Although, Su Shixiu did not know this girl.

However, he believed her without hesitation.

Why? He didn't know either.

All he knew, she, could be believed.

Following the girl's guidance, Su Shixiu closed her eyes.

At this moment, the core of the lawyer, which had become one with his heart, appeared so clearly between his consciousness and was observed by him.

It was different from what he saw at the beginning, and today's lawyer core no longer only has the ice blue that once symbolized "frost", but also has a new purple meaning.

That is, Su Shixiu's second authority.

Its authority is called, "Heaven"!

However, Su Shixiu's own understanding of the authority of "heaven" was only half-understood.

"Presumably, you should be able to see it, right?"

The girl's ethereal and pleasant voice resounded loudly in the space of consciousness in his body.


Although he had never seen the girl, Su Shixiu could see it.

The streamer of "frost" at the core of the lawyer is incomparably thick and brilliant, and the ice blue streamer that belongs to it has long covered up the purple meaning that is not very conspicuous, as if it has no brilliance.

The authority that has been activated cannot exert the power it should have.

Perhaps, this is related to one's own knowledge of this authority.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the length of time you have been in power.

Just as Su Shixiu pondered, a soft and warm white light suddenly enveloped his lawyer core.

Without waiting for him to wonder why, that white light pulled out a blood-red stream from the core of the lawyer.

It is the scythe that belongs to Xi'er: the Eye of the Blood.

However, with the existence of this gentle white light, the soul of the blood-red girl that flew in from the outside world collided with the soul of the blue and white girl who was dragged out of the scythe.

The light was intertwined, the spirit was haunted, and soon, the two souls of the girl were completely intertwined.

They are one.

They, Ben are all her.

This soul is the spirit of the girl named "Xi'er".

At this moment, a gentle white light once again shrouded his own lawyer core.

Immediately afterwards, Su Shixiu could clearly feel from himself that all the power that belonged to him was suddenly an unfamiliar existence.

Although it is strange, it seems to have been separated for a long time.

Raising his hand and looking at the burning purple gold star flame on his hand, Su Shixiu was more nostalgic.

Where the nostalgia came from, even if it was him, it was long since been unknown.

With his current perception, this force, even if it is him, cannot see the whole picture.

With a grasp of the palm of his hand, the star flame turned into a point of light in the sky and dissipated without a shadow.

"Time-related, but not connected. My understanding, right? This

was the young man's self-talk, and he didn't want anyone's answer.

However, unexpectedly, the girl gave herself the answer:

"The connection can't be said to be small, just medium." But at least, you don't have the ability to master. Hearing

this, Su Shixiu nodded, and he was not too disappointed.

If his authority of "heaven" can grasp the law of time, it is better to directly call it the authority of "time"!

"So, what do I need to do next?"

"It's easy to do it. But before acting, I... Wanted to ask you a question.

Su Shixiu was stunned, put down the left hand that had been raised, and nodded slightly.

"Whatever is asked, a price must be given in exchange."

"Your authority is not yet complete. Even with my help, you have to pay a price.

"So... Are you really ready to pay the price for enlightenment?

Su Shixiu just wanted to nod, but the girl's voice made him stop and wanted to give the answer:

"The world pursues fairness. Therefore, any kind of demand must be an equivalent exchange. Have you really, figured it out?

"Don't rush to give an answer, think carefully, I don't dare to guarantee the result, it may be good, it may be bad."

"But only you know the outcome. I'm just a bystander. Hearing

this, Su Shixiu fell silent.

The same price, does it mean his life?

However, Su Shixiu did not think that his life could be worth so much.

The same price is mostly for him.

What's more, their own exchange will no longer involve others....

"Sense the stars on the top, peep into numerology below. Walking in time and space is a "heaven".

"A small amount of authority, what can be done, is limited."

"If you really have control, you can easily observe the mysteries of the stars in time and space. Perhaps, it can also reverse cause and effect and change fate. Hearing

this, Su Shixiu's eyes lit up!

It turns out that the power that should belong to him is so powerful!

"Mo thought so easily~"

The girl's voice made Su Shixiu rarely feel a little happy, and was instantly poured with a basin of cold water.

