies for Mebius and her assistant Klein?"

Glancing at the box lunch on Su Shixiu's hand, Wei Wei asked almost subconsciously.

"yes. As long as no one cares about the teacher, they basically eat fast food when they are busy. "

Bird food, Dr. Mebius is also quite busy, not to mention that Klein has a lot of work alone..."

Velvi, who knew the intensity of the work of the Mebius laboratory, nodded with deep feeling.

"I'm not against fast food, but it's better to eat less of that kind of stuff. The body is the capital of the revolution, the body has collapsed, how can we continue to study?

Wei Wei nodded deeply, seemingly agreeing with Su Shixiu's point of view!

"Having a student like you is really a blessing for Dr. Mebius. It's a pity, why didn't I go to the Thousand Feather Academy to recruit students back then..." Su

Shixiu was embarrassed, the problem was that if he remembered correctly, it seems that Wei Wei has never been in any university around the world, go to recruit students specifically!

Can you recruit Su Shixiu at that time to be a research internship assistant for Weiwei?

Let's not say that Weiwei did not enroll at that time, the key is that his major is related to biological science, and it is not right to come to Weiwei's major!

Not to mention that his own thesis at that time was related to biological science, and he couldn't beat the eight poles of mechanical technology, and he didn't have that opportunity at all!

"It's a little early, I'll go to the teacher's side first, Vilvie, then you..."

"Sister Xi'er and Sister Lixia's breakfast, or should I help you carry it over?"

Wei Wei looked at Su Shixiu and proposed with a smile.

"But aren't you busy?"

Remembering Weiwei's workload and past state, as one of the two people who were almost closed to the headquarters of the Fire Moth, Su Shixiu was still very worried that he had affected her work process.

"Not busy." Experts" and "conductors" have been doing things for almost a week.

Wei Wei smiled slightly, and then stretched out her hand, "Occasionally take a break, it's more conducive to rest!"

"Good. Then trouble you, thanks Vilvie!

Su Shixiu thought about it, then nodded with a smile, and did not push back any more.

After all, it is normal for friends to do each other a favor, so Su Shixiu directly handed both box lunches to Wei Wei.

"Then you go first, Axiu, and we'll talk next time when you're free."

Wei Wei waved at Su Shixiu, and then under Su Shixiu's gaze, she turned around and hurriedly walked towards the direction of the dormitory building.

It's just that the back of Vilvie leaving, somewhat ... Panic???

"Mean, shy?"

However, as soon as he thought of the character of "self" Vilwei, Su Shixiu suddenly understood something.

"Self" Vilvie seems to have always been the kind of girl who is easily shy, so her behavior has really become too normal!

Shaking his head secretly, Su Shixiu smiled silently and hurriedly walked to the scientific research department with breakfast.


"So, just an accident?"

Mei, who was resting, was curiously listening to gossip related to Su Shixiu from Alicia's side at the moment.

"Yes. Even if others may not know Axiu, it is impossible for us not to understand him ♪~"

Alicia smiled slightly, and then began to look in the mirror and put lipstick on herself!

"yes. If Ashu really wanted to find a partner, maybe I fell when I was in high school. Thinking

of her former youth, Mei's face couldn't help but blush slightly.

"But it's a pity that Axiu didn't have that mind, didn't he still cheapen Kevin in the end?" Hmm ♪~"

"Alicia, don't talk nonsense! Kevin and I are just good friends and colleagues! May said angrily.

"I know, I know. But then again, Ah Xiu is really stupid sometimes! Obviously it seems to understand everything, but it seems that I don't understand anything, it's really ... Hum!

Mei nodded helplessly, she really couldn't refute this matter.

"Dr. Mebius, Vervie's "id", and... Forget it, I really remembered a suitable sentence. After

glancing at Alicia, who had just put on lipstick, May decided not to say the rest of the words.

"Oh ♪?"

"Ten thousand flowers pass through, and a leaf does not stick to the body."

