When you wake up,

you have a dream that is afraid of tears, and when you wake up with tears, this is a thought.

When I think of it, my heart is sad, and my thoughts turn into dust.

For a long time, I had a dream.

As for whether this dream was true or not, Su Shixiu could not know.

Because, he forgot who he was.

In the dream-like space, how can the person in question remember his identity?


As he struggled to get up from the ground, the boy opened his eyes in a daze.

The room was slightly dark and it shouldn't have been dawn outside.


seems to have had a very real nightmare.

Smashed his mouth, for some reason, the teenager suddenly felt that it was quite interesting.

I picked up my pen and wrote down two pens in my notebook.

Then, the teenager immediately felt tired.


boy didn't really want to talk, or rather, he didn't have that spirit.

Haven't slept enough, then... Get some more sleep!

Gradually, darkness fell into front of him.

The boy closed his heavy eyelids and fell asleep smoothly again.

Maybe this time I can sleep and have a good dream.


I don't know how long it took, a strong feeling suddenly came from afar.


yawning, the boy opened his eyes slightly, revealing the light blue eyes with purple intent.

But then, the teenager quickly sobered up and fell silent.


they come."

This is a sentence that subconsciously appeared in the mind of the teenager.

Rubbing his sour eyes, the teenager subconsciously raised his eyes and looked at the slightly blurred ceiling.

Somewhat depressed.

What a rarity.

For months, there was no sound in the entire city.

Sometimes, even the teenager once wondered if he was the only one left in the whole world.

No, there should still be her....

However, fortunately, this is just the conjecture of a teenager, an idea that consciousness cannot understand for a while.

At least this group of sand sculpture monsters is still there, and there may be survivors.

Forget it, leave them alone, let's get some sleep first.

Picking up the pen on the table and looking at the notebook that was close at hand, the young man paused, and then began to write with a stroke of his pen

: "The famous poet Su Ye lived like this before he was decomposed: our life also has a name, that is, the upcoming chronic disaster."

Putting down the pen in his hand and looking at Su Ye's verses that jumped on the paper, the young man couldn't help but laugh.

The teenager's thoughts made a certain dreaming consciousness understand everything.

"This world, destroyed."

A sudden catastrophe plunged the whole world into chaos.

The bottom line of order and morality that the teenager once observed has already collapsed.

With the passage of time, the people around the boy gradually died or disappeared.

When he came back to his senses, the city called Jiangzhong City was left with only the teenager.

No, it should be said, there is also the girl whose identity is a little suspicious.

But now the world has already become like this.

Even if the identity is suspicious, it is no longer important.

Although there are two people together, in other words, the feeling that two people have this huge city still makes the teenager feel a little cold.


Lonely as snow.


the boy began to think, had he forgotten something important?

"Shixiu, breakfast."

A self-heating rice that had been taken apart was thrown straight in front of the teenager.

"Thanks, Jiu Jiu!"

"Okay, what's the mystery? You're not so polite! The

girl with long dark green hair sat straight next to the teenager.

"Whisper, they're coming."

The girl didn't speak again, just nodded.

On her hand, there is also a self-heating rice.

Taking advantage of the effort to eat, the young man began to look at the girl he was inexplicably familiar with.

Dark green hair, only a brown right eye staring at the food in front of him, a bandage wrapped around his left eye, a hoodie with a black cat's head printed on it, and a pair of black sports trousers.

In this case, there are many fewer suitable clothes, even a girl can only do so, let alone a teenager at this time.

Fortunately, the girl's face is also quite beautiful, although she is a little embarrassed by the dust, but she can also see that she is a very beautiful girl.

Putting down his thoughts on the other party, the boy began to wonder if he had forgotten something just now.

Think about the years in Jiangzhong City.

If you remember correctly, before the teenager settled, a supermarket was set on fire.

I remember that the original purpose was to catch the thief who ran to the supermarket.

But as a result, it affected several innocent people.

Fortunately, there was no fatal incident at that time.

Then there is the second thing, which is also what the girl told herself.

She feels that she doesn't look good, but there are still some bad people who want to catch her as a small animal.

Listening to Jiu Jiu, it seems that he wants to open meat.

The girl was more frank, raised her fist and rushed directly into the nest, and after meeting the teenager at that time, she beat the guy together.

At that time, both of them were more frank, neither of them said anything, just looked at each other, and beat the guy together.

The girl is simply to help the guy open meat, literally.

And the teenager at that time had a little conflict with that guy.

The guy snatched him a box of food while he wasn't there.

Then, the girl fell on the teenager, and instead of saying anything to fancy the eye, she felt that the teenager needed protection and so on.

The reason was far-fetched, but the teenager agreed because he felt the same way.

Outrageous, but true.

Then, there's the third thing.

What is the third thing?

When thinking about this incident, for some reason, the teenager suddenly felt that his head hurt.

It hurts, as if I was stopping myself from thinking about it.

Everything in front of him suddenly blurred, and just when the boy wanted to open his mouth and prepare to say something, his eyes suddenly darkened, and then he didn't know anything.

No, I can't say I don't know anything.

When he opened his eyes, a head with long silver hair appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the blue eyes of concern appeared in front of his eyes.

"Brother, are you having a nightmare?"

At this moment, he remembered who he was.

He is Su Shixiu, and the girl in front of him is his last sister, Lixia.

So, how did he sleep?

Also, is everything just now, a dream, or is it real?

Supporting the table, Su Shixiu rubbed his head, his head was still a little painful, but he was already feeling a lot better.

Looking at the lamp in front of him, as well as the homework in front of Lixia, the broken memory quickly came up.

He was just tutoring Lixia with homework, why did he suddenly fall asleep?

"It's okay."

Shaking his head, Su Shixiu subconsciously looked at the watch in his hand.

Did you only sleep for ten minutes?

"Lisha, look at this question. We can know that the slopes of the two lines are perpendicular, so we can know that the two slopes k are multiplied by -1..."

Just as he was talking about the topic, Su Shixiu began to recall the dream again.

Is that a dream?

Saying...... What is the meaning of this strange dream?

Jiu Jiu... You, again, who is it?

In Su Shixiu's eyes, the blue star marks faintly flashed under his eyes, as if confirming Su Shixiu's confusion.

What is this dream?

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