Fortunately, Mebius only made a joke for a long time.

A fighter who has just returned from the front line is pulled to work overtime without resting, which is somewhat inappropriate.

Not to mention that Su Shixiu and Klein are different, one is a poor child who is hired, and the other is the strongest single combat power of mankind so far.

In other words, now Su Shixiu's rights are actually not much different from Mebius, and she has not transferred the right to order Su Shixiu.

After handing over the core of the Ice Lawyer to Mebius, Su Shixiu saw that it was almost night, and he was in no hurry to leave.

Originally, I didn't plan to leave, but I said that I would use the kitchen here to cook a meal, so that the food would be delicious and nutritious.

However, when Su Shixiu opened the refrigerator of ingredients in the laboratory, he was dumbfounded on the spot:

a box full of fast food... Instant noodles, self-heating rice, etc., Su Shixiu who couldn't help but look at it was embarrassed.

“...... Teacher! Can't you save some fruits and vegetables? Just eating these things is not nutritious!

"Gee! Trouble, these can be full!

Mebius, who was dissecting the corpse of the Avalanche outside, replied loudly in dissatisfaction.

Su Shixiu was speechless for a while, and was finally forced to close the refrigerator helplessly.

"Forget it. Teacher, I'll go buy some ingredients and come back in a minute! Saying

that, Su Shixiu began to sort out his things.

After taking the wallet and card, Su Shixiu was not polite, and directly took a Mebius coat from the lounge and draped it over his body.

After all, he had already thrown his combat clothes into the washing machine, and there were no other clothes on the laboratory side, and Su Shixiu could only do this.

Outside, Mebius, who was wearing a white coat and a mask and carrying a chainsaw, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Su Shixiu wearing his dark green coat.

"Ash, that's my coat?!"

"I've washed my clothes, put the teacher on first, see you back!"


Looking at Su Shixiu's figure running out in a hurry, Mebius was stunned.

When Su Shixiu was an intern assistant before, he had not done this less.

However, at that time, Mebius would not say anything, after all, Su Shixiu rarely left the laboratory at that time.

What's more, the Mebius laboratory at that time was at most only Mebius and Su Shixiu.

It's just the two of them, so there's no need to care so much between them.

But the problem now is that Su Shixiu is going out!

Moreover, that coat is one of her classic logos!

If you have to say what kind of mood Mebius is in now, then probably only such an emoji can be described:

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

However, at this time, Su Shixiu had already left the base of the Fire Moth headquarters and went outside to buy vegetables.

However, to Su Shixiu's surprise, when he arrived at the vegetable market to buy vegetables, he met someone he did not expect!

Now, let's turn your attention to the wet market!

"Hello, boss, I want this piece..."

"Boss, I want this piece of tofu!"

Just when Su Shixiu greeted the boss with a smile and was about to buy tofu, he just stretched out his finger to the piece of tofu, and as a result, someone next to him also pointed to the piece of tofu!

Looking at that hand in amazement, Su Shixiu subconsciously followed that hand and raised his head, and as a result, he met the gaze of a girl!

The lilac beautiful eyes also looked a little surprised, but the seriousness and alertness hidden in them made Su Shixiu subconsciously understand that the woman in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person!

A pink hair, a cold look, plus a cold voice just now...

Regarding the identity of this girl, Su Shixiu may have a rough expectation!

"Sorry. Hello, I need this piece of tofu.

However, Su Shixiu did not say it directly, but politely asked a hello.

"Hello. I'm really sorry, I also need this piece of tofu in the next, forgive me!

The woman in front of her also nodded, which was regarded as a response to Su Shixiu's kindness.

However, it can be seen from the words that neither of them is willing to give up this piece of tofu.

“emmm...... I don't know, can you let me know why?

As if he was afraid that his words were a little inappropriate, Su Shixiu quickly added: "Of course, if there is any inconvenience, you can also come without saying."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

The woman shook her head, and a rare doting and gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It's for my sister under the sun, Suzu."

