Testing the data of this God's Key is very fast.

It's a pity that in the end, Su Shixiu did not obtain the right to use this divine key.

During the test, even without Su Shixiu's instructions, Wei Wei had already seen that the ability of the Third God Key was not suitable for Su Shixiu.

Even if the Taichi form really suits him.

Even the naming right to the Key of God was ruthlessly taken back by Vilvie.

Moreover, according to Wilvie, it is estimated that these days will be her "scholar" personality online.

If you want to find other Wei Wei, I am afraid that before the Third God Key is officially completed, Su Shixiu will not have that opportunity.

If you get along with "scholars", Su Shixiu is not out of place, mainly because he doesn't want to disturb people's work.

Fortunately, the "scholar" Vilvie found herself a good place to sleep.

Although it was a rest room, Wei Wei himself did not object, and Su Shixiu could not refuse Wei Wei's retention.

Just sleep, harmless.

Su Shixiu thought so.

But he didn't expect that, just like that, his home was stolen.

At this time, the situation in the dormitory ... It's not that chaotic.

"Obedient, let me touch my head ♪!"


Watching Alicia and Xi'er around the guest table "King Qin around the column", Cheshire and Lixia had already taken out popcorn and Coke, sat down and ate it.

"So, is it really appropriate that we don't help?"

Lixia asked cautiously.

"Suitable. Sister Ellie will be measured, let's eat quickly!

Looking at Cheshire, whose eyes were shining, Lixia couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the kitten's heart is bad!

So she also lay down and followed Cheshire OMO with her.

Xi'er: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

Alicia: ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♪!!


When he woke up, Su Shixiu inevitably yawned.

In fact, this awakening spirit is very good.

"It was so comfortable to sleep. Well?

Rubbing his eyes, he noticed that someone had placed a plastic bag on the table next to him.

Looking at the box lunch in the bag, Su Shixiu inevitably sighed.

One thing is enough to speculate a lot of information.

With Vilvie's busyness these days, she definitely has no chance to cook by herself.

Picking up the disposable chopsticks on the side, Su Shixiu took a deep breath and smiled gently.

"Thanks, V2V! But to care so much about me... It should be "self", right? "


"The "Hope" plan has been unanimously approved by more than eighty percent of the high-level people, and now it is officially approved."

After Mei knocked on this encrypted file, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This plan can be said to be the most optimistic plan... But also the most difficult plan.

As mentioned before, the executor of this plan can only be one person:

"Apocalypse" Su Shixiu.

Moreover, with his current strength, he is far from being able to afford this plan.

But that's fine, they still have plenty of time to wait.

The essence of this plan is a game.

For today's human civilization, spell out a chance of survival... It's never easy.

"So, Dr. May, are you really not going to tell Dr. Mebius about this plan?" Or are you not going to tell the person who intends to implement this plan?

In the mobile phone on the side, Wei Wei's slightly cold voice came out.

"Nope. Now that Ah Xiu knew that he would just increase his burden. Closing

the computer, May hadn't even backed up the file to the Fire Moth's database.

"Too. So...... I'm curious. Listening

to Weiwei's pause, Mei took a sip of hot water and smiled:

"Curious why so many high-level officials have a rare unanimous opinion?"

Wilvie didn't speak, she acquiesced.

"I'm curious too. Those high-level officials, who did not even know the general content of this plan, directly passed it.

"Because of the executor?"

"Yes." Mei replied, "Senior Su Cangyuan is almost at the age of retirement, and the next high-level in the Shenzhou region will undoubtedly fall on Axiu's head. "

Turning it in advance is not a bad thing for those high-level people who have ghosts in their hearts.

After all, in their thinking, it would be best if they could pull the high-level of the Shenzhou region to become allies.

But with their understanding of Su Shixiu, this possibility is not very likely.

Even if you can't become an ally, at least don't trip each other up in the future.

These things at the political level between the various regions, Mei and Weilvi, who are responsible for the field of scientific research, can naturally see one or two.

"Then let them do whatever they want. However, the less people understand that plan, the better it is for us. "

For the broken things between the high-level officials in various regions, May and Wei Wei have long known about it, but no one will directly say it in the open.

"yes. The most unlikely but optimistic plan is essentially a gamble. Hearing

such a description, Wilvi was rarely silent.

"Gambling, gambling... This description is really not an exaggeration.

May didn't answer.

Since she had drawn up the plan, she would definitely not say anything more.

"Just, are you really willing?"

Listening to Vilvie's questioning, May was silent for a moment.



Mei took a deep breath and said slowly: "Emotionally speaking, I will definitely not be willing to force my younger brother to the desperate path of nine deaths."

"But rationally speaking, I only see hope in Axiu."

"So I'm willing to gamble, bet that he will be strong enough to drive out Honkai in the future."

This is a desperate plan.

Because the more she knows about Honkai, the less hope that May can see the future.

Even if scientists have to pay attention to rigor, she has to be rash in this matter.

"I see. Do you need me to say what I think?

Mei didn't speak, but after a while, she let out a soft "hmm".

"My idea is ... the 'hope' program, and I don't really agree with it."

This answer was expected by Mei.

"Neither me nor the "self" wants him to take such a risk."

Mei didn't speak, so Wei Wei continued:

"For me personally, I would rather hope that the executor of the 'Hope' plan is someone else, and I don't want it to be the name 'Su Shixiu'."

"'Apocalypse' Su Shixiu, he is irreplaceable in the hearts of all of us."

Listening to this, both sides fell silent.

Vivi said something from her heart for once.

She really didn't want that the person who was carrying the risk would be Su Shixiu.

Even if he is still a lawyer.

However, he is also human.

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