After a long time, this side of the human camp finally survived.

Because of the timely arrival of Kevin, one of the most powerful fighters of the special squad, the human race responded to the surprise attack launched by this avalanche, and it was no longer a loss.

Not to mention, the strong support is not only Kevin.

In addition, Kevin brought the Third God Key that had not yet been put into use since it was made into battle, which facilitated him to destroy these special Phantom Avalanche Beasts.

Derived from the authority of the Third Lawyer, the ability to manipulate electromagnetic forces, thunder and atomization to deal with these quantum state Honkai Beasts has a very useful effect!

The powerful electromagnetic attack gives a strong splitting force to these quantum constituent substances.

To this end, Kevin can easily do it, with the Third God Key, he slashes a not very powerful Phantom Collapse Beast!

Moreover, another strong support this time is Cheshire!

Against a single enemy, Cheshire's ability is always at a decent level.

But for the group, that's where Cheshire is strongest!

Holding the long sword made of frost in one hand, Cheshire constantly shuttled through the crowd, and after saving many warriors, he smashed the phantom collapse beast that had been frozen by the way!

At the same time, the two particle laser cannons constructed by her unfolded behind them, constantly sweeping away the hordes of Phantom Collapse Beasts!

In the case that many large weapons have been destroyed, the laser cannon constructed by Cheshire is the strongest firepower!

In addition, the deck behind the structure has been generating a lot of drones flying into the air to carry out accurate single-point bombing of human camps on the ground!

In short, because of the addition of Kevin and Cheshire, the warriors of the Fire Moth soon reorganized.

In the end, they completely annihilated the Phantom Avalanche Beasts in the camp, and with the special soldiers who were replayed from the other side of the defense line, they began to encircle the Shadow Avalanche Beasts!

After stabilizing the situation, Kevin said hello to Cheshire and entered the base tank.

"Xiaoya, what is the situation in the Great Avalanche Impact Zone now?"

After seeing Kevin come in, Daistobia quickly saluted!

"Senior Kevin, the concentration of collapse energy inside Haisen City has reached 7000HW!"

Kevin nodded.

He knows what a collapse energy of 7,000 HW means.

"Urgently check the integrity of the collapse energy purification device, and hurry up to arrange!"

This is indeed a lethal amount for most special fighters, but for their special squads, there is no need to worry.

"Yes, senior!"

Daisy Dobia immediately stood upright, and Kevin, who looked at the posture, was stunned.

However, it is not appropriate to say anything more.

"Next, I will break into the interior of Heisen City with Cheshire and prepare to attack the Australian regional capital."

"The headquarters has already detected the Sixth Lawyer?!"

Kevin did not deny it, which is also a tacit acquiescence.

After changing into combat armor and putting on a combat coat, Kevin took up the purple-white sword, picked up a special foldable sniper rifle, and placed it on his waist.

Then, he glanced at the baseball bat and hesitated to copy it in his hand.

"Stay safe."

Kevin adjusted the special operations headset in his lower ear, turned and walked out of the base without looking back.

Daisy Dobia wanted to say something, but looking at Kevin's back, she didn't say anything in the end.

Indeed, she still had to sit and command the soldiers, and she couldn't let the Honkai Beast run out of the defense line and endanger the human world outside.

Kosmo has that kind of combat ability, but although his experience is still too poor, even Kevin may not be able to handle it directly against the sixth law.

Soon, Kevin, who had left the tank base, walked to Cheshire, who was already leaning next to a motorcycle.

"Cheshire, are you okay?"

Seeing the master's good brother, Cheshire smiled softly:

"It's okay." Eighty percent of the collapse energy, there is no problem with you crusading against the sixth law. Hearing

this, Kevin was also relieved.

Then he stepped onto the motorcycle he had prepared for himself and made an OK gesture to Cheshire.

Cheshire nodded, and after constructing two mortars behind his back, he stepped onto the motorcycle.

Later, the two rode their motorcycles out of the human camp established by the warriors of the Fire Moth.


"Quantum Characteristics Honkai Beast? It is similar to the energy in the quantum sea. "

After smashing a Phantom Collapse Beast with a sword, Su Shixiu had already seen the appearance of a Collapse Beast with this characteristic.

The appearance of this kind of collapse beast also just explains the fluctuation of quantum energy overflow before, why is it?

Sighing, Su Shixiu was tired for a while.

The most important thing is not that these broken beasts have the characteristics of quantum energy.

But...... They all have a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

It seems to be the ability to "die", which can deprive any life force in an instant.

Because of this ability, Su Shixiu has also witnessed a lot of "white snow" turned into by human beings along the way.

After losing its vitality, there is nothing but bones.

Not to mention, after these bones collapsed to the extreme, and were guided by this force to condense into a special existence, it was the "white snow" that Su Shixiu saw all the way.

"The law of death, this authority of "death" can easily cause a greater disaster."

However, with Su Shixiu's lawyer's authority, he could already clearly feel that the authority of the dead lawyer did not spread.

Its power, the breath of "death", only enveloped the cities over there, covering almost all of the eastern part of the Australian region.

Look at the special kind on the road. The number of quantum characteristic collapse beasts has gradually become more and more, and Su Shixiu also knows in his heart that he is getting closer and closer to the position of the sixth case.

For some reason, on the way over, his heart has been faintly uneasy.

It's as if something big is going to happen.

But what will happen, Su Shixiu can't say.

"Forget it, act first, step by step."

After arming the star armor, Su Shixiu flipped his hands, and as he slowly turned, the frost in front of him turned into a stream of light in the sky, stabbing at countless shadow collapse beasts that stood in the way!

"I guess Kevin should have arrived... Well?! The

connection in his heart was suddenly established, and Su Shixiu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

There is only one person who can establish this connection with him!

His companion Honkai Beast, Cheshire!

So, Cheshire is actually on the front line of the Australian region?!

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