With Cheshire's help, Su Shixiu didn't need to worry about how he drank too much here and needed someone to take care of him later.

After all, between the two women, there is really nothing to avoid.

At least, it was relative to a big boy like Su Shixiu.

At night, Su Shixiu, who had already escaped the nightmare of study, was forced to start studying again.

It's just that the main way has become to teach and educate people.

During the critical period of further education, even Xi'er could not be as careless as usual.

So much so that as soon as Xi'er returned home, she was pulled by Su Shixiu to make up classes, and even Lixia, who was only in her second year of junior high school, could not escape the nightmare of studying.

Therefore, helping Xi'er and Lixia make up classes every night, and personally training Hua, Kosmor and Daistobia during the day became his habit during this time.

Another night, Su Shixiu's dormitory was still brightly lit.

"Xi'er, this question... I remember you didn't ask me for the first time, right? Holding

a scroll in his left hand, Su Shixiu stared at Xi'er with a smile on his face, and gently knocked on the table with his right hand.

Even though my brother's smile is still very gentle, this gentleness is different.

At least, what Xi'er felt was not the warmth of the spring breeze, but a biting chill.

"I... Where do I have! This kind of question type is definitely the first time I have asked!

Xi'er's head shook like a rattle, and her face was a little pale, but she was still very stubborn.

This girl... I really don't want to eat at all!

"emmm...... This question type is difficult for you. But, Ciel, I've told you about this more than ten times, haven't I? The

corners of Su Shixiu's mouth were slightly hooked, and his smile was warm, but his eyes were cold and waveless (in Xi'er's eyes).

His tone was not like a discussion, but like a reprimand (as Xi'er thought).

"Don't! Brother, I was wrong!! Because

of the excessive brain supplementation, Xi'er suddenly frightened.

Su Shixiu shook his head helplessly and lowered his tone a little:

"If you know it's wrong, you have to learn it." This question is actually not that difficult, Lixia will be it, you can't be a sister, it's really stupid! Seeing

Xi'er's appearance, Su Shixiu's voice involuntarily softened a little, but more than that, it was just a trace of helplessness.

How could he be angry? Although I don't know what Xi'er made up in her brain.

Lixia next to her was writing homework, but her shoulders kept shrugging.

It seems that for Lixia, holding back a smile is really a technical job.

"I'm not stupid! I...... Forget it, okay, okay, I promise to learn well next time?

Xi'er glared at Lixia, who was snickering on the side, and quickly raised her little hand, indicating that she promised not to commit it next time.

"Next time? I hope so. Seeing

Xi'er's somewhat pitiful appearance, Su Shixiu's voice involuntarily lightened a little.

"Ahem, brother is so good~! Seeing

Xi'er's well-behaved appearance, Su Shixiu couldn't help but feel funny.

The tsundere sister was forced to sell cute pretense, quite ruinous but reasonable.

"Come, look at Xi'er. As follows, set x first! Don't set up what s!

"Ouch hey!" Xi'er smiled secretly.

"Don't be hey, look at the question!"


Suddenly hit with a brain crash, Xi'er subconsciously covered her brain and shouted pain.

It's just that...... The smile on Xi'er's face remained.

After all, she loved the feeling of being with her brother.

Even if she doesn't like to study much, as long as she learns with her brother, she is inexplicably motivated.

As for why it was set to S instead of X, Xi'er naturally had her thoughts.

s, it makes sense.

It's just that Su Shixiu is still unknown.

"Don't touch the fish! Lixia, you come and see it too!

"Hmm, okay, okay!"

Under the light, a young man with short gray and blue hair, holding a pen in his hand, was writing something on the paper.

And Xi'er and Lixia, one left and one right, a dark red little head and a silver white little head, leaned together next to Su Shixiu and listened quite seriously.

Cheshire leaned against the kitchen door frame, watching this warm scene, and couldn't help but snicker silently.

"Hehe, dear good time with everyone, according to what Miss Alicia said, it's a pity not to take pictures!" (Super quiet)

There are many bad eyes for kittens!

Holding his mobile phone, Cheshire took pictures of them all.

Hiding in the kitchen, Cheshire secretly flipped through the photos on his phone and suddenly found some kind of hobby.

"Take another look. Wow, Xi'er wants to send it! "

The cat head cat brain .jpg

in the living room at this time.

Lisha: Anxiang.jpg

Xi'er: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

Su Shixiu: (ー_ー)!!


About a few more days passed.

Of the people who train every day, only Kosmon and Daistobia remain.

Hua left, and she followed Bei Mihu and the entire fifth squad to the Asian region to clean up the collapse.

It is estimated that for a long time, I will not see them both.

However, Su Shixiu's home moved in with new guests.

Blanca and little Grace!

"Why, aren't our mother and daughter welcome?"

Looking at Su Shixiu, who was stunned in front of the door, Blanca carried a large bag and a small bag, and her smile was quite gentle.

Grace went to kindergarten and was definitely not there.

"Not unwelcome... It was really unenvisaged.

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Su Shixiu's expression became serious.

"What doesn't he say?"

"Do you think he dares?"

Looking at Blanca's confident raised eyebrows, Su Shixiu could only admit it.

"Give it to me."

Blanca smiled sweetly and directly handed the largest package to Su Shixiu.

It's quite heavy, but only for ordinary people.

Neither of the two is a normal person, so naturally there is not much effort.

Fortunately, Su Shixiu's dormitory has two bedrooms, one for Xi'er and them to sleep, and the other for Blanca to sleep with little Grexiu, there is no problem.

What do you say about Su Shixiu? He can not sleep, he can lie on the sofa, he can sleep on the balcony recliner, he can sleep on the study cot...

In short, there is no need to worry about this.

After helping Blanca sort things out, Su Shixiu let out a long sigh.

"Looking at the situation, the plan leader has treated Senior Sister?"

"You won't necessarily be able to come back at the end of the year, you say?"

“emmm...... So why look for me? This

was the question that Su Shixiu was most puzzled about.

Blanca smiled, it wasn't something he couldn't answer.

"Grace thinks about seeing you every day, and that tone is more cordial than calling me and Trace!"

Ignoring Blanca's white eyes, Su Shixiu could only smile awkwardly.

"It should be more than that, right?"

"Your cooking is delicious!"

Su Shixiu: ......

For the first time, this young man began to regret that he was good at cooking.

He suddenly thought of a poem, one that he wasn't sure really existed in the world.

"Greeting the Pestilence".

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