Seeing that there was no way back, Su Shixiu closed his eyes and quietly felt the flow of collapse energy in this tunnel.

This is a passage that is not only kilometers long, but also three or four kilometers wide.

On both sides of the tunnel, it was still gray, and it was not clear to see anything.

Here, it should be a marginal area somewhere, but Su Shixiu didn't know what kind of location this was.

Because, in his perception, there is not a living thing here at all.

This place was like a dead space where there was no one but him.

At the end of the tunnel, there is an unknown place, and the anxiety in my heart comes from that side.

Su Shixiu didn't know how long he had been gone, nor how long had passed.

It's just that the tunnel is too long.

Even if Su Shixiu was a lawyer, he walked for half an hour before he finally reached the end.

But in front of him, what appeared was a different scene.

It's a huge square.

On the square, dozens of tall towers stand.

Each tower is carved with intricate textures and patterns.

On the dome at the top of the tower, hangs a huge crystal surrounded by many sparkling diamonds.

On the towers directly opposite the square, the same crystal hangs from the crystal, carved with flowers, trees and birds.

What shocked Su Shixiu the most was that in the center of that crystal, there was actually a woman levitating!

The surrounding Collapse Energy that was so rich that it was unsettling had already made Su Shixiu's mood heavier.

It seemed that he felt that this place was unusual, and Su Shixiu did not dare to snub.

The Chengying sword in his hand quickly reorganized into a bracelet and landed on his left wrist.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were completely shrouded in endless frost and cold light!

"Frozen World!

As soon as the words fell, a piercing cold wind blew up from the soles of Su Shixiu's feet.

Then, an invisible force wrapped Su Shixiu entirely, and then slowly floated towards the front.

When his body left the place and stood in the middle of the square.

At this moment, everything in the square changed and turned into a world of ice!

Su Shixiu's line of sight penetrated the layers of ice and looked ahead.

It floated in front of the crystal, shrouding Su Shixiu's frost wind, and then suddenly dissipated.

At this time, his short gray-blue hair has been replaced by long silver-white hair, and the contours of his face have become more angular.

Between the eyebrows, it is even more awe-inspiring, and the materialized cold light flashes with ice blue streamers, which looks even more breathtaking.

In his hand, a Tang knife that was like a natural ice condensation reflected the ice blue luster in the sunlight, and the chill was cold.

Su Shixiu's gaze slowly moved down from this crystal and looked at the state of his whole body.

"The incomplete form of the lawyer ... Should I call myself the Ruler of Frost? Since

I thought about it, Su Shixiu stepped on the cold wind and slowly flew towards the crystal.

Eventually, he stopped five centimeters from the crystal.

"This girl..." The

collapse energy coming from the crystal, at this moment, suddenly resonated with Su Shixiu's "frost" authority!

Su Shixiu's eyes suddenly opened!

In the next second, a cold light burst out from his eyes!

Immediately afterwards, he raised his left hand, just snapped his fingers, and the crystal exploded instantly!

After seeing the crystal shattering, the flying lenses that day suddenly dissipated on their own, revealing the people inside.

Immediately, Su Shixiu made a move with his left hand, and the man flew in front of him.

After preparing in advance, the silhouette in the crystal flew directly into his arms!

After picking her up, Su Shixiu lowered his head and saw this body.

Her face is thrillingly beautiful.

Especially those eyes, like obsidian, shimmered with dazzling brilliance.

Her face is snow-white and delicate, like a mutton fat white jade carved.

But her appearance, Su Shixiu is all too familiar.

"How is that possible? Sister Mei... No, she is not Sister Mei! Through

the feedback that the collapse on his hand could perceive, Su Shixiu had clearly sensed that this beautiful purple-haired woman who was like a work of art had already been in a state of death!

"Could it be Sister Mei's homotope lifeform?!"

As a traverser, Su Shixiu quickly guessed this possibility.

"Could it be Mei from another world? Or another civilized Sister Mei? Or..."

At this moment, Su Shixiu did not notice that the three purple-red stigmata behind him suddenly emitted light.

At the same time, another Mei who was held in his arms also lit up with a purple-red stigmata pattern behind his back!

Soon, Su Shixiu, who was holding Mei, suddenly lost consciousness.

Then, he directly closed his eyes, and his entire body was suspended in mid-air, in an unconscious state.

The surrounding cold wind slowly shrouded, and on Su Shixiu and Mei's side, it condensed into a wind and snow protective shield.

At the same time, Su Shixiu's consciousness was no longer in the bubble of the world that belonged to him.

He came to a sea of stars.

Here he saw someone he was familiar with.

Mei, to be precise, should be Dr. Mei.

Because she is not the Mei that Su Shixiu knows, she and the current Mei Bi go up, she is too mature and stable.

"Unexpectedly, there is really a successor coming. It seems that the preparation I left before is not completely useless? Seeing

the wink that Mei compared to herself, Su Shixiu couldn't help but be stunned.

In his current impression, Mei seems to have not been so lively for a long, long time.

I remember the last time she was so lively, probably when she was in high school.

Although, Su Shixiu's heart was extremely clear that the mei in front of him was not the Mei he knew.

"It seems that you are quite surprised. However, thanks to your presence, I can feel the obvious flow of the time scale through the stigmata on your body.

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment.

These terms you said... It's not his area of expertise!

"It doesn't seem that you understand much, but it doesn't matter. Through your stigmata, I can probably understand that your current era is far away from us. "


In this unknown situation, Su Shixiu still did as little as possible.

"What about time? Well...... Our era is about 200,000 years ago. "

Su Shixiu: ?!

More than 200,000 years ago???

This...... What a long time it was.

"We poured all our strength into our last civilization, but in the end. Not only failed, but even the chance to almost regenerate the planet was almost lost.

"This is my negligence. Later, please allow me, on behalf of the humanity of the former civilization, to apologize to you, the civilized humanity.

Su Shixiu shook his head and said that it was nothing.

At this time, his heart was already even more frightened.

He thought that he could change the story and make it what they wanted to be with his identity as a traverser and his understanding of each plot.

But now, he found that he was extremely wrong.

The crosser... What is the use of that identity?

In the end, even the crossers do not know everything.

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