In fact, the girl in front of her really didn't look forward to the moment of the curtain call

: "It's a little reluctant, after all, it's a very romantic story, I want to reminisce about it ♪ more..."

Eden was stunned for a moment:

"Romance... This is the first time I've heard someone say this about the show. After

all, from the perspective of normal people's feelings, that play should be more depressed, gray and sad.

"After all, the label says tragedy ♪!"

The girl smiled, and then sighed helplessly:

"Yes, it is indeed a bit excessive ♪." There is nothing happy from the beginning of the first act, and all the unfolding is taking the plot in a worse direction.

After thinking about it, the girl's tone became a little heavier:

"The characters are also powerless little people. Wrapped up in fate, I don't know where I am in the blink of an eye - it's quite real ♪!

Noticing that Eden had been listening carefully to her speech, the girl smiled a little weakly:

"It's hard to make people laugh and watch the whole story ♪ like this."

"It should be 'can't be done at all', right?"

After Eden corrected the statement, the curiosity in his heart also increased a little.

"If that's the case, why do you think it's romantic?"

"It's ♪ because of the ending!"

The smile on the girl's face became a little stronger.

Although the process was very difficult, she really liked the last scene of this play.

"On the ruins shrouded in smoke, a new sprout is breaking through the ground... It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?

In Eden's somewhat stunned gaze, the girl smiled slightly:

"It may bloom for a long time, maybe it will wither in the next second, but at this moment, it is there, announcing its new life to the world!"

"What I will never forget for a long time is such a moment!"

In her life, she has also witnessed countless such beautiful moments.

Because of the interweaving of these beautiful moments, she will be more willing to believe that the expectations of that young man may really come true.

When she thought of that young man, the girl couldn't help but think of the words he had said to her when he was occasionally quiet.

"He told me that tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope. Although that sentence was originally told to him.

"But, I can understand. The footprints we leave in the world will one day become a beacon for another person.

Eden was stunned, and then smiled a little helplessly.

"Tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope"... A familiar phrase.

She savored such words, and subconsciously remembered the very optimistic young man.

The two had talked about this topic on their mobile phones, and at the time, he had said something like this.

"It's quite an optimistic idea, and it's a bit romantic."

"Maybe, we might have a mutual friend?"

This sentence is more of Eden's speculation.

After all, the world is big, and fate cannot be so ingenious.

But Eden never imagined that the world was actually quite small.

"Ah Xiu ♪?"

The girl smiled, but she had heard Su Shixiu talk about Eden, and naturally knew that Eden knew Su Shixiu.

In fact, at the beginning, she recognized Eden.

Pretending not to know, just for her own careful thoughts, right?

"You also know Su Shixiu?"

Eden was slightly surprised, and then showed a look of realization.

Such an interesting girl, to be able to meet such an interesting young man, although the fate is quite ingenious, but it is also reasonable.

"Yes ♪! Ashu is actually quite cute, isn't it ♪?

Eden was stunned.

She didn't feel how obvious it was... Maybe it's more of a dull, and a little little tenderness that hides deeply?

"He's explained such a topic to me."

Eden nodded and waited to speak.

"He said: Only humans can think this way, and only humans will turn such beliefs into reality."

"It does not matter whether the course of this journey is good or evil, nor whether the end of the journey is sad or joyful, this beauty exists only because of "man".

The girl was stunned, and then smiled gently.

That guy is still like this, always let others not have such a big psychological burden, just enjoy the beauty of the present quietly.

But what about him? I have been thinking about the end of this journey, and I want to open up a path that can continue to be extended....

He didn't want anyone else to bear the same burden as him.

Why bother? You also said, in fact, everything is quite good now, don't hold such a heavy burden?

After briefly suppressing the thoughts in her heart, the girl picked up Eden's topic:

"That's right. After experiencing adult pain, that young child will still wake up one day and continue to believe in what he once believed.

"The beauty of human nature is something so fragile, yet pure."

Although it was a topic that the girl had told him, he could also have the same opinion as himself.

At least for this moment, her heart was somewhat comforted.

"That kind of thing, it's like... Blooming crystal flowers. The

girl looked at the starry sky of the corridor and hummed a song softly.

It was an intimate image of Eden, no different from the scenery when she

appeared on stage and was fascinated by the chant.

"Even professional art practitioners, few people are willing to look at the world with such a delicate gaze. You are even more delicate than Ash. "

Hmm? Probably, it's the lovely Axiu, who unconsciously has too much burden in his heart, right ♪? Hearing

the girl's answer, Eden knew a little more about Su Shixiu.

At the same time, she already had a rough guess about the identity of the girl in front of her.

Only, not yet sure.

"But I'm not that good. If there's anything special, it's probably that I've been to many places, I've seen a lot of people, and... Slightly cute ♪? "


Hearing such self-ridicule, Eden also relaxed his heart and smiled regardless of the image.

"So, those words just now should be taken as my feelings. Although I also told Ah Xiu, it is clear that he has his own opinion ♪!

"yes." Eden nodded, "After all, we're all different people.

The girl nodded in agreement.

Eden smiled: "If you don't mind, my friend, after the performance, I would like to invite you to continue to discuss the topic just now." "

Beautiful things, that's what I pursue. As for the location... What do you think of the ice floe restaurant on the top floor of Biluo Building? Hearing

of that location, the girl was even more surprised (although it was deliberately pretended).

"Wow – isn't that a super restaurant where you don't know when your reservation will be made? Suddenly bring a person ... Will it cause you trouble ♪?

"How so? My friend, they always reserved a double seat for me. Although

Eden always thought that this would always have a deadline, it was still valid at least tonight.

"Okay! I'd love to share ♪ it with you~

" "But... Having said all this, it seems that I haven't introduced ♪ myself yet!

"Too. For your identity, I should have a rough guess.

Eden nodded.

It's all at this point, both sides should guess each other's identities.

The girl turned around and looked at Eden and smiled.

The moonlight fell silently, reflecting her face.

"My name is Alicia, the symbol of paradise, the land of Alicia... What about you?

"Sure enough." Eden nodded and also showed a very friendly smile: "Eden."

The two girls looked at each other, and then couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that the world is really small."

"Wrong, in fact, everything is fated ♪!"

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