The rare flame of hope burned in an instant no longer burned so vigorously.

"The path of fate is turbulent, sometimes there are cliffs and deep valleys, sometimes there are reefs. Manpower is either like microscopic gravel, or like Tiancheng Diyu.

"But rivers cannot be reversed, and the sea cannot be returned to streams. The so-called theory of changing one's life is often just a big dream. Panjun, try not to think like this.

However, the girl did not say a word.

The authority of "heaven", when it is complete, can also reverse cause and effect, without fear of hardship and danger.

But at that time, was Su Shixiu a human or the original god?

In God's name, all calamities in this world can be reversed.

But the body of God must not descend into the realm of man.

The coming of God's complete posture will only bring about a different kind of destruction for this heaven and earth.

In the name of man, in a vain attempt to reverse this calamity, the only way to exchange is exchange.

"So, the past can't be changed, but I can influence the future, right?"

Looking at Su Shixiu, who suddenly figured it out, the girl's voice seemed to have a hint of surprise:

"You..." "

I think, I know how to do it... Probably! The

young man smiled, and then, the endless purple gold star flame swept through his body like a flowing sea.

With the help of the girl, Su Shixiu used the authority of "Heaven" for the first time.

"It's really a strange feeling, a new feeling, very familiar..."

Looking at the girl's souls that were barely blending together in the air, Su Shixiu's eyes that had turned into star purple had a hint of firmness.

"No matter how I am, I don't want anything from you."

"Xi'er, brother missed you."

Immediately afterwards, purple star flames, condensed purple crystal clocks, began to emerge behind Su Shixiu.

With the turn of the needle, Su Shixiu's "heaven" power became much stronger.

He...... I probably guessed what kind of exchange it would be.

Giving her hope for life, her own exchange, is not the so-called fate.

"I exchange time for her life!"

I thought that there was no chance in this life, only the last thoughts.

But time passes, years go by, who has been willing?

The purple star flame was continuously injected, and the fingers could not touch the soul.

The pointer behind Su Shixiu also began to rotate as the power flew by.

However, the direction in which the pointer rotates is not clockwise in common sense.

The direction of the pointer instead flew wildly in a counterclockwise direction, and then gradually disappeared.

Soon, the clock flew in reverse, pointing to that moment.

Noon, 13:30.

That moment more than two years ago was also at this time.

Su Shixiu suddenly recalled that place.

The Lotvia orphanage, also at the moment of 13:30.

His light blue eyes, just intertwined with her dark red eyes, were officially intertwined.

Since that moment, the fate between Su Shixiu and Xi'er has long been inseparable.

"Brother, our encounter is really a bad fate!"

Recalling what Xi'er had said, the smile on Su Shixiu's face was inadvertently too gentle.

"Sinful fate?"

At that time, Su Shixiu looked confused.

"Yes, it's very troublesome and annoying! However, this evil relationship is not bad! Now

that time flies, looking at the soul of Xi'er who is strong in front of him, Su Shixiu has already premonited something, and smiled bitterly helplessly:

"Time can start at zero, but the story will never end at zero."

"I'm willing to wait, Xi'er, my sister."

"I will wait for your return at the end of time."

The purple pointer behind the young man stopped turning at this moment.

Then, Xi'er's soul began to disappear from the front of him, gradually submerged into the "sea", and gradually sank into it in a quantum state.

She turned into a blood-red light, which was a pattern that Su Shixiu could never forget in this life.

She is alive, but still needs to be precipitated.

Because it is spiritual, it must have a long time.

At the same time, behind Su Shixiu, the scene of meeting Xi'er for the first time slowly appeared.

It's just that the picture full of memories has been ignited by purple star flames.

The picture burns and fades away until it is no more.

As such, it never appeared.

"I will wait for your return at the end of time."

"Since we are not finished, fate is not over. Sooner or later, there will be a day of reunion."

"It may be a long time, a long time, but I am willing to wait."

"After all, this planet is round, right?"

The girl was silent for a moment, then nodded gently.

From her voice, Su Shixiu actually heard a trace of joy:

"Yes." Just believe and see you again!

"Even if it's the other side of time!"

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