Mei thought for a while, and then silently added: "For such a long time, it seems that except for Axiu's sister Xi'er, and Xi'er's friend Lixia, and the more special existence in Cheshire, these three girls are very close to him, it seems that there is no one else."

Alicia nodded in approval, no matter how good they usually have a relationship with Su Shixiu, only these three girls really live with Su Shixiu.

The existence of the two sister levels definitely does not need to think about it.

As for Cheshire... May was also curious about her origins, but Alicia and Velvi only gave themselves a reply:

"Cheshire and Ash are not possible. The relationship between them can be said to be twins! Although

this statement was still thought up by Mebius when he helped Su Shixiu, it is undeniable that it did fool Mei.

Su Shixiu is a matter of the lawyer, and the fewer people who know, the better!


At this time, the scientific research department, in the Mebius laboratory.

"Teacher! I said you don't eat fast food indiscriminately, eating too much is not good for your health! At

this time, Su Shixiu grabbed a bucket of instant noodles that had opened the lid in his hand, and was looking angrily at Mebius who was holding a warm pot ready to pour boiling water!

As for Mebius, the expression on his face can be said to be extremely subtle!

"You, uh, ahem, why are you here? Ah, Ah Xiu, today's weather, it's really good..."

"Today is cloudy and sunny."

Unceremoniously debunking Mebius' embarrassing lie, Su Shixiu took the opportunity to raise his hand, perfectly making Mebius, who was ready to secretly take back the instant noodles, dumbfounded.

In terms of height... Mebius is actually not very short, but in front of Su Shixiu, it is still a hard injury!

"It's not busy, Klein also has to rest overtime, I can only do it myself..." Because

he was caught, Mebius showed a rare cowardly side in front of Su Shixiu.

Following the direction pointed by Mebius's hand, Su Shixiu saw that Klein was sleeping on the table, and her back was covered with several clothes that Mebius personally covered her.

After noticing Klein's thick dark circles, Su Shixiu was dumbfounded on the spot.

Seemingly...... I could still sleep for eight hours, it seems that it is really as Senior Blanca said, but it is actually not bad?

The Mebius laboratory has now raised two "pandas", and Su Shixiu suddenly felt a lot more fortunate.

Fortunately, I was not rectified back then....

However, the next moment, the instant noodles on his hand were suddenly taken away!

Su Shixiu, who reacted, just saw Mebius quickly throw the bucket of instant noodles into the refrigerator, and its speed was so fast that even Su Shixiu was smacked.

"I said, I didn't eat that junk food!"

Looking at Mebius who was empty-handed, Su Shixiu sighed helplessly.

"Forget it. Teacher, you have a lot of work, I just don't want your body to collapse..." Putting

the purchased breakfast on the table next to Mebius, Su Shixiu's expression relaxed a lot.

"Oh? Hey, I'm your teacher. Axiu, even if you can't come back on the battlefield one day, I can live well!"

Mebius turned his head reluctantly, and Su Shixiu could only nod repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, but teacher, your existence is a treasure from heaven for me, Senior Sister Klein, Senior Sister Blanca, and even for the Fire Moth and all humans!"

Hearing Su Shixiu say this, Mebius's unkind expression obviously changed a lot.

"One by one is really troublesome! Got it, I'll care about it occasionally! "

The mouth is still hard, but Mebius is honest in his actions.

Seeing her obediently sit down and start cooking, Su Shixiu was not in a hurry to leave, but sat on the sofa on the side and began to think about some of the next things.

In his previous life, Su Shixiu had forgotten a lot about the plot of the three previous civilizations, but as long as he thought about it seriously, Su Shixiu could still remember something.

Moreover, such a long time has passed, and Xi'er is almost at the age of high school, when she will also have to leave the Far East and go to other continents to go to school.

Lixia has another year, and she is not in a hurry.

However, counting the time, it's almost there, right?

Su Shixiu's expression instantly became a lot more solemn.

The fifth great collapse, the Ice Lawyer, is also about to be born....

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