Su Shixiu was stunned, and when he saw the woman's sincere and spoiled gaze, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

In the woman's doubtful gaze, Su Shixiu took the initiative to take a step back and answered her confusion by the way:

"So it is." I also have a sister, I can understand. It just so happens that I don't particularly need this piece of tofu, so just give it away! Looking

at Su Shixiu's incomparably sincere gaze and his gentle smile like a spring breeze, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then smiled back.

"Thanks. Seeing that Mr. is so gentle, presumably your sister must have lived a happy life, right?

"Not to talk about it."

Speaking of this, Su Shixiu's gaze was a little lost.


Noticing Su Shixiu's mood change, the woman was stunned for a moment, then took the tofu loaded by the boss and handed the money out.

"It's a long story. But fortunately, at the end of the story, I took her back, and I did my best to make up for her, trying to make her forget her nightmares.

"Even though I may never know what Ciel has been through in my absence."

Feeling the heaviness of the atmosphere of the words, the woman couldn't help but fall silent.

In this way, the two walked side by side, without opening a word along the way.

Until he walked to a vegetable stall, Su Shixiu had selected some dishes and was about to pay for it, but the woman stopped him:

"Let's get down."

"No need, it's useless..." Su

Shixiu just wanted to say something, but the woman shook her head directly and interrupted him.

"Grabbed your tofu under it. As a sign of apology, this little bit of money is not enough. Seeing

that the woman was quite stubborn, Su Shixiu didn't plan to say anything more, so he could only let her help pay for herself.

"I hope that Mr. Wang's sister can also enjoy a good dinner."

"Uh, you misunderstood, I bought this for my teacher."

Su Shixiu smiled awkwardly, but the result made the woman stunned in place.


"Well, it's an important existence for me. If it weren't for the teacher, I might not be where I am today, let alone know so many gentle people..."

Seeing the tenderness and nostalgia in Su Shixiu's light blue eyes, the woman gradually let down her guard against the young man in front of her in her heart.

Being wary of anyone stemmed from her professionalism, but in this short time together, she could already be sure that this young man was a good person.

Although the good guy card is issued indiscriminately, it is a little bit of that... However, just the initial contact and understanding made the woman have a good impression of him.

Moreover, he also has a sister, and through his tone and gaze, it is enough to see that he is really good to his sister.

She also has a sister, so she can understand that feeling better.

"It seems that Sir's experience is indeed much luckier."

"Lucky? Maybe... But everything has a price. Looking

at Su Shixiu's still gentle smile, the woman following him couldn't help but look up at him.

Su Shixiu's side face is very handsome, not only that, but there is also a resolute and soft light hidden in his clear water-like eyes.

Such eyes are very attractive and make it difficult to take their eyes off.

"The cost?"

"yes. Everyone has some unforgettable past. Actually, it's nothing, but it's just a few words. The

woman froze, her eyes were complicated to look at Su Shixiu's gentle smile, and the emotions in her heart were extremely complicated.

She could feel that Su Shixiu was not lying.

However, some of the past can be summarized in three words... Is it really that easy?

What is five-flavor miscellaneous? Perhaps, at this moment, she seems to understand what this means.

"yes. Sir, can I tell me your name? If you have a chance in the future, I will definitely ask you out for a drink next! Of course, as long as the gentleman is willing to believe in it. These

words reveal a lot of meaning.

On behalf of the representative, she already trusted Su Shixiu and was willing to share her past with Su Shixiu.

Of course, as long as it depends on whether Su Shixiu is willing to trust her.

Although such a behavior is a bit direct and inappropriate, if this person is Su Shixiu, it is nothing.

He is a man who always makes the right person feel good, precisely because he is such a gentle person.

His gentleness, like a spring breeze, is as always, even if it flows through the years.

"Hmm... That's fine. My name is Su Shixiu, please advise more!

Su Shixiu smiled softly and stretched out his right hand to the woman.

The woman nodded and returned a smile that looked sunny and gentle.

"Under it, Sakura. Mr. Shi Xiu, please advise! "

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