On the fighter, in the private room left for the brother and sister.

In fact, whether it is Alicia or Su Shixiu, they can see the cruel truth:

after Xi'er has no lawyer core, her body is like a funnel, no matter how much life will pass, it is only a matter of time.

Because the power of Su Shixiu's "frost" authority can indeed greatly extend the time, but it is only a drop in the bucket.

The lawyer who belonged to the Sixth Lawyer, the blood-red scythe, quietly leaned against the wall on one side.

Su Shixiu, who was holding Xi'er, went to look at the scenery outside the window flawlessly, smiled calmly, and whispered softly to Xi'er.

The smiles on the faces of the two and the joyful atmosphere in the room seemed to be impossible to see at all, and there was also the sad fact that someone was a dying person.

It seems that it is more like a brother and sister with a harmonious relationship to the extreme, or even like a pair of lovers who are further in love.

Su Shixiu's tears had long been wiped dry, and his smile was still reluctant, but he didn't want Xi'er to be unhappy because of himself.

"Brother, Xi'er... Does it look good?

"Of course it looks good. My sister is the best-looking and best-looking girl in the whole world! A

crystal blue shield slowly shrouded the two of them.

"Hehe, how can Xi'er be so good-looking?"

Just as Su Shixiu was about to open his mouth, Xi'er's next words continued:

"However, as long as my brother thinks it looks good, then Xi'er will be satisfied!"

It was such an ordinary sentence, but it almost made Su Shixiu shed tears.

Tears have already completely covered the eye sockets unconsciously, tears swirling in the eyes, everything in front of them has become a lot blurred, but Xi'er's face has also become a lot clearer.

"I still remember when I was a child, I saw my uncles and aunts powerlessly fall in a pool of blood in order to save me."

Now, Xi'er is following in the footsteps of her uncle and aunt. Is it Xi'er who damns her brother and reminds her brother of her brother's parents, right?

At the mention of his two relatives who had passed away, Su Shixiu's heart became a lot heavier.

However, Xi'er suddenly felt that she was so close to them. Long ago, Xi'er had already treated them as parents just like her brother..."

"Don't say stupid things, Xi'er. Mom and Dad have been gone for many years, and they have long been irretrievable. You still have a chance, don't be stupid! Looking

at Xi'er's increasingly gentle smile, Su Shixiu quickly blamed her.

However, the heart that has not grown up is more and more painful.

"yes... But brother, Xi'er is really stupid.

"When Xi'er was still afraid, she would never see her brother again. But I didn't expect that in the end, Xi'er became the one who left first..."

"No, no, no, Xi'er." Su Shixiu quickly shook his head in a panic, and there was even a slight tremor in his tone: "Brother is very strong, he can definitely save Xi'er!" Because

he didn't give up that hope, even though Su Shixiu's body was already extremely bad, he still survived until now.

"Don't force yourself, brother."

Xi'er smiled, and then let out a long sigh of relief:

"Brother, do you remember the original agreement?"

Su Shixiu nodded and secretly wiped the tears that he did not hold back.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm afraid, I can't be with my brother all the time..."

Ciel! My brother said that my brother is very strong, and my brother will do my best to save Xi'er with my brother's friends! "

This is Su Shixiu's loss of control.

This is the heartache and reluctance of being a person who has been lonely for a long time, afraid of losing a loved one again.

"Haha, if you already know, you won't make an agreement. It's really a troublesome thing... It's a pity that Xi'er has to be a puppy again!

"What do you say, Xi'er is my brother's dearest and cutest sister, how can it be a puppy!"

In an instant, Xi'er suddenly grew up.

Not physical growth, but psychological maturity.

Mature, really good, but again, also costly.

At this moment, Su Shixiu suddenly saw a flash of red light outside the window, and almost subconsciously raised his head:

"Xi'er, look." The glow at sea level is really beautiful and beautiful! I

saw that Xi'er's eyelids seemed to move, and then slowly opened.

In her dark red eyes, Su Shixiu could even see her exhaustion, weakness and reluctance in her eyes.

Even the shift of gaze and the focus of her eyes became much weaker for her.

In fact, she had already seen nothing because of the loss of her body's vitality.

It's just that she habitually looks at Su Shixiu, because she knows that her favorite brother is watching her very close at this time!

"yes, it's beautiful. The sunset over the sea is truly spectacular!

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled slightly:

"Yes, the sunset is really beautiful!"

But then, unconsciously, tears flowed all over his cheeks.

"Stupid. Now the light is obviously sunrise!

However, he did not say it in the end, but subconsciously hugged Xi'er tightly.

Now his heart really hurts so much, and a thousand cuts are not enough to summarize how much his heart can hurt.

Feeling her skin, the temperature that belonged to her was getting colder and colder, Su Shixiu's heart was really panicked, but the tears on her face were still silent smiles.

As if sensing that his situation was becoming more and more dangerous, Xi'er's voice became softer:

"Brother... Elder brother. Ciel... Want...... To the brother... Say a word..."

"Brother is listening! Xi'er, brother is here!

I don't know if Xi'er heard Su Shixiu's voice, her words still came out with care

: "Brother... Brother, if... And the afterlife... Ciel... Xi'er must... To become... Brother's..."

Xi'er's hand trembled and reached out to Su Shixiu's face, as if she wanted to touch her good brother again.


However, those hands were halfway outstretched, but they stopped in the air and fell directly and weakly.

Looking at the falling hand, Su Shixiu noticed her lips that were still squirming, and quickly stretched out her ears and came closer to listen!

"Say it... Finally...... Peace of mind... Brother..." Even

the girl's breath came to an abrupt end at this moment!

Looking at Xi'er, who had lost her vitality in her arms, Su Shixiu was stunned.

Then, he woke up suddenly and quickly rang the emergency bell on the wall!!

"No... Don't..." "

Xi'er, you can't die yet!"

"Don't, you give me back, don't give me back, don't Ah Xi'er, don't go!"

At this moment, the private room door was instantly pushed open by countless people.

Those first responders who belonged to Alicia's small team, holding all kinds of medical equipment, quickly rushed to Xi'er's side!

"Out of gas! Fast! CPR!

"Hurry up! The shock device is in place, ready to administer first aid!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing that the doctors took Xi'er from their hands, Su Shixiu was only stunned for a moment, and was pushed out by another nurse!

"First aid, family please wait outside!"

Seeing that the private room door was slammed shut, Su Shixiu stood in place dumbfounded, and even Alicia came to his side, he didn't know at all.

It wasn't until Alicia hugged him from behind that Su Shixiu's mood came back to life a little.

"Gotta, save Xi'er..."

Ash, I want to believe ♪ it too!

However, no one noticed at this time, not even Su Shixiu himself.

In his godless pale blue eyes, a hint of flowing gold and purple intent quietly emerged.

In the heart of the young man, half of the core of the lawyer was still emitting a dazzling ice blue streamer.

However, at this moment, the core of the lawyer has undergone new changes!

The purple streamer of stars quietly lit up slowly in the other half.

Just as a lit candle lamp has renewed hope of lighting a candle.

Because the candle that is about to be extinguished is not a residual candle.

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